1、It s hot in summer.Step one: Warm up1、Greetings.T: Are you ready for class?Ss: Y es.T: OK! Class begi ns. Good morning, boys an dgirls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Excellent! Sit down, please.2、Si ng a songLast class, we ve learned a song youa Wterioyishhristmas.” Do youstill remember? Please take
2、 out your han ds. Let ssing together, ok? Great, lbegi n now.3、Say and do.(幻灯片依次出示一组图片:play football、play basketbalkplay table tennis watch TV、goswimming,让学生说出相应的英语短语。)Now, class, look at the screen and say the activities asquickly as possible.Let s see who ll be the winner. Ok, the first o 请单个学生回答)
3、-Boys and girls, readafterher/him, please.(评语:super, well done, good job, clever boy/girl.)Then, I say you do.教师说短语,学生做动作)Kids, sta nd up and move yourbody, ok?(You are so lovely! Good! Pleasesit dow n.)Step two: Lead in(课件出示放风筝的图片)Another picture for you! Look, what s this?Yes,放风筝,read after me,“ f
4、ly k 开火车读)(When do we fly kites?我们通常在什么季节放风筝呢?同学们是的,在春天。Today,we are going to learn M8: Seasons and weathe 季节和天 气)板书课题Step three:Presentation(课件展示四季图片 )T: Now, class. Look at the screen and then answer myquestions.现在,请同学们看这几幅图片,然后回答老师的问题)Ok, the 1st questio n: How many seas ons arethere in a year?(一
5、年当中有几个季节啊?)In En glish, please!Ss: Four seas ons.T: Very good!(老师指着课件与学生一起数)One, two, three, four! Yes! There are four seasons in a year.And what are they?分别是哪四个呢?)Please say it in Chi nese.Ss:春,夏,秋,冬.T: Y es! They are spri ng, summer, autu mn and win ter.板书2. 教授单词(单词卡片)Now, boys and girls, read aft
6、er me, please.(开火车读,男女生读,大小声读)Now class, ope n your exercise book, write the new words, please.3. 做游戏Great! You ve done a good job. Let s play a game. Look at my mouth andguess words.(看老师的口型猜单词)So funny and you are so clever!4. 学习句型:It s spring/summer/autumn/wint 幻灯片依次出示四季图片)T: Look! What sthis?Ss:
7、Spri ng!T: Yes! It s spring.T: The one is (summer).T: Next one is .(autumn).T: The last one is (winter).That s it! Very good! Onogain, please.再来一遍,说出完整的句子,我们比 比谁的反应最快吧!5.学习句型:It s warm in springtIt scool in autu mn .Its hot in summer.s cold in win ter.T: What s the weather like in spr ing? Who can t
8、ell meGood! Follow me“warm” . Sowe can say:“ It s warm in spring.(板书)T: And what about summer?(那么夏天呢?)“ Its ho(t 板书) in summer. T:And what about autumn?Its cool (板书) inautumn. T:And what about winter?Its cold (板书) in winter.Super! Let s read together! s warm in spri ng One;two, beg in!(齐读 4 句话)Step
9、Four: Practice Let s sing a chantSpring, spring, it Summer,summer,itAutumn,autumn, itWinter, winter, itSpring, summer, autumn, winter, every season is wonderful. Now, open yourbook and turn toP30. Let s have a good time with our four seasons.Step Five: New-teaching1、 Listen to the tape and circle th
10、e new words.(首先,听录音,把我们学的新单词圈出来。 )2、 Listen carefully and answer the questions:What do wedo in springsummerautumnwinte?(每听完一段回答一个问题 )3、 Listen and repeat. Sentence by sentence。 (听音,跟读 )Group work : 四人一组,每人描述一个季节。Step Six: ConsolidationWonder! 太棒了!我们知道一年有四季, 那么你最喜爱的季节是什么呢?在 你最喜爱的季节里你会做些什么有趣的活动呢? Now,
11、 让我们一起分享“我 的最爱 ,畅所欲言吧! 我的最爱:描述你最喜爱的季节以及在这个季节里所进行的活动。使用句型: It s spring.It s warm in spring.We fly kites in spring.Step Seven: Homework1. Copy the new words three times. 抄写新单词三遍。2. Introduce your favorite season to yourfamily and friends.向你的家人及朋友介绍你最喜欢的季节教学反思总的来说,通过这次的备课、上课、课后反思,我从中受益匪浅。我这次微格的教s warm
12、inspring.s hot insummer.s cool inautumn.s cold inwinter.学内容是:外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第二册 Module 8 Unitl It s hot in summer 的第一课时,即热身、导入、呈现。纵观整节课,我能够在相应时间里实现有关教学目 标,基本能够按照教学设计的环节进行教学,有做的好的地方,但更多的是需要改进的 地方。首先,我觉得我在这次微格教学中做得较好的体现在以下几个方面:a、让学生欣赏图片,使学生在愉悦的环境中进入学习内容;b、让学生通过图片、动作,进而让学生更容易理解并掌握单词 warm,cool,hot,cold 等新单词;c、由于我很用心地备课,并 做了相关辅助(课件、教具),教学环节进行得还算顺利。其次,从这次的微格教学中,我存在着很多不足:a 个别单词语音发音不准,如:Are you ready ?的“ ready ”翘舌音发不准;b、课堂用语不熟练,由于紧张,很多时候 想表达的课堂用语都无法正确的表达出来;c、在教学单词或课文时,需要动作示范时,我总是做得不太自然;e、在呈现课文时,没有及时把设计的问题板书黑板;f、课堂气氛太过活跃,有时觉得难以控制。最后,在今后的学习、乃至以后的英语教学中,我还要更加努力、虚心的学习,具 体从以下几个方面来严格要求自己:a、要继
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