1、产品数据管理论文:基于 PDM 任务指派问题的研究及应用【中文摘要】产品数据管理(Product Data Management,PDM)是一种以企业的产品为中心,通过计算机网络和数据库等技术,对所有 描述产品的数据和与产品开发相关的过程统一进行管理的技术。近年来针对PDM技术的研究大多数是针对PDM的体系结构、 产品的数据模 型、软件系统的开发、实施方法和集成接口等,很少有论文研究 PDM 关键过程中的优化问题,其中基于 PDM 任务指派问题属于 PDM 关键过 程中优化问题中的一类问题。研究基于 PDM 任务指派问题的解决方法 可为 PDM系统核心的设计、开发提供理论和算法的支持,可为提高
2、企 业的产品设计和生产效率起到积极的意义。 本文用遗传算法的理论和 方法对 PDM 系统项目管理中设计任务的指派问题的建模和优化进行 了研究,主要工作分为三个部分:(1)建立了基于 PDM 任务指派问题的 数学模型,目标是确定最优的指派方案,使项目组的有限设计资源得 到合理利用。(2)分别从宏观和微观上改进了遗传算法,在宏观上引入 了循环策略和模拟退火算法,在微观上针对基于 PDM 任务指派问题数 学模型的特点对编码的方式、解码的规则以及遗传算子进行了改进,提出了一种间接编码的混合遗传算法,并对该混合遗传算法的染色体 编码方案、解码规则、适值函数和遗传算子等进行了详细设计。(3)在运用 Cam
3、el 函数和 Shubert 函数验证了采用循环策略的模拟退火遗 传算法性能的基础上,针对提出的间接编码的混合遗传算法,通过一 个应用实例,分析并验证了基于 PDM 任务指派问题的模型和间接编码的混合遗传算法解决该问题的有效性。【英文摘要】Product Data Ma nageme nt (PDM) is a kind of tech nology which concen trates on products of manu facturi ng enterprises. Itmanagesboth the data to describe products andthe develop
4、ing process of products based on computer n etwork anddatabase tech no log yn rece nt years there are many literatures relati ngto research of PDM tech no logy. Most of them concern on the architectureof PDM,models of product data, development of software system,implementation methodology and in teg
5、rati on in terface, etc. Theoptimizati on problems of key processes in PDM are seldom studied, forexample, research of the task assig nment problem based on PDM. Thesolutio n of the task assig nment problem in PDM may provide theoreticaland algorithmic support for kernel desig n and developme nt of
6、PDMsystem. It is meaningful for improving design and manufacturing efficiency in en terprises .In this paper, we discuss modeli ng and optimizatio nfor the desig n task assig nment problem of project managementnPDMbased on genetic algorithms. The main content in cludes threeaspects as follows:(1) A
7、mathematical model of the task assignmentproblem in PDMs established, the objective is to obta in the optimal assignment scheme and to enable the efficient allocation of limited designresources. (2)The thesis proposes two ways of macroscopic andmicroscopic respectively in order to improve the perfor
8、manee of thegenetic algorithm .In macroscopic aspect, the circular strategy andsimulated ann eali ng algorithm are in troduced, and in microscopic aspect,the en codi ng scheme, decod ing rule and gen etic operators areimproved for the mathematical model of task assig nment problem in PDM.Then, we pr
9、opose a kind of in direct hybrid gen etic algorithm. Fi nally, a kind of en codi ng scheme, decoding rule, fitness function and geneticoperators are designed in detail.(3)Based on using Camel function andthe Shubert fun cti on to test the performa nee of the simulated annealinggenetic algorithm adopting circular strategy, test was carried through anapplicati on example of the task assignment problem based on PDM.Theexperimental results show that the model and the in direct hybrid gen eticalgori
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