1、 小学英语校本课程教案 1. To feel the Chinese meaning of the song “Bingo” 2. To read the song loudly and act out the song freely. 3. To stimulate the Ss interests by clapping and singing. Teaching importance: To guide the Ss to understand the Chinese meaning of the song; Teaching difficulties: To sing the song
2、 and act it out. Teaching tools: printing materials, ppt Teaching procedure: Step 1: warm-up Simon says: stand up. Simon says: sit down. Step: Listen to the song, watch the cartoon to let the Ss master the general idea and rhythm of song. 1. Watch the cartoon of the song and let the Ss to watch care
3、fully. 2. Watch the cartoon again to let the Ss say the general idea. 3. Watch for the third times to let the Ss translate sentence by sentence. Step: Teach the new words and sentences 1. Show the difficult words and phrases on the screen, and teach the new words. Show the word cards “there” and let
4、 the Ss follow the teacher. Play games to read. Game rule: The teacher points, the Ss reads. if the teacher points to a place near the teachers desk, the students stop speaking. If the teacher points to a far place, the students should say the words loudly. Words like was, had, name, bingo and farme
5、r are taught in the same way. Games chosen are: Point my palm Looking for the word card and wolves 2. Read the new sentences by means of games. New sentences: There was a farmer had a dog. Bingo was his name. Games: Whisper Driving cars Step: Learn to sing the song Teach the song sentence by sentenc
6、e with the students followed. Let the Ss sing with the cartoon. Step: Practice Sing the song group by group to see which group is the best.Sing the song with the hands clapping. Sing the song with games. Game rule: Sit on the chairs, Ask seven students to go to the middle of the yard. The other sing
7、 the song. When the song stops, the Ss should sit on the six chairs as quickly as possible. The one who has no chairs should show us a play. Step: Activity Run run run, go go go; Jump jump jump, go go go; Shake shake shake, go go go. Cant and do. The Ss should run, jump and shake when they are chant
8、ing. Step7: Summary Sing the song again to end the class. Lyric: Bingo There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a far
9、mer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh N-G-O, N-G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh G-O, G-O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh O, O And Bingo was his name, Oh There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo
10、was his name, Oh And Bingo was his name, Oh 三年级PEP英语校本课程计划与教案 授课教师:三年级英语教师 授课对象:三年级学生 授课时间:周一,二,三 一、 教学模式 根据三年级学生的特点,教学大纲及新课标的要求,创建以游戏活动为主的教学模式,组织和设计生动活泼的英语游戏活动,让学生在活动中学,在游戏中学,在玩玩乐乐、不知不觉中轻松地自然习得英语。采取“热身/复习情景呈现交际性游戏唱歌/歌谣”的教学模式,即在上课前先调动学生的情绪、兴趣和积极性,复习所学过的内容,以旧带新;在情景中介绍新单词、句型和对话;引导学生进行模拟性交际游戏或交际性游戏活动,在
11、活动中学习英语;学唱英语歌曲和歌谣,边唱边跳,通过歌曲和歌谣巩固所学的句型,培养二年级学生自主学习英语的良好习惯。 二、 学期目标 1、 让三年级学生对英语产生学习兴趣,愿意参加英语活动。 2、 听懂教师用英语发出与日常生活有关的简单指令,并能用动作做出反应。 、 能记住自己的英文名字,能说出同伴的英文名字。 4、 准确地学会一些简单单词和短语的发音,如常见的动物和水果的英语名称。5、 学会一些有趣的英语歌曲、儿歌,提高三年级学生听说兴趣。6、 锻炼学生能在日常生活中大胆地用英语进行简单交流。 三、 教学内容 采用人教版英语课本并结合三年级学生特点整合课程,精选学生喜爱的单词、对话、歌曲、游戏
