已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、PSC官员与船上人员之间的对话PSCO: Excuse me, are you the sailor on duty?对不起,你上值班水手吗Sailor: Yes, I am. Who are you looking for?是的,请问你找哪位?PSCO: Im the Port State Control Officer. We want to talk to your Captain。我是港口国监督官,找你们船长。Sailor: According to our ship security plan, would you please show me your ID card and re

2、gister here?根据我们的船舶保安计划,请出示您的证件并在这登记。PSCO: Of course. (Show the PSCO ID and sign)好的,(出示证件并签名)。Sailor: Thank you, sir. Here is your visitor card谢谢,这是你的登船卡。PSCO: Thank you. Please show me the way to the captains cabin。谢谢,请带我到船长房间。Sailor: This way, please. Mind your head and be careful with your steps。

3、这边请,当心碰头,别绊脚the captains cabinPSCO: Good morning, Captain, Im the Port State Control Officer. My name is Alexander White.早上好,船长。我是港口国监督官,我的名字叫亚历山大。CAPT: Good morning, Mr. White. Glad to meet you。早上好,怀特先生,很高兴见到你。PSCO: Like wise。我也是。CAPT: Would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee。你要来一杯茶,还是咖啡。PSCO:

4、 Coffee, please. Now, lets get down to work. Please tell the officers ,engineers and radio officer not to leave thee ship during our inspection. I may inspect the relevant facilities under their charges。咖啡,谢谢。现在我们开始工作吧,请通知驾驶员、轮机员和电报员在检查期间不要离开船,我可能检查有他们负责的相关设备。CAPT: No problem。没问题Ships certificates a

5、nd documents船舶证书和文件PSCO: Are all required certificates on board valid and respectively endorsed?船上所有要求的证书都有效并经过签注吗?CAPT: Yes, they are all valid。是的,所有证书都有效。PSCO: Would you please show me all your ships certificates, captain?请出示所有的船舶证书?CAPT: What certificate do you want, sir?先生,你需要什么证书?PSCO: I need a

6、ll of the statutory certificates. Let me check the International Load Line (LL) Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Construction(SC) Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (SE) Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate, Document of Compl

7、iance (DOC), Safety Management Certificate(SMC), International Ship Security Certificate(ISSC), Certificate of Fitness(COF), Minimum Safe Manning(MSM) document, and so on?所有的法定证书。我需要检查载重线证书、货船构造安全证书、货船设备安全证书、货船无线电安全证书、国际防止油污证书、符合证明、安全管理证书、国际船舶保安证书、适装证书、最低配员证书等。CAPT: Here you are, sir, and there is t

8、he index of certificates, which maybe helpful to you。所有的证书都在这,这里还有一份证书的目录,可能对你有所帮助。PSCO: Thank you谢谢。PSCO: Your ships Load Line Certificate expired a few days ago because the annual survey hasnt been carried out. Thus your ship is unseaworthy, and she will be detained in our port。船舶载重线证书由于没有进行年度检验,在

9、几天前已经过期了。所以你的船是不适航的,将会在本港被滞留。CAPT: My ship sailed from San Francisco to Guangzhou. Before departure, I phoned my company to inform them that the certificate would expire. The owner contacted my class representative in your port. Surveyors will come on board this afternoon to conduct the annual surve

10、y. I didnt know Port State Control came before the Classification Society inspection。本航次我船从旧金山开往广州。在开航前,我已经电话通知公司证书将要过期,船东已经与船级社在本港的代表处联系了,验船师将在今天下午上船进行年度检验,我没想到你们这么早就来了。PSCO: Do you have the Record of Conditions of Assignment of Load Lines?你有载重线核定勘划记录吗?CAPT: Of course.当然。PSCO: Captain, the date of

11、the last inspection of the ships bottom recorded in your Cargo Ship Safety construction Certificate is Feb. 15, 2001, which already exceeds 36 months.船长,你的货船构造安全证书记录的最近一次船底外部检查的时间是2001年2月15日,已经超过了36个月。CAPT: Really Last dry-docking was done in this April. I remember the ships bottom survey was carrie

