1、BOOK3UNIT5I. She used to be so quiet,but now shes really coming out of her shell and_(chat)to every one.2.1can see an object moving in the_ (distant).3.1was very_ (impress)by her performanee in the exam.4. The small village _ (surro un d)by the mountains looks beautiful.5. The university held a very
2、 _ (impress)opening ceremony and all the studentswere very happy.6. A _ (mix)of things consists of several different things together.7. Earthquakes are_(extreme)difficult to predict.8. The color black is_ (tradition),associated with mourning.9. The job will take_ (approximate)three weeks.10Am ong my
3、 pen pals,two are_ (Ca nada).II.We live in a cottage,_(surro un d)by tall trees.12. The population of China is increasin _ (rapid).13. We often sit in the shade,_ (chat)about our past.14. The weather_ (permit),we will go for a picnic tomorrow.15. Her in come is_ (slight)over five thousa nd dollars a
4、 mon th.16. We were surprised at the fact_ this rich country should have so many peoplegoing hun gry.17. My brother has a gift_ play ing music.18. We managed_ (settle)down and began our lessons.19. We caught sight_ some sheep eat ing grass.20. I went to his farm,was_ heavy with fruit trees.21. The f
5、arm has_ area of twenty square kilometres, which is incharge of Mr Gree n.22. The thought_ weIgo for a holiday n ext Sun day excited us.23. We are delighted to get the ne _ our tam won the game.24. The_(mix)tastes terrible.25. The_ (appear)of my hometown has changed beyond recognition.26.1watched th
6、e train disappear in the_ (distant).27. There was frost on the groun _ (con firm)that autu mn had arrived.28. Describe_(impress)th ings duri ng your trip across Can ada.29. The (locate)of the city is very importa nt.30.1have a good frien _ (call)Mike.BOOK 4 UNIT 11. He?made?a?new?discovery?by?observ
7、ing?the?chi _ (behave).2.Im in _(support)of?your?view.3. AII?my?sweet?memories?cam _ (crowd)i n.4. There?is?a_(en terta in )park ?n ear?my?home.5. They?spent?the?whole?afternoo _ (argue)about the?problem.6. The?book?was_ (intend)for?children?under?six.7. Tak in g?her?age? into_ (con sider), she?shou
8、ld resig n from her positi on.8. Why?not_(deliver)a?speech?at?the?meet in g?9.She?was?free?from _ (sick)a nd?lived?a?happy?life.10. He?is?a _(devote) frie nd?a nd?you?ca n? rely?on him.11. _ (devote)to her carer,she had no time to relax herself.12. _ a young boy,Tom was fon _ play ing with his frie
9、nds.13.Our teacher encouraged u_ (take)part in social activities.14. _ (foun d)i n 1980,our school is famous for its excelle nt teachi ng facilities.15. My mother loves her_(educate)career.16. He is one of the_ (lead) who advocate protect ing the en vir onment.17. Jane?was?permitted_ (join)us?in?the
10、?picnic.18. Most of_ time, my?mother?leads_ busy life.19. _ (follow)their?teacher,the?childre n? walked alo ng?the?ba nk?of?the?river.20. He?found?a?place_he?lived?peacefully.21. Her?strang _(behave) caught?my?atte ntio n.22. His_ (observe)takes?up?too?much?of?his?time.23. We?asked?for?our?teache _
11、(permit)before sett in g?up?the?club.24. The?teachers_ (in spire) made?me?cheer?up.25. The?air?pollution?has?beco _ concern?fo_ public.26. Every?boy?and?gir_ (have)a n?umbrella.27. I came_ my n eighour_cha nee whe n I spe nt my holiday on the beach.28. _ made?her?popular?was?her?wisdom?and?kindness.
