1、12 QCPCRoot Cause /CorrectiveActionPassportProcessManagementStandardWorkMistakeProofingMarketFeedbackAnalysis6SQualityClinic ActivityTPM3 质量质量诊断程序诊断程序图表图表根本根本原因原因修正修正行动行动设计设计开发通行证开发通行证程序程序管理管理标榜标榜化作业化作业防防误措施误措施市场市场反馈反馈分析分析6S质量质量诊断诊断行动行动全面全面生产性生产性维护维护4- Systematic method for review/approval of new de
2、signs - Repeatable processes that are effective and efficient - Simple tool to identify problems and inefficiencies (turnbacks) - Data summaries that display how components perform in field - Method to drive to the true source of problems - Workplace organization and visual control - Continuously im
3、proving equipment effectiveness/availability - Creation of devices that ensure a task is always done correctly5-检查检查/批准批准新新设计的系统方法设计的系统方法 - 可可重复的有效程序重复的有效程序 - 识别问题和低效率(返工)的简单工具识别问题和低效率(返工)的简单工具 - 展示组件是怎样工作的数据摘要展示组件是怎样工作的数据摘要 - 发现问题的真正来源的方法发现问题的真正来源的方法 - 工作工作场地组织和直观控制场地组织和直观控制 - 不断不断地改善设备的有效性和可用性地改善设
4、备的有效性和可用性 - 确保确保任务总能正确完成的设备的措施任务总能正确完成的设备的措施6 Increase profitability by eliminating inadvertent mistakes 消除消除无谓的错误可增加无谓的错误可增加利润率 Increase productivity by reducing wasted time 减少减少浪费的时间可提高浪费的时间可提高生产力 Improve customer satisfaction and quality by eliminating escapes 消除消除逃脱可提高逃脱可提高客户满意度和和质量 Increase rel
5、iability by continuously improving products, services or processes 不断不断改进产品、服务或程序可提高改进产品、服务或程序可提高信誉7They are not the same thing! Mistakes Cause Defects.他们他们是不同的!是不同的! 错误导致过失Mistake错误错误Defect过过失失Pumping diesel fuel into your gas tank.将柴油加入汽油箱Running a red light.撞红灯Forgetting to unplug your iron.忘记拔掉电
6、熨斗的插头Placing the “original” in your copier feeder “face down”.将原件放进了复印机的进纸处并正面冲下or8Misunderstanding requirements 误解误解了要求了要求Skipping a process step or tasks漏漏掉了一个工作步骤掉了一个工作步骤Performing process steps incorrectly or in the wrong order未未正确地或以错误地顺序执行程序正确地或以错误地顺序执行程序步骤步骤Contamination污染污染Leaving out a part
7、 or a piece of information漏漏掉了一个零件或一条信息掉了一个零件或一条信息Adjustment and measurement mistakes调节调节和测量错误和测量错误Timing mistakes定时错误定时错误Using the wrong part, tool or information使用使用了错误的零件、工具或信息了错误的零件、工具或信息9Mistake-Proofing is a way of using wisdom and ingenuity to create devices that ensure a task is always done
8、correctly.防防误措施是指运用智慧和独创性发展出一个能确保任误措施是指运用智慧和独创性发展出一个能确保任务总是能正确完成的设备的方法。务总是能正确完成的设备的方法。It removes uncertainty from the situations where errors are most likely to occur, such as:它它去除了最可能发生错误的情形中的不确定性,如去除了最可能发生错误的情形中的不确定性,如: Repetitive tasks 重复重复性的任务性的任务 Complex instructions 复杂复杂的说明书的说明书 Calculations /
9、 Adjustments 计算计算/调节调节 Look-alike parts 相似相似的零件的零件10To prevent turnbacks and customer escapes from recurring, since the cost to fix a problem increases rapidly the later it is found:为防止缺陷和客户逃脱情况再次发生,因为问题发现得越晚所花的费用就会迅速增为防止缺陷和客户逃脱情况再次发生,因为问题发现得越晚所花的费用就会迅速增加:加:and its found here,并并在这儿被发现,在这儿被发现, it cos
10、ts: 就就要花费:要花费:Rework, repair, scrap and escapes cost UTC $148 million per year. Warranty expenses cost us another $600 million per year.The cost of lost customer loyalty due to escapes is immeasurable.返返工、修理、废弃和逃脱每年要花掉工、修理、废弃和逃脱每年要花掉UTC1.48亿。亿。保修保修费用每年花掉我们另外费用每年花掉我们另外6亿。亿。由于逃脱而丧失了客户的信任的损失则不可计算。由于逃脱而