12、及句型,作为教学内容,通过丰富的肢体语言和充满激情的教学,让学生在快乐有节奏的爵士音乐声中动静结合,培养学生听力、语感、口语表达能力以及自信心。 附:教学进程和教案 xx小学校本课程备课 三 年级 班 执教者: 一、教学进程 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 句型:We have a new friend today. Im from Amercia. Where are you from? Im from?.This is my friend?词汇:welcome, America, Canada, China 能够听,说,读本课时单词和短语boy, girl, t
13、eacher、student并能在现实生活中灵活运用并力求做到语调自然,语音准确。 1. 掌握英文字母Aa, Bb, Cc,Dd, Ee能听懂会说单词apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee。 重点句型,单词 1准备Amy, Mike和Bailing的头饰。2教材相配套的教学录音带 热身复习 放歌曲I am a boy,you are a girl学生与教师同唱 1对话练习: 教师:Hello,A. 学生:Hello,teacher. 教师:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again.学生:Nice to see yo
14、u, too.2师生问侯: 教师:Good morning, boys and girls.学生:Good morning teacher. 教师:Im Miss He. Im from China. And you?鼓励学生说出:Im Im from China. 3让更多的学生进行自我介绍:Im Im from4让学生表演课文对话,以小组为单位进行竞赛。 5让学生戴上头饰分别扮演Amy, Bai Ling和Mike上台做自我介绍。趣味操练 1Pass the balloon.游戏规则:68人一组围坐成圈,每组发一个气球。谁拿到气球谁就要用英语进行自我介绍。如:游戏开始时,一人拿着气球说:I
15、m Tom. Im from China.然后把气球随便传给另一个人,拿到气球的人要继续游戏。2在Lets talk 的基础上,自编对话并表演。A:I have a new friend.B:Hi, I am I am fromC: Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you, too. 3让学生说一说他们所知道的我国省、市的名称都有哪些。让学生用Im from.来表达出他们所喜欢的地方。如:Im from HaiNan./ShanDong等等。做完这一练习后,还可让学生找一找班内有没有老乡,如有都是谁。Step: Practice 1.教师和学生玩游戏“听音猜人”
16、。 叫一个学生上台背对大家,下面的学生可发出奇怪的声音或用异样的声音说一句英语,讲台上的学生根据声音猜出他/她是“boy or girl”。教师可根据课堂实际来安排游戏的时间。并对表现突出的学生发送小礼物表示奖励。 2.游戏结束之后,教师让学生自由指着班级中的一个同学说:This is ?Hes a boy. This is?Shes a girl.练习使用所学内容。也可让学生打开书,指着书中的某一个人物来进行这一活动。 Step: Practice 1.教师和学生一起做游戏“看谁拿得快”。 教师可将字母Aa, Bb, Cc,Dd,Ee,的大小写字母打乱顺序分别贴在黑板上,然后请两组学生,每组
17、5名出列。教师报一个字母,让每组的第一个学生快速地跑近黑板,将该字母的大写与小写分别取下。先拿到正确的大小写字母卡的小组为胜者,可获一分。计算最后结果,给与优胜小组奖励。 Step: Practice 听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面扮演卡片上的人物。做自我介绍:“Im Amy.”教师提问:“Where are you from?”孩子回答“Im from America.”孩子们试着提问:“Where are you from?”得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。2、学生小组间的问答:“Where are you from?”“Im from?” 3、请几个小组开火车问答:“Where ar
18、e you from?”4、教师出示钟表:“Good afternoon!”教师带上Mr. Black的头饰说:“Good afternoon! My names Mr. Black. I m from China.”孩子根据自己的情况回答:“Good afternoon, Mr. Black. Im Xiao Dong . Im from China.” 教师提问一组孩子。然后请学生到前面来扮演Mr. Black.5、教师带着Mr. Black 的头饰走到台前,说:“I have a friend in our class. Do you know whos she?”教师指着扮演Amy的同
19、学说: “This is my friend Amy.” Ss: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too!Ss: Where are you from?A: Im from America.Ss: Welcome! 联系课文及活动内容,总结归纳第一单元所学的重难点知识。Unit My family 1句型:Whos that man? Hes my?Whos that woman? Shes my? 2单词:father , mother , grandfather, grandmother , man, woman ,brother sister
20、 3正确认读和书写字母Ff, Gg,Hh,Ii ,学习单词fish, goose, girl, father,hamberger,hot dog,ice. 家庭成员单词的认读 ,重点句型 1教师及学生的家庭照片 教材相配套的教学录音带 一 热身复习 Daily dialogue sing the song 学生们一起唱Father and mother,边唱边演。 1教师将一位新朋友介绍给大家。教师扮演这个新朋友,问一个女生:Whats your name?引导这个女生回答:My names . 2教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:Whos that girl?引导学生回答:Shes? 用同样的步骤问一个男生,用he 代替she。 4教师指着离自己稍远的男生问:Whos that boy?让学生回答:Hes ? 让学生指着班里的同学做问答:Whos that girl? Shes? Whos that boy? Hes ? 6教师拿出学生们所熟悉的教师的照片,询问学生:Whos that man? Whos that woman? 引导学生回答:He s Mr? Shes Miss/Mrs. ? 7教师可向学生出示几张明星的照片或图片,让学生做Who
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