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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高三册Units9-10.单词拼写1The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of _(行李)2Lightning _(闪光) across the sky, which frightend the little girl.3The bedrooms are _(为提供家具) in a traditional style but have airconditioning.4If your memory problems do not improve, you should _(咨询

2、) your physician.5I think Mr. Black needs a high _(收入) to support such a large family.6The government has _(批准) this building plan.7The _(献身;忠心) of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.8Their change of plan is strange but I dont think its _(意义重大的)9The work has brought us much

3、_(压力) on our minds.10I bought another safety lock as an additional _(保险) against thieves.答案1baggage2.flashed3.furnished4.consult 5income6.approved7.devotion8.significant 9pressure10.insurance.完成句子(湖北专用)1All the students must learn is _(充分利用) their time.2We can see _(鲁迅的影响) his writing.3In the north,

4、 people plant trees around the farmland _(抵御) sand storm.4We must _(利用各种手段) to protect our environment.5The coach _(保持沉默) the failure of the team.6Whether we will give up the trip _.(有待讨论)7Our teacher required that we _ (不放弃) learning English.8Im not very impressed by the works of many _.(现代艺术家)9Onl

5、y a few people _(可以了解) the full facts of the case.10Harrys completely _(改过了) hes stopped taking drugs.答案1to make the most of2Lu Xuns influence on3to be proof against4employ all kinds of methods5remained/remains silent over6remains to be discussed7not give up8contemporary/modern artists9have access t

6、o10reformed.单项填空1I failed in the exam. Sorry to have let you _, Mom.A. in B. outC. up D. down2We lost the game. As you know, Marc Owens should have scored, but he _.A. hasnt B. wasntC. hadnt D. didnt3Our house has reached the point where so many things need _ and its so hard to find the time to fix

7、them.A. to do up B. doing upC. to put up D. putting up4Where on earth have they gone?I wish I _!A. knew B. have knownC. know D. had known5The large old building, with its sign over the door _ the name “Grenfell”, stood silent and empty.A. writing B. meaningC. bearing D. belonging6_, he would have be

8、en fired.A. Had he lied to the bossB. Did he lie to the bossC. If he has lied to the bossD. If he lies to the boss7Knowing that my laptop wouldnt connect to the network, I tried it _.A. anyhow B. tooC. either D. therefore8After the earthquake he went to the local hospital to have the wound _.A. to a

9、ttend to B. attend toC. attending to D. attended to9One of the worst storms was in October 1998, when Hurricane Mitch _ more than 14,000 people in the country.A. had killed B. has killedC. killed D. kills10DJ Hughes and Brad Carney sat down and talked _ length about their interest _ music and what i

10、t meant to them.A. of; of B. at; inC. in; about D. of; about11Roylott was sitting on a chair, and his eyes _ the window.A. were fixing on B. were fixed onC. fixed on D. had fixed on12The old wooden bridge, next to the temple, stood over the river _ telling us the history of this little mountain vill

11、age.A. as if B. even ifC. in case of D. in honor of13“You are so lucky.” she said lowly, _ into the chair beside him.A. sinks B. sinkingC. to sink D. sank14Three years later, the company reported its worst loss ever and _ 16 percent of its workforce.A. set off B. took offC. put off D. laid off15(201

12、0·吉林省高三模拟)America is _ was first called “India” by Columbus.A. that B. whereC. what D. the place答案1D。let sb. down“让某人失望”。2D。根据前面的should have scored可知Owens没有得分。“没有得分”是一个过去的事实,故用一般过去时。but he didnt为but he didnt score的省略形式。3B。do up“修缮,整修(房屋等)”。事物作主语时,need后跟动词ing形式表示被动意义。4A。wish后跟宾语从句时,常用虚拟语气,从句用过去时

13、表示与现在事实相反。5C。所填动词的逻辑主语是sign。bear在此意为“显示,带有”(to have or show a sign, mark, or particular appearance)。6A。在虚拟语气中,条件从句可以不用连词if,而将谓语中的were, had或should等移至句首。7A。anyhow“即使这样”(in spite of this; whatever the facts may be)。句意:知道我的电脑无法联网,不过我还是试了一下。8D。attend to“处理,照料”。句意:地震之后,他到当地医院(让医护人员)处理了一下伤口。have sth. done“

14、请某人做某事”。9C。由时间状语in October 1998可知此处应用一般过去时。10B。at length“详细地”,在句中作状语,插在talked about中间;interest in.“对的兴趣”。11B。fix ones eyes on“注视”。此处用的是它的被动语态。12A。as if telling us the history of.“好像在向我们讲述的历史”。as if telling在此相当于as if it was telling。当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语中又包含动词be时,从句主语及其谓语动词be可以省略。13B。sinking into the cha

15、ir beside him为动词ing形式作状语。sink此处之意为“慢慢坐下”。14D。lay off“解雇,使下岗”,符合题意。15C.完形填空A Good Friend, A Second SelfI couldnt believe my ears when I heard my name called for the leading role in our high school play. Mrs. Dermitt, my drama teacher, had been looking for someone to play an energetic boy in a comedy.

