1、T,t 英语多功能词典版押题及小抄Primer on Smell【词源解析】In addition to bringing out the flavor of food, what does the sense of smell do for us? 【相关短语】Smell "gives us information about place, about where we are," says Randall Reed, a Johns Hopkins University professor whose specialty is the sense of smell. A
2、nd smell tells us about people. "Whether we realize it or not, we collect a lot of information about who is around us based on smell," says Reed. 【近义词】Even at a distance, odors can warn us of trouble - spoiled food, leaking gas, or fire. "It's a great alert," offers Donald Le
3、opold, a doctor at Johns Hopkins. For example, if something in the oven is burning, everyone in the house knows it. 【反义词】With just a simple scent, smell can also evoke very intense emotion. Let's say, for example, that the smell is purple petunias. These flowers have a rich spiciness that no oth
4、er petunia has。 Now let's imagine that your mother died when you were three, and she used to have a flower garden. You wouldn't need to identify the smell or to have conscious memories of your mother or her garden. You would feel sad as soon as you smelled that spicy odor. 【派生词】Compared with
5、 animals, how well do people detect smelts? That depends on what you mean by “how well”. We are low on receptor cells: current estimates say that humans have roughly five million smell-receptor cells, about as many as a mouse. A rat has some 10 million, a rabbit 20 million, and a bloodhound 100 mill
6、ion. 【词源解析】Reed says that, across species, there is a relatively good correlation between the number of receptor cells and how strong the sense of smell is. "You can hardly find the olfactory bulb in a human brain - it's a pea-sized object. In a mouse, it's a little bigger. It's bea
7、n-sized in a rat. about the size of your little finger in a rabbit, and the size of your thumb in a bloodhound. " 【派生词Does that mean that our sense of smell is not very acute? 【反义词】Not exactly. While we may not have the olfactory range of other creatures, the receptors we do have are as sensiti
8、ve as those of any animal. We can also think, and we make conscious (and successful) efforts to tell the difference between one smell and another. A trained "nose" , such as that of a professional in the perfume business, can name and distinguish about 10,000 odors. Reed says that a perfum
9、e expert can sniff a modern scent that has a hundred different odorants in it, go into the lab, and list the ingredients. “In a modest amount of time, he comes back with what to you or me would smell like a perfect imitation of that perfume. It's amazing. " 【近义词】What happens to our sense of
10、 smell as we age? Many people continue to have good olfactory function as they get older. That's not the rule, however. Leopold says that smell is generally highest in childhood, stays the same from the teens through the 50s, and drops starting at about 60 for women and 65 for men. "The ave
11、rage 80-year-old is only able to smell things half as well as the average 20-year-old," says Leopold.【词源解析嗅觉入门【近义词】嗅觉除了能让我们感受到食物的气味外,还能做什么?【派生词】美国约翰霍普金斯大学研究嗅觉的专家Randall Reed教授指出,气味能提供给我们关于位置,关于我们在哪儿,以及有关人的信息。“无论我们是否意识到,我们能根据气味收集到许多关于谁在我们身边的信息,”Reed讲道。【反义词即使还隔着一段距离,气味就能提醒我们注意很多麻烦:变质的食物,煤气泄漏,或是火灾
