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1、【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Unit 8【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13ththirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth

2、 20th twentieth21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first Learn these numbers and find out the rules:【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Can you read the

3、se numbers?2nd11th5th30th21st44th12th63rd9th18th72nd13th19th56th87th15th31st10th93rd【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件The first month of the year issecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheleventhseventheighthninthtenthtwelfthFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)

4、新目标 课件【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Read the dates:Writing(写法)写法) Reading (读法)(读法)January 1stMarch 8thAugust 2ndSeptember 10thJuly 3rdFebruary 12thOctober 20thDecember 25thJanuary the firstMarch the eighthAugust the secondSeptember the tenthJuly the thirdFebruary the twelfthOctober the twentiethDecember

5、 the twenty-fifth【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件What month is it?What date is it? Its November 25th.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件When is New years day?Its January 1st.When is Womens day?Its March 8th.When is Labours day?Its May 1st.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件When is Childrens day?Its June 1st.When is Teacher

6、s day?Its September 10th.When is Christmas day?Its December 25th.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件When is my birthday?My birthday is June twenty-ninth.When is National day?Its October 1st.Its our countrys birthday.Its in June.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Lilys birthday is July 20th.Her . LilyWhen is Lilys bir

7、thday?【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Jacks birthday is April 1st.His . JackWhen is Jacks birthday?【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件When is your birthday .?My birthday is /Its.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Names Birthday Month Date Ask your partner about his or her birthday,then fill in the table.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3

8、)新目标 课件Period 2【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Name:John MillerDate of birth:March 21stAge:15When is your birthday, John?How old are you?Its March 21st.Im fifteen.Name:William BrownDate of birth:November 12thAge:13Name:Tina JohnsonDate of birth:June 3rdAge:17【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Use your own name,age

9、,and date of birth to make a conversation: Name:Date of birth:Age:【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件A: Do you have a School day?B:Yes, we do.A:When is it?B:Its . A:Do you have an art festival?B: No, we dont.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Ask questions about our school:Yes No Month DaySchool DayArt FestivalChines

10、e ContestMusic FestivalEnglish party.【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Portfolio(个人档案个人档案) :First nameLast nameBirthdayAge TelephoneType of blood(血型血型)Favourite foodFavourite colorFavourite numbersMothers birthdayFathers birthday【最新】七年级英语上册第8单元课件(3)新目标 课件Group work:Which day/month do you like best? Why?I like September, because I like autumn(秋天秋天). We have Teachers day. And my birthday is in September. 【最新】七年级英


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