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1、教学设计教学内容:PEPVI Unit 4 A Lets learn Lets chant本课时的内容是PEP小学英语第四册的第四单元A部分Lets learn和Lets chant部分。本单元的教学内容围绕“农场”这一话题,通过询问他人有关农场上农作物和动物的描述,引出一些与此有关的蔬菜和动物的词汇和句型。本课时是这一单元的第二课时,主要是词汇教学,要求学生能听懂认读Lets learn的4个新单词及其复数形式,能用所给句型在实际情景中描述某物。设计理念:运用情景法、演示法、听说法、讲解法、小组合作等教学手段,以语言功能为主线,由单词(词组)到句型,由句型到语篇,由易而难,循序渐进,突出语言

2、的交际性,引导学生积极运用英语进行交流,让学生在听、说、读、写的各项活动中习得语言,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学目标:1 能够听、说、认读tomato, potato, carrot, green bean及其复数形式。2 能够熟练运用Look at the _. Theyre _.描述蔬菜特征。 3 能理解并吟唱歌谣。教学重点:1 能够听、说、认读tomato, potato, carrot, green bean及其复数形式。2 能够熟练运用Look at the _. Theyre _.描述蔬菜特征。 教学难点:1单词tomato和potato的复数形式。2 歌谣中句型Carrots

3、 I will try.和I love to _. But onions make me cry!的认读和理解。课前准备:教师:多媒体课件,单词卡片教学步骤:I 热身/复习(Warm-up/Review)1 Lets chant. Look at the cat1.Game T: Look at Zoom, is he big? How about Zip? (出示Zoom和Zip的图片)Zoom is big. Zip is small. T: Zip and Zoom like to play games. 出示幻灯片,复习What are these? Theyre _. Are the

4、y _? Yes, they are. No, they arent.等句型。II 呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)1 T: (出示农场图片)Its sunny and warm. What time is it? (8:30) Where do they go? Zoom and Zip go to a farm.2 carrots T: What do they see first? Can you guess? 出示谜语: They are orange. Rabbits like to eat them very much. What are they? 出示胡

5、萝卜图片。学生回答: They are carrots. Zoom: Look at the carrots. Theyre so _! (big) Zip: I like carrots. But Zoom says: I dont like carrots. 3 tomatoesT: Zip likes carrots. She also likes these. What are they? 出示西红柿的图片。Ss: They are tomatoes. T: Look at the tomatoes. What colour are they? Ss: They are red. Th

6、ey are yellow. T: The red tomatoes are very big. The yellow tomatoes are very small. So Zip says: Look at the red tomatoes. Theyre so big. Look at the yellow tomatoes. Theyre so small. I like tomatoes. 4 Potatoes 出示马铃薯田。T: Are they tomatoes? Ss: No, they arent. They are potatoes.(农民回答) 学生对比tomato发音得

7、出:potatoes强调复数加es. Zip: The potatoes are _. I Love to eat potatoes. They are yummy.T: I like potatoes. They are yummy. What about you? T: Heres Zip. Where is Zoom?5 green beansT: Look, Zoom is here. Hes looking at these green plants. What are they? Learn: green beansZoom: Look at the green beans. Th

8、ey are so long!Zip: Yes, and they are big, too. I Love to eat green beans. Zoom: I dont love to eat green beans.6 onions 出示一旁的一筐洋葱。 T: Zoom doesnt like green beans. Does he like onions? Teach: onions Zoom: I dont like onions. Onions make me cry!Farmer: Haha, they are not tomatoes. They are onions! Z

9、oom: I dont like onions. Onions make me cry!7 T: What did Zoom and Zip see on the farm? What are they? 出示各种蔬菜图片并描述。Let Ss say: Look at the _. Theyre so _! Learn: I will try some carrots. Carrots I will try. Say: I will try some _.III 拓展/巩固(Extension/ Consolidation)1 Show a clock. What time is it? It

10、s 11:30 p.m. Its time for lunch. What does Zip want to eat? She wrote a chant. Let Ss read. One sentence by one sentence. Then chant together. 2 What would you like for lunch? Please write a similar chant. These foods may help you. 出示更多已学实物的单词。 I like _. I like _. _ I will try. I love to eat _. They

11、 are yummy!/ But onions make me cry! 展示分享学生作品。3 T:What would Zoom like for lunch? Lets have a look. I like chicken. I like beef. Fish I will try. I love to eat hamburgers. They are yummy. I love them all.T: What do you think? Oh, Zoom, dont eat too much meat. Vegetables and fruits are good for you! 出示: Vege


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