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1、Unit 3-3 ListeningHarry is on the business trip. Yesterday he was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Shanghai. 哈利正在出差。昨天他应该从旧金山飞到上海However, things didn't turn out the way they are supposed to. In fact, nothing went the way it was supposed to.然而,事情并没有按照他们应该的方式发展。事实上,没有事情会像预期的那样发展。Everything we

2、nt wrong and he didn't get on his flight. As a result, he stayed in San Francisco. 一切都出问题了,他没有上飞机。结果,他留在了旧金山。The following is summary what happen. 以下是总结所发生的事情。Yesterday he got up at usual and had breakfast. 昨天他像往常一样起床吃早饭。Everything seemed to be fine and he was looking forward to the trip. 一切似乎都很

3、好,他很期待这次旅行He was just about to check out of his hotel when he felt the pain. 他正要退房,突然感到疼痛。It was a pain on his lower back. It was a dorm pain at first, not too bad. 他腰部疼痛。一开始是宿舍疼,不算太糟。So he didn't worry about it and he checked out the hotel.所以他不用担心,他结账离开了酒店。Then he got on a shuttle bus to the ai

4、rport. 然后他上了去机场的穿梭巴士。About half way to the airport, the pain in his back started to get worse. 大约去机场的半路上,他的背痛开始加重。It was a growing pain and he was beginning to worry. 疼痛越来越大,他开始担心起来Soon it was difficult for him to sit in his seat. 很快他就很难坐下去了。The pain was getting worse. He wanted to lie down. 疼痛越来越厉害

5、了。他想躺下。He started to swear and breathe quickly. 他开始咒骂起来,呼吸急促He was in real pain then. As a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was an 8. 他当时真的很痛苦。以1到10为分值,疼痛为8分。When the bus got to the airport, the bus driver helped him to get off. 当公共汽车到达机场时,公共汽车司机帮助他下车。It was difficult for him to walk but he finally made i

6、t to the terminal. 对他来说,走路很困难,但他终于到达终点站了Inside the terminal, he went to the men's bathroom. 在终点站里,他去了男厕所He went to the toilet but that didn't help. 他去了厕所,但是没用。Instead of improving, his felt dizzy and he threw up. 他没有好转,反而头晕目眩,吐了出来。By now, he was wet from all his sweating. 到现在为止,他已经汗流浃背了。He k

7、new he couldnt get on his flight. He used his phone to call airline. 他知道他不能上飞机。他用电话给航空公司打电话。He explained the situation and cancelled his reservation. 他解释了情况,取消了预订。Then he called 911 for an emergency help. 911 is the emergency number to call for help in the United States. 然后他拨打911求救。911是美国紧急求救电话。An a

8、mbulance arrived about 10 minutes after he called. 救护车在他打电话大约10分钟后到达。By then, he was in so much pain that he could barely walk. 那时,他非常痛苦,几乎走不动了。Once inside the ambulance, they gave him oxygen to help him to breathe. 一旦进入救护车,他们给他氧气帮助他呼吸。But the pain was still terrible. Then they drove to a hospital n

9、ear the airport. 但是疼痛仍然很严重。然后他们开车去机场附近的医院。Luckily, the hospital was on his health plan. 幸运的是,医院正在制定他的健康计划。That means his health insurance is supposed to pay for everything. 这意味着他的健康保险应该支付所有的费用。Medical costs in the United States are very high. 美国的医疗费用很高。When he arrived to the hospital, he was taken t

10、o the emergency room. 当他到达医院时,他被送到急诊室。After some tests, a doctor told him he had a kidney stone. 经过一些检查,医生告诉他,他有肾结石。It was a very small stone, but it caused a lot of pain.那是一块很小的石头,但是引起了很大的疼痛。It was passing through a small tube in his body from his kidney to his bladder. 它正通过他体内的一个小管子,从肾脏进入膀胱.The pa

