已阅读5页,还剩22页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Word文档外研社五年级下册英语教案和反思 要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开头。要开头反思,开头总结,才能有所收获。下面是我给大家共享的外研社五班级下册英语教案和反思,供大家参考,阅读。 外研社五班级下册英语教案和反思1 Im in New York now Teaching objectives: 1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again 2. Sentences: Grandma made Chinese food for me. I want to try American food. I will write again soon.

2、 3. Practise to pronounce wh wr. 4. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures Teaching procedures Warmer: 1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1. 2. Say a sentence in the present

3、tense and get the students say it in the past tense. Examples: T: Daming goes to New York. Ss: Daming went to New York. T: Grandma meets Daming. Ss: Gradma met Daming. Teach the text: 1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?” Guide the students say: Its the st

4、atue of Liberty. Its in New York”. T: Daming is in New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat. 2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books. 3. Teach the new words. 4. Play the tape again. Have the stud

5、ents listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions: Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon) What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people) What food did he want to try? (American food) 5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask

6、and answer in pairs) 6. Practise to pronounce wh wr. 7. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world. 8. Complete exercise 1 in AB. Homework: Practise the following sentences in pairs: Where are you from? Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go there? Where are you going to do there? Design

7、s: Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York now Arrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me. Taxi Flat I want to try American food. building made I will write again soon where are you going to go 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? Wh

8、en are you going to go? Whos going to go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的预备和详细事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就详细信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅

9、行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、PPT 教学过程: Step1、Warm-up 师生之间相互问候 Step2、Presentation Free talk T:the summer holiday is coming ,so Where are you going to go in your summerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? What are you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):

10、I think you had a lovely time, Yes? 由此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特别疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来 时的用法。 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go? Whos going to go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的预备和详细事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够

11、理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are you going to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就详细信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、PPT 教学过程: Step1、Warm-up 师生之间相互问候 Step2、Presentation Free talk T:the summ

12、er holiday is coming ,so Where are you going to go in your summerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? What are you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):I think you had a lovely time, Yes? 由此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特别疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来 时的用法

13、。 8、 Listen again and answer some questions: Where is Daming going to go ? What is Daming going to take ? When is Daming going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport? 9、Listen and repeat.(老师随机解释 passport) Step4、Practice 1、Now,I want to be Daming,You want to be grandma. I answer you as

14、k me together(师说答语,同学找到相对应的问句) S:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport? T:To the airport. Clothes,shoes,present,ticket,passport,toothbrush? At seven oclock tomorrow morning. Daming 2、分角色表演课文对话 Step5、Extension S

15、tep6、Summary and homework. 1、 Summary 观赏 Chant: Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go ? To the airport, to the airport. What are you going to take? What are you going to take? Shoes,ticket and toothbrush, When are you going to go ?When are you going to go ? At 7 oclock, At 7 oclock, W

16、ho is going to go ? Who is going to go ? Its me! Its me ! 2、 Homework (1)Read the words and text (2)请同学询问伴侣或家人外出旅游的预备状况 see you soon Theme: Letters from Abroad Function: Understanding different cultures. Target Language: Simple past tense. The man wore womens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes.

17、We laughed a lot. Simple future tense be going to We are going to see you in three weeks. Mum bought new chopsticks for you. Vocabulary: wore (wear), women, actor, told (tell), joke, funny, after, show, ready, soon, bed, room, history, question, borrow, evening Pronunciation: / / / / / / / / Song: P

18、ostman 一、Warmer: 1. Tell the Ss that you are going to mime some things you did yesterday and the Ss have to look and guess what you did. 2. Continue like this. Yesterday I ate an apple. He borrowed some books. She went to the park. 3. Say some sentences with now, tomorrow, yesterday. E.g. We are goi

19、ng to see you in three weeks. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. We bought a bike for you. We are having our English class. He is play football. 二、Presentation: 1. Listen and say. A. Listen to the tape and read this letter. B. Read the letter again and answer the questions: C. What is Dad g

20、oing to put in Simons room? Who bought new chopsticks? Who read a book about Chinese history? What did they but for Daming? 2. Look and say. A. Yesterday he ate a hamburger. B. He played football. C. Now he is eating an apple. D. Now he is playing table tennis. E. Tomorrow he is going to eat a banan

