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1、见面课:希腊罗马神话旧神谱及奥林匹斯主神1、Who is the primitive god in Green-Roman mythology?A:GaeaB:CronusC: ChaosD:Uranus正确答案: Chaos2、Uranus and Gaea give birth to _ Titans.A:9B:12C:18D:21正确答案: 123、_ helps Zeus to defeat Cronus.A:AthenaB:HeraC:AphroditeD: Metis正确答案: Metis4、Ares is the god of _.A: FireB: WarC: Handicra

2、ftD:Trifle正确答案: Trifle5、Oceanus is the god of _.A: SeaB:MoralityC:SkyD:Earth正确答案: Sea6、Artemis is _ Greek name.A:Venus'sB: Hera 'sC:Diana 'sD:Athena's 正确答案: Diana's7、Hestia and Hera are _.A: LoversB: SistersC:BrothersD:Rivals in love 正确答案: Sisters8、_ is not Zeus ' s son.A:Ero

3、sB:AresC:HephaestusD:Apollo正确答案: Eros9、_ is the queen of the Underworld.A: DemeterB: RheaC:LetoD:Persephone正确答案: Persephone10、_ forces Cronus to disgorge his sons and daughters.A:ZeusB:HadesC: PoseidonD:Uranus正确答案: Zeus见面课:西方戏剧概说1、Western drama originates from the ritual to honor Dionysus, the god o

4、f wine and fertility in ancient Greece.A:对B: 错s' mental2、According to Aristotle, thoughts in drama refer to how the character activities.A:对B: 错正确答案:错tragedy of society3、Hamlet is a typicalA: 对B: 错 正确答案:错4、The main characters in tragedies are usually good and noble people.A: 对B: 错正确答案:对5、Accordi

5、ng to the trinity law in drama writing, the story in the play should happen in one day.A: 对B: 错正确答案:对6、Usually the climax of a drama should be in the last scene.A: 对B: 错7、Romance is another name for tragic comedy.A:对B: 错正确答案:对8、The clown in the drama only appears between scenes.A: 对B: 错正确答案:错9、“ Ant

6、agonist ” refers to the main character in a drama.A: 对B: 错正确答案:错见面课:英美诗歌的艺术美与生活美1、“ To Luisa in the Lane ” is a happy love poemA: 对B: 错正确答案:错2、In “To Luisa in the Lane” , Luisa isA: A woman died long time ago.B:A woman whom the poet loves deeply.C:A woman who loves the poet deeply.D:A women who has

7、no feeling toward the poet.3、Image just indicates mental picture.A:对B: 错正确答案:错4、“ Aspen” in “To Luisa in the Lane ” is aA: kind of tree depicting in the poemB: description of the heroine ' s figure.C: description of the poet' s figure.D: metaphor depicting the poet ' s feeling.正确答案: desc

8、ription of the heroine ' s figure.5、 Which one of the following about love is not delivered in“ i carry you in my heart ”?A: EternityB: ConfessionC: BitternessD: Regret正确答案: Regret6、Which one of the following has nothing to do with figurative image?A: Appealing to imaginationB: Appealing to phys

9、ical sensesC: Creating vague portraitD: Indicating certain mood.正确答案: Appealing to physical senses 见面课:文学、阅读与人生1、Mr. Ballard once mal-treated Mrs. Ballard.A:对B: 错正确答案:错s personality?2、Which one of the following is not the description of Mrs. Ballard A: She is calm.B: She always restrains feeling.C:

10、She is talkativeD: She hates others to impose their will upon her.正确答案: She is talkative3、What is the most important thing in Mrs. Ballard' s life?A: FreedomB: MarriageC: Her husbandD: Love正确答案: Freedom4、Mrs. Ballard hided in her room, because she wanted to commit suicide.A: 对B: 错5、What is the cause of her death?A: Joy because her husband died.B: Despair because her joy was killed.C: joy because her husband came back.D: Sadness over h er


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