跨文化商务沟通Diverse Cultural Patterns_第1页
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1、Diverse Cultural Patterns Hofstede s Five Values Dimension (Hofstede的5种价值维度)Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value OrientationHalls Context OrientationHofstede s Five Values Dimension(Hofstede的5种价值维度) wHofstede identified five dimensions of culture that help to explain how and why people from different cul

2、tures behave as they do.Hofstedes Five Values Dimension(Hofstede的5种价值维度)wpower distance wIndividualismwMasculinity ,mskjuliniti femininity femininiti wuncertainty avoidancewlong-term / short-term orientation.Power Distance (权力差距) wThis refers to the degree of inequality that exists and is accepted a

3、mong people with and without power. High power distance culturewA high power distance score indicates that society accepts an unequal distribution of power and people understand their place in the system.uinequality is accepted.uSocial hierarchy(社会等级制 ) is prevalent(普遍的)uPower and authority are fact

4、s of peoples life.uThese cultures teach their members that people are not equal in this world and that everybody has a rightful place.High power distance cultureHigh-power-distance countries:India, Africa, Brazil, Singapore, Greece, Venezuela ,venizweil委内瑞拉 , Mexico and Philippines filpi:nz.PDI=powe

5、r distance index(权利差距指数)Low power distance culturewLow PD means that power is shared (共享的) and well dispersed (被分散的). It also means that society members view themselves as equals. Low power distance culturewUse taxation or social welfare program(社会福利) to reduce inequality in rights and opportunity i

6、n the workplace.wLow power distance cultures are guided by laws, norms, and everyday behaviors which make power distinctions (差别,级别 ) minimal(最小的).wSupervisors(上级) and employees(下属) are considered almost as equals.Low-power-distance countries:wAustralia, Finland finlnd芬兰 , Denmark denma:k丹麦 , Norway

7、挪威 , U.SIndividualism/Collectivism klektivizm (个人主义/集体主义)wThis dimension can be defined as “the degree to which people in a country prefer to act as individuals rather than as members of groups”wCollectivism = Low individualismIndividualistic culture个人主义文化wIndividual achievement 个人成就wFreedomwCompeti

8、tionwSelf-interest 自身利益wPersonal goals rather than group goalswIndividual has the right to his private property, thoughts, and opinions.Individualistic culture个人主义文化wthe United States, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Netherlands nelndz荷兰 and New ZealandIDV=individualism Collectivistic culture集体主义文

9、化wGroup harmonywCohesiveness(凝聚力)wConsensus (大多数人的意见) knsenss wGroup interestwPeople rely on their in-group(自己人集团,派系,小集团)and be loyal to their group.Collectivistic culturewPakistan pkistn巴基斯坦, Colombia klmbi哥伦比亚(拉丁美洲国家), Venezuela ,venizweil委内瑞拉, Peru pru秘鲁 and much of Africa. Yellow is low in colle

10、ctivism, red is high. From Chiao and Blizinsky 2009. Masculinity/ Femininity (男性主义男性主义/女性主义女性主义)wHofstede used masculinity ,mskjuliniti and femininity femininiti to refer to the degree to which masculine(男性的)mskjulin or feminine(女性的) traits(特性) are valued(重视) and revealed(显示).Countries that are Masc

11、ulinity oriented(以男性为导向的国家)wThey value assertiveness(魄力,自信)performance, success and competition.wThey expect men to be assertive(坚定而自信的), ambitious, and competitive.wMen are expected to be tough, to be the provider, to be assertive and to be strong. If women work outside the home, they have separate

12、 professions from men. Countries that are Masculinity orientedwIreland, the Philippines, Greece, Venezuela ,venizweil委内瑞拉 , Austria stri奥地利 , Japan, Italy, MexicoCountries that are Femininity oriented (以女性为导向的国家)wThe quality of life.wMaintaining warm personal relationshipswService and care for the weak.wwomen and men working together equally across many professions. wMen are allowed to be sensitive and women can work hard for professional success. Countries that are Masculinity oriented Countries that are Femininity orientedCountries that are Femininity o


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