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1、Unit 3Status Enquiry Unit 3 Status Enquiry 资信调查资信调查 Brief Introduction It is always important to get the necessary information about the firm with whom you are about to deal concerning their reputation, financial status and business mode before the conclusion of a trasaction, especially one that req

2、uires a large sum of money. Letters to request such information are know as status enquiries To obtain the information, you may apply to:BanksChambers of Commerce(商会商会)Commercial Counselors Office(商务参赞处商务参赞处)Business associates(生意伙伴生意伙伴)5. Enquiry agencies(咨询机构咨询机构) In general, the information obtai

3、ned from a bank is most reliable. However, a bank will not give information directly to an unknown firm, so the firm has to make enquiries through their own bank. Enquiries and Replies 询盘与回复询盘与回复 Business Letters I. Request for a bank reference (向银行咨询向银行咨询) Private and Confidential(机密并亲启机密并亲启)Dear S

4、irs, We have received a letter from Global Trading Co. , Ltd.(全球贸易有限公司) In London, enquiring for our silk blouses(丝绸女衬衫). As we are not acquainted with them (与他们不熟悉), we should like you to enquire(调查) into the financial and credit standing(财务和信贷的情况) of the above-mentioned company(上述公司的信用情况) on our b

5、ehaf(代表我们), especially because they have asked us for a standing credit(长期信用) to the amoun of GBP(Great Britain Pound) 24,000.Their reference(证明人) is the Barminster Bank Ltd. In London. We shall be grateful for your assistance(帮助) in this respect(在这方面) and can assure you(向你保证) that any information y

6、ou may give us will be treated in absolute confidence(将绝对保密).Your early reply is awaited.Yours faithfully,X x xNotes1.Standing n. 身份,身份, 地位地位 (同义)(同义)position; financial standing 财务状况,资信情况财务状况,资信情况 (同义)(同义)credit standing, financial and credit standing In case you need more information about our bus

7、iness standing, we shall be glad to answer at any time. 若需了解有关我们业务的更多情况,我们随时乐于回答。若需了解有关我们业务的更多情况,我们随时乐于回答。 Considering the friendship of long standing between us, we shall make you a special discount for the following articles. 考虑我们双方长期以来的友好关系,我们将对下列商品给予特别折扣。考虑我们双方长期以来的友好关系,我们将对下列商品给予特别折扣。2.credit n

8、. 信誉;信贷;存款数额信誉;信贷;存款数额 We should like to have the credit status of the said company. 我们想知道该公司的资信状况。我们想知道该公司的资信状况。 The goods are bought on credit. 这些货物是以赊欠的方式购得的。这些货物是以赊欠的方式购得的。 We should be most grateful if you would offer six-months interest-free credit on your electrical goods. 若你方能对电器商品提供若你方能对电器商

9、品提供6个月的免息贷款,我们将非常感激。个月的免息贷款,我们将非常感激。How much do I have to my credit?我账上有多少存款?我账上有多少存款?We have paid a credit of USD6000 into your account.我方已在你账上存入我方已在你账上存入6000美元。美元。Vt. 把金额记入某人银行账户的贷方把金额记入某人银行账户的贷方You are required to credit RMB40,000 to us/our account by the end of this month.Or: You are required to

10、 credit us with RMB40,000 by the end of this month.你方须在本月底前在我方账户上汇入你方须在本月底前在我方账户上汇入4万元人民币。万元人民币。3. On ones behalf / on behalf of sb.You may have a detailed discussion with Mr. Liu, who will be attending the East China Textiles Fair on behalf of our fiem next Friday.刘先生下周五代表我公司参加华东纺织品交易会,你可与他详细商谈。刘先生

11、下周五代表我公司参加华东纺织品交易会,你可与他详细商谈。4. To the amount of 金额为金额为的的5. Reference n. 证明人,证明书;参考;(书信等的)编号证明人,证明书;参考;(书信等的)编号Our feferece, the Royal Bank of Canada, will be glad to furnish you with any information you may require.你们需要任何信息,我方证明人加拿大皇家银行都将乐于提供。你们需要任何信息,我方证明人加拿大皇家银行都将乐于提供。We are sending by separate ai

