1、Lead in詹姆斯詹姆斯卡梅隆卡梅隆The loss of the The loss of the TitanicTitanic To turn sharply. Because there werent enough lifeboats.21222324252627282930驶往把看做按照现代标准即使起航,出发密封舱恐惧地当时,那时沉没及时转变航向罹难者众多发出警报险些撞上冰墙跳入,投入sail forregard asby modern standardseven if set outwatertight compartmentto ones horrorat that timego
2、downturn just in timewith heavy loss of lifegive an alarmnarrowly missing the wallplunge intoThe great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th. 1912.sail for航海去往某处航海去往某处set out for /set off for /leave for /head for /make for 出发去往某处出发去往某处-He will set out for the Atlantic.-Th
3、e plane is making for the airport.-We are heading for Canada.She was carrying 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891.carry 表示载有表示载有carry passengers 承载乘客承载乘客carrier (n) 航空母舰航空母舰 运送者运送者a crew of 一组人员一组人员The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers.这船上除高级船员外,有这船上除高级船员外,有5757名普通船员。名普通船员。 Even by modern s
4、tandards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was acolossal ship.by = according to表示依据-by regulation依据规则 /by rules依据条例-by ones looks=by ones appearance根据某人的长相 Dont judge a book by its cover.according to依据(事实、课文等客观存在的现实)-according to the fact依据事实standard 水准,标准,水be below / up to standard 低于/ 达到某种标准the standard of
5、living 生活水平At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments.unsinkable 不会沉没的,不可能沉没的不会沉没的,不可能沉没的un+ v. +able adj. 表达动作的不可能性表达动作的不可能性unforgivable unforgettableunforeseeableunbelievableregard as
6、 / treat as/ viewas/ considerasEven if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float.flood 注满, 充满 【flood with/ be flooded with】-My desk is flooded with paper.我的桌子上堆满了纸-a room flooded with sunlight 充满阳光的房间他们给她提供了大量的建议。 n.充溢, 大量-a flood of light 一大片强光-a flood of people 人潮如涌The tragic sin
7、king of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.liner-班轮,班机:大型商船或飞机with heavy loss of life - 结果状语tragic 悲剧的comic 喜剧的opera 歌剧dramatragedy 悲剧comedy 喜剧play 剧documentary 记录片thriller 恐怖片series 连续剧Soap operaFour days after setting out, whil
8、e the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. water watersicy waters水域cross the waters渡过大海people - peoples 民族sand 沙子 不可数- sands 沙滩lookout-n.望员, 监视哨, 看-a lookout tower了望塔 After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned s
9、harply to avoid a direct collision.sharply 锐利地, 急剧地 修饰一种变化或动作 =suddenlyincrease/ drop / rise/ fall sharplyShe looked up sharply when I mentioned his name. 我一提起他的名字,她猛地抬头。The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.sli
10、ght - not loudfrom below-Someone appeared from under the table.-My best friend came out from behind the door.tremble with cold / anger 冷的发抖/ 气的发抖气愤 激动 生气 引起的shake shook shaken 各种振动shake ones head 摇头The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.faint hard to be notice
11、da faint light 微弱的光He was giving a speech when he fainted.突然昏倒fade (v)声音逐渐消失 褪色fade away逐渐减弱pass away 去世- dieBelow, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded!The order to abandon ship was given an
12、d hundreds of p e o p l e p l u n g e d i n t o t h e i c y w a t e r .The order was given 命令被下达-be able to do sth能够做某事 the ability to do sth做某事的能力-order sb to do sth命令某人做某事 the order to do sth做某事的命令-be capable of doing sth有能力做某事 capability of doing sth做某事的能力Questions on the text:1. How many passeng
13、ers was Titanic carrying and how many crew? 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.2. How did she compare with other ships at that time/ She was the largest that had ever been built.3. Why was she regarded as unsinkable? because she had sixteen watertight compartments.4. How many days had she been at sea
14、 when the iceberg was spotted? Four days.5. What did she do to avoid direct collisions? To turn sharply.6. What was heard from below? A slight trembling sound.7. Why did no one think the ship had been damaged? The noise had been so faint.8. What was actually happening to the ship? She was sinking ra
15、pidly.9. What order was given to the people on board? Abandon ship.10. Why were so many lives lost? Because there werent enough lifeboats. 5.Exercise1.When the Titanic set out from Southampton_.a. she was carrying a very large cargob. she was making a voyage which is only attempted by very large shi
16、psc. only two of her watertight compartments were floodedd. she was sailing on her maiden voyage47 5.Exercise2.What happened once the iceberg had been spotted?a. The Titanic got lost in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.b. The alarm was given that there was a collision aheadc. The Titanic quickly
