1、Disaster Preparednessfor Your Home& Your WorkplacesPresented by Central County Fire DepartmentsServing the City of Burlingame and the Town of Hillsborough12 Steps to Disaster PreparednessMFamily PlanMSupply StorageMFirst AidMDuck, Cover & HoldMCar & Office KitMCash & DocumentsMCampin
2、g OutMWater & FoodMFocus on ChildrenMLearn not to burnMEmergency LightingMGifts of LifeLoma PrietaEarthquake1989BurlingameAMFAC HotelOakland Hills Firestorms1992Step #1Have a Family PlansLearn how to shut off utilities gas, electricity and watersPlan for family members with special needsseniors,
3、 disabled, babies, toddlers and pets sevacuationsspecial foodssmedicationssglassesslife-sustaining equipmentswheelchairs, canes and walkerssfolding wire kennelsHave a Family PlanMitigate the HazardssStrap your water heater to the studs in the wallsStrap any tall heavy furniture to the wallssInstall
4、latches on kitchen cupboardssHave a meeting place outside the homesHave an out-of-state contactsProgram 7 digit emergency numbers into cellular phonessLearn the schools policiessHave a plan for latch-key kidssHave a reunification planHave a Family PlanStep #2Store Supplies HBFlashlights & batter
5、iesStudy ShoesPortable radioWrenchFood & WaterFirst Aid KitBedding/Camping gearCooking gearPersonal SuppliesClothingStep #2Store SuppliessWhere do we store suppliessGarage, next to the doorsOutdoor shedsEasily accessible locationsHalf of the supplies should be kept in two different locationssTak
6、e First Aid TrainingsTake CPR TrainingsPurchase a First Aid KitsGet familiar with the kits contentssLearn S.T.A.R.T. Triage sPractice First Aid, CPR and TriagesMake sure your family is familiar with the location of the First Aid KitStep #3First AidStep #4Duck, Cover & HoldsLearn the SAFE spots i
7、n your home and work placesLearn the DANGER spots in your home and work placesIf youre in a. . .sHigh risesoutdoorssDrivingscrowded storesPractice home and work drills!Step #5Car & Work Place KitsWhat do you need if you are away from home to survive?sMini-earthquake kit - portablesMaps showing a
8、lternate routes homesJacket, comfortable shoes, & safety itemssWhat do you need at your workplace to survive?sMini-earthquake kit - portablesTools of the trade; a work starter kit; checklistStep #6Cash & DocumentssYou need cash and changesATMs and grocery stores may be out of ordersPay phone
9、s may work when home phones do notsDocumentssSocial security cards; birth certificates; marriage and death records; drivers license; credit cards; insurance policies; recent income tax returns; mortgage or rental receipts; employment paycheck stubs; deeds; stocks & bonds; savings & checking
10、account books, documentation of valuables; video or photos of valuables; wills, health history, recent photo of each family membersStore in fireproof box, freezer or out of stateStep #7Camping Out Earthquake StylesOutdoor CookingsB-B-Q, grill, camp stove or steno heatsFuelsPlates, cups, utensils, pa
11、per towels, pots, matches, etc.sUtensils, can openersOutdoor LivingsLighting - lanterns or flashlightssBlankets or sleeping bags and tarpssClothing for all types of weather including rainsWater, food, shovel, trash bags, personal hygiene itemsStep 8Freshen up Water & FoodsWatersChange your water
12、 once a year when you change the timesDrinking (1 gal/day each)sMedical usesCleanings3-day to 2 weeks worthsStore separately from kit in cool, dark and dry placesFoodsNonperishable foods that your family likessAvoid foods that require a lot of watersRemember dietary needssInclude baby, toddler foods
13、Include pet foods3-day to 2 weeks worthsInclude a can openerStep 9Focus on Children (dont forget Pets)s Preparation reduces stresss Discuss earthquakes and aftershockss Assemble childrens “Grab n Go Bags”s Discuss living without electricity and other utilities and living outsides Make sure your chil
14、drens school is prepareds Discuss being separateds After an earthquake, monitor family memberssDont forget your PetsStep 10Learn Not to Burns Fires may result from breaking gas lines, downed power lines, damaged wiring in appliances, toppling shelves with combustible chemicalss Have smoke detectors
15、in all roomss Have two fire extinguisherss Learn how to operate thems Have a fire evacuation plans Practice fire drillsStep 11Emergency LightingsFlashlights and batteriessLight stickssEmergency wall lighting unitsStep 12Gifts of LifesFor the holidays this year, give the Gift of Life, a life saving gift.sFire ExtinguisherssFlashlights and batteriessFirst Aid KitsEarthquake Kit San Mateo County Community Alert NetworksNotification system to provide information to citizens through email, cell phone or pagersSubscriber
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