



1、高一英语一般将来时及将来时间的表示法人教实验版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:一般将来时及将来时间的表示法一一般将来时的根本用法一般将来时表示将来要发生的事在口语中各人称后均用will,常紧缩为lli will be eighteen next week.下星期我就十八岁了。i will know the result tomorrow.明天我就知道结果了。shell be here at six.她六点来。you wont be late.你不会迟到的。以下情况用willa. 用在“i think will这类句型中,表示看法:i think theyll succeed.我想他们会成功。i

2、m sure hell come back.我肯定他会回来。i suppose theyll buy the house.我想他们会把这房买下来。b. 也可表示未来习惯性的动作:spring will come again.春天还会再来。birds will build nests. 鸟总要筑巢。c. 提出请求:will you type this? 你把这打一下好吗?will you tell her ill be back at five? 你可否告诉她我五点回来?if you want help let me know, will you?如果你需要帮助就告诉我,好吗?d. 作出允诺:i

3、ll be there, i promise you.我容许你我会去的。this wont happen again, i assure you.我向你保证,这事不会再发生。i wont tell anybody what you said.你说的话我不会告诉任何人。e. 表示同意:dont be late. no, i wont.别来晚了。放心吧。will you answer him? yes, i will.你来回复他好吗?行。使用shall的一些情况a. shall主要用于第一人称后,构成疑问句,询问对方意见:what time shall i come? 我什么时候来?where s

4、hall we go for our holiday? 我们到哪儿去度假呢?shall i do the washing-up? 要不要我来洗盘子?lets go, shall we? 咱们走吧,好吗?what shall we do this weekend? 这个周末咱们干什么?b. shall也可用在陈述句中但现在口语中这样说的人比拟少了,一般多用willdont worry. i shant(wont)be late. 别担忧,我不会迟到的。we shall(will)be in touch.我们会保持联系的。二一些表示未来时间的表示方法be going to结构,表示打算干某事a或即

5、将发生某事ba. im going to buy her some flowers.我打算给她买一些花。theyre going to sell their house.他们准备把房子卖掉。b. its going to rain soon.快下雨了。这个结构有时可和will引导的结构换用iwont tell you my age./ is going to tell you my age我不打算想告诉你我的年龄。现在进行时表将来的动作现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return, stay, meet, get等

6、。这些动词的进行时后不能再接具体的时间。1、用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按方案或安排要发生的动作。2、现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词有时一些常用动词也可以这样用,如:do, go, come, start, return, get, arrive等。而后者通常是持续性动词。he is reading a novel. 他在看小说。the train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了。3、用现在进行时表示将来的时间,在句中或上下文中通常有表示将来的时间状语。4、现在进行时与一般现在时表示将来动作的区别在于:前者表示的将来的动作往往是

7、可以改变的,而后者那么是根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事情,因此往往是不可改变或不可随便改变的。what are you doing next friday? 下星期五你们打算干什么?the plane takes off at 730 tonight.飞机今晚七点半起飞。一般现在时表示按方案要发生的事,特别是以事物作主语时a,以人为主语时有时也可以这样用b:a. the plane takes off in ten minutes.飞机十分钟后起飞。 tomorrow is sunday.明天是星期天。b. they have no classes tomorrow.明天他们没课。 im

8、 not at home tonight.我今晚不在家。注:在时间及条件从句中代替一般将来时a,或用在hope后的宾语从句中b:a. give me a ring before you leave.走之前给我打 。 when she comes, ill tell her about it.她来时我将把这件事告诉她。b. i hope she gets back in time.我希望她及时回来。we hope you are well.我们希望你身体健康。be+不定式结构表示将要发生的动作,可表示安排好的事a,也可表示要求做的事b:a. she is to be married next m

9、onth.她定于下月结婚。who is to play macbeth?谁扮演麦克佩斯?b. youre to stay here till we return. 你得待在这里直到我们回来。公室抽烟。be about to结构,表示就要发生的事:theyre about to start.他们就要出发了。i was just about to fall into a doze when he started up.我正要打盹时他突然出现了。a doze when he started up.be due to 构成的谓语mary is due to leave at two oclock.玛丽

10、定于两点动身。they are due to meet again tomorrow. 他们定于明天再会面。she is due to graduate next summer.她明年暑假毕业。【模拟试题】一、单项选择。( ) 1. there _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. a. will be going to b. will going to be c. is going to be d. will go to be( ) 2. charlie _ here next month. a. isnt working b. doesnt working c.

