Unit1 Topic 3 What class are you in (Section A)_第1页
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1、课题Unit1 Topic 3 What class are you in ?(Section A)课型精读课课时安排1执笔人审核人学习目标1, 复习0-10,并学习数字11-202, 学习如何询问他人的年龄、班级和年级。3重点的短语:How old,What class,in Class Four学习方法自主学习 小组合作探究 老师讲解【学习过程】一, 温故知新( 一 )用 am is are 填空1I _ Kangkang._ you Michael?2._ she Jane? Yes,she _.3 They _ from England.4.Li Lei _from Yunnan,Ch

2、en Ming and Zeng Hui _from Guizhou.(二)选词填空1_(Where/Who) is he from?He is from Canada.2._(What /Where) is your name?My name is Tom.3._(What?Who)is she? She is Maria. (三)默写出0-10_二, 新知探究。 ( 一 )你能写出11-20的单词吗?并找出它的规律吗?可以小组合作探究.。_(二)预习2a,试着解决以下问题.1.岁 _2. 8岁 _3. 我8岁 _4.多大_5.你多大了?_6.他多大了?_7.What class _8.Wh

3、at class are you in?_9.如果别人问你”What class are you in ?”你将如何作答?写在下面的横线上:_10.What grade are you in ?译成中文_如果问你,你将如何真实回答:_11通过2a的预习,你能写出一位你的好友的名片吗?Name:_Age:_Class:_Grade:_(三) 预习4a,并与2a进行对比,找出两篇对话的异同点(从人称和be上去对比)。_试着翻译下面的句子:1 她多大了? 她12岁了。_2.他在哪个班级?他在五班。_学习笔记知识拓展延伸: NameAgeFromTel.Zhong Nan40Beijing8876-5

4、342Gao Ming13Shanghai5673-6981Martin28England7342-6979根据表格内容选择正确答案。( )41. Gao Ming is from _.A. the U.S.A.B. JapanC. ChinaD. Canada( )42. Martin is _.A. Chinese(中国人)B. Japanese(日本人)C. American(美国人)D. English( )43. Is Zhong Nan from China?A. No, he is.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, he is.D. Yes, it is.( )44.

5、 How old is Zhong Nan?A. 8876-5342B. 13C. 28D. 40( )45. His telephone number is 5673-6981. Who is he?A. He is Martin.B. He is Zhong Nan.C. He is Gao Ming.D. He is 40.课后作业: 1. _ is Mary?She is five.A. WhoB. WhatC. HowD. How old2. What class are you in?Im _.A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7

6、C. class 3, grade 7D. Class 3, Grade 73. _ is he?He is my friend.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. How4 Mary and Joy are _ Class One.They are _ the U.S.A.A. from; inB. in; fromC. to; fromD. in; to5 . _Yes, Im Mike.A. Whats your name?B. What are you?C. How are you?D. Are you Mike?从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余A: Excuse

7、 me, are you Amy?B: Yes, I am. 1 A: My name is Tom. Nice to meet you.A. How are you?B. And you?C. Whats your name?D. Nice to meet you, too.E. Im in Class Two, Grade One.F. OK.G. Are you from England, too?B: 2 Where are you from?A: Im from England. 3 B: No. Im from the U.S.A.A: How old are you?B: Im

8、twelve. 4 A: Im eleven. What class are you in?B: 5 A: Oh. We are in the same class. Goodbye!B: Bye!学习后记课题Unit1 Topic3 What class are you in ?(SectionB)课型精读课课时安排1执笔人郑荣生审核人学习目标1. 学习识别单数物体2. 掌握不定冠词a 和 an 的用法。3. 学习单词的拼写的表达4. 学习如何表达感谢及应答 学习方法自主学习 小组合作探究 老师讲解【学习过程】三, 温故知新(一) 按要求完成下列句子:1.Is he Kangkang?(作出

9、肯定回答)_, _ _.2.Are you from Canada?(作出否定回答)_, _ _.3.Are Jane and Maria from the USA? (作出肯定回答)_, _ _.4.I am Li Ming(同义句)_5.They are from Cuba.(画线部分提问) _ _ they _?5. Nancy is eleven. (画线部分提问) _ _ is Nancy?(二)默写出五个元音字母:_四, 新知探究。(一)生词及词组: 你能译出下列短语吗?一张桌子:_ 一个苹果_ 一支笔_一本书_ 一个桔子_ 一个鸡蛋_一幅地图_ 一块象皮擦_ 一个玩具_小组探究:

