1、学科英语年级高一教科书版本及章节译林版单元(或主题)教学设计单元(或主题)名称He Old Man and the Sea1 .单元(或主题)教学设计说明(依据学科课程标准的要求,简述本单元(或主题)学习对学生学科素养发展的价值;简要说明教学 设计与实践的理论基础。学习单元可以按教材内容组织,也可以按学科学业发展和学科核心素养发展 的进阶来组织,还可以按真实情境下的学习任务跨学科组织。)1. The reading passage consists of two parts, the introduction to Ernest Hemingway and his novel The Old
2、Man and the Sea and the excerpt from the novel. A brief introduction of the author and the novel is needed;2. As required in the reading part, the character of the old fisherman and the writing style of Ernest Hemingway should be paid careful attention to, which should also be an important part of t
3、he extended reading. This part of die lesson could be mtended to strengthen students' ability of infbmiation intake in reading;2 .单元(或主题)学习目标与重点难点(根据国家课程标准和学生实际,指向学科核心内容、学科思想方法、学科核心素养的落实,设计单 元学习目标,明确重点和难点)a. The plot of die reading material is comparatively smiple, so it's important for the
4、students to comprehend the theme of the story beyond the given information;b. The understanding of the character of the fisherman and the writing style of Ernest Hemingway should be given top priority.3 .单元(或主题)整体教学思路(教学结构图)(介绍单元整体教学实施的思路,包括课时安排、教与学活动规划,以结构图等形式整体呈现单元内 的课时安排及课时之间的关联。)1. Give some bac
5、kground knowledge of Ernest Hemingway to get students familiar with the writer, which will in turn help students understand the reading passage;2. Offer students opportunities to voice their opinions in front of the class;3. Make students the master of storyline and decide subsequent story.第1课时教学设计(
6、其他课时同)课题The Old Man and the Sea章/单元复习课口专题复习课口课型新授课口习题/试卷讲评课口学科实践活动课口 其他口1 .教学内容分析1. The differences in language between a classic work and a common reading material can be seen clearly in the reading process. This part requires a comprehensive ability, which will not be included in this 45 minutes a
7、s it may be dealt with in the following session.2. After several times of fierce struggle, the fisherman is still determined. This could serve as an evidence of Hemingway's writing style. But to truly luiderstaiid an author's writing style demands considerable readmg and thinking, which cann
8、ot be achieved in one class. A guess about the ending of the novel as a story might be good enougli for students' to better understand "can be destroyed but not defeated.2 .学习者分析(学生与本课时学习相关的学习经验、知识储备、学科能力水平、学生兴趣与需求分析,学生发展需 求、发展路径分析,学习本课时可能碰到的困难)1. The reading ability of Grade 1 students is
9、still to be developed, so it may be quite difficult for them to fully understand a classic work, especially when it is directly excerpted.2. This part of extended reading should be employed firstly with the intention of giving students an opportunity to appreciate literature, as is stated at the bot
10、tom of each page. Too much expectation of the students is not modest.3 .学习目标确定(根据国家课程标准和学生实际,指向学科核心内容、学科思想方法、学科核心素养的发展进阶,描 述学生经历学习过程后应达成的目标和学生应能够做到的事情。可分条表述)a. To truly accept the way of Hemingway's article statement, and the differences in language between a classic work and a common reading ma
11、terial;b. The understanding of the character of the fisherman and the writing style of Ernest Hemingway.4 .学习重点难点a. To truly accept the way of Hemingway's article statement, and the differences in language between a classic work and a common reading material;b. The understanding of the character
12、 of the fisherman and the writing style of Ernest Hemingway.5 .学习评价设计(从知识获得、能力提升、学习态度、学习方法、思维发展、价值观念培育等方面设计过程性评价的 内容、方式与工具等,通过评价持续促进课堂学习深入,突出诊断性、表现性、激励性。体现学科核 心素养发展的进阶,课时的学习评价是单元学习过程性评价的细化,要适量、适度,评价不应中断学 生学习活动,通过学生的行为表现判断学习目标的达成度)理解小说节选文本的基础上,学会分析海明威先生在表达老人与大鱼之间多次搏斗的描写方式,进而 了解海明威的写作风格。本文本的学习具有良好的文学欣
13、赏价值,同时对于学生在了解小说的写作方 式上有一定的帮助。海明威写作风格的分析在这行课中占据了提升能力的主要篇幅,对于教师上课而 言具有一定的难度,但是仁者见仁智者见智,学生可以以自己的角度适度恰当的去理解文本的形成方 式。本课最后的任务,是让学生写自己对于海明威作品中“人不能被打败”的思想的理解,具有一定的文 学难度,但是对于新课标而言,正是从文本理解到移情作用的考查,符合了新课标中阅读文本对于世 界观培养的高级需求。6 .学习活动设计教师活动学生活动环节一:(Lead-in)教师活动 1 show pictures to students and guide the students in
14、to the topic(学生活动 1 Look at the screen and listening carefully. Think about the quality of a hero.活动意图说明:(To arouse students interests and to get them prepared for the topic of the class.)环疗二:Fast-reading教师活动 2 Give task, observe and offer attention.学生活动 2 Read the passage quickly for the first time
15、 and try to answer the three questions given on the screen.活动意图说明 To understand the passage as a common material.环行三:Background information教的活动 3 Make a transition to the next part of the class.学的活动 3 Listen and look at the screen.活动意图说明 To transit to the next step!环行叫 Careful-readingF MB MB MB :教的活
16、动 4 Give task, observe and offer attention.r v mb MB I!学的活动 4 Read the passage again and discuss in pairs the questions.:活动意图说明 To ftirther understand die theme of the story and Hemingway's writing style.o » » « MM « MM « MM ;环 1'j五:Post-reading activityp MB « &
17、#171; MM «» MM MM « « MM «» MM MM « « MM I:教的活动 5 Give task, observe and offer attention.卜 - MM * « OHM - MM MM « * « MM MM « * OHM - MM MM «I1 学的活动 5 Have a group discussion and take a guess towards the ending of the story. 活动意图说明 To
18、help students better understand the theme of Hemingway's writing: a tough inanfc can I! be destroyed but not defeated/' av » MM MM av » MM MM avj 环 fj六:Representation OM OBB - MM 0 MM «» « MM 0 MM «» « MM 0 i 教的活动 6 Give task, observe and offer attention.y MB MM MM , - MB MM MM MM MM I 学的活动 6 Representatives of the groups9 come to the front of the classroom
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