12、rmail the latest catalogur and a sample book for your reference.现另邮最新目录及样本格一份供你方参考。现另邮最新目录及样本格一份供你方参考。Q1. Why are the credit and status inquiries important in international trade? Q2. What should be paid attention to when making status enquiries?Q3. What should be paid attention to when making a rep

13、ly to a status enquiry? Questions:It is always important to get the necessary information about the firm with whom you are about to deal concerning their reputation, financial status and business mode before the conclusion of a transaction, especially one that requires a large sum of money. When you

14、 make enquiries, “Confidential” or “Private and Confidential” often appears at the head of the letter as well as on the envelope. Furthermore, an addressed and stamped envelope is usually enclosed for the convenience of the information supplier.When replying to an enquiry, youd better not mention th

15、e name of the firm enquired about especially when the reference report is unfavorable. In addition, such words as “this information is given without any responsibility on our part” are often contained in the reply in order to avoid any possible trouble. . Favorable reply to the above enquiry (有利的答复有

16、利的答复) Private and Confidential Dear Sirs,We have received from the Barminster Bank the information asked for in your letter of September 25.The firm enquired about is one of the most reliable traders(最可靠的贸易商) in that area. They have enjoyed good reputation in the trade for their large financial rese

17、rves(资金储备) and meeting payment dates punctually(满足如期付款). Over the past years their sales figures(销售额) have been increasing and it seems to be safe to allow them a credit in the sum mentioned(提到的信用) in your letter.This information is given in confidence and without any responsibility on our part.Your

18、s faithfully, x x x#Notes1.Large financial reserves 雄厚的资金储备雄厚的资金储备2.Meet ones payment dates 按期付款按期付款 meet vt. 满足,达到(目标等)满足,达到(目标等) meet ones demand / requirements 满足需求满足需求 meet ones commitments 履行承诺履行承诺3.A credit in the sum 这笔金额的贷款这笔金额的贷款4.On our part 就我们而言就我们而言 on the part of sb. / on sbs part 某人的;

19、某人的; 在在方面,就方面,就而言而言 The agreement has been kept on our part. 我们这方面遵守了协议。我们这方面遵守了协议。 On our part, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. 就我们而言,我们一贯坚持平等互利原则。就我们而言,我们一贯坚持平等互利原则。 I apologize for any mistake on my part. 我对我方所犯得错误感到很抱歉。我对我方所犯得错误感到很抱歉。 Private and ConfidentialDea

20、r Sirs,Messrs. (法语:各位先生法语:各位先生) William Baker & Sons have given us your name as a reference respecting their financial standing(财务状况财务状况).Since we have not dealt with them before, we should be obliged(感激的感激的) if you would inform us, in confidence(秘密的秘密的), whether your business relations with the

21、m during the past would lead you to advise us to allow them a three monthls credit(3个月的信用证个月的信用证) to the value of USD50,000.We enclose a stamped and addressed envelope(贴了邮票及有地址的信封贴了邮票及有地址的信封) and would be only too glad to render you a similar service should the need arise(为你提供类似服务的需要为你提供类似服务的需要).Any

22、 information you can furnish(提供提供) would be greatly valued(是很宝贵的是很宝贵的) and treated in confidence by us.Yours faithfully. x x x. Request for a trade reference (商务咨询商务咨询)Notes1.respecting prep. 关于(一般置于句中)(同义)关于(一般置于句中)(同义)about, concerning, regarding The Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau will provi

23、de necessary certificates respecting the quality and quantity of the shipment. 上海商品检验局将提供货物质量和数量方面的必要证明。上海商品检验局将提供货物质量和数量方面的必要证明。 同义的词组还有:同义的词组还有: as to, as regards, with(in) regard to, with(in) reference to (句中句首皆可句中句首皆可) As to our usual payment terms, you may refer to our letter reference No. TS65