16、 Luckily for me, she thought that I could handle the _1_.That afternoon my friend Kevin and I talked _2_ about the play. Although Kevin hadnt been _3_ for a part onstage, his job with the set crew was important to the success of the play. I told him I was a little _4_ because I had a lot of lines to

17、 memorize.“You can do it.” he said. I knew I could _5_ him: we had been friends since the third grade, and we _6_ a good team.Preparations for the play moved at a rapid pace. While working hard with the set crew, Kevin _7_ spent hours helping me learn my lines. He often said my lines with me by sile

18、ntly moving his lips. We _8_ that he could probably play my part as well as I could.Three days before the _9_ night, everything was ready for the performance. But when I woke up _10_ a fever and sore throat on the day of the play, the entire production came to a sudden _11_. Everyone in the drama de

19、partment was worried, _12_ there was no way I could perform. The play was _13_ to open in fewer than six hours, and we had no time to cancel. I tried to think of a way to _14_. Then it hit meKevin knew the _15_ as well as I did. I called Mrs. Dermitt to give her my _16_. Within a few short hours, Ke

20、vin stood onstage in costume and makeup. The amusing lines he had _17_ with me so many times made the crowd laugh and cheer. In a strange turn of events, Kevin and I had _18_ the day for everyone by working as a team.Of course, I was terribly disappointed to have _19_ my chance in the spotlight, but

21、 I was extremely _20_ to have such a good friend.1A. part B. playC. band D. crew2A. calmly B. seriouslyC. excitedly D. anxiously3A. elected B. chosenC. invited D. trained4A. upset B. boredC. nervous D. confused5A. count on B. tend toC. talk with D. agree with6A. joined B. foundedC. took D. made7A. a

22、lso B. onlyC. still D. simply8A. expected B. debatedC. agreed D. joked9A. final B. specialC. opening D. greeting10A. with B. fromC. in D. by11A. change B. turnC. stop D. end12A. for B. butC. and D. so13A. likely B. readyC. sure D. due14A. pass B. helpC. care D. face15A. steps B. linesC. points D. ca

23、ses16A. introduction B. instructionC. explanation D. suggestion17A. scanned B. graspedC. practiced D. presented18A. valued B. savedC. left D. kept19A. offered B. avoidedC. risked D. missed20A. successful B. thankfulC. trustful D. hopeful答案人生有太多的偶然,在每一次偶然中,我们一定会发现一些有价值的东西。本文作者在一次演出之前突然发烧,嗓子坏了。紧急关头,他的

24、朋友,一直帮助他为演出作准备的Kevin代他完成了这项演出任务,作者非常庆幸能有这样一位好朋友。1A。依据上文的“when I heard my name called for the leading role in our high school play”中的role可知,该处用part表“角色”,即:老师觉得我可以把握好这个角色。2C。由文章首句及下文Kevin帮我准备这一角色的时候,He often said my lines with me by silently moving his lips可知,他对这部话剧也很感兴趣,可以知道C项“兴奋地”合理。3B。choose sb. fo

25、r/as.表“选某人为”,为固定表达。4C。依据下文的“because I had a lot of lines to memorize”可知,作者要记很多的台词,理应会觉得紧张,而并非沮丧、烦恼或困惑。5A。count on“指望,依赖”;tend to“易于;倾向于”;talk with“与某人谈话”;agree with“同意某人说的话”。依据文章的语境可知,作者是信赖这个朋友的。6D。依据该段话的意思可知,作者跟他的朋友Kevin组成了一个小组,make“组成,构成”。很明显,文章没有说加入别的组或创立一个小组。7A。由上文的“working hard with the set cre

26、w”可知,朋友除了忙剧组的工作外,还花大量的时间帮我记台词。可知朋友是在做两件事情,故选A项。8D。由文章第一段可知,老师让我演该角色,所以让朋友演我的角色只能是玩笑话。故D项合理。9C。依据下文“everything was ready for the performance”可知,一切都准备好了,就等待开演。很明显是在距开演还有三天时间发生的事情。10A。考查介词的搭配。表“患病”之意时,须用介词with。故答案为A。11C。come to a stop表“停止;终止”之意。而come to an end则表示“结束”之意,常表某事情发生了之后,要结束。由文章叙述可知,因为作者发烧嗓子坏了

27、,当然整场戏看起来是演不成了,当然是“终止,停止”之意。12A。后文的“there was no way I could perform”与前文大家都很着急之间是因果关系,for在这里引导原因状语从句,表显而易见的原因。13D。该句意为:这场戏离预定的开演时间不到6个小时了,无法取消了。be due to表按照预先安排做某事之意。14B。该语境中作者是要想个好办法来挽救这件事情,故用help表“挽救”之意,其他选项均没有该意思。15B。由第四段第三句可知,Kevin对台词很熟悉。16D。上文作者在想办法解决这个问题,现在想到了这个主意,当然是向老师提出这个建议。A表“介绍”;B表“指导”;C表“解释”,都不合理。17C。依据文章第四段可以得知Kevin跟作者一起练习了很多遍台词。18B。很明显,这一天的演出很成功,而上文提及如果作者不能演这场戏,又找不到解决的办法,那这场戏就会砸锅的,现在Kevin演得很好,自然是挽救了剧组所有的人。19D。依上文叙述可知,作者因病没有出演自己的角色,当然是“错过了”,其他选项都不符合语境。20B。尽管自己因为患病错过了演出机会,但有这样一位好朋友代替自己演得如此之


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