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1、Unit testDone with this task.    Your score: 91%窗体顶端Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.· advisable· lunar· undergo· charm· preach· reunion· spectacle· phase

2、83; anomaly· essentially1.Next year is my high school ten-year .  Your answerCorrect answer reunionreunion2.Because of his heart attack, George had to  major surgery last year.  Your answerCorrect answer undergoundergo3.We're hoping this is just

3、a(n)  and that the baby will soon stop crying so much.  Your answerCorrect answer phasephase4.It is definitely not  to drive after drinking alcohol.  Your answerCorrect answer advisableadvisable5.Felipe had too much to drink last night and made a com

4、plete  of himself.  Your answerCorrect answer spectaclespectacle6.In my opinion, you should practice what you  or else no one will ever listen to you.  Your answerCorrect answer preachpreach7.Trisha is usually a straight A student, so I guess that C

5、in math was a(n) .  Your answerCorrect answer anomalyanomaly8.We usually don't get to see  events such as eclipses in this part of the world.  Your answerCorrect answer lunarlunar9.Our home might be small, but it has a lot of .  Your an

6、swerCorrect answer charmcharm10.The movie may have a lot of special effects, but it is  a love story.  Your answerCorrect answer essentiallyessentiallySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11.Harold _ waited in the lobby for them to call him into the

7、interview.A. nervouslyB. essentiallyC. anomalyD. blindly12.We need to _ natural resources today if we want our children to have them tomorrow.A. reserveB. disserveC. conserveD. preserve13.I want the senator to make a _ apology for his insensitive remarks.A. sincereB. humbleC. festiveD. morbid14.I lo

8、ve Sundays because they are the only chance I get to _ around and do nothing.A. sneakB. crawlC. runD. lounge15.We're going to throw Maria an amazing _ when she returns from Spain.A. celebrateB. celebrationC. celebratoryD. celebrating16.The chocolate cake was a tiny bit of _ in an otherwise ordin

9、ary meal.A. decadentB. decadentsC. cadenceD. decadence17.My dog, Rex, was a _ member of the family for 15 years.A. belovedB. belittledC. bemusedD. belonged18.It's impossible to _ torture as a means of questioning.A. beautifyB. justifyC. certifyD. mystify19.Don't _ around the house at night;

10、the noises keep me awake.A. loungeB. popC. preachD. sneak20.I can't even describe the _ I felt when I found out she got fired.A. furyB. furiousC. furorD. furiouslySection C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21.He has been completely taken up  work recently.  Your a

11、nswerCorrect answer withwith22.Please fill  the jar with lemonade.  Your answerCorrect answer upup23.Your decision,  good or bad, was the only choice to make.  Your answerCorrect answer forfor24.It was,  my reckoning, the only time the

12、 two musicians played together.  Your answerCorrect answer byby25.I'm going to meet up  Dominic after work for a few drinks.  Your answerCorrect answer withwith26.Can you please count  thirty marbles from the bag?  Your answerCorrect an

13、swer outout27.A good lawyer should be able to save you  going to jail.  Your answerCorrect answer fromfrom28.The meeting will start at 7 o'clock  the dot.  Your answerCorrect answer onon29.You'll never guess who I bumped  at th

14、e market!  Your answerCorrect answer intointo30.All  all, it was a decent movie with good special effects.  Your answerCorrect answer ininPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.When I was a little boy, I thought my birthday

15、was the most important day of the year. Birthday parties were incredibly exciting and every other day just seemed so (31) in comparison. Why did I think my birthday was so important? Why wouldn't I? My parents always circled it on the (32), and I knew they planned for it weeks in

16、advance. All my friends came and gave me wonderful gifts. It was always such a happy and (33) event. Every year, it was a true celebration!As you might have guessed, I certainly wasn't very (34) when I was young. I thought the world revolved around me, and I wanted everyone t

17、o know it. I remember one particular day in specific. It was during (35) at school. While all my friends were eating, I overheard them talking about my party. They were just as excited as I was, and they kept asking me what games we would play. I remember I was so happy just to sit there a

18、nd (36) in the anticipation they all felt for my special day.Then Joey Franklin decided to have a huge birthday party when he turned seven. I was distraught. I went home to (37) to my mother. How could he have a birthday party that might be as good as (or better) than m

19、ine? Only I was allowed to have birthday parties!"My (38)!" she exclaimed. "You're not the only person who has birthdays, you know. You're my special darling, but everyone has birthdays, and everyone is allowed to have a birthday party to (39) the day." Eve

20、n though I didn't want to admit it, I knew she was right. From the day (40), I went to and enjoyed many different birthday parties for all my friends (but mine were still the best).  Your answerCorrect answer (31)mundanemundane (32)calendarcalendar (33)festivefestiv

21、e (34)humblehumble (35)lunchtimelunchtime (36)baskbask (37)complaincomplain (38)goodnessgoodness (39)celebratecelebrate (40)onwardsonwardsPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Holidays are celebrated in many ways aroun

22、d the world: parades, celebrations, feasts, family dinners, fireworks, sporting events, and street festivals, just to name a few. Some holidays, such as New Year's Day, are observed around the world. Some holidays, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan, are celebrated only by members of a cer

23、tain religion. Still other holidays are unique to specific countries and are celebrated by people who come from those countries, or who are descended from people who came from those countries.St Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland, and it is celebrated by Irish pe

24、ople and people of Irish descent in cities and countries around the world. However, in recent years, more and more people who are not Irish have begun to join in the festivities and celebrate the day. It has become especially popular in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. St Patrick i

25、s one of the patron saints of Ireland (according to the Catholic Church), and St Patrick's Day falls on March 17 each year.Historically, the day began as an Irish religious holiday but became a national public holiday in 1903. Beginning in the late 20th century, the holiday transformed to be mor

26、e of a cultural holidaya day to celebrate Irish customs and culture. In Ireland, the Saint Patrick's Festival has become a week-long event to showcase Irish culture to the world. The colour green and the three-leaved shamrock are the symbols most associated with St Patrick and St Patrick's D

27、ay. It is therefore very common to see people wear green clothing on March 17 even if they do not join in a major celebration.St Patrick's Day parades are common in cities around the world. The largest Irish populations outside of Ireland and Northern Ireland are in the United States. Many major cities, including Boston, New York City, and Philadelphia have held parades for nearly 30


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