1、1高考英语模拟试卷(十)班级 _学号 _ 姓名 _ 得分_第I卷(共105分)I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of eachconversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken onlyonce. A
2、fter you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decidewhich one is the best answer to the question you have heard.( ) 1. A. Japan B. ItalyC. Australia D. EgyptC. Tentimes ( ) 3. A. At s paint storeC. At a science museum ( ) 4.A. Work in the y
3、ard.C. Tell the man away.( ) 5. A. Go to work in a hurryC. Tell the man away( ) 6. A. The man expects Mary to accept a reduced salary.B. The woman disagrees with the man.C. The boss notified Mary that she s been fired.D. Mary will be changing jobs soon.( ) 7. A. She doesn t spend much time with her
4、friends.B. She doesnt like her new school.C. She has adapted easily to her new school.D. She spends most of her free time at school.( ) 8. A. He bought a lot of food for his brother.B. His brother helped him clean the fridge.C. He went out to eat with his brother. D. His brother ate up the food in t
5、he fridge.( ) 9. A. Review the details of all her lessons.B. Compare notes with his classmates.C. Talk with her about his learning problems. D. Focus on the main points of her lectures.( ) 10. A. The man blamed the woman for being careless.B. The man misunderstood the woman s apology.C. The woman of
6、fered to pay for the man s coffee. D. The woman split coffee on the man s jacket.Section BDirections:In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of thepassages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hea
7、r a question, readthe four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you haveheard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.()11. A. In order to show she was familiar with the city.B. In order to see some places for the last time.C
8、. In order to let the driver earn more mon ey.D. In order to reach the destination on time.( ) 2. A. Four timesB. Five times.D.FourteenD. At a galleryB. Buy some food.D. Buy some wood.B. Cooperate with the manD. Ask for help.2()12. A. Because he wan ted to do her a favor.B. Because he shut off the m
9、eter by mistake.C. Because he had received her payme nt in adva nee.D. Because he was in a hurry to take other passe ngers.()13. A. Giving is always a pleasure.B. People should respect each other.C. An act of kindn ess can bring people great joy.D. People should learn to appreciate othersconcern.Que
10、stions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.()14. A. Footpri nts.B. Food.C. Livi ng in sects.D. Orange seed.()15. A. Don ttouch animals under any circumstances.B. Don tke away any natural objects from the park.C. Donleave litter in the park or throw any off the boat.D. Dontransport anima
11、ls from one island to another.()16. A. To protect the guide sinterest.B. To improve the unique en vir onment.C. To en sure a trouble free visit.D. To get rid of illegal behaviors.Section CDirections:In Secti on C, you will hear two Ion ger con versatio ns. The con versatio ns will be read twice. Aft
12、er youhear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversationComplete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.The caller is arriv ing at Sunny side 17._ on 18._.What she has reserved is
13、a 19._ room for two.It costs her 20._ in all.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversationComplete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.What is the latest n ews in that area?21.have bee n killed.Which organization has sent troops to22.has.maintain peace?What do we h
14、ope to preve nt?We hope to preve nt 23.each other.What is going to be done in order to solve theproblem?An 24.is going to be held soon.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:Ben eath each of the follow ing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one3an swer that bes
15、t completes the sentence.()25. We had a pic nic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lethave_ one this mon th.A. the otherB. someC. ano therD. other()26. This new model of car is so expe nsive that it is_ the reach of those with average in come.A. overB. with inC. bey ondD. below()27. A warm though
16、t sudde nly came to me_ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowersfor my motherbirthday.A. ifB. whe nC. thatD. which()28.I donsuppose the police know who did it.-Well, surpris in gly they do. A man has bee n arrested and_ now.A. has bee n questi onedB. is being questi onedC. is questi oningD.
17、has questi oned()29. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students_ Chinese in the school, most_were from Germa ny.A. study; of whomB. study; of themC. study ing; of themD. study ing; of whom()30. I just won der_ that makes him so excited.A. why it doesB. what he doesC. how it isD. what it is
18、()31.1_along the street look ing for a place to park whe n the accide nt_ .A. went; was occurri ngB. went; occurredC. was going; occurredD. was going; had occurred()32.Did you enjoy yourself at the party?-Yes. Ive never been to_ one before.A. a more excitedB. the most excitedC. a more excit ingD. th
19、e most excit ing()33. So difficult_it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.A. I did findB. did I findC. I have foundD. have I found()34. As the busiest woma n in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peopleaffairs in that tow n.A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it()35.