11、in will go away once it got to his bladder. 疼痛一旦到达他的膀胱就会消失Until then he had to get pain medicine to reduce the pain. 在那之前,他不得不服用止痛药来减轻疼痛。Harry didn't have to stay in hospital for very long. 哈利不必在医院待很久With the pain medicine, the pain went away very quickly. 用止痛药,疼痛很快就消失了He took a taxi back to his

12、 hotel and checked in for another night.他乘出租车回旅馆,登记过夜。Then he called the airline and made a reservation for another flight.然后他打电话给航空公司,预订了另一班飞机。The flight will leave tomorrow. Until then, he will just rest in his hotel. 飞机明天起飞。在那之前,他只在旅馆休息。There may be a good movie to watch.可能有一部好电影要看。 So when you&#

13、39;re traveling, please prepare for the emergencies. 所以当你旅行时,请做好应急准备。Make sure you had a medical insurance. 确保你有医疗保险。You never know when something like this can happen to you. So be prepared. 你永远不知道什么时候会发生这样的事。所以做好准备Unit 3-3 vocabularySolar energy is one of the cleanest and most plentiful sources of

14、 energy. 太阳能是最清洁和最丰富的能源之一。Solar power depends on sunlight, so in cloudy weather or at night, no power generated. 太阳能依赖于阳光,所以在阴天或晚上,没有发电。Wind energy is non-polluting but it's only useful in places where there is a lot of wind. 风能是无污染的,但是只有在风大的地方才有用。Windy turbines convert the kinetic energy by win

15、d into a mechanical power. 风力涡轮机将风能转化为机械能。Nuclear energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon gases as waste products. 核能是有效的,不会产生作为废物的碳气体。The dangerous of nuclear power included deadly radioactive waste products. 核能的危险包括致命的放射性废物。A major source of energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels

16、 such as coal and oil. 一个主要的能源来自燃烧化石燃料,如煤和石油。When we burn the fossil fuels, waste gases such as CO2 are produced.当我们燃烧化石燃料时,会产生二氧化碳等废气。Fossil fuss remain the large sources of energy from most counties. 大惊小怪的化石仍然是大多数国家的主要能源。Hydro power comes the kinetic energy of falling water. 水力发电是落水的动能。Output is r

17、eliable and can be regularly to meet the demand except during the period of drought. 除干旱期外,产量可靠,可定期满足需求。Dams are expensive to build and affect wildlife such as fish. 水坝的建造成本很高,对鱼类等野生动物也有影响。Here are different types of words in English. 以下是英语中不同类型的单词。Words that are nouns and pronouns are used to repre

18、sent objects. 作为名词和代词的词用来表示对象。A noun or a pronoun can be a person, an animal or a thing including an idea. 名词或代词可以是人、动物或包括思想的东西。Verbs are used to express action such as to sit down or stand up. 动词用来表示坐下或站起来的动作。We also use verbs to express relationships such as to love someone or to own something. 我们

19、也用动词来表达关系,比如爱某人或拥有某物.We use adjective to describe objects such as a tall building. 我们用形容词来形容高楼这样的物体。Adjective are used with noun or pronoun but not used with verbs. 形容词与名词或代词一起使用,但不与动词一起使用。We use adverb to describe actions such as to run fast or to walk slowly. 我们用副词来形容跑得快或走得慢的动作。Adverbs express the

20、 quality of an action such as how well or poorly something is gone. 副词表示动作的性质,比如某物消失的好坏。We use conjunctions to connect things or actions such as to read and write. 我们使用连词连接事物或动作,例如读和写。Conjunctions include words such as and, or, because, but and yet. 连词包括诸如and,or,because ,but 和yet。Unit 3-3 dialogueHe

21、y, Ive got some news, some good news and some bad news. 嘿,我有一些消息,一些好消息和一些坏消息。Ok, give me the bad news first. 好的,先告诉我坏消息。We were moving to a new office. 我们正要搬到一个新办公室。When was this going to happen?这事什么时候发生?We were supposed to move at the end of next month. 我们本应在下个月底搬家。How far away is the new office?新办

