



1、新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson2527新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson251.hard n. 手; 钟表 ) 指针 ; 雇员 ; 帮助 give sb.a hand 给帮忙例句: I m moving to a new place tomorrow. Could you possibly give me a hand?我明天要搬到一个新地方。你能帮我个忙吗?1.A:These boxes are too heavy for me to move.A: 这些盒子太重了,我搬不动。B:Here, Ill give you a hand with them.B: 我来帮你。2.A:Ho

2、w can I get all of this data put into the computer on time?A: 我怎么能准时把这些数据输到电脑里呢?B:You could ask Mary to give you a hand.B: 你可以让玛丽帮帮你。2.paper n.纸,信纸a sheet paper一张纸例句: The place of the book was marked by a sheet of paper.书上的这个地方有一张纸做标记。3.studyn.书房 ; 学习 ; 研究 ; 研究报告 vt.学习,读书 ;研究study lounge学生的自习室A:Jane

3、 told me she d meet me here at the libraryreference desk at one o clock. But she hasn t shown up yet.A: 简告诉我她 1 点钟会在图书馆的参考书服务台等我的,可是她还没有来。B:Oh, I justsaw her upstairsin the 3rd floorstudylounge. She said shed been expecting you at 12:30.B: 噢,我刚在三楼的自习室看到她,她说她12 点半等你的。新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson261.across Pre

4、p.1.横过,穿过2. 在的对面3. 交叉4. 经过across the经过 (by route of, by way of, through)例句: 1.The only access to the park is across thebridge.这座桥是通向公园的必经之道。2.Flyingacross the Atlanticforthe firsttime wasa courageous achievement.首次飞越大西洋是英勇的伟绩。2.last adj. 最后的,最终 ; 最近过去的 adv. 最后头 ; 上一次 n. 最后的人 ( 或事 )vt. 延续,持续存在 ; 保持良好

5、状态;活过the last week of classesperiod考试那一周 )上课最后一周( 对照exam例句: Let s ask professor Brown if she can give us the final exam during the last week of classes.我们问问布朗教授看看她能否在我们最后一周上课的时候进行期末考试。the last.(that)最不愿 .(sth. that one is leastwilling to.)例句: 1.Mike is the last person I want to see inthe world.迈克是我最

6、不愿意见的人。2.Washington Post is the last newspaper I wish tobuy.华盛顿邮报是我最不愿意买的报纸。the last,这是一个否定句式,它的构成通常是thelast加上一个定语从句,表达最不要做的事。例句: You are the last person I want to see.你是我最不想见的人。A:I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.A: 我认为保罗能帮我解决这一计算机程序问题。B:Paul is about the last

7、 penson Id ask if I wereyou.B: 我要是你的话就绝不会去找保罗。新概念英语第四册惯用语整理 Lesson271.might aux. v. may的过去式miaht at least 至少 ( 经常用于责备句型: You might at least.)1.A:I hope you are not too put out with me forstopping by Fred s on the way over here. I had to pick up an assignment.A: 我希望你对我不要太生气。我过来的时候去了一趟弗雷德家,我得取我的作业。B:W

8、ell, that s not a big deal. But you might atleast phone if you know you are going to keep someonewaiting.B: 嗯,那没什么大不了的。但如果你知道要让人等你的话,你至少可以打个电话。2.A:Oh,no. Look at thisred painton my new jacket.Why did the school paint that rail anyway?A: 噢,天啊。你看我的夹克上的红色油漆。学校究竟为什么要给栏杆刷油漆呢 ?B:Oh, that s too bad. You d

9、think they might atleast put up a sign.B: 噢,太糟了。他们至少可以竖个标志嘛!2.start n.惊跳 vt.开始get bad start( 赛跑 ) 起跑慢了 (slowinactionin thebeginning of race)例句: 1.Igot such a bad startin the lastrace thatit was hard to catch up.上次赛跑我起跑太慢了以致很难追上别人。2.You d better concentrate if you try to avoidgetting a bad start.如果想避免起跑太慢,你集中注意力。3.watcher n.观者a clock watcher


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