12、d out at that time. Maybe it is the surveyors negligence that the certificate was not endorsed.是吗?我船最近一次进坞是今年的4月,我记得当时已经做过船底外部检验,可能是验船师的疏忽,没有在证书上签注。PSCO: If such is the case, please show me the report.如果是这样的话,请出示4月份的检验报告。CAPT: Please wait a minute. Here you are.请稍等,这就是。PSCO: OK, your class surveyor

13、made a mistake. You should inform your Classification Society to endorse the relevant certificate before departure.好的,确实是验船师的疏忽,你必须在开航前通知你的船级社在证书上作相应的签注。CAPT: Sure, thank you for reminding me. Ill inform the Classification Society through the agent this afternoon.好的,谢谢你提醒我。我下午将通过我的代理通知船级社。PSCO: Capt

14、ain, I want to know whether the Water Ingress Alarm System/Water Level Detector of cargo holds has been installed (for bulk carriers only).船长,我想知道货舱浸水报警装置安装了吗?(仅适用于散装货船)?CAPT: Not yet. 还没有。PSCO: your last intermediate survey was conducted on March 13, 2005. In accordance with regulation 12 of Chapte

15、r of SOLAS Convention, the Water Ingress Alarm System should be installed before the first periodical survey (Annual, Intermediate or Special Survey) after July 1, 2004.你上一次的中间检验是在2005年3月13日进行的。根据SOLAS公约第章第12条货船浸水报警装置必须在2004年7月1日后的第一次定期检验(年度、中间或特别检验)前安装。CAPT: I see. But as per authorization of the f

16、lag State government, the Classification Society has issued the conditional Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate because of lacking of spare parts. The other page has the recommendation that regulations 12 and 13 should be complied with no later than July 12, 2005.我明白了。但由于缺少备件,船旗国政府已经授权船级社签发了货

17、船安全构造证书 条件证书,反面有签注要求在2005年7月12日前符合第12和13条。PSCO: Please show me the last intermediate survey report.请出示上一次中间检验的检验报告。CAPT: OK.好的。PSCO: Please show me the Condition Evaluation Report (CER) and Thickness Measurement Report (for oil tankers and bulk carriers only).请出示你的状况评估报告和测厚报告(仅使用于油船和散货船)。CAPT: Wait

18、a moment, please.请稍等一下。PSCO: Im afraid your Condition Evaluation Report has expired. The CER should be issued combined with the renewal survey. Try to find whether you have a new one.您的状况评估报告已经过期了。状况评估报告是结合换新检验签发的,找我看,是否还有新的。CAPT: The renewal survey was carried out 3 years ago. Ha, I found it. Its i

19、ssued on July 23, 2002.上次换新检验是3年前。哈哈,我找到了,是在2002年7月23日签发的。PSCO: Your supplement of the SE certificate, Form E, please.请出示你的货船设备安全证书的附件,Form E.CAPT: Here you are.这就是。PSCO: Has your ship already been equipped with the Automatic Identification System (AIS)?你船装备自动识别系统了吗?CAPT: Yes, the AIS was fitted on

20、board a few months ago, before the last annual survey.几个月前,在上次年度检验前已经安装了AIS。PSCO: But its indicated in your Form E. Please ask the surveyor to update incidentals when he is on board to endorse the SC certificate.但并没有在你的Form E上记录,请在验船师上船前对货船构造安全证书进行签注时要求其顺便更正。CAPT: OK.好的。PSCO: How many inflatable lif

21、e rafts are provided on board?船上有几个救生筏?CAPT: Totally we have 5 life rafts ,2 for 15 persons equipped on board on port and starboard sides of L/B deck respectively, additionally, one liferaft for 6 persons on the forecastle.我们一共有5个救生筏,救生艇甲板每舷有2个15人的筏,另外,船首楼还有一个6人筏。PSCO: The capacity of the life-savin

22、g appliances is 32, but the capacity of liferafts actual on board is 30 each side. Please show me the Record of Approved Cargo Ship Safety Equipment.你船救生设备额定总人数是32人,但实际上每舷救生筏的总容量只有30人,请出示认可安全设备记录。CAPT: Here you. But this is the original arrangement, and the Record of Approved Cargo Ship Safety Equip

