



1、Using Language课文预读I.课文理解1I ve saved the summer to give you_ when winter came.A warmthBloveCconcern2The important thing for the author is the _ of his/her lover.A moneyBloveCsmile答案 1.A 2.Cn根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1The speaker in the poem is more likely to be a parent.( )2The poem sends the message that no m

2、atter when you need warmth and lo,vethe parentswill give you.( )3The poem doesn t have a rhythmic pattern.( )答案 1.T 2.T 3.F川.诗节理解1The 1st strophe (诗节)The poet compares “ summer”with “ winter to”show that parents love can give us答案 warmth2The 2nd stropheThe poet compares _ with _ to show that parents

3、 love can alsogive us _答案 sunlight; darkness; hope3The 3rd strophe(1)What has the parent kept?(2)What do brave young smiles mean to parents?When parents see the young brave smi,le they will feel _ because the childis confident and they will appreciate it.However,they will be a little _because the ch

4、ild is ambitious 雄心勃勃的). 答案(1) The child s smile (2) happy; worried4. The 4th strophe(1)Ca n the pare nt help the child all his life?(2)From the 4th strophe, we know that parents can t help the child , andthe child has to solve the problems of life _ and _ .答案 (1)No. (2)all his life ; by himself ; b

5、y experiencing his life5. The last stropheThough the child has to solve all the difficulty of life by himself, the pare nt will offer_ to support the child, till the child finds his own _ .答案 all his love ; love知识梳理I.单词拼写1. _ (装载)with heavy goods, the truck ran very slowly.2._ What he said gives me

6、much温暖).3. She wants to be a _库冈琴家)when she grows up.4. The _(小提琴演奏者)played so well that we all held our breath whileliste ning.5._ He got much(奖学金)during his fouryears_ study at university.6. He had to feel his way in the _黑暗).答案 I.Loaded 2.warmth 3.pia nist 4.violi nist 5.scholarship6. darknessn.用

7、同义词或近义词替换画线部分1. A lot of Tang poetry has been_put into English._2. Donworry, you will be recovered very soon._3. Our food has been used up_4. His father made a living _by teaching._5. A football team consists of eleven players._答案 l.translated 2.Take it easy 3.has run out/has been run out of 4.by me

8、ans of 5.is made upof川用所给短语的适当形式填空let out; try out; be likely to; hold on1. Never give it up! You must _.2. The old man _ a cry of pain when he fell off the horse.3. We all think he _ come here tomorrow.4. We won know whether the plan is good until we have _it _ .答案 1.hold on 2.let out 3.is likely t

9、o 4.tried; outIV .写作句式运用一一完成句子1._ Give reasons 来支持你的答案 ).2._无论何时你需要温暖和爱) ,remember I ll have some to give you.3. _ 当你不在时),I ll remember your smile.4._ How fine it would be now if I 当时听了你的建议). 答案 1.to support your answer 2.Whenever you need warmth and love3. While you are away 4.had taken your advice

10、【话题语篇导读】The Power of PoetryReading and writing poetry is a very personal experience.Poets use Ianguage as a way ofexpress ing their feeli ngs, whether positive ones of love, happ in ess and hope or n egativefeeli ngs like an ger and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of n ature, a person, a dream or

11、a memorable event.Most people have tried writing poetry at some time, for example atschool.For children, it is a good way to explore Ianguage and have fun with words as well asto express themselves.But teachers and experts have found ano ther use for poetry as a form of treatme nt to helppeople with

12、 problems.Writing poetry can help people deal with changes in their lives, death orfeelings of sadness drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings,you can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are beingignored.A poem might be a wa

13、y of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talkabout it face to face.And just because people are ill or having difficulties in their lives ,it doesn t mean they have lost their sense of humour.Poems written as treatment can be funny t, ooaslaughter is also considered to be very good

14、 medicine.Students at a special school in Dudley,in England,read and write poems every day.Some ofthe poems they write are very good, but their reason for writing is not just to be creative.All ofthem have problems.Some of them have long term medical conditions,such as cance,rwhile others have perso

15、nality disorders or psychological problems.By writing poems studentsare growing in selfconfidence.The poems provide a channel through which they cancommunicate with the world,and express their feelings.They also help them to recognize andexplore their problems and to develop a positive attitude to life.The poems are helping oth


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