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1、111How old are you?一、教学内容: Vocabulary and target.二、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 1).认读单词balloons 、candles 、presents 、cookies plates、 cups. 2).能够掌握并运用以下句子:How old are you? I'm ten. This is my brother. How old is he? He's seven. 2、能力目标:培养学生听说英语的能力。 3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语交际。三、教学重点:掌握新单词和句子。四、教学难点:presents的读音,以

2、及正确运用新单词和句子。五、教学媒体:单词卡,10支蜡烛,录音机。六、教学过程:<一>. Warming-up1、播放音乐:happy birthday!让学生跟唱。<二>. Presentation1、创设情景:(老师扮演Gogo)Today is my birthday.Look! I have many birthday presents.Can you guess what are they?2、把礼物一一出示并学习新单词:presents(拿出一些礼品,展示新单词)balloons、cookies。3、Take up the word cards for pr

3、acticing the reading of these words. 快看快说,快速展示单词卡,让学生用最快的速度说出来。4、让学生猜我的生日party上会看到什么并呈现单词:candles、plates、cups5.、游戏巩固单词。(Find the pictures, pass message, cover and guess etc.)6、设计一应聘面试情境,学生一人当公司职员,负责招聘员工。其它学生轮流应聘。见工者需回答以下问题:(其他学生试着记住他们的年龄,待会回答:How old is she/he?) “Whats your name?”“How old are you?”“

4、Can you ?” Ss:I'm .Yes/No, .(也可以小组形式进行)7、 Listen and read.8、count the candles.数字学习1-10读音。9、点蜡烛唱生日歌。<三>.Pratice1.听录音跟读。2. 看图编歌曲: e.g. one. one balloon.balloon. six six balloons balloons.one one candle candle. three three candles candles.3谈论介绍家人给同学认识:This is my brother. How old is he? He'

5、;s seven.<四>.Summary. 1、让学生回忆这节课所学:我会说/我会读2、 分角色朗读对话。<五>. Homework.1、每个单词抄两行。2、朗读Target的对话。2.完成 Activity 1: Match and say.The Second Period.1、 教学内容: Conversation Practise1.2 and Song.二、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 1)、能听懂、会说句子:How old are you? You're nine.That,s right.How is your sister? She's e

6、ight. 2)、掌握两个单词的读音:count and right. 2、能力目标:培养学生听说英语的能力及判断能力。 3、情感目标:鼓励大胆与同桌交流,团结合作大声说英语。3、 教学重点: 掌握新单词和以下句子: “How old are you? You're nine.How is your sister? She's eight.” 4、 教学难点: 正确运用新句型。5、 教学媒体: 单词图片、录音机。六、教学过程:1. Warming-up 1)、数数 2)、chant:One two three four five, once I caught a fish al

7、ive.Six seven eight nine ten, then I let it go again.Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right.Riview the new words.2. Conversations 1).设置去拜访朋友情景进行对话。朋友介绍自己的妹妹给同学认识:This is my sister.G: How old is your sister?T: Shes eight. G: How old

8、 are you, Tony? T: Count the candles. G: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Youre nine.T: Yeah, thats right.How old are you, Gogo?G: Please count.T: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Youre five.G: Yeah, thats right. 2). Play the tape and have Ss repeat. 3).把全班同学分成两大组表演对话。3.Practice 1)让学生说说自己的年龄:T: Im (age). How old are you?S1: Im (ag

9、e). 2)说说他(她)的年龄:T: How old is (S1s name)? S2: He / She is (age). 3)practice1.2listion and number.listion and answer 4). Songa) Listen and sing.b) Make new verses with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.(改编一些关于Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa的歌谣)4.Homework1)朗读对话。2)sing the song "How old are you?"3)调查家人的年龄。

10、The third period1、 教学内容: Activity2 and Alphabet.二、教学目标: 1、知识目标: 1)、能听、读字母Vv Ww Xx及读音/v/w/ks/。 2)、认读单词violin、 volleyball、 watch、 window、 box、 exercise 2、能力目标:培养学生听说英语的能力。3、 教学重点: 掌握字母和单词的读音。4、 教学难点: 字母v、w、x、的读音和exercise的读音五、教学媒体: 单词图片、录音机。六、教学过程:<一>.Warming-up. 1. Sing the song: P52 How old are

11、 you? 2. Sing the ABC song.<二>.Presentation 1.Alphabet 1) Listen, point and say. a. 把字母写在黑板上让学生认读:Vv Ww Xx b. 示范字母的发音及单词的读音:/v/ /w/ /ks/violin watch boxvolleyball window exercise c. 示范更多以所学字母开头的单词。 2) Listen and chant.Violin, watches, boxesOne violinV v vTwo watchesW w wThree boxesX x xViolin watches boxes!A. 让学生跟读歌词。B. 跟录音机唱。C. Play the tape again and have Ss chant along.<三>.Practice1. Activity 2. Count and say.1).


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