17、 changed her course.d. The Titanic turned just as the iceberg rose steeply out of the water.48 5.Exercise3.The Titanic sank because_.a. she had been badly damaged by an icebergb. the captain was slow to realize the true nature of the damagec. no more than five of her watertight compartments had been
18、 floodedd. instead of trying to save her, people plunged into the water49lose lose lost lost 丢失loss (n)loss of lifelose ones life丧命at a loss不知所措loose (adj)松的shoelace is loose鞋带松了tight (adj)紧的tight schedule时间安排紧The Loss of the Titanic 文章共分两段,第一段讲了“泰坦尼克号”的一些背景知识,第二段主要讲其沉没过程。 “泰坦尼克号的沉没”这一20世纪的历史大悲剧是大家所
19、熟知的,其影片中的故事让人们百般回味而仍感意犹未尽。compartment n. n. 火车车厢内的间隔间,轮船密封仓火车车厢内的间隔间,轮船密封仓carriage/car n. 火车一节车厢火车一节车厢There are 10 compartments in each car/carriage of the train. 每节火车车厢有每节火车车厢有1010个隔间。个隔间。v flood: n. (1) 洪水,大水(2) 大量流入vflood: v. (1) 泛滥;淹没,充满水 (2)(常与常与in, through连用连用)大量涌来,涌到;冲进大量涌来,涌到;冲进 voyage: by s
20、ea or by air 航行, 航空t r a v e l : l o n g , f o r business or enjoyment (长途)旅行journey: usu. far away (远途)旅行, 旅程trip: short (短途) 旅行excursion: short (短途) 远足, 游览, 旅行tour: long or short, for business or enjoyment or display, usu. to many places (为了公务、娱乐或教育)参观多处名胜的一次旅行narrow: adj. 狭隘的,狭窄的;勉强的,险胜的narrowly:
21、 adv. narrow minded person 心胸狭窄的人,思想狭隘的人 narrow escape from death 幸免于难,死里逃生 a narrow victory 险胜He was elected by a narrow majority.Tom passed the exam by a narrow margin.He narrowly escaped death.He narrowly escaped the accident.slight: adj. 细小的;微不足道的;轻微的eg. I have a slight headache. a slight girl苗条
22、的女孩a slight difference微小的区别 not in the slightest = not at all 一点也不 You didnt embarrass me in the slightest.faint: adj. 模糊的;暗淡的;微弱的eg. a faint light 暗淡的光线a faint sound 微弱的声音I havent the faintest idea of what you mean.我一点也不懂你的意思。horror n. 恐怖,恐惧 horrible adj.恐怖的,可怕的 horrify v. 使恐怖,惊骇terror n.恐怖,恐惧 terr
23、ible adj.可怕的,糟糕的 terrify v.吓唬,威胁fear n.畏惧,担心 fearful adj.害怕的 fear v.畏惧,害怕,担心fright n. 惊吓,恐怖 frightful adj.恐怖的,可怕的 frighten v.使害怕,吓唬Lifeboat 救生艇Lifebuoy 救生圈Life-jacket 救生衣Lifeguard 救生员Lifespan 寿命Read & answer : 1. How many people were there on the Titanic? (There were 1,316 passengers and a crew
24、of 891.) 2.hat would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartment had been flooded?Read the text by yourselves and pay attention to the usage of the past perfect tense.vLanguage Language pointspointsv (背景介绍背景介绍)v sailfor : 航海去往某处航海去往某处 v 出发去往某处出发去往某处: set out for /set off for /le
25、ave for /head for /make for vHewillsetoutfortheAtlantic. vTheplaneismakingfortheairport.vWeareheadingforCanada.2. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891.carry 表示 “载有,运送“ carry passengers 承载乘客 carry luggage 运送行李 carrier (n) 航空母舰 运送者 a crew of 一组(工作人员) The ship carry a crew of 250.A titan
26、ic explosion c o n s u m e d Challenger and its crew of seven.巨大的爆炸毁灭了“挑战者”号和它的七名乘务员。3. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartment.v at that time = then 在当时在当时 v not only but (also ) 不仅
27、不仅而且而且 v be regarded as = 把把看作为看作为 口语中:口语中: regard sb. / sth. as + (n. / pron. / adj. / doing / done) I regarded his idea as totally unacceptable. We cant regard the matter as settled. v for for 表示原因表示原因 be considered as , be treated as unsinkable 不会沉没的,不可能沉没的不会沉没的,不可能沉没的 unforgivable /unforgettable
28、/ unbelievable4. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.even by modern standards 甚至按照现代的标准by = according to 依据 - by regulation 依据规则 - by rules 依据条例 - by our estimate 依据我们的估计 - by ones looks / appearance 根据某人的长相standard 水准,标准,水平 be below / up to standard 低于/ 达到某种标准 the s
29、tandard of living 生活水平5. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.go down = sinkon her first voyage 处女航, 首航with heavy loss of life 损失惨重, 造成大批人员的死亡6. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to fl
30、oat.qEven if : 即使,纵然 Even if I were starving, I would not ask him for help.Even if I lend you all my money, its still not enough for that dress.flood 注满, 充满flood with/ be flooded with -My desk is flooded with paper.我的桌子上堆满了纸 -a room flooded with sunlight 充满阳光的房间-a flood of light 一大片强光-a flood of peo
31、ple 人潮如涌7. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.tragic 悲剧的comic 喜剧的opera 歌剧drama戏剧tragedy 悲剧comedy 喜剧play 剧documentary 记录片thriller 恐怖片series 连续剧soap operavliner -班轮,班机:大型商船或飞机vwith heavy loss of life - 结果状语8. Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was
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