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1、Unit 3 Section A 1a-1c人教版 英语 八年级 上册 Objectives To learn to talk about personal traits. To learn to use comparatives to compare people.To learn new words: o g a w c e n c i t s a t a f , n o i t i t p m o , g n i k r o - d r h , g n i o t uappearancePersonalityLikes and dislikesfat, thin, heavy ,stro

2、ng, of medium build have short hair/a beard /blue eyeswear glasses/a yellow skirtwith glasses/big eyes in a red shirtbe beautiful, handsome, cutefriendly , kind , serious, outgoing, easy-going, calm,wild, athletic, shy, quiet, strictfavorite subject/color. like/dislike to do / doingabilitiescan/cant

3、 do sth well be good at sth/doing shbuild:others: Warming-upheight:tall , short ,of medium height1:What does she look like?She is tall and thin. She has long straight brown hair. She has a big mouth. She wears a pink shirt and black skirt. She is a girl in black shoes.2:What is she like?She is outgo

4、ing and friendly. 3:What does she like ?She likes eating bananas. 4:What can she do well? She can play the piano well.1:What does he look like?2:What is he like? 3:What does he like? 4:Whats he good at?JaneMaryJane is tall.Mary is taller than Jane.Lets compare.heavyheavierThe dog is heavy.The elepha

5、ntis heavier than the dog.LilyLucyLily is _t_h_i n_n_e_r_ t h a n Lucy. Lucy is _f_a_t_t e_r_ t h a n Lily.Lin LinDang DangDang Dang is cute.Lin Lin is cuter than Dang Dang.JimBobJim is young.Bob is younger than Jim.I have long hairI have longer hair than you.thin long hair quietlyloudlyshort hair h

6、eavyshort1atallMatch each word with its opposite!They are twins.They are twin sisters.Do they look the same?Why?They are twins.They are twin brothers.Do they look the same? Why?Look at the pictures,talk about the differences.W h o i s t a l l e r , T i n a o r T a r a ? Who is heavier, Peter or Paul

7、?Who has longer hair, Tom or Sam? Who is more quietly, Tom or Sam? Who is more loudly, Tina or Tara?Who is shorter and thinner, Peter or Paul?picture 1-3.1 12 23 31bListen and number the pairs of twins in theLets have a look at these twins.Look carefully, then lets play a game.shortshorterThe baby i

8、s shorter than the girl.Compare peopleyoungyoungerThe little boy is younger than the young man.oldolderTedVinceVince is older than Ted.Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins.A: Thats Tara, isnt it?B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Ta

9、ra.And she also sings more loudly than Tara.1cLets practice!Is that Tom?No, it isnt. Its Sam. Tom can play the guitar better than Sam.Whos Tom?No, it isnt. Its Paul. Pauls thinner than Peter. Peters taller than Paul.Is that Peter?Whos Peter?1. Both Tom and Sam can play the drums, but Sam plays them

10、better than Tom.1) both“两个、两者都两个、两者都”, 在句中可作代词在句中可作代词、形容词、副词、连词。作副词时常放在形容词、副词、连词。作副词时常放在be动词之后动词之后, 实义动词之前实义动词之前。e.g. Both (of) his parents are doctors. (作代词或形容词作代词或形容词)=His parents are both doctors. ( 作作 副副 词词 ) Theyboth went camping in the holiday. (作副词作副词) Both English and math are veryimportant.

11、(both and短语常连接两个并列的成分短语常连接两个并列的成分, 可连接可连接名名 词、词、动词、形容词和代词等动词、形容词和代词等)注注: both指两者都指两者都, all指三者或三者以上都指三者或三者以上都。2. Thats Tara, isnt it?附加疑问句:陈述句后添加一个附着的简略疑问结构附加疑问句:陈述句后添加一个附着的简略疑问结构, 用以进行确认用以进行确认。 若陈述部分为肯定,便用否定形式进行提问若陈述部分为肯定,便用否定形式进行提问; 若陈述部分为否定,便用肯定形式进行提问若陈述部分为否定,便用肯定形式进行提问。即即前肯后否,前否后前肯后否,前否后肯肯Theres

12、someone in the room, isnt there?We cant say it this way, can we?Theres someone in the room, isnt there?房间里有人,是吧房间里有人,是吧?He didnt say anything at the meeting, did he?他在会上什么也没说,对吗他在会上什么也没说,对吗?We cant say it this way, can we?我们不能这样说,对不对我们不能这样说,对不对?特别提醒:附加部分的动词要和陈述句部分保持一特别提醒:附加部分的动词要和陈述句部分保持一致致1.of the

13、twins have long hair.B.No,he didnt D.No,he didA .Yes,he did. C.Yes,he didntA. All B.BothC. Each D .either 2.His son never works hard, doesh_e?3.-Sam hardly ever used the computer yesterday, did he?-.He played computer games tillmidnight.I. 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。1 easy (比较级比较级):5 friendly (比较级

14、比较级):easier2 different (名词名词): difference 3 many (比较级比较级):more4 serious (比较级比较级):more seriousfriendlier6 funny (比较级比较级):7 outgoing (比较级比较级): more outgoing8quiet (反义词反义词):loud9 tall (反反义词义词): short10 beautiful (比较级比较级): more beautifulfunnierII. 句型转换句型转换。1. This picture looks beautiful, but that one l

15、ooks more beautiful.(同义句同义句) more beautifulthanThat picture looksthis one.2. She has longer hair than Emma.(同义句同义句)Her hair is _l_o_n_g_e_r t h_a_nE_mma_ s_ .3.Helen studies hardest in her class.(同义句同义句)studentHelen studies _h_a_r_d_e_rthananyin her class._o_t_h_e_r1.If you want to be thinner and he

16、althier, youd better eatfood and takeexercise.A.more, fewerC. fewer, moreB. more, lessD. less, moreIII. 选择选择。2.HesA. strongthan his brother.B. strongerC. the strongerD. the strongest都(三者及以上) 中考链中考链接接 Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang?“我非常喜欢他们的歌曲” C. I love their songs very much.A. AllB. NeitherC. Both两者都不两者都 You are singing to the


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