12、。“它是一个很好的警告,”约翰霍普金斯大学的医生Donald Leopold说道。比方说,烤箱中有东西烧焦了,屋内的每个人都会知道。【词源解析】仅仅是简单的气味,嗅觉就会引起强烈的情感。比如说那种气味就是紫喇叭花。它的气味中有一种其他喇叭花没有的香味。现在我们想象一下,你的母亲在你3岁时就去世了,她曾经拥有一座花园。你不必去辨认那种气味或者有意识地回忆起你的母亲或者她的花园,只要是你闻到那种紫喇叭花的香味,你就会感到伤感。【近义词】与动物相比,人类感知气味的能力有多强?那要取决于你所谓的“多强”是什么意思。我们人类的受体细胞很少:目前估计人类有大概500万个嗅觉受体细胞,差不多和一只小鼠的一样
13、多。一只大鼠大约有1 000万个,一只兔子有2 000万个,一只寻血犬有1亿个。Reed谈到,在不同的物种中,受体细胞的数量和嗅觉的强弱大体是正相关的。“人的大脑中是几乎找不到嗅球的,它像豌豆般大小。小鼠的脑中,嗅球大一点。大鼠的脑中,嗅球有蚕豆那么大,兔子脑中的有你的小手指那么大,而寻血犬脑中的有拇指那么大。”这是不是就意味着我们的嗅觉不够敏锐呢?【词源解析】不完全是。尽管我们的嗅觉范围可能没有其他生物的那么广,但是我们已有的受体细胞和其他动物的一样敏感。我们也可以认为,我们在有意(并且成功地努力区别不同的气味。受过培训的鼻子,比如研究香水的专家的鼻子就能够区分1万种气味并说出其名字。Ree
14、d说,一个香水专家可以在闻完一种含有100种不同香料的现代香水后,走进实验室,列出这些成分。“一段时间过后,他调制出来的气味对于你我来说都是那种香水气味的完美复制,太不可思议了。”随着年龄的增长,我们的嗅觉会发生什么变化?【近义词】许多人年龄增大时还会有很好的嗅觉能力。但并不都是这样。指出,一个人的嗅觉在儿童时最强,在青少年时期一直到50多岁都保持不变,女人通常从60岁、男人从65岁开始下降。“通常来说,80岁的人能闻到的东西是20岁的人能闻到的一半,”Leopold说道。+第十一篇 Disease, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention 【词源解析】Dise
15、ase may be defined as the abnormal state in which part or all of the body is not properly adjusted or is not capable of carrying on all its required functions. There are marked variations in the extent of the disease and in its effect on the person. In order to treat a disease, the doctor obviously
16、must first determine the nature of the illness that is, make a diagnosis. A diagnosis is the conclusion drawn from a number of facts put together. The doctor must know the symptoms, which are the changes in body function felt by the patient; and the signs (also called objective symptoms) which the d
17、octor himself can observe. Sometimes a characteristic group of signs (or symptoms) accompanied a given disease. Such a group is called syndrome. Frequently certain laboratory tests are performed and the results evaluated by the physician in making his diagnosis. 【词源解析】Although nurse do not diagnose,
18、 they play an extremely valuable role in this process by observing closely for signs, encouraging the patient to talk about himself and his symptoms, and then reporting this information to the doctor. Once the patients disorder is known, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, also referred to
19、as therapy. Many measures in this course of treatment are carried out by the nurse under the physicians orders. In recent years physicians, nurses and other health workers have taken on increasing responsibilities in prevention. Throughout most of medical history, the physicians aim has been to cure
20、 a patient of an existing disease. However, the modern concept of prevention seeks to stop disease before it actually happensto keep people well through the promotion of health. A vast number of organizations exist for this 【近义词】purpose, ranging from the World health Organization (WHO) on an interna
21、tional level down to local private and community health programs. A rapidly growing responsibility of the nursing profession is education individual patients toward the maintenance of total healthphysical and mental. 译文:生病、诊断、治疗与预防所谓生病,即部分或整个身体不能够正常调节,或不能够维持应有的功能。疾病的程度及其对人体的影响存在着明显的差异。为了治疗疾病,医生当然首先要
23、在预防方面承担着越来越多地责任。贯穿大部分医学史,医生都是治疗病人的现有疾病,但是现代的预防理论却寻求制止疾病于未然,即通过促进健康使人们不生病。为了这个目的,从国际级的世界卫生组织一直到地方社区的医疗机构构成了一个庞大的卫生机构。医护行业迅速增加的责任就是教育每个病人保持全面健康,即身体的和心理的健康。+第十二篇 Inquest told of hospital errorA HOSPITAL error left a dying man on the wrong ward for two days as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) ravaged his body