24、. 关于我们通常的付款条件,请见我方编号为关于我们通常的付款条件,请见我方编号为TS65的信件。的信件。Notes The Bank of China in this city will provide any information as regards our financial standing and manner of doing business. 本地中国银行将提供与我们财务状况和经营作风相关的资料。本地中国银行将提供与我们财务状况和经营作风相关的资料。2. render sb. a service 为某人服务为某人服务(或效劳或效劳)3. Should the need ari

25、se= if the need should arise 若有需要若有需要4. value vt. 重视重视 value ones advice 重视某人的劝告重视某人的劝告 a valued client, customer 重要的主顾,顾客等重要的主顾,顾客等 valuable adj. 有价值的,重要的有价值的,重要的 We find your information most valuable and will treat it in confidence. 你们提供的信息非常有价值,我们将予以保密。你们提供的信息非常有价值,我们将予以保密。 Unfavorable reply to

26、the above enquiry (不利的答复不利的答复) Private and ConfidentialDear Sirs,In reply to your letter of March 21, we would like to give you the following information.The company in question has placed orders with us during the past three year, But we regret to say that although the amounts involved have been mu

27、ch smaller than the sum mentioned in your enquiry(你们询盘中你们询盘中提到的总数提到的总数), they did not settle accounts(结清账目结清账目) until repeated reminders. Therefore, we must advise you to regard their request for credit with caution(谨慎贷款谨慎贷款).It would be advisable for you to make additional enquiries( 追加询盘追加询盘) and

28、we believe that you will treat this information as confidential.Your faithfully, x x xNotes1.In reply to 为答复,为答复, 答复信函时通常放于句首,翻译成答复信函时通常放于句首,翻译成“兹复兹复”. In reply to your letter of April 23, 2006, we are glad to enter into business relations with you. 兹复你方兹复你方2006年年1月月5日来函,索要我们网球拍的详细资料。日来函,索要我们网球拍的详细资

29、料。In question 正在被讨论的,通常翻译成正在被讨论的,通常翻译成“该该”。 为了避免不必要的麻烦,回复信为了避免不必要的麻烦,回复信(尤其是不利的回复信尤其是不利的回复信)中一般不提及被咨询公司的名称,而是用下列词语来代替:中一般不提及被咨询公司的名称,而是用下列词语来代替: the company you enquire about 你方所询问的公司你方所询问的公司 the company concerned 有关公司有关公司 the firm mentioned in your letter 你方信中提到的公司你方信中提到的公司3.Place an order / orders

30、 with sb. ( for sth. ) 向某人订购某物向某人订购某物 你方若要订购,请尽早把订单寄来。你方若要订购,请尽早把订单寄来。 If your quotations are suitable, we shall be able to place orders with you. 如你方报价合适,我们将向你方订货。如你方报价合适,我们将向你方订货。 order vt. 订购订购 order sth. From sb. 向某人订购某物向某人订购某物4. Settle accounts( with sb.) 结清账目(同义)结清账目(同义)square accounts (with s

31、b.) account n. 账目,账单,户头;账目,账单,户头; 报告,叙述;原因;重要性报告,叙述;原因;重要性 balance accounts with 与与结清账目结清账目 open an account with a bank 在银行开立账户在银行开立账户 by ones own account 根据某人自己所讲根据某人自己所讲 on account of sth. 由于,因为由于,因为 of great ( small, etc.) account 很重要(不大重要等)很重要(不大重要等)5. repeated reminder 再三提醒再三提醒 Useful Sentences

32、1.Will you please furnish us with details as to the financial standing of the abovementioned company? 请提供上述公司财务状况方面的详情。请提供上述公司财务状况方面的详情。2.We should be most grateful / obliged / glad / pleased if you could advise on the reputation and financial standing of the company in question. 你方若能对该公司的信誉及财务状况提出意

