



1、五年级英语期末测试试卷班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_Its so hot. 让我们跟着little snow man走进凉爽的英语乐园吧! Listening PartI. Listen and choose the right words.( 请将听到的单词的序号写在题前的图形内, 一定要听仔细哟)2× 51 A. September B. November C. December2. A. wolf B. sheep C. hippo3. A. mirror B. wardrobe C. picture4. A. pair B. poor C. photo5. A. when B. wh

2、ere C. whatII. Listen and circle. ( 请将听到的物品圈起来)2× 5III. Listen and choose the right answer.( 听清楚问题了吗,请选出正确的答案吧)2× 5( ) 1. A. Twelve. B. Yes, we are. C. Thank you.( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I have. C. Thats a cat.( ) 4. A. Its a pencil. B.

3、Look in your bag. C. Yes, it is.( ) 5. A. Its pink. B. Its seven. C. Its seven yuan.IV. Listen , draw and colour.( 听听几点了画出来, 并给手表涂上颜色)2× 5 Writing PartV. Look and count.( 数一数,把答案写在横线上)2× 4How many triangles are there?_ How many circles are there?_How many rectangles are there?_How many squ

4、ares are there?_VI. Read and choose the right words.( 请把方框里的单词填到合适的横线上)2× 8 She has Her its years Her likes Her My best friend is ten _ old. _ name is Sandra. _ birthday is in May. _ likes pizza and chicken. _ favourite colour is pink. Sandra _ a dog. _ name is Billy. Billy _ sing and play ball

5、.VII. Look and tick.( 仔细看图后判断句子的真假)2× 5 T F 1. A boy is riding a bike. 2. Two girls are singing. 3. A girl is painting a picture. 4. A boy is playing football. 5. A duck is swimming.VIII. Write the sentences.( 顽皮的小雪人把这些句子都弄乱了,请你找到正确的句子,写在横线上)2× 5is bed the a There room. in1. _ having an We

6、 class. English are2. _it eat Does grass?3. _ got has computer. a She4. _ can What do? you5. _IX. Read, guess and draw.( 你能猜出这是什么动物吗?请画在画板上)6 Hello, boys and girls! My name is Mike. I live in Africa and Asia. I cant fly, because Im very big. Im white. And I eat grass. I havea long nose and two long

7、teeth. Do you know me? What am I?X. Read and write T or F.( 看懂短文后,判断下面5句话的意思是否和短文说的一样,用T和F表示)2× 5A crow(乌鸦) is thirsty. He finds a bottle(瓶子) with a little water in it. But the neck of the bottle is too long, the crow cant get the water. The crow thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea(主

8、意). He puts some pebbles(小圆石) in the bottle, the water rises up(上升). Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow!1. The crow wants to drink water. ( )2. There isnt any water in the bottle. ( )3. The crow drinks water at last. ( )4. The crow is very clever. ( ) 5. The crow has no idea. ( )听音材料I. 1

9、.November 2. hippo 3. mirror 4. poor 5. whatII. This is my room. There is a bed on the right. There is a desk on the left. The chair is next to the desk. The lamp is on the desk. There is a picture on the wall.III. 1. How many boys are there in your class? 2. Can you stand on your head? 3. Have you

10、got a pet? 4. Wheres my pencil? 5. How much is the mirror?IV. Its three oclock by the red watch. Its twelve oclock by the yellow watch. Its half past six by the green watch. Its half past one by the orange watch. Its half past ten by the blue watch.参考答案I. B C A B C II. bed desk chair lamp pictureIII. A A B B CIV. 3: 00red 12: 00yellow 6:30green 1: 30orange 10: 30blueV. 3 2 4 1VI. years Her Her She Her has Its likesVII. T F F


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