



1、A. How are you?C. Help yourself!)9. _ have some chicke n?Good idea!with our frien ds. We24- -fish, vegetables and fruits (水果).What25-you? Please tell me.()16. A. fromB. comes fromC. am fromD.is fromTopic3I(.单项选择。(10 分))1.Help yourselves, kids!A. Me, too.B. Thank you.C. All right.D. Thats OK.()2. Wou

2、ld you likebanan as?Yes, please.A. a lotB. muchC. someD. lot()3.What would you like?Some milk, please.A. eat B. to eat C. drink D. to drink ( )4.What about some?Good idea!haveA. apple juice B. apple juices C. apples juice D. apples juices ( )5._ lun ch?I ofte n have chicke n_vegetables.What do youA.

3、 for; i nB. for; with)6. What s your favorite_?Jiaozi .C. to; andD. to; ofA. foodB. vegetable)7.找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。A. appleB. act)8._Rice and fish, please.C. drinkC. blackD. juiceD. fatherA. Would you like B. Do you like )10. Iam new but all my classmates are _ A. kindB. favorite完形填空。(10 分)C. Why no

4、tD. What aboutto me.C.happyD. different16Canada. I often eat a lot of food. I have breakfast at home.Hello, girls and boys! My n ame is David. I17ere. So Im in the USA now. I like18 breakfast, I eat eggs and apples. Imilk at all. I have lunch at school. The lunch20 is good. I can have21_foods for lu

5、nch. I eat chickenvegetables and oranges. Sometimes( 有时)I eat salad( 色拉)and hamburgers. I have dinner at home - 22Sometimes we 23-19 with mypare nts.B. May I take your order?D. Somethi ng to drink?()17. A. the foodB. the drinkC. the peopleD.the stude nts()18. A. AsB. HaveC. OnD.For()19. A. likeB. no

6、t likeC. don t likeD.likes()20. A. at homeB. in our schoolC. i n the homeD.in school()21. A. the sameB. sameC. differe ntD.the differe nt()22. A. toB. andC. forD.with()23. A. eat ingB. eat outC. haveD. hav ing()24. A. haveB. to eatC. hav ingD. eat ing()25. A. areB. forC. canD.aboutIV.阅读理解。(30 分)(B)D

7、ear David,How are you? I m in Beijing now. I like Beijing a lot. I have two good friends here. They are Bill and Wang Xin. Bill is from Can ada andWang Xin is from Chi na. We are in the same class. Wang Xin ofte n helps me with my Chin ese. I can speak a little Chinese now. All theteachers are kind

8、to me.I like Chinese food, like Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Hunan food. They are nice. Sometimes we eat out. Jiaozi is my favoritefood. I ofte n have jiaozi for lunch and have no odles(面条)for dinn er. I have milk and bread for breakfast. Whatmeal(每餐).But she doesn tlike chicken. Her father is f

9、rom Shandong. He doesntlike rice at all. He likes noodles andjiaozi very much. He also likes hamburgers. Her mother is from Qinhuangdao. She likes fish, vegetables and fruits(水果 ).But she doesn tlike rice or( 也不)hamburgers.根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一:36.根据句完成对话: _family has three people? _ family.任务二:选择适当的句子填到处

10、。()37. A. They like all the food.B. They like the same food.C. They like differe nt foods.任务三:按要求完成各题。38. 把句改成否定句:Han Mei_ rice_ .39. 就句中的画线部分提问:_ she like to have for every meal?任务四:选择正确答案。( )40.Which of the follow ing is NOT true?A. Han Mei likes rice very much, but her mother doesnt.B. Han Mei s

11、pare nts dont like rice.about you?根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()31. Where is Bob now?A. I n Chi na.B. I n Can ada.()32. Where is Bill from?A. Chi na.B. Ca nada.()33. Who can speak a little Chi nese now?A. Bill.B. David.()34. What is Bob s favorite food?A. Bread.B. Chicke n.()35. Which of the follow ing is TRUE?A.

12、 Bob, Bill and David are in the same class.B.All the teachers are ki nd to Bob.C. Bob has jiaozi for dinner.D. Bob has milk and hamburgers for breakfast. Han Mei is from a family of three people.C. In En gland.C. Cuba.C. Wang Xin.C. Jiaozi.Yours,BobD. I nAmerica.D. En gla nd.D. Bob.D. Noodles.(C) Ha

13、n Mei likes rice a lot. She d like to have rice for everyC. Han Mei s parents are from the same place ( 地方).D. Han Mei s father likes hamburgers, but her mother doesn t.第三部分写作 (25 分)i.词汇。(10 分)A.根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5 分)1. May I t_ your order, sir?Some hamburgers, please.2. Would you like someth ing to d_?

14、 Y es. A glass of milk, please.3. I often have b_ at 7:30 in the morning.4. Why not eat out with me?Good i_!5. A fish lives in the w_ .B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分)6. Help_ (you) , Tom !Thank you.7. Jim likes many_(kind) of Chinese food.8. He d like_ (chicken) for lunch.9. I d like two(glass) of milk.10. Would y


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