1、Let read By: Hengheng Chen(陈衡衡) From: Foshan No.6 Primary School (佛山市第六小学)Objectives.!Talk about these two books <Paul Bunyan>&<Math fun at the fair>.! Write the report cards about these two books.Teaching key points.!What is the big idea of the book?!Why is it funny?Teaching differe
2、nt points.' Learn how to write the report cards.Teaching procedures. (T=teacher ; Ss=students)Step 1, Greet and announce the rules.I. Free talk and tell the rules. (T introduces the rules and draws the stick figures on the Bb: )II. Watch the PPT:Why do we read?Step 2. PresentationI:<Paul Buny
3、an>I. Explain folktale and fiction: Folktale is a tale full of interesting and imaginary. It is a kind of Fiction.II. Look at the cover of the book and talk about Paul: Who is he?What does he look like?What does he have?What did he do with his big ax?Whats the name of the hole?(T teaches Ss open
4、the book and find which the answers is on . ) III. Introduce the Grand Canyon (Watch the PPT about Grand Canyon)IV. Choose the big idea V. Find some interesting and exaggerated sentences about groups. At last, Ss read the sentences with the proper tone.VI. Talk about Paul: Paul Bunyan was huge. He w
5、as the baby ever seen. It took five storks to carry him. He was as as his dad when he was one week old. He was than trees. He became a logger. (Ss fill in the blanks first and then read together.)VII. Teach how write the report card of <Paul Bunyan> : Paul Bunyan is a fiction book.It is intere
6、stingfunnygreat .It is about Paul Bunyan. He was huge. He could cut many trees. He cut a big hole and the hole is named Grand Canyon.Step3: Presentations II: <Math fun at the fair>I. Explain non-fiction book: Non-fiction is real in our life. It happens every day. Introduce <Paul Bunyan>a
7、nd <Math fun at the fair> are pairs. They both talk about numbers.II. Look at the cover of the book and think:Whats the title of the book?Who are they?What contests did they enter?III. Choose the big ideaIV. Discuss: What tools did they use? V. Let the Ss try to write the report card of <Ma
8、th fun at the fair>.Step5. Summarize Next week, we will read these two books: <The rainbow party> and <Patterns in nature>. Which one is fiction? Which one is non-fiction book? Read them after the class and we will talk about them next lesson. Report card Paul Bunyan is a fictions boo
9、k. It is interesting. It is about Paul Bunyan. He was . By: Miss Chen Bb:Let read By: Hengheng Chen From: Foshan No.6 Primary School一、教学目标!Talk about these two books <Paul Bunyan>&<Math fun at the fair>.! Write the report cards about these two books.二、 教学重点!What is the big idea of th