23、ment can prove the fact.这就是,但这原来就是这样的,而且认可安全设备记录也能证明这一点。PSCO: Are you sure that the liferafts can be transferred from side to side on a single open deck?你确认救生筏能在单一开敞甲板舷对舷移动吗?CAPT: Yes, we have already attempted to do that in our abandon drill.是的,我们在弃船演习中已经尝试过了。PSCO: Would you please show me your ser

24、vicing report of all inflatable liferafts?您能出示所有救生筏的检验证书吗?CAPT: Of course. Here you are.当然可以,这就是。PSCO: Im afraid these reports were overdue one months ago. According to the SOLAS Convention., the liferafts should be examined every 12 months.这些证书在1个月前已经过期了,根据SOLAS公约的规定,救生筏应每12月进行一次检验。CAPT: I see. The

25、 survey will be carried out before departure.我明白,我们将在开航前进行检验。PSCO: Captain, what type of fixed fire extinguisher system is provided on board?船长,船上是哪种二氧化碳灭火系统?CAPT: High pressure carbon dioxide system.高压二氧化碳灭火系统。PSCO: Show me the weight and blow through check report of your carbon dioxide system, ple

26、ase.请出示你的二氧化碳系统的称重和吹通试验报告。CAPT: Here you are.这就是。PSCO: How many cylinders do you have?有多少瓶?CAPT: 80 cylinders including 2 pilot bottles.80瓶,包括2个启动瓶。PSCO: Do all the cylinders protect the engine room and cargo holds?所有气瓶是保护机舱和货舱的吗?CAPT: No, they protect the engine room only.不是,仅仅保护机舱。PSCO: Do you hav

27、e the exemption certificate of the cargo holds regarding fixed fire extinguisher system?你有货舱固定灭火系统的免除证书吗?CAPT: Yes, of course.有。PSCO: Captain, what is your last port of call and next port?船长,您的上一个和下一个挂靠港是哪里?CAPT: My last port is Port Klang, Malaysia, and next port is Singapore上一港是马来西亚的Klang港,下一个港是新加

28、坡。PSCO: According to the sea area restricted by your Cargo Ship Radio Safety Certificate, your vessel can exclusively operate at A1+A2 sea area. Because your previous voyage and intended voyage exceed A1+A2, she will be detained at this port.根据您的货船无线电安全证书规定的海区,你船只能在A1+A2海区航行。由于你的上一航次和计划航次已经超出了A1+A2海

29、区,船舶将在本港被滞留。CAPT: I understand. Can I communicate with my owner and answer your question after a while?我明白。我先联系一下船东然后再回答您,可以吗?PSCO: Certainly.当然。CAPT: My owner will provide an INMARSAT-C ship earth station with EGC at this port to comply with the requirement of A1+A2+A3, and arrange for the class su

30、rveyor on board to conduct the occasional survey.船东将在本港配备一台有EGC功能的INMARSAT-C船舶卫星地面站,以满足A1+A2+A3海区的要求,并将安排船级社的验船师上船进行临时检验。PSCO: Would you please show me the annual testing report of EPIRB.请出示应急无线电示位标的年度测试报告。CAPT: Just a moment. Ill ask the second officer to bring the report to my cabin right now. The

31、 test was carried out 3 months ago.等一会,我让二副马上把报告拿到我的房间。测试是三副三个月前做的。PSCO: May I have a look at your shore base maintenance agreement for GMDSS?我可以看看你的GMDSS岸基维修协议吗?CAPT: Certainly. Here you are.可以,给你。PSCO: And supplement of International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. Form B, please(for oil tan

32、kers only).还有国际防油污证书的附件,Form B(适用于油船)。CAPT: Wait a minute.等一下。PSCO: Im afraid the certificate has some problems, since the date of delivery is not recorded in Form B.证书恐怕有点问题,交船日期没有在Form B上记录。CAPT: I will remind my owner to inform the class surveyor.我会提醒船东去通知验船师的。PSCO: Does your ship have a double h

33、ull or single hull?你船是双壳的还是单壳的?CAPT: Single hull.单壳的。PSCO: Has the Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) been carried out?状况评估计划实施了吗?CAPT: Yes. 是的。PSCO: Please show me the Document of Compliance issued by flag State government.请出示船旗国政府签发的符合证明。CAPT: We only hold the interim Document of Compliance issued