12、29. Everything?taken?int_(con sider),we?left?for?the airport.30. The?book_(inten d)for?childre n?sells?well.31. A medical team_ (consist) of three doctors was sent to the disaster area.BOOK 4 UNIT 21.ln some poor Africa n areas,ma ny childre n died of_ (hun gry)every year.2. The basic needs of the w
13、orld population should be_(satisfy) first.3. The rapid_ (expand)of cities can cause social and economic problems.4. We were told to keep all our sports_(equip)i n the lockers dow nstairs.5. The people there enjoy complete_(free)of speech.6. Like many_ (discover), atomic power can be used for good or
14、 evil.7. He made some_ (comme nt)about my dress,a nd the n carried on readi ng his book.8. He returned from Paris and found his office was un der some one elses_(occupy).9. My gran dmother is deaf, so every_ (disturb) eve nt flows over her.10. He was really_ by the_ problem which also_ otherpeople f
15、or a long time.(c on fuse)11.Since then , the Whites_ (keep)in touch with us by email.12._ The heavy rain madeimpossible for us to get in thewheat.13.0ver the past five decades, w_ (struggle) aga inst n atural disasters.14. The poor man died of_ (hungry).15. _ to get rid of the poverty i_ I am conce
16、rned about.16.1am_ (satisfy)with my prese nt life.17. _ (bear)into a poor family,he learned to everything he had.18. Leading a_ (comfort)life means little to him.19. The_ (disturb)problem made me upset.20. The slaves fought for_ (free)and the right vote.21. You must focus_your studies,or you will fa
17、ll behi nd.22. The road_(lead)to our village was destroyed by the flood.23. He made a lot of won derful_ (discover) in scie nee.24.1want to keep my daughter free_sick ness.25. The farmers are becomin _(rich)tha n ever before.26. How to avoid_ (damage)the en vir onment is a concern for us.27. _is a p
18、ity that you missed his won derful,performa nee.28. The teacher got us to make comments_ the article.29. We take up exercise to build_ our body.30.1want to get rid _ my bad habit which led_many problems.BOOK 4 UNIT 31. _(fortun e),the drow ning child was saved.2. He gave a_ (humour)account of their
19、trip to Spain first.3. Tom went off in one_ (direct)and Harry in another.4. He now felt ready to take on the role of_ (direct).5. The earthquake left thousa nds of people_ (home).6.Im full up. I could nt eat ano ther_ (mouth).7. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their_(bore)or difficult
20、 workis unno ticed.8. There is no convincin _ (expla in) of the overall structure of the uni verse.9. We were_(ast oni sh)that he appeared at the party.10_ (convin ce)of the truth of the reports,he told his colleagues about it.11. Im convinced_his hon esty and I believe_God.12. The disaster left the
21、 farmers even_(bad)off.13. The party was a_ (fail),in my opi nion.14.1saw a great man _ (home)people sleep ing un der the bridge.15. The electricity was cut_due_ the hurricane.16. We picked_ the best seeds for the coming year.17. He was_(wear)out after walki ng home in rain.18. A car hit him._ (unfo
22、rtun ate),he was injured badly.19.1feel content_my life and I am also satisfied_my achieveme nts.20. Up to now he_(star)i n five famous films.21. The audie nee burst int_(laugh)as soon as he appeared on the stage.22. Children_ (particular)enjoyed his funny performances.23. You should keep_ your budg
23、et and be strict_ your expense.24. The meal easily goes_ (bad)in the hot weather.25. How did your mother react_ your room which was_ a mess?26. The_ (drink)driver caused this accident.27. Whe n you have finished_ (clea n)the yard,you can go out to play.28. _ fun it is to swim in the cool river!29. _
24、 pleasa nt the climate here is!30.If you fail _ first time,youll have to try it _ second time.BOOK 4 UNIT 4 语法填空I. I? atte nded?the?meeti ng_ (represe nt)my?class.2.l?saw?my?daughter?looking?aroun _ (curious).3. With?the?winte_ (approach),the?weather?became?colder?a nd?colder.4. The?rescue?team?came
25、?_(dash)through?the?door.5. _ (ge neral)speak in g,the?weather?here? in? summer?is?mild.6. Her?comfort?put?me?at?_ (easy).7. My?mother?is?full?of_ ?(a ngry)today.8. The?soldiers?hold?the?task?of?(defe nd)our?cou ntry?agai nst?a n?en emys?attack.9. He_ (hug)his?wife?before?he?left?for?the?airport.10.