33、见,我们将非常感激你方若能对该公司的信誉及财务状况提出意见,我们将非常感激 / 高兴。高兴。 3.United Textile Ltd. Has given us your name as a reference, and we would like to know whether they are of good repute and should be allowed a credit up to USD8,000. 联合纺织有限公司将你方作为证明人提供给我们,我们想知道他们的声誉是否良好,能否给他们一笔联合纺织有限公司将你方作为证明人提供给我们,我们想知道他们的声誉是否良好,能否给他们一

34、笔8000美美元的贷款。元的贷款。4.Any information you may furnish as to their capital and reputation will be held in strict confidence. 你方若能就此事提供帮助,我们将非常感激。可以向你们保证,你们提供的任何信息,我们一定予以绝对保你方若能就此事提供帮助,我们将非常感激。可以向你们保证,你们提供的任何信息,我们一定予以绝对保密密。Exercises Put the following English phrases into Chinese and vice versa(反之亦然反之亦然).

35、1. financial standing 2. Meet ones commitments3. With caution4. Treat in confidence5. To the amount of 6. With regard to7. Repeated reminder8. On account of9. Settle accounts10.In reply to 财务状况财务状况履行承诺履行承诺谨慎地谨慎地对某事保密对某事保密总额为总额为 关于关于再三提醒再三提醒由于由于结清账目结清账目为答复为答复11. 定额贷款定额贷款12. 另行征询另行征询13. 以赊账的方式以赊账的方式14

36、. 资金储备资金储备15. 放心放心16. 不负任何责任不负任何责任17. 该公司该公司18. 代表代表19. 调查调查20. 经营作风经营作风Standing creditMake additionalOn credit / accountfinancial reservesRest assuredWithout any responsibilityThe company in questionOn behalf of / on ones behalfEnquire intoManner of doing business. Put the following English phrases

37、 into Chinese and vice versa (反之亦然反之亦然). Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words or phrases given below, and translate the letter into Chinese.particular / bank / behalf / credit / meeting / required / bad debts / enquire into / involve / statusDear Sirs,We would like you to_ the financial a

38、nd credit _ of a firm in Milan on our _.The firm is Santo Domino & Co. , distributors of spare parts for cards. Their _ is the Banco di Italino, of 73 Via Milano. We would like to know their general financial reliability. In _, their trade with us will _ a sum of USD50,000 initially, and perhaps

39、 a monthly credit of USD5,000 will be _.We should be please if you would let us know whether this credit is justified in view of their record in _ payment dates. Is there a record of _ ? We need to know this if we are to extend _ to them.Yours faithfully, x x xenquire intostatusbehalfbankparticulari

40、nvolverequiredmeetingbad debts(坏账坏账)creditPrivate and confidentialAnswer of translation : 机密并亲启机密并亲启敬启者敬启者 我们想请你代为查询一下米兰一家商行的财务和信用状况。我们想请你代为查询一下米兰一家商行的财务和信用状况。 这家商行是这家商行是Santo Domino & Co. , 系汽车零件的经销商。他们的银行是系汽车零件的经销商。他们的银行是Banco di Italino, 73 Via Milano。我们想知道他们的一般财务可靠性。我们想知道他们的一般财务可靠性。 特别是他们同我们

41、开始的一笔贸易就要涉及特别是他们同我们开始的一笔贸易就要涉及5万美元,或许每月还要给予万美元,或许每月还要给予5000美元的信贷。美元的信贷。 我们想知道,照他们按期付款方面的记录,给予这笔信贷是否妥当。他们有无坏账记录?如果给予信贷,我们想知道,照他们按期付款方面的记录,给予这笔信贷是否妥当。他们有无坏账记录?如果给予信贷,我们必须知道这一情况。我们必须知道这一情况。. Correct the errors in the following sentences and translate them into Chinese.1.Any information you may give us