24、, an inquest heard. Stephen Melvin Newbold suffered massive brain damage when a blood clot formed in his veins. Now his families are considering legal action against York Hospital, saying that his death was “untimely and unnecessary”.【词源解析】Mr Newbold, a 52-year-old maintenance worker, went to York H
25、ospital on November 3 complaining of a swollen right foot. He should have been sent to a surgical ward where he would have been treated with1 Fragmin, a drug which counters the effects of DVT. However, hospital staff wrongly admitted him to2 an orthopedic ward, where he stayed for two days, before f
26、inally being transferred to the care of a 【相关短语】consultant vascular surgeon. Twenty-four hours later, on November 6, doctors decided they would have to operate to remove his leg below the knee.The operation went ahead on November 10, but two days later Mr Newbold suffered a cardiac arrest. A scan re
27、vealed he had had a pulmonary embolism, a condition related to DVT. Mr Newbold suffered brain damage and died in the hospital on November 16.Giving evidence, the surgeon said he could not explain why Mr Newbold had been admitted to an orthopedic ward where it was not policy to administer Fragmin. He
28、 did not know why his medical team had not given Mr Newbold the drug later.【近义词】York coroner Donald Coverdale said, “From November 3 until the day of the operation, no Fragmin was given to Mr Newbold. If he had been admitted to a consultant vascular surgeons care from day one, it is clear that Fragm
29、in would have been prescribed. Fragmin reduces the risk of DVT, but does not eliminate it. It is impossible to say whether Mr Newbold would have suffered this DVT if he had received the Fragmin.” He recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.Kim Daniells, Mr Newbolds familys lawyer, said, “The fami
30、ly hope that the hospital will learn from the errors, and that no other families will have to suffer in the future.”A spokeswoman for York Hospitals NHS Trust said, “We would like to extend our sincere sympathies to the family of Stephen Newbold during this difficult time.”译文: 尸检揭示医疗事故 【近义词】经尸检确认,由于
31、过失疏忽,一家医院将一名饱受深静脉血栓折磨、生命垂危的男性患者安置在错误的病区内达两天之久。当其血管内形成血栓之后,史蒂芬马尔文纽博得便饱受大面积脑部损伤的折磨。他的死被其亲属认为太过突然但却并非完全不可避免,其亲属目前正考虑对约克医院采取法律手段。 纽博得先生现年52岁,生前是一名维修工人,其因感觉右脚胀痛于11月3日前往约克医院就诊。其本该被送往外科病区去接受一种名本法安明的药物治疗,该药物的主要功效在于抑制深静脉血栓的形成。但是,在其最终被转送到心血管外科医生诊室之前,医院医护人员却错误地将其送到了骨科病区,并让其在那儿住了两天。11月6号,在其被转送至心血管病区24小时后,医生们决定通
32、过手术切除其右腿膝盖以下部分。【词源解析】 手术于11月10号进行,但是两天后,纽博得先生的心脏却出现骤停症状。对其进行的扫描结果显示其患有肺动脉栓塞,发病原因与深静脉血栓相关。在经受了大面积脑损伤折磨之后,纽博得先生于1l月16号在医院死亡。 基于现有证据,纽博得先生的主治外科医生称其不能解释为何院方在开始时将纽博得先生送至骨科病区,该病区并无开售法安明的处方权。其不能理解其医疗团队为何没能在之后及时给纽博得先生提供药物治疗。 约克医院验尸员唐纳德克夫戴尔表明,从【近义词】11月3日一直到手术之前,纽博得先生一直都没能接受法安明治疗。如果能够在入院第一天就接受心血管外科医生的会诊,那么其肯定
33、会被要求使用法安明。法安明这种药物能够减少深静脉血栓形成的风险,但是其无法彻底根除它。目前还不能得出结论,即如果在最初就接受法安明治疗,纽博得先生是否仍会遭受深静脉血栓折磨。该验尸员记录了这次由不幸引起的死亡。 【词源解析】纽博得先生一家的律师金丹尼尔斯声称,纽博得先生的家人希望医院能够从这次事故中吸取教训,以避免之后类似不幸事件再发生在其他家庭。 约克医院国民保健服务基金会的一名女发言人在声明中指出:“我们在这一艰难的时刻,向史蒂芬,纽博得一家表示最深切的同情。”+第十三篇Stage FrightFall down as you come onstage. That's an odd
34、 trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,2 Mr. Feltsman said,“ All my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”Today,
35、music schools are addressing the problem of anxiety in classes that deal with performance techniques and career preparation. There are a variety of strategies that musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers,shaky limbs,racing heart,blank mind.3Teachers and psychologists