26、 My?car?is?in?good?conditio _ (fun ctio n)well.II.The frie ndly atmosphere put us al_ (ease).12._The people attacked the governmen t,full of_ (an gry).13_most cases,he kept calm,fac ing the dan ger.14. We use_(face)expressi on to show our feeli ngs.15. Body Ian guage is one of_ (power)mea ns of com
27、muni cati on.16. He is_ (true)happy today.17. Do nt _(threat)your childre n.18. The two cultures have some_ (similar).19. How about_ (take)a walk after supper?20.lt is on this beautiful isla nd _we spe nt our holidays.21. To?my?_(delighted),l?passed?the?exam?with ease.22. He?kissed?his?wife?on _ che
28、ek.23. The?first?perso_(en ter)the?classroom?was Tom.24. There?is?a_?(mis un dersta nd)betwee n? us.25. You n eed to be aware of the_(culture) differe nces.26. _ gen eral,the weather in my hometow n is pleasa nt.27. The little boy stared at the insect_ (curious).28. He seized my han _ (run )towards
29、the railway statio n.29. There are differen_ (approach)to getting close to that village.30. The way_ he expressed his thanks to me is popular.BOOK 4 UNIT 5 语法填空1. When the boy first came to the army,he saw the soldiers_ (swing)their armstogether as they marched.2. Chinas Cultural Theme Park offers i
30、ts visitors a variety of_ (amuse).3. One of the main_ (attract)of the job is the high salary.4. Cambridge is always full of_(tourism)i n the summer.5.ln front of the village runs a river 300 miles in_ (Iong).6._(admit)to the con cert costs 5.7.lt is said that the first_ (settle)of this country were
31、prisoners.8.I read the book in_ (tran slate), not in the origi nal Norwegia n.9. The coastal areas have mild wi nters,but by con trast the_(cen ter)pla ins becomeextremely cold.10. There have bee n great_ (adva nce)i n medici ne in the last ten years.11. This is the on ly bus_ runs regularly to my v
32、illage.12. Dont move anything in my room.Keep everythin _ it is.13. The little girl has a vivid_ (imag in e).14. We n eed a large amount of_ (equip).15. The_(admit)fee has gone up.16. The old house is_ repair,so we have to pull it down and rebuild it.17. He has a_ (complete )new way to attract your
33、atte nti on.18. You n eed to make preparatio ns for the trip_adva nee.19. We had _lunch break every day and duri ng the break I ofte n had_word with Mike face to face.20. Tom,as_ (good)as his classmates,is going camp ing n ext Sun day.21.lt is no_ that they look so alike.They are twins.22._There ar(
34、variety)kinds of clothes to choose from.23.lm very familiar _ this park,for l often take a walk there dusk.24. The panda is uniqu _ China.25. The beautiful mountain is a main_ (attract)for the tourists.26. The boat is modelled_ the shape of a duck.27. Here are all the books l have and you can choose
35、_in terests you.28. _you tur n left or right,you can find the park you want to go.29. Dumpli ngs are_ (traditio n)Chi nese food.30. _you do,l wont mind at all.BOOK 5 UNIT 1 语法填空I. Yesterday l missed_ (attend)the meeting in Room 101.2.Scientists found that people_ (expose)to high levels of pollutants
36、 (污染物)were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack.3. The men_ (li nk)to the case have bee n questi on ed.4. _(blame)for the breakdow n of the school computer n etwork,Alice was in low spirits.5. He has made great_ (contribute)to the world peace.6. Wha_ (con clude)ca n you draw from the discus
37、si on?7. _(absorb)i n his writi ng,the writer forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.8. They have got five victories and two_ (defeat).9. The news was_ (announce)to the public on TV.10.She arrived at 10 oclock as_ (in struct).II.lt was Tom who was_ (blame)for the broke n glass.12. The river_ (poll
38、ute)gave off a bad smell.13. This is really a_ (challenge)task for me.14. The old man suffered from a_(dead)disease.15. A cloud _dan gerous gas floated in the air.16. The doctor cured him_ his heavy cold by using new cure cold.17. The music sound _ (beauty).18.l saw her_ (absorb)i n an in teresti ng
39、 program.19. They had the handl _(remove)from the pump.20. Tom answered his teachers question with_ (certain).21. The lecture came to_end at five oclock and the n we took_ break.22. The house und _ (construct)belongs to Mr. Smith.23. He drew a_ (con clude)by doing a lot of experime nts.24. Apart _ t