22、公室有多远?We are not sure yet but we will mean a longer commute for most of us. 我们还不确定,但是对大多数人来说,我们的通勤时间会更长。The new office will probably be on the other side of the city. 新办公室可能在城市的另一边。The commute is already too long for me and Im not going to change flats. We just brought one. 通勤对我来说已经太长了,我不打算换公寓。我们只带了

23、一件。Anyway. Whats the good news.不管怎样。好消息是什么?The good news is that is going to expand. The company is growing so we're going to hire more people. 好消息是这种情况将会扩大。公司正在成长,所以我们要雇佣更多的人。Well, Ive got some news for you too. 嗯,我也有一些消息要告诉你。I hope its good news. 我希望这是好消息。Well, that depends on your points of y

24、ou. 那要看你的观点了。I'm planning to start my own business. 我打算自己创业。Why, I thought you were happy working here? 为什么,我以为你在这里工作很开心?I like to work but Im not learning anything new. 我喜欢工作,但是我没有学到任何新东西。I think I can do better on my own.我想我自己可以做得更好。I was planning to wait a few months. But now that the office

25、is moving, Im already to make the change. 我打算等几个月。但现在办公室搬家了,我已经改变了。Why is your wife think?你妻子为什么这么想?She is in favor of it and she'll hope me. She's already designing a website. 她赞成,她会希望我的。她已经在设计一个网站了。We'll work from home first. 我们先在家工作。So you really are serious about this. You are taking

26、 a big risk. 所以你真的很认真。你冒了很大的风险。Most new businesses fail. 大多数新企业都倒闭了。Yes, I know. But if I dont do it now, I will never know it. 是的,我知道。但如果我现在不做,我永远不会知道。Im tired of working for others.我厌倦了为别人工作。I know what you meet. 我知道你遇到了什么Dont tell anyone about this ok?不要把这件事告诉任何人好吗?It's still a secret. 这仍然是个秘

27、密。Sure, I wont say anything to anybody. 当然,我不会对任何人说什么。Im sure this will come with kinds of surprise for anyone. 我确信这会给任何人带来惊喜。Im sure changing offices will also come with surprises to people. 我相信换办公室也会给人们带来惊喜。This is exactly why I want to work on my own. I dont like this kind of surprises. 这就是我想自己工作

28、的原因。我不喜欢这种惊喜。You're right about that. When are you going to let people know?你说得对。你打算什么时候让人们知道?Ill make the announcement at the beginning of next month. 我将在下月初宣布。Unit 3-4 ListeningLeonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest geniuses of all time. 达芬奇是有史以来最伟大的天才之一。He was a painter, an architect, an en

29、gineer and a scientist. 他是一位画家、建筑师、工程师和科学家。He was born in Vinci, Italy in 1452. 他1452年出生于意大利的文西。Vinci is a town just outside of the great Italian city, Florence. 芬奇是意大利大城市佛罗伦萨外的一个小镇。His name Da Vinci means a Vinci. 他叫达芬奇意思是一个芬奇。Leonardo's father was lawyer and landowner and his mother was a peas

30、ant. 列奥纳多的父亲是律师和地主,母亲是农民。Leonardo's parents were never married to each other. 列奥纳多的父母从未结婚。Leonardo lived with his mother until he was around 5 years old. 列奥纳多和他母亲住在一起,直到他5岁左右。When he was 5, he moved into the home of his father. 当他5岁时,他搬进了他父亲的家。By then, his father had married a 16-year-old girl.

