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1、I. 单词荟萃1. access n .接近;通路宀 adj.易接近的;可进入的2. defenee n. 保护;防卫宀 v .保护;防卫;扞卫3. v. 创造;发明t creator n.创建者,创造者宀creation n.创造,发明(物)t adj.有创造力的,创造性的t creativity n.创造力4. n .发明t v. 发明t inven torn. 发明者5. permission n.许可t v.许可,允许6. v. 集中(注意力、思想等)t concentrationn.集中;专注7. definite adj.明确的,确切的;肯定的tadv.明确地;肯定地8. inde

2、pendent adj.独立的t n .独立t adj.依赖的;依靠的t v .依赖,依靠9. n. 弊端;缺点t advant age n.优点,长处10. v.缩短t adj.n.短语检测1. 注册,登录2. 注销3. 由组成4. 也5. 作为而出名6. 下降7. 提出8. 从那时起9. 使用 / 登录互联网10. 在因特网上11. (把注意力等 ) 集中在12. 与比起来13. 做某事犹豫不决 .川.佳句再现1. BernersLee universities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都可能用上网络,短的,短缺的t shortagen.不足;缺少log on log

3、off consist of as well be/become known as go down come up with from that moment on access/have access to the Internet on the Internet concentrate on/upon compared with/to hesitate to do sth._t_o use the Internet, not just而不仅仅是大学和军队使用。2. Everyone in the world can the Internet his World Wide Web syste

4、m.使用他的万维网, 世界上的每一个人都可以上网。3.I this idea, the subject of learning English.我赞同这个观点, 尤其是关于学英语这个话题。4. of mobile phone users reach 500 million by 2007. 到2007 年为止预计手机用户将达到 5 亿。5. Two percent of the total population of Chinathe Internet,45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.与美国上网人数的45%及日本的 15%相比,中国只

5、有总人口的2%能够使用互联网。词汇学习1 contain v.to have or hold (sth.) within itself包含, 容纳; (tokeep un der con trol, hold back)控制,抑制 (情 感)container n. 容器,集装箱【易混辨析】contain 和 include(1) contain指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内,或指某容器中装有、盛有某物。(2) include侧重于作为整体的一部分而被包括进去。including 常作介词使用, 但仍具有现在分词的特点。如:The band played many songs, in

6、cluding some of my favourites.乐队演奏了许多歌曲, 包括几首我最喜爱的。 这句话也可以说:The band played many songs, some of my favourites included.included 为过去分词, 与 some of my favorites一起构成独立主格结构。【活学活用】(1) Sea water salt. 海水中含有盐分。(2) She was so angry that she couldn' t . 她气得控制不住自己。(3) Everyone took part in the fight agains

7、t the flood, ._每个人都参加了抗洪斗争,包括老人。 2 access n. ( 常与 to 连用 )( the right to enter a place, use sth., see sb. etc)接近, ( 使用或见到的 ) 机会, 权利; 道, 入口 v. (to reach, enter or use sth.)(1) accessible adj .(2) have/gain/get access tobe accessible to 【活学活用】(a way of entering or reaching a place) 使用;接近 可到达的, 可使用的; 易接

8、近的 ( 常与 to 连用) 可以使用/见到易接近的, 能进入的(1) Only a few people the full facts of the case.只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。(2) The only their house is along that narrow road.只有沿着那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。(3) Dictionaries should be put they will be easily .词典应放在容易够到的地方。3 concentratev. (to focus one ' s atte ntion on) 专心于, 致力

9、于;集中 ( 注意力)(1)concentrationn. 专心, 专注;关注(2) concentrate (one ' s attention/efforts ) on/upon(doing) sth.集中精力于某事, 专心于某事【温馨提示】与 concentrate on 意义接近的短语有:fix one ' s attention/eyes on/upon focus (one ' s attention) on be absorbed in bury oneself in/be buried in【活学活用】(1) We must i_mproving edu

10、cation.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。(2) I can 't my work when I ' m tired. 我累了就无法集中精力工作。 4designn. 图样;设计;装饰图案 v. 设计; (to plan or develop sth. for a specificpurpose) 意欲(1)designer n.设计者(2)by design故意(3)be designed to do目的是做design for/be designed for打算,目的是;设计作(某种用途)【活学活用】(1)The book _ children only.这本书是专为儿童设

11、计的。(2)The programme help children who have dropped out of schoolbecause of poverty. 这项计划的目的是帮助那些因为贫困而失学的儿童。5 expect v. 预料, 预期;期待, 等待, 期望;料想(1) expectation n. 期待,预期; pl . 前程, 成功的前景(2) expect (sb.) to do期待/ 料想/指望 (某人 )做某事应该做某事 按料想的 对某人要求过高 / 很高 不辜负某人的期望be expected to do sth.as expected expect too much

