



1、Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls. 主备:迎 贞 i教学目标(一)知识目标:1、能熟练听说读写单词:often、clean.2、能理解并掌握句型 Do you often ? Yes,I do.No , I don' tNot really. Not very often.(二)能力目标:能够运用Do you often?的句型谈论行为和爱好. (三)情感目标:1、对自己做事的喜好程度做出正确描述。2、培养学生的合作精神和与人交流的能力。 2学情分析小学六年级学生已有一定的语言知识和语言技能,多数学生能够在老师的引导下进 行简单的英语交流。学生对一

2、般现在时的一般疑问句有所掌握,但是对often 一词的用法没有明确的认识,所以对学生来说本课内容还是有难度的。3重点难点1、能理解often,并运用句子:Do you often ?2、知道以下几种回答的区别:Yes, I do. No, I don' YNot really. Not very oft en.并会根据喜好程度做出正确的表达。4教学过程活动1【导入】热身Step 1 Warming-up( 热身 )1 、 Greeting2 、 Review :复习动词短语,然后根据图片回答What are they/is he/ is she doing? 在此学习短语watch f

3、ilms 。师做扫地动作,问生:“ Whatam I doing ? ”引出句子 I mcleaning my room. 学习单词clean 及短语 clean the roomStep 1 Warming-up( 热身 )1 、 Greeting2 、 Review :复习动词短语,然后根据图片回答What are they/is he/ is she doing? 在此学习短语watch films 。师做扫地动作,问生:“ Whatam I doing ? ”引出句子 I mcleaning my room. 学习单词clean 及短语 clean the room活动 2【讲授】学习

4、新知Step 2 New contents (学习新知)1. 学习 often , I oftenT : Do you want to now how many times I clean my room in a week? I clean my room on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, so I often clean my room. 操练 often , 并带读句子I often clean my room.2. Make sentences with “I often ”.(Showsome pictures.)3.

5、Ask a student: Do you often play with dolls? Now we re going to le arn Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls ?(板书课题)4.Askstudent: Do you often ?Yes, I do. / No, I don' t.(板书)Let the students ask and answer one by one. (p46Activity4)5. (师生互问)引出Do you often .?勺几种问答并教授Not really. Not veryoft

6、en. 师手持 read stories 卡片,请生问:Do you often read stories? 师答: Not very often. (板书)I read stories on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.I read stories three times in a week.So I do not very often read stories.Not really 教法同上。6. (生生互问)Do pairwork. Let smake a dialogue like this.A: Do you often .?B: Not really.

7、Not very often.7. Let's have a rest . Let's say the chant .Often OftenDo you often watch TV?Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Often OftenDo you often clean your room?No, I don t.No, I don t.Often OftenDo you often read stories?Not very often. Not very often.Often OftenDo you often watch films?Not really.

8、 Not really.活动 3【讲授】学习课文Step 3: New Lesson (学习课文)Now we regoing to learn Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with doll s?1.listen to the tape and find out the new words.2 .Follow the tape, think about the questions.A、Does Amy often play with dolls ?B、 Does Amy often read stories ?C、Does Amy often clea

9、n her room ?D、 Does Lingling often clean her room ?3 . Read by yourself then answer the questions.活动4【练习】巩固练习Step 4:巩固练习1 .Write a passage about yourself.师利用课件展示范例:Hello , My name is Li Yan, I am playing chess. Ilike playing chess. I often play chess. Do you often play chess.学生仿照范例完成如下练习:Hello ,My name is. I am .I like.Ioften .Do you often ?2 .Make a survey:A; Do you often ?B: Yes,I do./ No,I don' t.


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