40、hese apples,what else did you bay?25. He was suspected_ stealing money.26_ (expose)to much sun light does harm to your skin.27.1did nt take_ what he said.28. Mr Smith was _my idea,say ing it was not practical.29. His theory was_ (obvious)wr ong.30. A lot of problems_ (arise)whe n we rebuilt our hous
41、e.BOOK 5 U 2I. The citys bright lights, theatres , and films are_(attract)that are hard to avoid.2.lf it is_ (convenien ce)to you,I will visit yo. n ext weeke nd.3.She teleph oned Elle n, but made n _ (arran geme nt)to see her.4.1 was _ (delight)to hear the n ews of your success.5.1can find no obvio
42、us differences in the witnesses_ (description)of theaccide nt.6. The factory is well_(furnish)with moder n equipme nt.7. The team_(con sist)of eight boys won the game.8. They_ (quarrel)with each other but soon made up.9.It is_(possibility)that theres an expla nati on for all of this.10._The Chin ese
43、 gover nment has(clarify)itspositi on.II.The medical team_(con sist)of five doctors and two nu rses.12. England can be divided_ three main areas.13. Wales was_ (li nk)to En gla nd.14. We had a_ (enjoy)trip to the United Kingdom.15. The bad weather made_difficult to get in the wheat.16. The loss caus
44、ed by hurrica ne is_ (rough)estimated.17.Our city is well-known for its _ (convenient)of the transport.18. We can enjoy all kinds of art_ (collect)in this museum.19. _his credit,he is ready to help others n eed.20. _is a pity that I missed her won derful performa nee.21. He left _my name while makin
45、g a list of names.22.Sctoland and England have different_(education) systems.23._ My car broke_ on my waythe seaside.24.ln many fields,robots have take n_place of huma n beings as matter of fact.25.1want to rent a_(fur ni sh)house.26. There is n _ (possible)that he can win the match.27. You n eed to
46、 become familiar_these rules.28. He had the newspapers_ (deliver)to his door.29_ in terested me most was their won derful performa nces.30._ The objects_ show made her proud_ China.BOOK 5 UNIT 3I.Please_ (tolerate)my rude ness.2. Youd better_(faste n)y our safety belt.3. He tried to make the necessa
47、ry_ (adjust)to the new surroundings.4.1rem in ded myself_ (con sta nt)of the coming appo in tme nt.5.1left for the stati on to pick him up_(in sta nt)l received his call.6. _(absorb)i n her work,she did nt no tice what was happe ning.7. Though_(lack)m on ey,he man aged to make ends meet.8.1felt_(rel
48、ax)after pass ing the exam.9. The birds flew in all_ (direction)on hearing the shot.10. Why not_(flash)the light before taki ng the turni ng?11.1_(con sta nt)rem in ded myself of the deadli ne for the graduati on paper.12_.(worry)about my husba nds safety,I was un settled.13. The TV set took_ too mu
49、ch space of my room.14. He told me_(faste n)my safety belt before I left home.15. The poor working conditions were difficult_ (tolerate).16.1lost sight_my little son whe n I joi ned the crowd.17. Hurry up!We have little time_ (leave).18. Why not_(switch)on the light?19. _(exhaust),he dragged his leg
50、s home.20. You need to make necessary_ (adjust)to your timetable.21. _ (leave)al one at home,I felt anno yed.22. The house_ repair belong_me.It was damaged in the flood last ni ght.23. We need to speed_ if we are to get home before dark.24. The people who lost their homes in the hurrica ne will move
51、 to the ne _(settle).25. We are surprised at its_ (efficient).26. _ (absorb) in her no vel,she did nt no tice a bird flying over her head.27. The boss blamed her_ her fault and therefore she was_ low spirits.28. He was_ ordinary worker while his wife is_ extraordinary writer.29. There is no waste_ n
52、o pollution.30. Her_(expla in )was to the point and easy to un dersta nd.BOOK3 UNIT 59.approximately10.Ca nadia ns11.surr oun ded12.rapidly13.chatti ng14.permitting15.slightly 16.that 17.for 18.to settle 19. of 20. which 21.an;the 22.that23.that 24.mixture25.appeara nce26.dista nee 27.c onfirming28.the mostimpressive29 .lo cati on 30.calledBOOK4 UNIT 111. Devoted 12.As ; of 13.to take 14.Fcation 16.leade
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