



1、一论文发表专家一中国学木期刊風伽玛射线相关论文伽玛射线对人垂体瘤细胞细胞周期和抑癌基因p16表达的影响摘要目的:探讨不同剂量伽玛(丫)射线影响人垂体瘤细胞 细胞周期和抑癌基因 p16 表达的变化。方法:采用机械分离法获得稳 定生长垂体瘤原代培养细胞株,根据不同照射剂量分为4 组照射组,分别接受中心剂量为 2、5、8.22、13.33 Gy,设立对照组,剂量为 0, 照射后用流式细胞术检测细胞周期和凋亡率, Western Blot 法检测 p16 蛋白的表达变化。结果:对照组和中心剂量 2 Gy 照射后细胞周期、凋亡率和 c-myc蛋白表达无明显差异;中心剂量分别为5 Gy 和 8.22Gy

2、时细胞周期 G0/G1 和 G2/M 期细胞数量逐渐增多, 细胞凋亡率升 高,p16蛋白表达增多, 与对照组比较, 差异均有统计学意义 (PV0.05) ; 剂量为 13.33Gy 时,S 期细胞增多,p16 蛋白表达减少。结论:一定 剂量的伽玛射线能够改变细胞周期,促进垂体瘤细胞进入凋亡,抑癌基因 p16 在此过程中可能发挥促进垂体瘤细胞进入凋亡过程。关键词垂体瘤;丫射线;细胞周期;p16Gamma-ray in duced the cha nge of huma n pituitary tumor cell cycleand the expressi on of tumor suppres

3、sor gene p16CHEN Chunmei1, 2, 3, YANG Weizhong1, 2, 3, WANG Rui1 ,2, 3, SHI Songsheng1 2, 3, WANG Chunhua1, 2, 3, CHEN Jianle1,2, 3I.Departme nt of Neurosurgery, Un io n Hospital of Fujia n Medici neUniversity, Fuzhou350001, China; 2.Department of gama knife center,Union Hospital of Fujian Medicine

4、University, Fuzhou 350001, China;3.Fujia n In stitute of Neurosurgery, Fuzhou 350001, Chi naAbstract Objective: To investigate the change of human pituitarytumor cell cycle and the p16 tumor suppressor gene expression afterGamma kn ife radiati on. Methods: The primary pituitary tumor cells withstabl

5、e growth were gained from a patient of pituitary tumor by mecha ni calseparati on, and were divided into 4 groups with the radiati on cen ter dose2,5,8.22,13.33 Gy respectively. There was the con trol group without radiation. Flow cytometry was used to detect the cell cycle and apoptosis. Theexpress

6、i on of p16 protein were detected by Western Blot. Results: Therewas no significant difference for cell cycle, apoptosis and the expression ofc-myc protein between the control group and the irradiation group with 2 Gyof center dose. Compared with the control group, the cell nu mber of G0/G1and G2/M

7、phases from the irradiati on groups with 5 Gy and 8.22 Gy of center dose were gradually in creased, as well as the apoptosis rate in creased,and p16 protein expressi on were in creased (P0.05). There were the Sphase cells in creased and the expression of p16 protein decreased for 论文发表专家irradiation g

8、roups with 13.33论文发表专家一團中国学木期刊洌Gy of cen ter dose. Con clusi on: Pituitary tumor cells could be in duced tothe cha nge of cell cycle and apoptosis un der the appropriate gamma raydose. p16 tumor suppressor gene may play in this process to promote theprocess of pituitary tumor cells into apoptosis.Key words Pituitary tumor; Gamma-ray; Cell cycle; p16垂体瘤为颅内常见的良性肿瘤,但复发率高,经蝶窦或开颅显微 外科手术是主要治疗手段,但是位于鞍内的微腺瘤,以及尚未累及视 神经或视交叉的小腺瘤以及无法耐受手术或恐惧手术的病例均是丫-刀治疗的适应证,是一种安全、有效的治疗方法,对于伽玛射线对垂 体瘤的分子生物学机制目前仍未明确。 本文从垂体瘤患者中获取垂体 瘤标本在体外原代培养人垂体瘤细胞,探讨伽玛射线对人垂体瘤细胞 细胞周期和抑癌基因 p16 表达的影响,为体内伽玛刀治疗人垂体瘤提 供理论依据。1 材料与方法1


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