34、by the classification society valid for a period of 5 months.我们只持有船级社签发的临时符合证明,有效期是5个月。PSCO: Captain, the supplement to Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk is missing.船长,散装船运输危险化学品适装证书的附页不见了。CAPT: Really? Ill try to find it. I have seen it. 真的?PSCO: Take it easy, m

35、aybe you put it in another folder.别紧张,我找找看,我以前见过的。CAPT: I found it.我找到了。PSCO: What type of cargo are you handling now?你目前在装什么货物?CAPT: We are discharging the diethyl ether.卸二乙醚。PSCO: Can you find such substance in the supplement of the certificate?你能在证书的附件中找到这种货物吗?CAPT: No. It falls into “other liqui

36、d substances” and is not regulated by the IBC Code.不能,它属于其他液体物质且不适用IBC规则。PSCO: What is the condition of carrying such substances?装载此类物质的条件是什么?CAPT: All level alarms should be tested prior to loading.装货前试验所有的液位报警装置。PSCO: Procedure and arrangement manual(P & A manual), please.(For chemical tanker

37、only)程序与布置手册。(仅适用于化学品船)。CAPT: Here it is . It has already been approved by Class.这就是。PSCO: Captain, Im afraid the address of your management company recorded in DOC and SMC is different.船长,你的安全管理证书和符合证明中记录的管理公司的地址不一致。CAPT: The company moved, but the SMC has not been updated yet.公司搬家了,安全管理证书还没有及时更新。P

38、SCO: Please show me your minimum safe manning document.请出示你的最低安全配员证书。CAPT: OK.好的。PSCO: Captain, I dont think your vessel is manned with adequate qualified crew due to the absence of third officer.船长,因为缺一名三副,我认为你船并没有配备足够适任的船员。CAPT: I dont think so. Sir, the minimum safe manning certificate doesnt req

39、uire the third officer, only the captain, chief officer and on deck officer.先生,我不这么认为,最低安全配员证书并没有要求配备三副,仅要求船长、大副和一名驾驶员。PSCO: Would you please show me your watch schedule?能出示值班安排表吗?CAPT: Of course, I also participate in keeping watch.当然可以,我也参加值班了。PSCO: Are you sure your crew have enough rest periods你

40、能保证你的船员有足够的休息时间吗?CAPT: Yes, they do.能。PSCO: Please show me the Continuous Synopsis Record(CSR).请出示您的连续概要记录。CAPT: Just a moment. Here you are.稍等,这就是。PSCO: The recognized security organization (RSO) record in your CSR is different from that of the International Ship Security Certificate.连续概要记录上记载的认可保安

41、组织与国际船舶保安证书的不一致。CAPT: I think it is a typing mistake. I will inform my class through the owner.我想这是一个打印错误,我会通过船东去通知船级社的。PSCO: Please show me the associated stability plans and stability information.请出示有关的稳性图纸和稳性资料。CAPT: No problem。没问题。PSCO: The stability booklet hasnt been approved by flag State gov

42、ernment or classification society.你的稳性手册没有经船旗国政府或船级社认可。CAPT: This one is a copy and the original booklet is kept by Chief Officer. It has been approved by NKK.这是副本,原件由大副保管,已经被NKK船级社认可了。PSCO: Do you have the Bulk Carrier Booklet?你有散货船手册吗?CAPT: No, I think the required one is contained in the intact s

43、tability booklet.没有,所要求的资料已经包含在完整稳性手册里了。PSCO: Your approved Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)/Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan(SMPEP), please.请出示经认可的船上油污应急计划(SOPEP)/船上海洋污染应急计划(SMPEP)。CAPT: Here you are.这就是。PSCO: How often do you conduct the oil spill drill?多久进行一次溢油演习?CAPT: Ever

44、y three months.每三个月一次。PSCO: But according to the drill record of SOPEP, the last drill was carried out 6 months ago.但根据SOPEP中的演习记录,你最近一次演习是6个月前进行的。CAPT: The last oil spill drill was conducted in June. My crew forgot to record it in the SOPEP, but I remembered recording in the SOPEP Drills Logbook.上次