20、 My cous in came to see me from the coun try,_me a full basket of fresh fruits.A. broughtB. bringingC. to bringD. had brought()36. You canhave this football back_ you promise not to kick it at my cat aga in, ” the old mansaid firmly.A. becauseB. sinceC. whe nD. un til()37. The water_ cool whe n I jo
21、 ined into the pool for morning exercise.A. was feltB. is feltC. feltD. feels()38. Most of what has bee n said about the Smiths_ also true of the Joh nsons.A. areB. isC. beingD. to be()39. - Is Jack on duty today?-It_be him. It his turn tomorrow.A. mustnB. won C. cantD. needn()40. The wild flowers l
22、ooked like a soft orange bla nket_the desert.A. coveri ngB. coveredC. coverD. to cover4Section BDirections:Complete the follow ing passage by the words in the bar. Each word can only be used once. Note thatthere is one word more tha n you n eed.A. accessB. popularC. adva ntagesD. desiredE. available
23、F. in volvedG. wirelessH. i nformatio nI. restricti onsJ. offeri ngsMany traditional and mid-career adults are now choosing to pursue the lively educational options available online.The _ 41_ of e-learning are many. As people of all ages and backgrounds become increasinglyrelia nt on the Internet fo
24、r_42_ , on li ne lear ning becomes more convenient and efficie nt. The skills n eededto _ 43_ and comprehe nd in formati on on li ne are beco ming com mon place, and the flexibilityof_44_comput ing means that any coffee shop, airport or bedroom can become a classroom. On li ne courseshave a few, if
25、any, scheduling _45_, well-integrated learning resources and competitive degree options.Some of the nation most esteemed universities have joined Iong-time distanee learning institutions like Uni versity ofPhoe nix and America n Intern ati onal Un iversity with on li ne degree_46_of their own.The ch
26、a nging on li ne college Ian dscape now in cludes traditi onal un dergraduate and gen eral studies programs.However, career-lear ning is still the most_ 47_ on li ne trai ning opti on. Moder n, n et-savvy stude nts knowthat the computer, bus in ess, legal and medical training offered by the best on
27、li ne lear ning in stituti ons will give thema competitive edge in their _48_ profession. If you re interested in expanding your personal andprofessi onal horiz ons, research the many on li ne schools_ 49_ . The career of your dream could be just aclick away.41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46._ 47._ 48._ 49
28、._III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each bla nket in the follow ing passage there are four words or phases marked A, B, C and D. Fillin each bla nk with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.Is the world really going mad? The other day I was sitt ing in a small restaura nt_
29、50_a quiet drinkand a talk with a few frien ds, whe n it sudde nly_51_ me that almost every one in the restaura nt wassmok ing. It was nt long _ 52_ the whole room was filled with smoke. I asked with an apology forpermissi on to ope n a window to stop myself_ 53_!Nowadays air polluti on is someth in
30、g that we hardly questi on any more. However, I still can walk dow n thestreets in any of the big cities without_54_ that people are sufferi ng from the air polluti on. It is time forthe government departments to introduce emission controls on all cars and_ 55_ the public transportsystem to en coura
31、ge people to_56_their cars at home. A friend of mine takes flying each morning andit really makes him_57_whe n he climbs above the smog layer and looks dow n_ 58_it andthinks: Im breathing that! ” This kind of_ 59_results from the bad management of resources. Wastethings can,_ 60_ should be treated
32、properly.House building, road construction and industrial development are all earth moving (or earth reducing) operationsand can change the balances of _ 61_ created over millions of years. I would like to_ 62_ serious studies done on all these main works before they are built. Also, there should be
33、 63 nationalpars set up to keep beautiful parts of our countries in their natural _ 64_.() 50. A. haveB. hadC. havingD. have had() 51. A. seemedB. struckC. sankD. showed() 52. A. agoB. afterC. beforeD. now() 53. A. standingB. sittingC. beforeD. dying5() 54. A. thinkingB. persuadingC. decidingD. lear
34、ning() 55. A. increaseB. reduceC. improveD. raise() 56. A. washB. repairC. driveD. leave() 57. A. sickB. tiredC. foolishD. excited() 58. A. onB. intoC. fromD. for() 59. A. discussion B. questionC. pollutionD. operation() 60. A. butB. yetC. stillD. and() 61. A. lifeB. mindC. human beingD. plants() 62
35、. A. seeB. startC. enjoyD. pay() 63. A. fewB. anyC. moreD. no() 64. A. situationsB. statesC. soilsD. placesSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choos
36、e the one that fits best according tothe information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Catherine Destivelle is a rock star. She loves rock, but she cansting or play the guitar! She is a rock climber and abig star in France and Italy. She is the most famous woman climber in the world because
37、 she often climbs without ropes.She climbs in many countries but most often in the French Alps near Chamonix, where she lives. She started climbingnear her home in Paris when she was five. Then, at fourteen, she joined the French Alpine Club to learn more, butimmediately she climbed better and more
38、quickly than the older members of the club. She won her first competition inItaly in 1995.Three years ago she found a new route up the Dru Mountain near Chamonix. The climb took eleven days and forfour days the snow was so heavy that she could not move. Last year other climbers tried to follow the n
39、ew DestivelleRoute, but they failed. They are going to try again this year.People always ask her about her climbing. She says,“Iclimb because Im in love with mountains. I like touchingthe rock and reading the face of the rock. I like it a lot. I felt at home on the side of a mountain. I prepare well