21、a. F. Tomorrow he is going to go swimming. 3. Listen and repeat. ( qu sh th th) quick she this thank quarter English with mouth 三、Activity book: 1. Write a letter to Lingling. Use the words went/ wore/ saw/ drank/ ate Dear Lingling, Last week I went to the zoo. I wore a red sweater. I saw some anima

22、ls. I drank some juice. I ate an ice cream. From Liping 2. Listen and repeat: A. Quick! Cut it in quarters! B. She is English. C. Eat with this spoon! D. I say Thank you with my mouth. 四、Homework: Write a letter to your friend. we laughed a lot 教材说明: 我使用的教材是外研社出版,设计的课题是第六册Module 9 Unit1 We laughed a

23、 lot. 教学内容分析: 第九模块主要话题是”Letters from Abord.”谈论大明收到两封国外来信。我所设计的这一课时,主要围绕大明收到一封来自英国的信件绽开学习。在信中主要描述Amy , Sam, Lingling 去英国剧院看表演的经过,以过去时态为主。 该单元是本册中一般过去时态的集中体现,也是对前面学过的一般过去时态的再次呈现,不但复习、巩固了旧学问,同时也提高语言综合运用力量。此外通过本单元的学习,同学能更多的了解西方国家的文化。 同学学习状况分析: 由于同学已经在第四册、第五册间续学习了一般过去时态,因此同学对本课要学习的学问点并不生疏,而且本课叙述的内容比较好玩,同

24、学学起来爱好还是蛮高的。但由于汉语没有动词时态上的变化,同学要把握好过去时态,特殊是不规章动词的过去式有肯定难度。 设计理念: 1、以爱好为导向,开展丰富教学活动 众所周知“爱好是的老师”,只有开展丰富多彩的教学活动,才能寓教于乐,激发同学的学习爱好,变同学的被动学习为主动学习。因此课伊始的我设计了I say, You say 活动课前热身;课中创设各种不怜悯景,让同学在仿真实的情景中学习;课尾声我设计了给老师发E-mail活动。同学学习热忱高涨,课堂气氛活跃,课堂布满乐趣,从而激发了同学学习英语的爱好。 2、充分运用多媒体课件,让同学在仿真实的情景中体验、感知。 英语课程标准提倡老师要充分利

25、用现代训练技术,开发英语学习资源,提高教学效果。因此,在设计本课的教学时,为了让同学更好地理解课文,我依据教学实际制作了画面生动、图文并茂的课件,让同学通过直观的感知、体验,更好地理解课文,并且留下深刻的印象。 3、面对全体同学,体现差异教学。 新课程理念提倡教学要面对全体同学,老师在教学中应敬重同学之间的差异。因此在设计教学时,我针对不同水平的同学设计不同层次的问题,力求满意不同类型和不同层次同学的需求。对“临时落后同学”设计一些较简洁的问题,并且多表扬,多让他们体验学习的成就感,关心他们树立学习的自信念。对“优生”提高要求,设计一些有肯定难度的问题,并且充分发挥他们的示范作用,做老师的小助

26、手,为同学供应充分表现自我的空间,使每个同学的身心得到健康的进展。 4、关注同学的情感,营造宽松、_、和谐的教学氛围。 同学只有对英语学习有乐观的情感,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成果。因此我在教学中尽量做到敬重每个同学,乐观鼓舞他们在学习中的尝试,对同学学习过程中的失误和错误实行了宽容的态度。比如在沟通时,我允许同学遇到不会表达的词可以用汉语代替,爱护他们的自尊心和乐观性。同时还创设各种合作学习的活动,促使同学相互学习、相互关心,进展合作精神,努力营造宽松、_、和谐的教学氛围。 5、依据同学的特点选择教学策略 使同学养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略是英语课程的重要任务。因此我在教学过程

