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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持Unit 15 Learning Section VI Grammar1 .用所给词的适当形式填空1 If I (am) you , I would give that patient a hug.答案: were2 It is raining so heavily.If the rain(stop) thisafternoon , we could go out for a walk.答案: were to stop/should stop/stopped3 All the doctors in the hospital ins

2、isted that he(be) badly woundedand that he(operate) on at once.答案: was; (should) be operated4 HowI wish every family(have) a large house with a beautiful garden.答案:had5 If everyone in the country(know) first aid , manylives would be saved.答案:knew6 Tom wishes that he (study) business instead of histo

3、ry whenhe was in university.答案: had studied7 John went to the hospital alone.8 If he(tell) me about it , I would have gone with him.答案: had told8 My father was strict.He requested that I(not watch)television on this week nights.答案: (should) not watch9 If you (not see) the film lastnight , you wouldn

4、 t be so sleepynow.答案:hadn t seen10 If I(study) harder , I would have passed the entrance exam.答案:had studied11 Had we not used an out of date train schedule , we(not miss) the train.答案: would not have missed12 It is politely requested by the hotel that all the guests(not make) any noise after midni

5、ght.答案: shouldn t make13 I would have comeearlier , but I(not know) you were waitingfor me.答案:didn t know14 But for your help , I(not find) the right place.答案:wouldn t have found15 Had I seen the film , I(discuss) it with them lastnight.答案: would have discussedn.翻译句子1如果他要来的话,他会事先通知我们一声的。答案: If he we

6、re to come here , he would tell us about it ahead of time.2如果不是天一直下那么多雨的话,庄稼会长得更好。答案: If it had not been raining too much, the crops would be growing muchbetter.3真希望有人能告诉我这个秘密。答案: I wish someone could tell me the secret.4我考试没有及格,我多么希望我通过了考试。答案: I didn t pass the exam.How I wish I had passed it.5我宁愿不

7、认识他。答案: I would rather I didn t know him.m.单句改错1 If there were no exams , we will have a much happier time at school.答案: will fwould2 If your brother had listened to the teacher carefully and gone over his lessons in time , his English has improved a lot.答案:hasfwould havet help her child?3 What woul

8、d have happened if you didn答案: didn ' t help fhadn' t helpedcl ock.4 Peter insisted that they all would be in his bedroom before 2 o答案:wouldfshould5 It is desired that Mr Wang carries out his plan immediately.答案:carries fcarryW.仿照例句改写下面的句子例: If I were in your position , I would pay close att

9、ention.fWere I in your position , I would pay close attention.1 If Jack were here at this moment , he would lend us his car.f答案: Were Jack here at this moment , he would lend us his car.2 If I had remembered their address , I would have sent them some cards.f答案: Had I remembered their address , I wo

10、uldhave sent them some cards.3 If we were not waiting for a telephone call, we would go downtown.f答案: Were we not waiting for a telephone call, wewould go downtown.4 If they had recognized her , they would have spoken to her.f答案: Had they recognized her , they would havespoken to her.5 If I had been

11、 intending to go shopping, I would have let you know.f答案: Had I been intending to go shopping , Iwould have let you know.6 If you had seen the movie , you would have liked it.f答案: Had you seen the movie , you would haveliked it.7 If it were not snowing , we would go out for a walk.答案: Were it not sn

12、owing , we would go out for a walk.8 If it had been raining , we would have used our umbrellas.4文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持答案: Had it been raining , we would have used our umbrellas.V .阅读理解ALike many six year olds , SamPointon loves trains and dreams of working with them when he grows up.However

13、, when the position for Director of the National Railway Museumin York, England opened up, Samcouldn ' t resist applying for it.And luckily , he got the job ! And it ' s not just any job , but that of a Director ofFun” , whose's dad noticed the job openingmain task is to tell his colleag

14、ues how to make the museum provide a fun day out for kids.It all began during a family vacation when Sam owned an electric train and had mastered the technique of controlling two trains at once.and joked about it being the perfect positionfor the little lad when he grew up.Samthought he was plenty q

15、ualified already.Afterall , he had been on several train rides ,Little Sam ' s handwritten letter caught the eye of the museum staff, who wereso impressed by his enthusiasm that they decided to hire him.While the job doesn' t pay anything , it does have its perks.Sam and his family were invi

16、ted for a special VIP, behind the scenes tour of the museum which covers more than 400 years of railroad history and houses over 100 old trains, and givenfree tickets to see a stage adaptation (改编)of the popular kids' book The Railway Children .But young Samhas been no slouch either.He has been

17、doing his job quite seriously and has already suggested that the museumshould set up a model train area to attract more children.In fact , he is so serious about his new position that the six year一old believes he doesn ' t even have to go to school anymore , which of course is not the case.语篇解读S

18、amPointon是一个六岁的小男孩,他找到了一份在一家博物馆上班的工作。1. What is Sam Pointon responsible for at work?A. Helping kids take part in fun activities in the wild.B. Attracting more people to spend time in the museum.C. Helping his colleagues have fun when they are at work.D. Helping his colleagues make the museum a fun p

19、lace for kids.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的 whose main task is to tell his colleagues howto make the museum provide a fun day out for kids可知 Sam Pointon 的职责就是帮助他的同事们让来博物馆玩的小孩玩得开心。答案: D2. We learn that in his letter to the museum, Sam Pointon.A. told of where he had been toB. showed he truly loved the jobC. explai

20、ned why kids liked himD. talked about his work experience解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段的impressed by his enthusiasm 可知Sam Pointon在信里表达了他的热情,这说明他在信中有提到自己有多喜欢这份工作。答案: B3. The underlined word“slouch" in the last paragraph probably meansA. a lazy personB. a serious personC. a busy jobD. a great job解析: 词义猜测题。根据画线词

21、后面的He has been doing his job quite seriously可知Sam Pointon很认真地做这份工作,这说明他不是什么"懒散的人"。答案: A4. What' s the best title for the passage?A. A six year old boy lands his dream job.B. A boy helps his colleagues have fun.C. A boy has fun in a museum every day.D. A museum hires a little boy by cha

22、nce.解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知主要是讲一个六岁的小男孩得到了一份他梦想的工作,故选Ao答案: AVI.任务型阅读Are there ways really that can make you look fatter or skinnier? The answeris yes.Here are some tips to make you look slimmer thanyou actually are! 1?If you are short and fat then do not go for horizontal striped (横向条纹 )dresses.They may sh

23、ow you fat.Choose dresses that have vertical stripes on them which would show you taller and slimmer.?If you are not very tall try to make your body longer by using pants that cover your shoes._2_3 Theywill only look fatter?Avoid using clothes that do not fit you. instead.Your clothes should fit you

24、r body properly ; neither oversized nor undersized do the trick.?Do not be afraid to experiment with colours.Black is not the only option tolook slim._4 1f you choose a dress with a monochromatic (色的)look that goes well with your skin tone , then it would make your face glow.?Take care wit h accessories ( 配件);they can also make you look fatter or skinnier.If you have a


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