31、到那时,他的父亲已经娶了一个16岁的女孩。Leonardos mother married with other person and moved to another town. 列奥纳多的母亲嫁给了另一个人,搬到了另一个城镇。She had many more children after that with several men. 之后她和几个男人生了更多的孩子。In the end, Leonardo had more than 15 half-sisters or brothers. 最后,列奥纳多有超过15个同父异母的兄弟姐妹。As a young man, Da Vinci d

32、idn't go to school. 作为一个年轻人,达芬奇没有上学。He was educated at home at reading, writing and mathematics. 他在家里接受了阅读、写作和数学的教育。In other subjects, he was mostly self-educated. 在其他学科中,他大多是自学的。He had access to books at his fathers home. 他可以在他父亲的家里看书。Leonardo spent a lot of time outdoors and developed a strong

33、 interest in nature. 列奥纳多多花了很多时间在户外,对大自然产生了浓厚的兴趣。He loved to observe things especially birds. 他喜欢观察事物,特别是鸟类。He was also interested in the properties of water. 他对水的性质也很感兴趣。Leonardo's early drawings are paintings demonstrated a rare talent. 列奥纳多早期的绘画表现出罕见的天赋。His father and his father's friends

34、 recognized his talent and encouraged him. 他的父亲和父亲的朋友们认识到他的才能,并鼓励他。When he was 15, he was sent to Florence. 他15岁时被送到佛罗伦萨。In Florence, he became an apprentice to a famous master painter. 在佛罗伦萨,他成了一位著名画家的学徒。For the next few years, Leonardo worked at his master's workshop. 在接下来的几年里,列奥纳多在他的大师工作室工作。I

35、t wasn't long before his ability surpassed that of his master. 不久,他的能力就超过了他的主人。Some people said that his master became jealous of Leonardo's great talent. 有人说他的主人嫉妒列奥纳多的天才.They said the master vowed(发誓) and never painted again. 他们说大师发了誓,从此再也不作画了。In 1478, with his fathers help, Leonardo set u

36、p his own workshop.1478年,在父亲的帮助下,列奥纳多建立了自己的工作室。In 1482, he entered the service of powerful man in the city of Milan. 1482年,他开始在米兰为一个有权势的人服务This man was the Duke of Milan. For the next few years, Leonardo designed buildings, machineries and weapons of war. 这个人是米兰公爵。在接下来的几年里,列奥纳多设计了建筑、机械和战争武器。Weapons

37、were important, because Italy was constantly at war during this period.武器是很重要的,因为意大利在这一时期经常处于战争状态。From 1485 to 1490, Leonardo produced designs for a variety of weapons. 从1485年到1490年,列奥纳多设计了各种武器。In his notes, he predicted the development of advanced weapons such as submarines and flying machines. 在他的

38、笔记中,他预言了先进武器的发展,如潜艇和飞行器。In 1499, the French invaded Italy and Leonardo left Milan. Altogether, Leonardo spent 17 years in Milan. During this period, he spent much of his time studying nature. 1499年,法国入侵意大利,列奥纳多离开米兰。列奥纳多总共在米兰呆了17年。在这段时间里,他花了很多时间研究自然。He dissected(解剖) bodies both human and animal to st

39、udy or illustrate anatomy(解剖). his detailed illustrations are masterpieces Leonardo filled many notebooks with drawings and ideas. 他解剖人和动物的身体来研究或说明解剖学。他的详细插图是列奥纳多的杰作,许多笔记本上都有图画和想法。He wrote backwards so he need a mirror to read them. 他倒着写所以他需要一面镜子来读。After 15 hundred, Leonardo spent times in a number

40、of Italian cities.一千五百多年后,列奥纳多在许多意大利城市度过了时光。He worked very slowly and the range of interests was very wide. 他工作很慢,兴趣范围很广。As a result, Leonardo left many paintings and projects unfinished.因此,列奥纳多留下了许多未完成的绘画和项目。One painting that he did finish, was the Mona Lisa, one of world's most famous painting

41、s. 他完成的一幅画是蒙娜丽莎,世界上最著名的画之一。People are still interested in this painting 500 years after he painted it. 他画了这幅画500年后,人们仍然对它感兴趣。Thought there are many theories, nobody knows who the woman in the painting really was. 虽然有很多理论,但没人知道画中的女人到底是谁。In 1516, Leonardo left Italy for good when the French King, Fran

