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1、国民收入分配状况与灰色收入( Distribution of national incomeand grey income )Wang fu2guo2: national income distribution and gray incomeSource: Caijing magazineAt present, the main reason for the excessive income distribution gap is not the marketization, but the corruption and grey income caused by unsound system

2、Many indications indicate that the current statistics on the income of residents are obviously distorted, mainly because the statistics of the income of the high-income residents are far below the actual level. This is due to difficulties in conducting income surveys and obtaining real data for high

3、-income households, particularly as a result of a considerable amount of grey income amonghigh-income residents. In this paper, the illegal income, violation of discipline, income, according to socially accepted moral values, reasonable, questionable income, and other sources of unknown income, coll

4、ectively referred to as "gray income.".In order to ascertain the situation, we carried out household income and expenditure surveys on more than two thousand income earners in dozens of cities and counties in 2005 - 2006. The investigation by the methods of sociology, made a real income an

5、d consumption data, and according to the principle of "Engel with a certain coefficient of per capita income level, the corresponding" households survey data sample data and the National Bureau of statistics of town were grouped comparison.The results showed that under the same Engel coeff

6、icient, the income per capita of the high-income groups in the statistical bureau was lower than that of the survey sample, and the higher the income, the greater the difference. This shows that the Statistics Bureau's high-income residents' income data is seriously missing.According to the

7、Engel coefficient and other consumer characteristics were preliminary projections, accounted for 10% of urban households in the highest income of residents (about 19 million households, 50 million people), in 2005 the per capita disposable income of 97 thousand yuan, equivalent to the original data

8、(less than 29 thousand yuan) more than 3 times. The income of other middle and high income residents is also higher than the original statistics. The total income of urban and rural residents is estimated at 12 trillion and 700 billion yuan instead of 8 trillion and 300 billion yuan, which accounts

9、for 69% of the total national income (but the total national income may also need to be raised). National income of urban residents did not count the total income of 4 trillion and 400 billion yuan of implicit income, equivalent to 24% of GDP in the year.Analysis shows that the omission of statistic

10、al income mainly occurs in 10%of households with high income in urban households, accounting for 3/4 of all missing income. This shows that there is a large amount of implicit income in the high-income class. At present, the per capita income gap between the highest and lowest income families in the

11、 cities and towns is about 31 times, not 9 times that of the statistics. 10%. Urban and rural areas, the highest and lowest income in the country, the per capitaincome gap between 10%households is about 55 times, rather than 21 times the statistical data. China's real income gap is far greater t

12、han the statistical level. Due to insufficient data, it is difficult to recalculate the Gini coefficient, but it will certainly be significantly higher than the world bank figure of 0.45.The author verifies the result according to the data of household car, commodity house, outbound travel and bank

13、deposit. The results are broadly consistent, demonstrating that the above projections for the per capita income of the highest income residents are basically credible (and perhaps even conservative).The above results show that there is a large amount of grey income in urban high-income residents in

14、China, which is the main factor leading to the widening income gap. Information about the sources of grey income is not available at the moment. However, according to public data analysis, mainly in the following areas:First, the financial funds through the "all" (departments) channels ass

15、igned to parts of the country, there are serious loopholes in management. A large amount of money is out of the financial managementprocess, with low transparency, abuse and loss of account. This part of the funds in 2005 is estimated to be about 560 billion yuan, lost part of unknown origin.In rece

16、nt years, the state-owned fixed assets investment amount (2006 4 trillion and 500 billion yuan), investment projects, projects subcontracting layers of peeling, corruptionphenomenonis serious, a huge loss. According to someprojects, the actual investment of construction units is less than 1/3 of the

17、 project appropriation.Second, financial corruption is pervasive. According to a large survey conducted by the Bank of China's Central Research Bureau in 2003, the additional fees paid by the national formal financial institutions outside the normal interest rate have become a "hidden rule&

18、quot;". On average, an enterprise pays an additional 9% of the total amount of the loan in addition to the normal interest on each loan and the total cost of maintaining a good lending relationship with the financial institution. In 2006 the national financial institutions loans 22 trillion yua

19、n; consider the loan conditions of large enterprises less favorable, this happens, according to half of the loan amount calculation, gray income to pay extra national financial institutions related personnel may bring up to 1 trillion yuan. The losses caused by bad loans have not been counted. The a

20、bove results have also been verified in some enterprise surveys.Third, rent-seeking behavior in administrative license and examination and approval. For example, party and government officials are taking up coal mines,These "equity" mostly with approval rights, inspection rights, resource