45、溢油演习是6月份实施,船员忘记了在SOPEP上做记录了,但在SOPEP演习日志上有记录。PSCO: Im afraid the Appendix (list of national operational contact points) of the SOPEP is not up-to-date.恐怕SOPEP 不是最新的。我明白。船东已经寄出了,外勤代理将在今天下午给我带过来。CAPT: I see, My owner has sent it to me, and it will be brought to me by the boarding agent this afternoon.请

46、出示货物系固手册。PSCO: Captain, please show me the Cargo Securing Manual.这就是。CAPT: Here you are. It was approved by NKK.这就是,也是由NKK认可的。PSCO: Do you have the Damage Control Plan and Damage Control Booklet(for ships built on or after Feb. 1,1992).你有破损控制图和破损控制手册吗(适用于1992年2月1日及以后建造船舶)。CAPT: Yes, we posted the Da

47、mage Control Plan on the bridge, and the Damage Control Booklet is available to the officers.有的,我们把破损控制图张贴在驾驶台,并且把破损控制搜查颁发给驾驶员使用。PSCO: Captain, the partial cargo piping system described in your Procedure and Arrangement Manual (P & A Manual, for chemical tanker only ) differs from the actual arr

48、angement.船长先生,你的程序与布置手册(仅适用于化学品船)中描述的部分货油管线与实际不一致。CAPT: Some cargo pipes have been redesigned and renewed during dry-dock, but we forgot to update relevant content of the P & A Manual.修船期间,部分货油管重新设计和换新了,但忽略了要在成员与布置手册中更新相关内容了。PSCO: You should inform your classification society as soon as possible

49、, and we will allow you to rectify it within 14 days.你必须尽快通知你的船级社,我们允许你在14天内纠正它。CAPT: I understand.我明白。PSCO: Has the Garbage Management Plan been approved by flag State government of classification society?垃圾管理计划经船旗国政府或船级社认可了吗?CAPT: Yes, it has.是的。PSCO: Would you please show me the Crude Oil Washing

50、 Operations and Equipment Manual(for crude oil tanker)?您能出示你的原油洗舱系统操作和设备手册(适用于原油船)?CAPT: Of course. Here you are.当然可以,这就是。PSCO: Have the lifeboat launching devices and on load release ear been serviced?救生艇降落装置和承载释放装置经过检修了吗?CAPT: Yes. They were serviced during the renewal survey. This is the survey r

51、eport.是的,在换新检验时进行的检修,这是检验报告。PSCO: And last Port State Control report, please.请出示上次的PSC检查报告。CAPT: We just passed the USCG PSC without any deficiency. Here is the report.我们刚刚无缺陷通过了美国海岸警卫队的PSC检查,报告在这。4 Crew certificates(船员证书)PSCO: Please prepare a copy of the crew list.请准备一份船员名单。CAPT: Here you are.这就是。

52、PSCO: How many crew are there on board?有多少个船员?CAPT: Totally 19,4Chinese and 15 Filipinos on board.一共有19人,4个中国人和15个菲律宾人。PSCO: Please show me all the certificates of competency.请出示所有的船员适任证书。CAPT: Sure.没问题。PSCO: And endorsements issued by the flag State, please.还请出示船旗国签发的承认签证。CAPT: OK. All officers hol

53、d the endorsement except for the third officer. He just signed on one month ago and his endorsement is under way.好的,除三副外,所有高级船员都持有承认签证,三副一个月前才上船,证书还没有办好。PSCO: Has the third officer applied for the endorsement to the flag State government?三副已经向船旗国政府申请承认签证了吗?CAPT: Yes, the company has already applied

54、for him.是的,公司已经为他申请了。PSCO: Can you show me any documentary proof?你能提供书面的证据吗?CAPT: Of course, we have the copy of the application form.当然,我们有申请表的复印件。PSCO: OK, but this situation is only valid for the first 3 months. After that, he shall hold the valid endorsement.好的,这种情况只适用于前3个月,之后他必须持有有效的签证。CAPT: I see.我明白。PSCO: I suppose that your chief mate is not co


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