42、will be regarded as confidence.2.We thank you by advance for the information you may obtain for us.3.As we have not dealt in this firm in the past, we would like to have your opinions on their reliability.4.We should appreciate if you would be so kind as to give us details concerning their financial

43、 status.5.We have completed our enquiries and are glad to furnish you the following information.6.We have received from the above firm an order for 50,000 dozen womens blouses.7.We understand this information will be treated as strict confidential and regret that we cannot be more helpful.8.Over the

44、 past five years they have placed regular orders from us on a number of occasions.9.We are confident In that they are a firm of good repute.10.You are , of course, ensured of our discretion in treating whatever information you may give us.confidential你们提供的信息都将被视为机密你们提供的信息都将被视为机密in对你们可能为我们获取的信息,我们预先表

45、示感谢对你们可能为我们获取的信息,我们预先表示感谢with我们未曾与这家商行打过交道,因此想知道你们对他们的可靠性有何意见。我们未曾与这家商行打过交道,因此想知道你们对他们的可靠性有何意见。it若能提供有关他们财务状况方面的详情,当不胜感激。若能提供有关他们财务状况方面的详情,当不胜感激。 with我们已完成了调查,乐于为你们提供以下信息。我们已完成了调查,乐于为你们提供以下信息。我们从上述商行那里收到了一份购买我们从上述商行那里收到了一份购买50000打女式衬衫的订单打女式衬衫的订单strictly我们知道,对此信息你方将予以严格保密,很遗憾不能提供更多的帮助。我们知道,对此信息你方将予以严

46、格保密,很遗憾不能提供更多的帮助。with在过去的在过去的5年中,他们曾多次向我们定期购买。年中,他们曾多次向我们定期购买。我们相信,他们是一家声誉良好的商行。我们相信,他们是一家声誉良好的商行。assured当然,你们可以放心,我们会谨慎对待你们提供的信息的。当然,你们可以放心,我们会谨慎对待你们提供的信息的。IV. Translate the following sentences into English.1.关于我公司资信状况,你方可向中国银行苏州分行咨询。关于我公司资信状况,你方可向中国银行苏州分行咨询。2.因为这是我们之间的首次交易,所以请提供你方银行的名号和地址,以便我们征询。因

47、为这是我们之间的首次交易,所以请提供你方银行的名号和地址,以便我们征询。 3. 就我们所知,你们问询的那家公司多年来声誉良好。就我们所知,你们问询的那家公司多年来声誉良好。4.抱歉,对该公司的情况我们无法提供令你满意的答复。抱歉,对该公司的情况我们无法提供令你满意的答复。5.我们想知道上述公司在偿付债务时是否可靠以及他们付款是否及时。我们想知道上述公司在偿付债务时是否可靠以及他们付款是否及时。 As to our credit status, you may refer to the Bank of China, Suzhou Branch.Since this is the first tr

48、ansaction between us, we would like you to furnish the name and address of your bank so as to enable us to make enquiries.As far as we know, the firm you enquired about has enjoyed good reputation for many years.We regret being unable to offer a satisfactory answer as to the status of the company in

49、 question.We would like to know if the above-mentioned company is reliable in repaying their debts and if they pay promptly.V. Translate the following letter into English 敬启者:敬启者: 最近,我们从新顾客最近,我们从新顾客 AL Industrial Trading Co. 那里收到了一份总计那里收到了一份总计15000英镑的订单。由于我们之前英镑的订单。由于我们之前没有任何的业务往来,因此我们想知道,你们能否就他们的资信

50、状况提供一些信息。没有任何的业务往来,因此我们想知道,你们能否就他们的资信状况提供一些信息。 随函附上该公司的地址。随函附上该公司的地址。 请放心,你方提供的任何信息,我们都将绝对保密。请放心,你方提供的任何信息,我们都将绝对保密。 期待你方尽早回复。期待你方尽早回复。V.Dear Sirs, Recently we have received an order to the amount of GBP 15,000 from a new customer, AL Industrial Trading Co. As we have never done any business with them before, we would like to know if you could furnish us


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