11、丧失了客户的信任的损失则不可计算。Design设计DevelopProcess进行加工Op 2Customer客户Op 1Op 1Op 2$1$10$100$1,000$10,00011Mistake-Proof 防防误措施误措施 the Design 设计设计Redesign the product重新重新设计产品设计产品 Eliminate the mistake condition消除消除犯错误的条件犯错误的条件Redesign for symmetry or asymmetry重新重新进行对称或不对称设计进行对称或不对称设计Change the materials改变改变材料材料Cha
12、nge component type, characteristics or supplier改变改变组件的类型、特征或供应商组件的类型、特征或供应商Mistake-Proof 防误措施防误措施 the Process 加工加工Change or add tooling改变改变或增添工具或增添工具Change process steps改变改变加工步骤加工步骤Add use of checklists, templates or gages增增加使用清单、模板或测量仪加使用清单、模板或测量仪Implement control charts执执行控制图表行控制图表12Process Descri
13、ption: Making a pot of coffee程序程序描述:泡一壶咖啡描述:泡一壶咖啡Before Improvement:改进改进前:前:Water needed to be measured for each pot of coffee often resulting in coffee that was too weak or too strong泡前每壶咖啡的水量都要测量常常泡前每壶咖啡的水量都要测量常常导致咖啡过淡或过浓。导致咖啡过淡或过浓。13Process Description: Making a pot of coffee程序程序描述:泡一壶咖啡描述:泡一壶咖啡A
14、fter Improvement:改进改进后:后:Coffee maker was redesigned to measure and add the precise amount of water from a water bottle重新重新设计咖啡机以使每次从水瓶中加入的设计咖啡机以使每次从水瓶中加入的水的量都一样多水的量都一样多14Process Description: A label is pasted into a recess in a molded chassis程序程序描述:将标签贴在底盘的凹槽内描述:将标签贴在底盘的凹槽内Before Improvement:改进改进前:
15、前:The recess and the label were both rectangular. The label could be glued in upside-down.凹槽和标签都是长方形。标签可能会贴反凹槽和标签都是长方形。标签可能会贴反。Recess in chassis底盘的凹槽底盘的凹槽Label标标签签Model T6AC 110V10 WAfter Improvement:改进改进后:后:A notch was made in the corner of the label, and in the recess of the chassis. Incorrect mou
16、nting is completely eliminated.在在标签和凹槽的一角做一个切口。就能完全标签和凹槽的一角做一个切口。就能完全防止错误发生。防止错误发生。Recess in chassis底盘的凹槽底盘的凹槽Label标标签签Model T6AC 110V10 W15Process Description: Install slides into a slide projector程序程序描述:将幻灯片装入幻灯机中描述:将幻灯片装入幻灯机中Before Improvement:改进改进前:前:Are some slides upside down?有有一些幻灯片装反了吗?一些幻灯片
17、装反了吗?After Improvement:改进改进后:后:Top edge of each slide marked with a red dot.每每张幻灯片的上边都有一张幻灯片的上边都有一红点红点。16Process Description: Torquing a number of bolts recessed deep in a cavity.程序程序描述:将大量螺栓拧进空腔深处的凹槽内描述:将大量螺栓拧进空腔深处的凹槽内Before Improvement:改进改进前:前:The socket extension required to reach the bolts cause
18、d nicks and scratches in the painted surfaces that it contacted during assembly.在操作的过程中,用来拧螺栓的拧杆柄会对油漆表面造成刮伤。After Improvement:改进改进后:后:A rubber hose was installed over the socket extension and was specified on the work instructions.一一个橡皮管被装在拧杆柄上并在工作个橡皮管被装在拧杆柄上并在工作说明书上有详细说明。说明书上有详细说明。17Mistake-Proofin
19、g is a way of using wisdom and ingenuity to create devices that ensure a task is always done correctly.防防误措施是指运用智慧和独创性发展出一个能确保任务总是能正确完成的误措施是指运用智慧和独创性发展出一个能确保任务总是能正确完成的设备设备的方法。的方法。Word “Solution” 文字“解决方法”Problem:The “One Day “ employee badge form asks for badge # and clock #. Employees often write th
20、eir clock # in the badge # spot.问题:“一日”雇员的证件表格要求填写证件号和钟点号。雇员常将钟点号填在证件号的位置。Badge #证件证件号号Clock #钟点钟点号号(filled out by Emergency Services)(由紧急服务部填写)(filled out by employee)(由雇员填写)True Mistake-Proofing 真正真正的防误措施的防误措施1 Day Badge#1日日证件号证件号All gray areas filled out by EmergencyServices所有灰色区域由紧急服务部填写Employee