27、中,注意依据同学的特点,选择适合同学的教学策略。如学习课文时,为了降低课文难度,我采纳分段教学,依据每一段的特点,设计不同类型的问题,让同学带着问题阅读课文,自主探究学习,并提出阅读过程中遇到的疑难问题,最终老师再加以点拨、讲解,这样不仅能较好地解决教学的重点、难点,而且能较好提高同学的阅读水平。 教学目标: 1、语言学问和技能目标 能听、说、读、写本课的主要单词 把握下列动词的过去式:go-went 、wear-wore、 tell-told、 is-was 、eat-ate能理解课文内容。 能用过去式描述自己昨天所做的事。 2、情感目标 同学对本课所学内容感爱好,能乐观主动参加课堂活动,特

28、殊是小组合作学习。 3、文化意识目标 通过对本课的学习,同学能了解到英国有特地的儿童剧院,这是对儿童的关爱,有利于儿童身心健康成长。 教学重点: 1、同学能理解课文内容。 2、同学能运用一般过去时态来描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点: 1、不规章动词的过去式。 教具预备: 单词卡片、多媒体课件、录音机、两个信封、写有动词原型和过去式的卡片等。 教学过程: Step1. Warming-up 1、I say , You say(用多媒体呈现动词原形和过去式,并伴上节奏欢快的音乐)playplayed readread watchwatched seesaw dance-danced drinkdr

29、ank stopstopped dodid dropdropped are-were 【设计意图】 在热身活动中通过开展I say , You say活动,不但可以活跃课堂气氛,而且很好地复习了前面学习过的动词过去式,为下面的教学起很好铺垫作用。 Step 2 Presentation 1、创设情境教同学词 (课件呈现姚明打篮球图片) T:What did he do yesterday ? S1: He played basketball . T: He is a _man_ . (课件呈现中国男篮打篮球图片) T: What did they do yesterday ? S2: They

30、 played basketball . T: They are _men_. (课件呈现邓亚萍打乒乓球图片) T:What did she do yesterday ? S3: She played table tennis . T: She is a _woman_ . (课件呈现女双打乒乓球图片) T: They are _women_. (课件呈现电影演员成龙图片) T:Who is he ? Ss: He is Cheng Long . T:Yes . He is an _ actor _ . 【设计意图】 利用课件呈现直观的画面,通过直观画面来教同学词men、women、 acto

31、r,特殊是前两个单词通过单复数对比,特别直观,让同学留下深刻印象。 2、课文导入 (课件呈现大明正在看信的画面) Look! What is Daming doing? S4.: He is reading letters . T: Yes . Hes got two letters. T: Where are the letters from? S5: One is from England and one is from America. 【设计意图】 通过课件呈现大明读信的画面,自然引入课文,特别直接。 Step 3 Text learning 1、 设问 (课件呈现课文中两张插图)请同

32、学观看这两幅图,进行提问:Why ? Where ? 2、分段阅读教学 老师设置问题,同学快速扫瞄课文。 (课件呈现问题) Where did they go ? They went to the _ . A. park B. school C. childrens theatre 文化渗透:在英国有设置特地的儿童剧场,播放适合儿童观看的电影、话剧、演出,这是对儿童的一种关爱,有利于儿童身心健康成长。 请同学上网查找有关儿童剧场的相关内容,从而对该文化有更进一步的了解。 老师设置详细的问题,同学认真阅读第一段,圈出问题答案 (课件呈现问题) What did the men do ? What

33、 did the women do ? What did the actors do ? (课件呈现女扮男装,男扮女装的画面,关心同学理解第一和其次问题。) The men wore womens clothes . (wearwore) The women wore mens clothes. (课件播放相声演员牛群、冯巩说相声的画面,关心同学理解第三问题)The actors told lots of jokes .( tell- told) 老师设置选择题,同学阅读二、三段。 (课件呈现选择题) After the show they went to the _ . A. park B.