10、同样是“一”,为什么有的用a,有的用an?_(二)根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. How do you s_ it? C-A-R, car.2. What is this i_ English? Its a desk.(三)翻译:1.这个用英语怎么说?是书._? _.2.你能把它拼出来吗?_以上作业如不能完成,请先预习1a部分.当别人向你道谢时,你应如何回答别人?_(四)预习2a,完成以下习题:1.翻译以下句子:1)这是电话机._2)那个是玩具._3)这个书吗?是的,它是._2.分析比较:This is a car.Is this a car?(作出肯定和否定回答: _,_ _ . _, _

11、_That is an orange.Is that an orange?. (作出肯定和否定回答) _,_ _ . _, _ _学习笔记知识拓展延伸: Look at (看) Li Ming. He is from Guangzhou. He is thirteen years old. Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School. He is in Class Five, Grade Eight. His telephone number is (020)7868-9688. Li Ming and Sally are friends.

12、 They are in the same class, but not the same age. She is twelve. Shes from Canada. Now Sally and her mom are in the same school. Her mom is a good teacher. Li Ming and Sally are good friends.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。46. Where is Sally from? _ 47. Is Sally thirteen years old? _48. How old is Li Ming? _49. Are

13、 Li Ming and Sally good friends? _50. Where are Li Ming and Sally now? _课后作业: 1. Whats this _ English?Its _ egg.A. to; aB. to; anC. in; anD. in; a2. Is that an orange?_. Its an apple.A. YesB. NoC. It isD. It isnt3. My mom is _ teacher. Shes _ English teacher.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; aD. an; an4. Thank

14、you._A. Youre welcome.B. Thats OK.C. Thanks.D. A and B.课题Unit1 Topic3 Section C课型精读课课时安排2执笔人郑荣生审核人学习目标1. 学习识别复数物体。2. 学习可数名词的单数和复数形式。【重点句型】1. What are these/those? They are.2. .Are these/ those .? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.学习方法自主学习 小组合作探究 老师讲解 Notes(笔记)【学习过程】五, 温故知新一)句型转换1.Is this a pen?(肯定回答) _

15、, _ _.2.Is that an egg?(否定回答)_,_ _.3.It is a desk.(一般疑问句) _?4.This is an apple.(划线部分提问) _ is this?二)选择题1.This is _ orange,that is _ car. A. an,an B.a,an C.an ,a2.Is this a blackboard? _,_ _ A.Yes,it is B.Yes,its C.No.it is六, 新知探究。一) 看图回答:1 What is this? _.2.同学们,现在这儿可不止一辆车了,你应怎么来问答呢?不知的话请预习课文1a,你会找到答

16、案的。_? _.3再试一下如何?根据以下的两幅图你能写出不一样的句子吗?Try!二预习课文2,试着翻译下列短语与句子。1一支笔_ 2.五支笔_ 3.一辆公交车_ 4.八辆公交车_5.一个箱子_ 6.三个箱子_7.这是一支笔。_.8这是5支笔。_.三能力提升:1Are these oranges?(肯定回答)_,_ _.2.Are those eggs?(否定回答) _, _ _.3.看图写句子:1)2)四小组探究:名词复数的形式有哪几种,如何变名词的复数。知识拓展延伸: 完形填空。Hello! 26 name is Li Ying. Im twelve. Im from Kunming. No

17、w Im in Beijing No.14 High School. Im 27 Class Five, Grade One. Im Number 4. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 31 Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We are in 33 same class. Now she 34 a

18、t school. I think(认为) she is at home(在家). Look(看)!That is a 35 , but it is not my book. ( )26. A. IB. MyC. YourD. Me( )27. A. fromB. toC. notD. in( )28. A. isB. areC. amD. be( )29. A. aB. anC. goodD. /( )30. A. busesB. desksC. schoolbagsD. pencils( )31. A. inB. toC. fromD. but( )32. A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. mom( )33. A. theseB. theC. anD. a( )34. A. isB. isntC. areD. arent( )35. A. eraserB. rulerC. penD. book课后作业:一、选择1Are those books? Yes, _.A. they areB. they arentC. those areD. those arent2Whats this _ English? Its _ egg.A. to; aB. to; anC. in; anD. in; a3Whats


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