42、cis the first, offered him a position. 1516年,当法国国王弗朗西斯第一次提出给列奥纳多一个职位时,列奥纳多永远离开了意大利。There, he had the freedom and draw whatever he wanted. 在那里,他有自由,可以随心所欲地画画。Leonardo died in 1519 at the age of 67. Some said that the French King, who had become a close friend was with him when he died. 莱昂纳多死于1519年,享年

43、67岁。有人说,当法国国王去世时,他已经成为他的密友。He was buried in the church which was destroyed during the French revolution. 他被埋在法国大革命期间被毁的教堂里。The exact location of his remains is unknown. 他的遗体的确切位置尚不清楚。Unit 3-4 vocabularyWaste water and carbon gases from farm animal are bad for the environment. 来自农场动物的废水和碳气体对环境有害。Anim

44、al wastes and other chemicals flow into the ground and pollute water supplies.动物粪便和其他化学物质流入地下,污染水源。Exhausted gases from automobile are a major cause for air pollution and global warming. 汽车尾气是造成大气污染和全球变暖的主要原因。As a result, many companies are trying to produce more efficient and cleaner cars. 因此,许多公司都

45、在努力生产更高效、更清洁的汽车。Pesticides and fertilizers are used by farmers to grow crops such as foods and vegetables. 农民们用杀虫剂和化肥来种植诸如食物和蔬菜之类的作物。These chemicals pollute water supply when it flows to the ground and rivers. 这些化学物质在流入地下和河流时会污染水源。Factories like this one, allow harmful chemicals to get into the air

46、or water. 像这样的工厂,允许有害化学物质进入空气或水中。Companies need to try harder to protect the environment and our health. 公司需要更加努力地保护环境和我们的健康。Nuclear waste products are radioactive and can pollute the environment for thousands of years. 核废料具有放射性,能污染环境数千年。They need to be safely transported and stored in the safe plac

47、e. 它们需要安全运输并存放在安全的地方。Unit 3-4 vocabularyThe British writer, Jame, was born in England in 1775, 1 of 7 children. 英国作家詹姆1775年生于英国,他是7个孩子中的1个。She wrote some of most popular love stories of all time. 她写了一些有史以来最受欢迎的爱情故事。One of most famous female rulers in the history, has affair with j and later with Mar

48、k. 历史上最著名的女性统治者之一,与J有染,后来又与马克有染。She was known for her great beauty and charming voice. 她以美丽动人的嗓音而闻名。Born 1756, Mozart composed and performed some of worlds greatest classical music. 莫扎特生于1756年,创作并演奏了世界上最伟大的古典音乐。He was youngest of 7 children and by the age of 5, he was already composing music. 他是7个孩子

49、中最小的,到了5岁,他已经在创作音乐了The sun of the king, Alexander the Great, was a military leader who created one of the largest empires in the ancient world. 国王的太阳,亚历山大大帝,是一个军事领袖谁创造了一个最大的帝国在古代世界。As a youth, Alexander was taught by the Greek philosophy, Aristotle. 年轻时,亚历山大被希腊哲学亚里士多德教导。Mahatma Gandhi was 20th centu

50、ry leader who used non-violence resistances to led India to independence. 圣雄甘地是20世纪的领导人,他利用非暴力抵抗来领导印度独立。Gandhi dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth. 甘地一生致力于追求真理。Unit 3-4 dialogueI'd like to speak to Mr. Bennett please. 我想和班纳特先生通话。I'm sorry but hes not here right now. would you want to

51、leave a voice message?对不起,他现在不在。你想留个语音留言吗?It's urgent that I speak with him. Its an emergency. 我有急事要跟他谈。这是一个紧急情况。Oh, I see. What kind of emergency?哦,我明白了。什么紧急情况?It's very personal so I cant give you any details. 这是非常隐私的,所以我不能给你任何细节。Without more details, I'm afraid I can't give you his number. Give me your number, and I'll let him know about your call. Then he'll call you back and would that be ok?如果没有更多的细节,恐怕我不能告诉你他的


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