21、control rights in exchange. In the case of the pharmaceutical industry, for a period of time, drug approval and circulation have become very confusing, which has brought huge amounts of grey income to the pharmaceutical industry and related departments.The survey of China's 120 city competitiven

22、ess conducted by the world bank in 2006 pointed out that the travel and entertainment costs of enterprises could measure the informal expenditure on government officials (euphemism for bribery). The proportion of sales accounted for enterprises in different parts of the country and different enterpr

23、ises, the lowest 0.7%, the highest 2.3%. If 0.5% as normal business spending, more than as a part of bribery, according to the 2006 national industry, construction industry and the third industry sales revenue 55 trillion yuan, business travel and entertainment spending for bribery is about 500 bill

24、ion yuan. This mayalso be only a small part of bribery, excluding cash, deposits, physical, credit card debt, equity gift and other forms of bribery.Fourth, the loss of land revenue. In 2005, 163 thousand hectares of state-owned land were sold, of which only 1/3 were sold by auction and auction. &qu

25、ot;Trick shot hanging" and other means of transferring the average land price difference of 4-5 times, the difference of about 5000000 yuan per hectare. Remove 5 thousand hectares of housing, construction land does not apply "trick, shoot," the way, and the remaining 101 thousand hect

26、ares of land less than 540 billion yuan. This has become a source of real estate developers profiteering and power related gray income. Not sold by way of value, but entered the market has not been included in the land.In addition, in the process of land acquisition and development, it is estimated

27、that the average local government will benefit 100 thousand yuan per mu, with a total of 208 billion yuan. This part of the land revenue that should be used to compensate the landless peasants and the long-term development of society is, in most cases, spent as an additional income in the current pe

28、riod, and its use is seriously lacking in supervision.Fifth, monopoly industry income. In 2005, telecommunications, petroleum, electricity, financial insurance, water and electricity supply, tobacco and other industries a total of 8 million 330 thousand employees, less than 8% of the number of worke

29、rs in the country, but the salary income is estimated up to 1 trillion and 70 billion yuan, equivalent to that of the total wages of 55%, higher than the average wage level of workers across the country about the 920 billion yuan. A considerable part of it comes from administrative monopoly.A number

30、 of projects according to above content, including financial corruption, loss of land revenue, business travel and entertainment expenses for bribery, monopoly gray income, the amount is close to 3 trillion yuan, accounting for most of the missing income 4 trillion and 400 billion yuan. This shows t

31、hat China's national income distribution system has huge loopholes and serious system defects. At present, the main reason for the excessive income distributiongap is not the marketization, butthe corruption and grey income caused by unsound system.The grey income caused by the system defect int

32、erferes with the normal distribution of national income. In the initial distribution area, the grey income leads to the distortion of factor allocation, resulting in low efficiency and affecting the future economic development. In the field of redistribution, gray income caused by reverse redistribu

33、tion of national income, the low income residents for the funds through non legitimate meansto transfer power related to the hands, to further expand the income gap and unfair distribution.In recent years, the widening income gap has caused more and more obvious imbalances in the economic structure.

34、 At the same time of rapid economic growth, excessive savings and mass consumption growth are lagging behind, and domestic demand is relatively inadequate, and economic growth is increasingly dependent on investment and export pull. What is more serious is that the fruits of economic development thr

35、ough non legitimate means to focus on a small number of people, leading to the income inequality and serious social polarization. This is the main reason of causing widespread discontent, is the biggest threat to the construction of harmonious society and economic sustainable development, the need f

36、or policymakers to turn the tide of the determination to deal with.Because the main reason for the widening income gap is the distortion of the initial distribution of national income caused by the system defect, it is impossible to solve these problems only by income redistribution. The transfer of

37、 funds by government departments to control a large amount of resources may further lead to the loss of public resources and reverse redistribution, and worsen the pattern of income distribution. Therefore, it is urgent to speed up the reform of the public management system, first of all, the pace o

38、f government reform, and eliminate the root causes of corruption.At present, we need to study how to put the grey income into the view of income distribution statistics. The data on this study are limited and many aspects need to be furtherunderstood.- it needs a comprehensive authoritative departme

39、nt to consider the reform of the government managementsystem from a high level of institutional construction, and some work should also be carried out in conjunction with the NPC's legislation and supervision work.The government reform is for the loopholes in the system caused by a pressing matter of the moment to finance, finance, administration, land and resources management system of state-owned capital loss, public rent-seeking corruption and gray income, in-depth inve


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