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1、项目可行性分析报告Project Feasibility Analysis Report记录编号: 1客户和产品介绍1Customer And Product Introduction1.1 客户联系信息 1.1Customer Contact Details客户名称Customer:联系人 Contact Person:电话Tel:传真 Fax:1.2 客户介绍 1.2Customer Introduction地理位置Location:企业性质 Company Type:员工人数 Employee No.:生产规模 Production Capacity:公司主要产品 Main Produc

2、ts:各产品市场占有率 Market Share For Every Product:其它Others:1.3产品描述1.3 Product Description产品描述Description应用领域Application Fields市场价格Market Price市场定位Market Position消费对象Consumers Description销售量预测Sales ForecastingYearYearYearYearYear1.4产品要求1.4 Product Requirement客户提供了功能图纸、总成技术条件吗?Function Drawing / Specificatio

3、ns supplied by Customer? Yes No 客户提供了参照样品吗? Samples supplied by customer? Yes No技术要求Technical:安装要求Dimension:价格要求Price:投产日期 Production Date:其它Others:1.5客户指定的特殊特性和制造能力 1.5 Special Characteristics and Manufacturing Capability Required By Customer客户指定了特殊产品和工艺特性吗?若是,请注明如下: Yes No Any special product and

4、process characteristics specified by customer? If yes, specify as follows:客户指定了制造能力(CPK值)吗?若是,请注明如下: Any manufacturing capability (CPK) specified by customer? If yes, specify as follows:Yes No 1.6交付要求 1.6 Delivery Requirements需要样品吗?Prototypes required? Yes No样品数量 Samples Qty.:样品交付时间 Date needed of s

5、amples :需要生产件鉴定(PPAP)吗? PPAP required? Yes No2市场调查与分析 2 Market Research and Analysis2.1竞争 2.1 Competition主要竞争产品 Other Productions 价格Price生产厂家Manufacture市场占有率Market Share产品描述Description2.2 市场分析 2.2 Marketing Analysis市场前景 Market Growth销售分析 Sales Analysis消费预测 Consumer Forecasting国家相关政策分析 Relevant Gover

6、nment Policy Analysis海外市场 Overseas Market其它因素 Other Issues签名/日期 Signature/Date3设计方案和初始材料表 3 Designing Proposals and BOM 下情况可忽略此章节This paragraph can be overlooked if it happens as follow:1.在没有其他技术合作或支持下无法完成此项目设计1. JSH cannot finish the project design without other technical support2.无须JSH另行开发的产品 (可采购

7、或技术转让等)2. It is not necessary to develop a new product by JSH(can be purchased or technical transferred)3.与现有产品类同3. Similar as current products4.客户提供设计方案和图纸4. Customer will supply design and drawing4产品保证能力 4 Product Assurance Capabilities Analysis 杰尚全球(总部、各分公司)或其它公司有该产品吗? Yes NoIs there this product

8、 in JESA catalog or other local or foreign filter companies?如有,则“产品保证能力分析”和“经济效益及风险分析”应考虑三种方案:If yes, the following three options shall be considered in the section of Product Assurance Capabilities Analysis and Economics and Risk Analysis:a.自制(JSH自制,所有材料/零件从国内采购);a. Make (Make in house, all parts a

9、nd materials are locally purchased);b.成品采购(从 JESA全球或其它制造商处采购成品);b. Buy (Buy finished part from AI global or other local or foreign manufacturers);c.CKD(部分材料/零件从JESA全球采购,JSH制造总成);c.CKD (Some parts/materials are purchased from JESA global, and JSH makes finished part)4.1设计能力分析 4.1 Design Capability An

10、alysis与JSH现有产品类似吗? Similar to JSH current products? Yes No有特殊设计要求吗?如有,请注明如下: Yes No Any special specification compared with AIS current products? If yes, specify:设计能力胜任吗?如不能,说明解决方案。 Yes No Is design capable? If not, provide the proposal for solving this problem.签名/日期 Signature/Date:4.2制造能力 4.2 Manuf

11、acturing Capability Analysis标准工艺流程吗?如是,则不必填写下面两栏。 Yes No Standard process flow? If yes, skip the following.有特殊工艺要求/流程吗?如有,请注明如下: Yes No Any special requirement compared with standard flow? If yes, specify:对特殊工艺,制造能力胜任吗?如胜任,提供产品的初始工艺流程图。 Yes NoIs manufacturing capable for special requirements? If yes

12、, provide preliminary process flow chart.耗费工时 Man-hour 签名/日期 Signature/Date:4.3采购能力 所有材料/外协件都可以由现有合格供应商提供吗? Yes NoCan all parts / materials be supplied by current approval vendors?所有材料/外协件都寻找到了(或可以寻找到)可靠货源吗? Yes NoMay all parts / materials be sourced effectively, or have been already sourced?签名/日期 S

13、ignature/Date:4.3Purchasing Capability Analysis4.4试验能力 所有试验项目都可以在公司进行吗? Yes No Can JSH lab do all the required test items?需要外委试验吗?Any test item to be done outside? Yes No国外其它试验室 Other Foreign Lab 国内其它试验室 Other Local Lab. 签名/日期 Signature/Date:4.4Testing Capability Analysis4.5 样品交付能力 4.5 Delivery Capa

14、bility Analysis样品交付数量 Samples Qty:样品交付时间 Date needed:主要工作项目Major Work Items预计完成时间Due Date签名Signature图纸、BOM的发放 Drawings and BOM Release生产准备(含采购、制造)Prototypes Building(Including purchasing and manufacturing)样件性能试验 Prototypes Testing根据以上对设计、制造、采购和试验能力的分析,我们能够按时交付合格样品吗?Can we deliver good prototypes on

15、time, based on above analysis on the capabilities of design, manufacturing, purchasing and testing?能 Yes 不能,其主要原因是: No, the reasons are as follows 销售经理签名/日期: Sales Manager Signature/Date:5成本分析 5 Cost Analysis附成本分析表。Cost Analysis Sheet needs to be attached.6风险分析 6 Risk Analysis开发成本及价格风险Developing cos

16、t and sales price risk投资风险 Investment risk市场风险 Market risk其它风险 Other risks7评审意见及结论 7 Review Opinions and Conclusion各部门评审意见: ( 表示“开发” 表示“放弃”)Departments Review Opinions: ( indicates DO indicates NOT DO )零件号部门评审意见方案 SchemeP/NDepartmentsReview Opinions自制Make成品采购BuyCKD销售经理Sales Manager技术部经理Engineering D


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