



1、仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练 习(三)一、一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答。1、一般现在时的否定句与疑问句: do 通常 用于第一,第二单复数,第三人称复数;而 does 用于第三人称单数;如: Do you like English?They don t like apples at all.Does he like Chinese?My father doesn t live in Haikou.2、情态动词的否定句与疑问句:否定句在情 态动词后加 not ,疑问句把情态动词提前。 如: He can sing this song in English. He can sing t

2、his song inEnglish.- Can he sing this song in English? - Yes, he can/No, he can t.二、重点短语和句型:1. live in +地点 / live with sb 和.一起2. May I study English with you ?3. No problem.4. be helpful/kind/friendly to5. at the English corner6. Please help us find him.7. want to do sth.=would like to do sth.8. Wha

3、t does your father do?=What is your father?=What s your father s job?9. look after10. at home/at school11. a photo of my family12. have a look13. on the sofa/on the desk14. on a farm/ in the shop15. May I take your order?16. May I help you?= Can I help you? =What can I do for you?17. Help yourself/

4、yourselves to + 食物18. What do youhave for breakfast?19. - Would you like to have dinner with me?- OK, I d love to.三、人称代词的主格与宾格:人称代词的主格在句子中当主语,宾格在句 子作动词或介词的宾语。如:I like it . (I 为主格,it 为宾格)She likes English. (she 为主语)Do they go with us? ( they 为主格 , us 为宾 格)四、 both 与 all 的异同:both “两个人都”与 all 全“部都”放在:情态

5、动词或助动词之后 ,行为动词前;如 :They are both farmers. = They both work ona farm.而 all 三“人或三人以上都 ”注意区别 ; 如:They are both teachers. 他们都是教师。 (总 数为两个人)They are all teachers. 他们都是教师。(三 人或三人以上)五、 名词所有格 名词所有格表达形式,构成在名词后加 “ ,s意思是“的”。女口:my clas smates bag; Jims grandfather“通常用于有生命的,而无生命的常用结 构of;女口:a photo of my family 一

6、张全家福 the face of the clock钟面 a map of China 一张中国地 图注意:当名词后已有s,所有格只加“ 如:我父母的相片 my parents picture ;同学们 的单车the students bikes区别:Tom and Jim s father 汤姆和吉姆的父 亲(Tom and Jim are brothers. )Tomis (father ) and Jim s fat&e 姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲六、不可数名词数量的表达milk, chicke n, bread , French fries, coke,coffee, rice, o

7、ra nge juice, fish, porridge,water, beef,等是不可数名词。 不可数名词通常没有复数形式。不可数名词通常不能直接 与具体的数词连用,如需要表示数量,应: 数词+量词 of+不可数名词,如:a cup of tea 一杯茶; three pieces of bread 三块面包;ten bottles of apple juice 十瓶橙 汁;练习:将下列词组译成英语:1、一群孩子_ 2、两箱子 苹果3、三篮子蔬菜_ 4、九块面 包5、十杯牛奶_ 6、五块肉_ 7 、多种植物8、一副眼镜9 、两块冰10、三张纸11、四瓶橘汁12、五杯茶13 、六碗米饭14

8、、七袋米15、八块木头_ 16、九块金属_七、提建议的六种说法:1. Why not do ?为什么不?2. Why don t you do 你为什么不?3. What about doing .?怎么样?4. How about doing .?如何?5. Would you liketo do:? 愿意/想.?6. Let s do -让我们干!如果同意,则回答:Yes, Id like to/Goodidea./OK/All right.如不同意,则回答:No, lets ./No, thanks练习:(一)、选择填空。()1. -Tha nk you very much-A. Wel

9、come!B. You arewelcomeC. SureD.Of course()2. My friend Billy livesChi na.A. withB. fromC.un derD. in()3.he like the En glish corn er?A. DoesB. DoC.IsD. Are()4.Do you always speak En glish_ theEn glish corner?A. inB. onC.withD. at()5 -May I know your fax n umber?A. YesB. SureC. Yes, Ido D. No, I am n

10、ot.()6. Does Bobby want_ home?( )7. Please call _ Mike. A.hisB. heC him D. her( )8 Books are helpful _ us. A.from B. on C. in D. to( )9. I have a pet, _ name isPolly. A. it sB. it C. itsD. my( )10. - Whose trousers arethey? -_ .A. They are hereB. They aregreen C. They are their D. They are theirs( )

11、11. -_ ?- He s a doctor.A . What is his nameB.What does he look likeC. What does he do D. What does he like( )12. My aunt Lisa is _ officeworker. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )13. Michael works_ a farm. Hissister works _ a factory.A. in, in B. on, on C. in, on D. on, in( )14._ he study? - In a middlesch

12、oolA. Where is B. What does C. Where doD.Where does( )15 -Come in and make yourselves at home. -_ .A. Yes B. Sure C.GoodD. Thanks( )16.Linda s aunt and uncle _workers.areD. is both( )17. -_ ?-In a factory.A. Were does he workB.Where is he fromC. What does he doD.What does he like( )18.Lisa s cat _ h

13、er hat.A. looks likeB. looks afterC.looks the sameD. looks at( )19. Those are my_ clothesA. children B. children s C. parents s D.parents ( )20.I am an_boy A. .Chinese B. Japanese C. American D.Brazilian ( )21. -_ ? -Yes, please.A. What would youlikeB. What does he looklikeC. Would you like some app

14、le juice D. Whatdoes he like( )22. I d like _A. a apple B. a breadC. a bottleof water D. two cup of tea ( )23. What would you like_ ?A .something to eat B. eat C. drinkD. to drink( )24.I have _ in the morning.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner ( )25Would you like _ milk? A.a B. an C. some D.

15、many ( )26.-Do you havebooks onChinese food? -Yes, I have_.A. some, any B. any, some C. some, someD.any, any( )27. They have _ .A. many teaB. much orangesC.much burgersD. much breadA. go B. goes C. to go D. goingA. are allB. are bothC. both( )28.-_ ? -Very good. Ilike it very much.A. What do you lik

16、e it B. How do you think of it?C. What do you think ofitD. May I help you( )29. Do you want _ an apple?A.eat B. to drink C. to have D. to like ( )30.-?_ -Good idea.A. Do you like to eat some beefB. Why nothave some riceC. What do you want to haveD. May I takeyour order(二)、根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式 填空。1.Do you

17、 like these _(kind) ofshoes?2._Would you like to have dinner with(we)?3._ Help(you ) to some fish,children.4.I d like three _ (cup) of tea.5.There _ (be) some water in thebottle.6.Is he a driver or a _ (cook)?7.Please give _ (he) some orangejuice.8.Some _ (America) live inHainan now.9._He (teach) in

18、 a school10._ (we) friend is a cook.11._ Please look at(Ann)familytree.12.Is your son a _ (work)?13._ Are there five(child)inyour family?14._ They are all_( officeworker).15._ My cousin Susan_(study) ina new school.16._Who(look) after Rose?17._He (live) in China.18._ My friend helps_ (I )with myEnglish.19._ My classmate Zhou Lan(have ) adog.20._ Do you (want) to go toBeijing?21._Does Billy(have) anyfriends in Haikou?22._ Mr Liang is our English teacher, we like_ (he) very much.23._ (them) are in the same grade.24._Thank(your) very much.(三)、按要求改写句子。(每空一词)1. He likes his pet very much.(否定句


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