21、 Clock #雇员钟点号雇员钟点号All yellow areasfilled out by Employee所有黄色区域由雇员填写18Guide pins or interference pins向向导图钉或干涉图钉导图钉或干涉图钉Templates模模板板Part kits using shadowboxing使用使用能防止错误的零件包能防止错误的零件包Limit switches限制限制阀阀Counters计算计算器器Alarms闹钟闹钟Weights and measures称重秤和测量仪称重秤和测量仪Checklists 清单清单Control charts控制控制图表图表19Im
22、prove the process! 改进改进程序!程序!Simplify 简单简单化化Reduce steps, parts, forms, data on forms, number of process steps, etc.减少减少步骤、零件、表格、表格上的数据、加工步骤的数量等。步骤、零件、表格、表格上的数据、加工步骤的数量等。Consolidate/Co-Locate 巩固巩固/共用共用Bring operations closer together, reduce work-in-process (WIP)使使操作变得更紧凑,减少过程工作(操作变得更紧凑,减少过程工作(WIP)S
23、tandardize 标准标准化化Make the process visual 使使程序可见程序可见Move responsibility and authority down in the organization将将责任和权利下放给组织责任和权利下放给组织20Try-Storming (vs. Brainstorming)尝尝试风暴试风暴 (对头脑风暴)(对头脑风暴)Involve the right people让让合适的人参与合适的人参与Walk the process and get the facts检验程序并获得事实检验程序并获得事实Dont just sit and thin
24、k about solutions. TRY THEM!不不要只是坐在那儿想解决问题的方法要只是坐在那儿想解决问题的方法去去尝试!尝试!21The “Nasty Test” (vs. the “Solution”)“恶恶心的试验心的试验” (对对“解决方法解决方法”)When you think youve got the best solution TRY TO MAKE IT FAIL!当当你认为你已找到最佳解决方法时你认为你已找到最佳解决方法时 试试着去让它失败着去让它失败 Involve all users 让让所有使用者参与所有使用者参与Mistake-proof devices m
25、ust be 100% effective at dealing with a particular mistake在处理特殊错误时在处理特殊错误时防防误设备必须误设备必须100%有效有效 If not, they will be ignored 如果如果不能,就应放弃不能,就应放弃Ensure the mistake-proof doesnt create another problem确保确保防误措施不会引起其它问题防误措施不会引起其它问题221)Formally, as part of the QCPC/MFA Process形式形式上的,作为上的,作为QCPC/MFA程序中一部分程序中
26、一部分Notice mistake as it happens当错误发生时要留意Develop a simple fix to prevent it from recurring.开发出一种简单方法来防止它再发生Implement the simple fix into the standard process在标准程序中运用这种简单方法Use QCPC to collect Turnback data使用QCPC来收集缺陷数据Use Pareto Analysis to Identify top turnbacks用Pareto分析分析来识别最高缺陷率Perform Root Cause A
27、nalysis to identify Root Cause用根本原因分析根本原因分析来识别根本原因Develop & implement Mistake-Proofs to prevent recurrence.开发并执行防误措施防误措施来防止错误的再发生2) Real-time, whenever you notice a mistae occurring or the potential for a mistake实实时的,无论何时你发现一个错误或有出错的可能性时的,无论何时你发现一个错误或有出错的可能性23There are 3 Levels of Mistake-Proofi
28、ng based on effectiveness and speed:防误措施防误措施有有三个基于有效性和速度的等级:三个基于有效性和速度的等级:Level III: Detection等级三:发现等级三:发现Level II: Alert等级二:警告等级二:警告Level I: Prevention等级一:防止等级一:防止24Level III, Detect: Allows you to detect your Mistake after it has occurred. (1 point)等级三,发现:在已经发生之后发现错误等级三,发现:在已经发生之后发现错误Checklists 清单
29、清单Computer beeps 电脑电脑提醒提醒 Manually activated Spell Check 手手工拼写检查工拼写检查Level II, Alert: Alerts you as the Mistake is happening. (2 points)等级等级二,警告:当错误正在发生时提醒你二,警告:当错误正在发生时提醒你Sensors, alarms, control charts 传感器、闹钟、控制图表传感器、闹钟、控制图表Counters 计算计算器器Automatic Spell Check 自动自动拼写检查拼写检查Level I, Prevent: Prevents you from making the Mistake. (3 points)等级等级三,防止:防止你犯错误三,防止:防止你犯错误Eliminating the mistake condition (changing the design)消除消除犯错条件犯错条件Automation 自动自动控制控制Spelling “Auto-corrector” 拼写拼写“自动更正器自动更正器”25The following 2 item
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