11、isnt going to working d. wont work( ) 3. he _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. a. will be; is b. is; is c. will be; will be d. is; will be( ) 4. there _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. a. was b. is going to have c. will have d. is going to be( ) 5. _ you _ free tomorrow? no. i _

12、 free the day after tomorrow. a. are; going to; will b. are; going to be; will c. are; going to; will be d. are; going to be; will be( ) 6. mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday. a. will gives b. will give c. gives d. give( ) 7. shall i buy a cup of tea for you? _. 不,不要。 a. no, you wont. b.

13、 no, you arent. c. no, please dont. d. no, please.( ) 8. where is the morning paper? i _ if for you at once. a. get b. am getting c. to get d. will get( ) 9. _ a concert next saturday? a. there will be b. will there be c. there can be d. there are( ) 10. if they come, we _ a meeting. a. have b. will

14、 have c. had d. would have( ) 11. he _ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. a. gives b. gave c. will giving d. is going to giving( ) 12. he _ to us as soon as he gets there. a. writes b. has written c. will write d. wrote( ) 13. he _ in three days. a. coming back b. came back c. will come back

15、d. is going to coming back( ) 14. if it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating. a. isnt rain b. wont rain c. doesnt rain d. doesnt fine( ) 15. will his parents go to see the terra cotta warriors tomorrow? no, _ 不去. a. they willnt. b. they wont. c. they arent. d. they dont.( ) 16. who _ we _ swimming wit

16、h tomorrow afternoon? a. will; go b. do; go c. will; going d. shall; go( ) 17. we _ the work this way next time. a. do b. will do c. going to do d. will doing( ) 18. tomorrow he _ a kite in the open air first, and then _ boating in the park. a. will fly; will go b. will fly; goes c. is going to fly;

17、 will goes d. flies; will go( ) 19. the day after tomorrow they _ a volleyball match. a. will watching b. watches c. is watching d. is going to watch( ) 20. there _ a birthday party this sunday. a. shall be b. will be c. shall going to be d. will going to be( ) 21. they _ an english evening next sun

18、day. a. are having b. are going to have c. will having d. is going to have( ) 22. _ you _ free next sunday? a. will; are b. will; be c. do; be d. are; be( ) 23. he _ there at ten tomorrow morning. a. will b. is c. will be d. be( ) 24. _ your brother _ a magazine from the library? a. are; going to bo

19、rrow b. is; going to borrow c. will; borrows d. are; going to borrows( ) 25. shall i come again tomorrow afternoon? _ 好的. a. yes, please b. yes, you will. c. no, please. d. no, you wont.( ) 26. it _ the year of the horse next year. a. is going to be b. is going to c. will be d. will is( ) 27. _ open

20、 the window? a. will you please b. please will you c. you please d. do you ( ) 28. lets go out to play football, shall we? ok. i _. a. will coming b. be going to come c. come d. am coming( ) 29. it _ us a long time to learn english well. a. takes b. will take c. spends d. will spend( ) 30. the train

21、 _ at 11. a. going to arrive b. will be arrive c. is going to d. is arriving二、动词填空。1. i _leavein a minute. i _finishall my work before i _ leave.2. how long _ you _studyin our country?i _planto be here for about one more year.i _hopeto visit the other parts of your country.what _ you _doafter you _l

22、eavehere?i _returnhome and _geta job.3. i _betired. i _goto bed early tonight.4. marys birthday is next monday, her mother _giveher a present.5. it is very cold these days. it _snowsoon.6. _ you _behere this saturday?no. i _visitmy teacher.7. _ i _getyou a copy of todays newspaper?thank you.8. i am

23、afraid there _bea meeting this afternoon. i cant join you.9. mike _believe, notthis until he _seeit with his own eyes.10. most of us dont think their team _win. 三、句型转换。1. people in the north often go skating in winter. next winter2. there are two cinemas in that town. next year3. he comes back late.

24、in two days4. she is a conductor of a train.soon 5. li ming is ten years old.next year6. i sometimes write to my mother in the evening.tonight7. he went there by plane.some day next year 8. china is a modern and strong country.in twenty years 9. do you study hard?from now on 10. she didnt speak english at the meeting.before long【试题答案】一、单项选择。1. c 2. d 3. d 4.d 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. b 11. d 12. c 13


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