34、 restaurant C. library They all ate _ . A. noodles B. rice C. hamburgers and chips 【设计意图】 课文教学采纳先整体输入,再分段教学的方法。首先老师先设置一个关键的问题,让同学通过快速扫瞄课文,并回答问题,对课文内容有也许初步了解。接着采纳分段教学方法,把难点分散,逐个突破,从而降低难度,同学简单接受。 3、跟读课文。(用CD-ROM播放) Step 4 Extension 同学口头描述自己昨天所做的事,并在电脑上写下来用E-mail 发给老师。 【设计意图】 该环节让同学对本课所学的语言加以运用,这是在整节课学

35、习的基础上语言输出,是同学综合语言运用力量的体现,而且让同学学会利用现代化通讯手段进行沟通。 Step 5 Summary 1、 先请同学说说通过本节课的学习,有何收获? 2、 老师小结:通过本课的学习,我们了解了英国有特地的儿童剧场,孩子们可以在剧场里看到许多好玩的表演,学习了外国文化。同时通过本课的学习,我们进一步学习了动词过去式,并且学会运用过去式来描述过去发生的事情。 line A is longer 一、 教学目标: 1. 学问目标:能够认读书写单词:same , circle , 2. 力量目标:能运用句型Line A is longer. Is line A the same a

36、s line B?I think so. I dont think so.通过事物的比较发表自己的看法。 3. 字母组合: ll , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。 二、 课前预备: 1、 单词卡片(宝藏图): tell , till , long , sing , English , angry , think , sink . 单词卡单词根据划线部分发音相同的为一个颜色。提前卷好了,用一根细线系住。 2、 课件 3、 课堂活动用书第三题。 三、 教学步骤: Step one : warm-up Review unit 1 1.一起听音跟读,然后小组扮演不同的角色给课文动画配音读课文,引导

37、同学加上适当的表情和动作,最终每段找不同的同学展现,选出优秀仿照小演员。 2. 和同学说今日的竞赛很特殊,回答问题乐观而且好的同学,不但能给大组加分,还能获得宝藏图一份。 Step two : 导入 1.同学们竞赛,老师引导同学快速读一遍课文,看谁读的又快又好,同学在读的时候,老师观看同学,读完后老师找出以为读得快的同学,邀请同学到台前,表扬说:I think he is quick . 再找另一个读得更快的同学请他到台前,说:But she is quicker . 老师立刻问问题看同学是否理解:Who is quick ? Who is quicker ? 同学回答,这里谁答对了嘉奖一张宝

38、藏图,共送出去两张。 2.再邀请两位同学,He is tall, but she is taller. 看板书,老师指一下简洁领读单词。She is short , but he is shorter. 看板书,老师指一下简洁领读单词。问:who is taller ? who is shorter ?同学回答.is taller/shorter.老师用: I think so. 或I dont think so. 来发表自己的观点。再找两个长得一样高的同学问:who is taller ? who is shorter ? 同学可能会说不出来,老师引导说:He is the same as

39、she.看板书,老师领读并检查小火车,这里谁答对了嘉奖一张宝藏图,共送出去三张。 Step three: 课文的处理 1.课件展现,先出示一条线A,老师问:What is it ? 同学: line。老师: Yes , its line A . 再出示一条B,老师问:Which is longer?同学答:Line B is longer. 老师问:Which is shorter?同学答:Line A is shorter.老师试着问:Is line A longer? / shorter? / the same as line B? 并且出示课件。同学回答,老师问:Do you think

40、 so?引导同学用I think so. I dont think so.发表自己的观点。每个问题同学回答出来则给他的大组加一分。 2. 课件展现,先出示一个圈A,老师问:What is it ? 同学: circle。老师: Yes , its circle A . 再出示一个圈B,老师问:Which is bigger?同学答:circle B is bigger. 老师问:Which is smaller?同学答:circle A is smaller.老师试着问:Is circle A bigger? / smaller? / the same as circle B? 并且出示课件。

41、同学回答,老师问:Do you think so?引导同学用I think so. I dont think so.发表自己的观点。每个问题同学回答出来则给他的大组加一分,并且表扬。 3.同学做的很好准时表扬,并出示课件问What can you see ? 依据同学反映,假如同学说出来vase , 则大力表扬并引导Can you see a vase ? 简洁讲解vase,并拿起课本让同学只给老师看。假如同学说出来head , 则大力表扬并引导Can you see two heads ? 简洁讲解head,并拿起课本让同学只给老师看. 同学回答,老师问:Do you think so?引导