36、offer wide-ranging advice,from basics like learning pieces inside out,4 to mental discipline,such as visualizing a performance and taking steps to relax. Dont deny that youre jittery,they urge; some excitement is natural,even necessary for dynamic playing. And play in public often,simply for the exp
37、erience.【近义词】Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some strategies for the moments before performance,“Take two deep abdominal breaths,open up your shoulders,then smile,she says. ”And not one of these please dont kill me smiles. Then choose three friendly faces in the audience,people you would comm
38、unicate with and make music to,and make eye contact with them.“ She doesnt want performers to think of the audience as a judge.【词源解析】Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often at the root of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay,a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only wha
39、t their students are able to achieve.When Lynn Harrell was 20,he became the principal cellist of the Cleverland Orchestra,and he suffered extreme stage fright. “There were times when I got so nervous I was sure the 【近义词】audience could see my chest responding to the throbbing. It was just total panic
40、. I came to a point where I thought,'If I have to go through this to play music,I think Im going to look for another job.”5 Recovery,he said,involved developing humility-recognizing that whatever his talent,he was fallible,and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.6It is not only young ar
41、tists who suffer,of course. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitzs nerves were famous. The great tenor Franco Corelli is another example. “They had to push him on stage,” Soprano Renata Scotto recalled.Actually,success can make things worse. “In the beginning of your career,when youre scared to de
42、ath,nobody knows who you are,and they dont have any expectations,” Soprano June Anderson said. “Theres less to lose. Later on,【相关短语】when youre known,people are coming to see you,and they have certain expectations. You have a lot to lose.”Anderson added,“I never stop being nervous until Ive sung my l
43、ast note.”译文:怯场你在舞台上摔倒。这是一个奇怪的把戏。不推荐。但它拯救了俄罗斯钢琴家Feltsman当他十几岁时回到莫斯科。这位大提琴家Mstislav那个大提琴家罗斯特罗波维奇一样绊倒他故意来治疗他的pre-performance恐慌,2 Feltsman先生说,“我所有的恐惧不见了。我已经下降了。还能发生什么事?”今天,音乐学校解决焦虑问题的类处理性能技术和职业准备。有多种策略,音乐家能学会战胜怯场及其症状:冰冷的手指,摇摇欲坠的四肢,心跳加速,空白mind.3【词源解析】老师和心理学家提供广泛的建议,从基础知识就像学习,4智力训练,如可视化性能和采取措施放松。不要否认你紧张不
46、会停止,直到我唱很紧张我的注意。”第X篇 Azeri Hills Hold Secret of Long LifeYou can see for kilometers from the mountains where Allahverdi Ibadov herds his small flock of sheep amid a sea of yellow, red, and purple wildflowers. The view from Amburdere in southern Azerbaijan toward the Iranian border is spectacular, bu
47、t Mr. Ibadov barely gives it a second glance.Why should he? Hes been coming here nearly every day for 100 years.According to his carefully preserved passport, Mr. Ibadov, whose birth was not registered until he was a toddler, is at least 105 years old. His wife, who died two years ago, was even olde