10、e book?!Why is it funny?三、教学难点' Learn how to write the report cards.四、教学准备 1实物投影仪,一张名片卡以及制作名片卡所需的彩笔、线绳和硬卡等,并要求学生带来他们的彩笔、线绳和硬纸卡及已完成的名片一张。 2课前让学生收集有关教师节的资料。 3一个小球。五、教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动应用资源建议与说明Warm-up /
11、Review1Greeting with the students.1Greeting with the teacher. 将学生的视线转移到英语课堂上来,为学生创造一个英语听说的环境。2游戏“抛球”。教师准备一个小球,先大声说出自己的名字:Hello, Im . 之后将小球随意抛给另一名学生,提示他/她做自我介绍,以此类推,练习自我介绍和打招呼。由教师开始,将球抛给谁(Mike)就和谁打招呼说:Hello! Mike. 同时说一种文具,如:pencil。接到球的学生则找到相应的文具(铅笔),边出示边说:Yes. Pencil. 随后由第二个学
12、生用同样的方法继续练习。2学生玩这个游戏。 此游戏可以让学生迅速进入英语学习的状态。通过略带紧张的游戏,学生也可以巩固复习旧知识。 3点击播放flash动画歌曲“Hello!”。3看flash跟唱歌曲,可以替换同学的名字来唱。动画:Lets sing 活跃课堂气氛,复习歌曲。在替换同学的名字唱的时候,学生可以离开座位,与同学打招呼式地唱。提高学生的活动积极性。4教师与学生进行交谈,并滚动复习前面学过的句型。Hello! Hi! Im . Goodbye.Bye.4学生与教师对话。学生间互相交谈,复习句型。
13、0;关注学生的发音。 5TPR节奏练习。例:Show me your pencil. Pencil, pencil, pencil.教师播放节奏感强的背景音乐。T: Show me your pencil.5学生出示相应的文具配着音乐,边做动作边说。S: Pencil, pencil, pencil.过渡到个别学生与全体学生进行练习。音频:TPR节奏背景音乐让学生用自己身边的学习用品进行练习,巩固并复习旧知识。Presentation1T: Show the name card. Card
14、, card, card.(教师出示制作精美的名片卡。)Look! Whats this?This is my name card. Its beautiful.1学生欣赏并猜测name card的意思。 吸引学生的注意力,引起学生对名片卡的兴趣。2挂上名片卡,指着自己名卡片上的名字介绍,以便于学生理解这张卡片的用途。Hello! Im .2学生看教师名片卡上的内容,与教师打招呼。 让学生理解名片卡的用途,能有效地利用实物进行交流。3T: Its very interesting. Lets make it. 教师在实物投影仪上按步骤边说边演示
15、,并将这些动词短语写在黑板上。3学生借助动作理解并练习说相应的句子,最后自己动手制作并把自己的英语名字写在名字卡片上。 有效培养学生良好的听力习惯和理解能力,教师应分步示范操作,可采取小组、个人相结合的竞赛方式。 Prastise1教师请一些做得最快最好的学生展示名卡片,前来向全班问好并作自我介绍。1学生展示优秀作品,并进行自我介绍与问候。介绍时要求用Hello! Hi ! Im . 的句型来展示自己制作好的名片卡,做得好的学生可受到表扬或适当的奖励。 通过动动手、说一说等活动能提高学生的学习积极性和动手能力。2教师挂上名片卡与学生互
16、相用Hello! Im . 进行交流。2学生挂上名片卡离开座位,在教室内与教师、同学互相用Hello! Im . 进行交流。 增强交际的情景性。让学生在真实的情景中进行交流。3试做尊师卡。教师在和学生互相自我介绍的过程中可以不断在自己的介绍后加一句Hello! Im . Im a teacher. 然后出示日历中9月10日,讲授Teachers Day,向学生介绍教师节的知识。教说祝福语:Happy Teachers Day!3 学生展示收集到的有关教师节背景、来历等相关知识。学说句子:Ha
17、ppy Teachers Day! 9月10日为教师节。通过本部分教学,要求学生要尊敬教师,并学会在教师节用英语向教师问好。可与学生熟识的句子Happy birthday!相联系进行教学。4完成课堂练习。4学生完成课堂练习。 Consolidation1教唱歌曲“Happy Teachers Day”和“ Hello”。先播放录音,让学生听磁带,出示人物Miss White,说歌词。示范唱,看Lets sing的动画和学生一起表演唱。将歌词中Miss White的名字用学生熟悉的教师的名字来替换,用横线替代,进行替换名字编唱歌曲的活动。1学生学唱“Ha
18、ppy Teachers Day”说歌词看动画跟唱加适当动作表演唱个别学生领唱小组比赛。 学生替换名字表演唱唱。动画:C Lets sing加上适当动作表演唱,使学生能对英语歌曲进行简单的唱编,倡导尊师重道的风尚。2请学生课后制作尊师卡。2学生在教师节那天献给教师并祝福Happy Teachers Day! 倡导尊师重教的风尚。六、板书设计:
19、0; Unit 1 Hello Lesson 3
20、60; Draw yourself. &
21、#160; Write your name. Make the holes.
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