42、同学用I think so. I dont think so.发表自己的观点。这里谁答对了嘉奖一张宝藏图,共送出去5张。 5. Boos open listen and repeat , then read in small groups , 每幅图find a pupil 领读,这里领读的小老师各嘉奖一张宝藏图,共送出去8张。 Step four : 当堂检测,同学是否明白两个事物作比较,做活动用书第三题。 Step six : review .复习今日的重点学问,看板书齐读一遍。 Step five: 字母组合: ll , ng , nk 在单词中的发音。 将手里拿宝藏的同学请到台前,打开

43、他们的宝藏,拿相同颜色单词的两个同学站在一起,listen and repeat ,感知字母组合的发音,老师引导着总结出来,板书领读一下。 Step six:chant ,listen and learn ,listen together, 加动作拍手齐唱,最终可以找表演得好的同学到台前表演。 四、家庭作业:完成活动用书第一题,和第五题。 五、板书设计: Module 8 Discussion Unit 2 Line A is longer line longer circle shorter vase bigger head smaller the same as 外研社五班级下册英语教案和

44、反思2 We lived in a small house. 教学目标: 1、学问目标: (1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady (2)New sentences:There were/werent . There are. We livedmany years ago. We livenow. 2、力量目标: (1)能依据情境正确使用There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物 (2

45、)培育同学听、说、读、写的力量。 教学重点:如何让同学在课堂上学会 There be , We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型并能在生活中敏捷运用该句型。 教学过程: 一.预习检测 写出下列动词的过去式。 do_ is_ are_ live_ have_ watch_ 二.合作探究,学习课文。 1)播放课文录音,让同学在听录音的同时找出课文中消失的新单词与新句型。 2)进行嬉戏“火眼金睛找生词新句”。让同学以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中消失的新单词与新句型。 3)在让同学初步了解了课文内容后,老师再次播放录音,让同学大声跟读课文。 巩固练习; 重点句式操练

46、Listen and say。先让同学听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们敏捷运用句式:There is/are/There was/were造句。 练习检测: 拓展延长 让同学预备,谈论图中内容,然后选择几个代表来讲给全班同学听。回忆课文内容,试着用重点句复述课文。 引导同学对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式There be.We livedmany years ago . We live now.谈论及比较过去和现在的生活。 课后反思: 外研社五班级下册英语教案和反思3 She didnt have a television. 教学目标: 能听说读写单词:lady fire

47、radio field telephone hope 1. 能娴熟运用这类句子”She didntShe worked谈论人们过去的生活。 2. 学会归纳动词的过去式,并能敏捷运用。 3. 教学重点: 学会归纳动词的过去式,并能敏捷运用。 教学过程: 一. 预习检测 英汉互译并连线。 有关中国的节目 many years ago 很多年以前 programme about China 谈论 last night 在田野里 on a fire 昨天晚上 in the fields 在火上 talk about 二.合作探究,学习课文。 1.听课文录音,圈出文中消失的动词过去式。 2.同桌学习课文

48、。 3.师讲解“or”的用法. 三.巩固练习 完成课本其次部分。 练习检测 外研社五班级下册英语教案和反思4 She learnt English. 教学目标 1.学会词汇learnt these dancer 2.能听懂会说Unit 1这篇对话。 3.学习目标语句:Did your grandma learn English? Yes, she did. /No, she didnt. 4.能口头运用Did your grandma learn English?这类语句询问过去的行为,并能口头运用Yes, she did./No, she didnt.回答。 教学重点:学会词汇learnt

49、these dancer 教学难点:运用目标语句She danced in lots of Chinese cities .Did she learn any foreign languages? Yes, she did. /No, she didnt. He was a dancer .谈论过去。 教学过程: Step1.预习检测 依据所给单词,补全句子。 1. Sam was_then.Now he is_.(short tall) 2. My mother_ _then.Now she_ _.(old young) Step2.合作探究,学习课文。 1. 听课文录音,理解课文大意。 2. 小组内学习课文。 3. 师解决怀疑。 4. 同学自己读课文,找出下面问题的答案。 Who are they ? Why is she wearing these clothes? Did she learn English? Step3.巩固练习 完成课


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