40、 before I go,so Im never worried.”Catherine chooses new mountains from bookslike buying from a shopping catalogue!“Isee a nice mountainand I go to climb it!”Her next mountain is in Pakistan. She is going there next month.“Its much bigger than the Dru, soits going to take longer to climb. An American
41、 climber, Jeff Lowe, is coming with me to help.”( ) 65. CatherineDestivelle is called“a star”because _ .A. she won a competition in 1995B.she loves rocksC.shes a famous woman climberD.she found a new route up to the Dru Mountain( ) 66. She had great trouble finding a new route up the Dru Mountain be
42、cause _.A. she lost her wayB. the climb took 11 daysC. she needed help from an American climberD. there was heavy snow( ) 67. On the side of a mountain she feels _.A. worried B. easy and happyC. like staying in the air D. healthy( ) 68. We can infer from the passage people often ask her “ _ ”6A. Why
43、 do you like climbing?B. Are you in love with an American climber?C. Do you enjoy reading books on mountains?D. What do you do before you go climbing?(B)The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone. Enter the Red Hat Society a group holding the belief that old
44、ladies should have fun.“My grandmothers didndto anything but keep house and serve everybody. They were programmed to dothat,”said Emils Comette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society. While men have long spent their timefishing and playing golf., women have sometimes seemed to become u
45、nnoticed as they age. But the generation nowturning 50 is the baby boomers ( 生育高峰期出生的人 ), and the same people who refused their parentsway of beingyoung are now trying a new way of growing old.If you take into consideration feminism ( 女权主义 ), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly,
46、 theRed Hat Society looks almost inevitable. In this society, women over 50 wear red hats and purple clothes, while thewomen under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins: “When I am an old woman, I shall wearpurple. With a r
47、ed hat which doesn tgo, ”said Ellen Cooper, who founded the Red Hat Society in 1998. When theladies started to wear the red hats, they attracted lots of attention.“The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else,”Cooper said. “Womenfeel so ashamed and sorry when
48、 they do something for themselves.” This is why chapters are discouraged fromraising money or doing anything useful. “Were a ladiesplay group. It couldn t be more simple. ”added Coopersassistant Joe Heywood.( ) 69. The underlined word “chapter”in paragraph 2 means _ .A. one branch of an organization
49、B. a written agreement of a clubC. one part of a collection of poemsD. a period in a society s history( ) 70. From the text, we know that the “baby boomers ”are a group of people who _.A. have gradually become more noticeableB. are worried about getting old too quicklyC. are enjoying a good life wit
50、h plenty of money to spendD. tried living a different life from their parents when they were young ( ) 71. It could be inferred from the textthat members of the Red Hat Society are _.A. interested in raising money for social workB. programmers who can plan well for their futureC. believers in equali
51、ty between men and womenD. good at cooking big meals and taking care of others(C)In the more and more competitive service industry, it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction.Today, customer “delight ”is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share.It
52、is accepted in the marketing industry, and confirmed by a number of researchers, that customers receiving goodservice will promote business by telling up to 12 other people; those treated badly tell tales of woe to up to 20 people.Interestingly, 80 percent of people who feel their complaints are han
53、dled fairly will stay loyal.New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone callcenters and the Internet. For example, many companies now have to invest a lot of money in information technology andstaff training in order to cope with the “phone
54、rage ” caused by delays in answering calls, being cut off in7mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.“Many people do not like talking to machines,” says Dr. Storey, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at City UniversityBusiness School. “ Bank,sfor example, encourage staff at call centers to use c
55、ustomer data to establish instant andgood relationship with them. The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust them the sortof comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager.”Recommended ways of creating customer delight includ
56、e: under-promising and over-delivering (saying that arepair will be carried out within five hours, but getting it done within two); replacing a faulty product immediately; throwingin a gift voucher ( 购物礼券 ) as an unexpected “thank you ”to regular customers; and always returning calls, evenwhen they
57、are complaints.Aiming for customer delight is all very well, but if services do not reach the high level promised, disappointment orworse will be the result. This can be eased by offering an apology and an explanation of why the service did not meetusual standards with empathy (for example,“Iknow ho
58、w you must feel”), and possible solutions (replacement,compensation or whatever fairness suggests best meets the case).Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care. Fierce competition has convinced them thatdelighting passengers is an important marketing tool, while there is grea
59、t potential for customer anger over delayscaused by weather, unclaimed luggage and technical problems.For British Airways staff, a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls aboutbookings and flight times. They are trained to answer quickly, with their names, j
60、ob title and a “we are here tohelp ”attitude. The company has invested heavily in information technology to make sure that information is availableinstantly on screen.British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regardeach other as custo
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