48、r. They are among the dozens of people in this beautiful, isolated region who live extraordinarily long lives.Mr. Ibadovs eldest son has just turned 70. He lost count long ago of how many grandchildren he has.1 “Im an old man now I look after the sheep, and I prepare the wood for winter. I still hav
49、e something to do. “A lifetime of toil, it seems, takes very few people to an early grave in this region. Scientists admit there appears to be something in the Azeri mountains that gives local people a longer, healthier life than most.Miri Ismailovs family in the tiny village of Tatoni are convinced
50、 that they know what it is. 【近义词】Mr. Ismailov is 110, his great-great-grandson is four. They share one proud boast: Neither has been to a doctor. “There are hundreds of herbs on the mountain, and we use them all in our cooking and for medicines”; explained Mr. Ismailovs daughter, Elmira. “We know ex
51、actly what they can do. We are our own doctors.,There is one herb for high blood pressure,another for kidney stones,and a third for a hacking cough. They are carefully collected from the slopes surrounding the village. Experts from the Azerbaijan Academy of Science believe the 【近义词】herbs may be part
52、 of the answer. They have been studying longevity in this region for years. It began as a rare joint Soviet-American project in the 1980s,but these studies are not being funded any more.Azeri scientists have isolated a type of saffron unique to the southern mountains as one thing that seems to incre
53、ase longevity. Another plant, made into a paste, dramatically increases the amount of milk that animals are able to produce. “Now we have to examine these plants clinically to find out which substances have this effect,” 【相关短语】said Chingiz Gassimov, a scientist at the academy.The theory that local p
54、eople have also developed a genetic predisposition to long life has been strengthened by the study of a group of Russian emigres whose ancestors were exiled to the Caucasus 200 years ago.2 The Russians life span is much shorter than that of the indigenous mountain folk though it is appreciably longe
55、r than that of their ancestors left behind in the Russian heartland.【词源解析】“Over the decades,I believe local conditions have begun to have a positive effect on the new arrivals” , Professor Gassimov said. “Its been slowly transferred down the generations.”But Mr. Ismailov, gripping his stout wooden c
56、ane, has been around for too long to get overexcited. “Theres no secret,” he shrugged dismissively. “I look after the cattle and I eat well. Life goes on.”译文:阿塞拜疆的长寿秘诀从山上绵延几公里,你都能看见Allahverdi Ibadov把他的羊群赶到一片花海中间,花海中有各种黄色、红色、紫色的野花。这种景观从阿塞拜疆的南部Amburdere一直延伸到伊朗边境,十分壮观,但是Ibadov先生却几乎不多看它一眼。他为什么这样做?因为100年
57、来,他几乎每天都要到这里来。Ibadov先生在蹒跚学步之前都没有进行出生登记,根据题小心保存的护照来看,他至少已经105岁了。他的妻子的年龄比他还打,在两年前去世。这个美丽的,与世隔绝的地区里许多人都极其长寿,他俩就是其中之一。Ibadov先生的长子已经70多岁,他早已数不清他有多少孙子了。“网现在是个老人,网照看羊群,准备过冬的木头,我仍然有事要做。”这个地区的人似乎很少有因为一生的辛劳而提前走入坟墓的。科学家承认,阿塞拜疆的山上似乎有某种东西给予当地人一个更长寿更健康的生命。住在Tatoni的一个小村庄的Miri Ismailov家族坚信他们知道那是生命东西。Ismailov先生110岁了
59、被制成糊状物,极大地增加了动物的产奶量。“现在我们必须在临床上检测这些植物,找出哪种物质有这种效果。”研究院的科学家Chingiz Gassimouv说道。对一组俄罗斯移民进行的研究巩固了当地人已经演化出有长寿倾向的基因这一理论,这些移民的祖先在200年前就被流放到高加索。这些俄罗斯人的寿命比当地山区的人们要短得多尽管比他们在俄罗斯中心地带的祖先的寿命要长。“我相信在过去的几十年里,当地的环境开始对新来者有着积极的影响。”Gassimov教授说道,“这会在一代代人中缓慢地传递下去。”但是Ismailov先生已经在这待了太长时间了以至于没有感到太多的激动,他紧紧地抓着他那结实的木条,说道:“没有什么秘密,”他轻描淡写地耸了耸肩,“网照看羊群,吃得很好。生活在继续。”+第十四篇 Center Launched to Fight Diseases You can se
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