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1、. Unit1 GreetingsWords: morning(早上) afternoon(下午) evening(晚上) cat(小猫) dog(小狗) panda(熊猫) monkey(猴子)Sentences: Hi!Hello!你好! Morning! 早!Good morning! 早上好! Say hello to Teddy Bear! 和泰迪熊说“你好”! Unit2 Beginning soundsWords: Amy(艾米) apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) bamboo(竹子) bear(狗熊) cake(蛋糕) candy(棒棒糖) Cathy(凯西)Lette

2、rs: A a apple(苹果 ) B b bamboo(竹子) C c cake(蛋糕) Sentences:An apple, please! ( 请给我一个苹果!) some cake? (要一些蛋糕吗?) No! No! (不!不!)Phonics: A-apple(苹果 ) b-bear(熊) c-cat(猫)Difficulties in translation: An apple , please!(请给我一个苹果!) Some cake? (要一些蛋糕吗?)Unit3 Dog,elephant,fish and giraffeWords: duck 鸭子 dog 狗 eel鳗

3、鱼 elephant 大象 fish 鱼 frog 青蛙 girl 女孩 giraffe 长颈鹿Letters: Dd Ee Ff Gg Sentences:Look!Its a frog. Yes,it is. Hello!Welcome!Have fun! I will. Phonics: Dduck Eelephant Ffish GgirlUnit4 Find the hidden lettersWords: horse 马 hen 母鸡 house 房子 ice 冰 ice cream 冰激凌 Jacket 夹克衫 kite 风筝Letters: Hh Ii Jj KkSentenc

4、es:Its the letter K. Look at my kite! Phonics: Hhen Iice Jjacket KkiteUnit5 The falling lettersWords: lemon 柠檬 lamp 台灯 mango 芒果 nose 鼻子 house 房子 Orange 橘子 watermelon 西瓜 pineapple 菠萝Letters: Ll Mm NnSentences: This is the letter L. Please read after me ! Look!The letter L!Phonics: Llemon Mmango Nnose

5、 Unit6 Fun with lettersWords: orange 橘子 pineapple 菠萝 queen王后Letters: Oo Pp QqSentences: What is it? Its the letter Oo. Lets make an Oo.Phonics: Oorange Ppineapple QqueenUnit7 Animal funWords: rabbit 兔子 snake 蛇 turtle 乌龟Letters: Rr Ss TtSentences:Look! What are they? Theyre rabbits. What are they doi

6、ng? They are making the letter Rr.Phonics: Rrabbit Ssnake Tturtle Unit8 Play and scoreWords: umbrella 伞 vest 背心 window 窗户Letters: Uu Vv Ww Sentences:A is for Whats behind the clouds ? The rabbit is behind the clouds.Phonics: Uumbrella Vvest Wwindow Unit9 Write and colour the letters Words: fox 狐狸 yo

7、-yo 悠悠球 zebra 斑马 pencil 铅笔 brush 刷子 Paint 涂,画 eraser 橡皮Letters: Xx Yy ZzSentences:Colour itPhonics: Xfox Yyo-yo ZzebraUnit10 Lets learn the alphabetLetters: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzSentences:Lets play a game. Please find Aa. This is Aa. Aa is for

8、This is the small letter f. Come here quickly. Unit11 Meeting mew friendsWords: Bill Tom Nick Sam Pat Sue Kim MaySentences:Hello,this is Glad to meet you! Who is he? He is Who is she? She is Good morning|afternoon|evening! Unit12 What is red and What is black?Words: sheep bus kite banana dog juice f

9、lower red white black blue green orange yellow pink purple brown grey Sentences:What is? Theis Please show me something This is Unit13 Which and Where?Words: school classroom bookshop bus stop garden kindergarten Zoo park shop street farm swimming pool beach playgroundSentences:Which is a? This is a

10、 Where is the? Its here. Where are you going? Im going to Lets go together. Thats great. Unit14 How many?Words: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Sentences:How many lions can you see? I can see How many pandas are there? There are Unit15 “Word cheer”gameWords: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzSentences:Give me aananother What have you got? is for Who can rhyme the word? Yes!. Unit16 Happy New Year!Words: camera mirror jacket toy


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