12、/a lot of sb.(3) live up to one ' s expectations 易混辨析】1 expect, hope 和 wish(1) 含义上: expect 作“期待, 期望”解, 侧重于相信或认为有实现可能的愿望。 hope 作“希望”解, 主要用来表示主观上的愿望, 并对其实现抱有信心。 wish 作“但愿, 希望”解, 表示某种未完成或不易完成的愿望。(2) 搭配上:expect/wish (sb.) to do hope to doexpect sth./wish for sth./hope for sth. wish 双宾语expect/hope/wi

13、sh that 从句 【温馨提示】要用虚拟语气。我希望你明年和我一起去北京。wish 的宾语从句常表示没能实现的或不易实现的愿望,我希望你能告诉我真相。错误)I hope that you can tell us the truth. We hope you to meet us at the station. (I wish you to go to Beijing with me next year.How I wish for his help.我多么希望他能帮我。We wish you success. 我们祝你成功。I wish (that) I were a millionaire

14、.我真希望我是个百万富翁。2. expect 和 waitexpect 表示“期待, 等待”时, 侧重于心里的期待;而 wait 侧重于行动上的等待。 You can expect us for lunch. 你可以等我们一起吃午饭。When I saw Lily, she was waiting for the bus. 我看到莉莉时, 她正在等车。 【活学活用】 根据语境用 expect 、 hope 或 wish 填空(1) The journey was not as nice as we had (2) You can ' t children to be quiet all

15、 the time.(3) I you a happy new year.(4) I am my mother 's letter.(5) I I ha dn't made the mistake.(6) Everyone is to come on time.(7) Everyone for peace.(8) Don ' t too much of me.短语学习as well 也, 还 as well as 而且【温馨提示】(1) as well 相当于 too, 通常置于句末, 用于肯定句中。(2)as well as 作“而且, 还有”讲时, 用来连接并列的成

16、分。当连接主语时, 谓语动 词应和前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。类似用法的还有: together with, with, along with, rather than等。【活学活用】(1)I 'm coming to London and my sister ' s coming . 我要来伦敦, 我妹妹也会来。(2)Email, as well as telephones, i_n daily communication.和电话一样, 电子邮件在日常通信中也起着重要的作用。1 BernersLee made it possible for everyone to use

17、 the Internet, not justuni versities and the army.贝尔纳斯李使每个人都可能用上网络,而不仅仅是大学和军队使用。句型公式it 作形式宾语, 不定式短语或从句作真正的宾语(1) 主语谓语 it adj . (for sb.) to do sth.(2) 主语谓语 it n. to do sth.(3) 主语谓语 it adj ./ n. that 从句 【活学活用】(1) I don 't think w_ithout much work.我认为要想精通外语不付出艰苦的劳动是不可能的。(2) He to visit his first te

18、acher every year.他每年都去看望他的启蒙老师, 这成了一个习惯。(3) He made that he would resign. 他明确表示他要辞职。2 At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but thispercentage is going down.目前, 大约 80%的网络流量所用的语言是英语,但这个比例正在下降。句型公式 百分数或分数作主语构成的句型(1) 可数名词单数单数谓语动词(2) 不可数名词单数谓语动词百分数/分数of+(3) 可数名词复数+复数,谓语动词(4) 有复数含

19、义的单数名词复数 , 谓语动词(女口 population , people) +复数,谓语动词【活学活用】(1) Sixty percent of the pupilsin this primary school.这所小学百分之六十的学生是男孩。(2) 70% of the surface on the earth. 地球表面的 70%被水所覆(3) Two thirds of the population in this country in the major cities aroundthe coast.这个国家三分之二的人口居住在沿海的大城市里。do you think these

20、messages mean ?你认为下列文本信息的意思是什么? 【句式点拨】句型为:特殊疑问词 do you think/believe/suppose 等陈述句? do you think 作插入语, 它的插入不影响句子的完整性。do you think/believe/suppose 等作插入语与特殊疑问句结合,【活学活用】Where a_fter he retires?你认为他退休后会住在哪里?I .单词拼写1 The remote desert area is ( 可进入的 ) only by helicopter.2 He logged on less ( 经常 ) than bef

21、ore.3It 's illegal to read people's private letters without p.4We've c a beautiful new building out of a ruin.5A truck went out of control and c into the back of a bus.n.选词填空go down, have access to , compare with , come up with , hesitate to (do)1 She a new idea for increasing sales.2If

22、you need help, don 't call me.3Facing the financial crisis, the price of housingsharply,especially in big cities.4 Students must a good library.5. what he had already, the new stamps were not very interesting.川.单项填空1. 2010 福建卷 Drunk driving , which was once a occurrenee, is now under control.A.

23、general B. frequent C. normal D. particular【解析】 B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:酒后驾车在过去曾经是经常发生的事 情,现在已经被控制住了。 general 普遍的,全面的,总体的,整体的; frequent 时常发 生的,常见的; normal 正常的; particular 特殊的,特别的,特有的。2. Duty is an act or a course of action that people you to take bysocial customs, law or religion.A. persuade B. request C. in

24、struct D. expect【解析】 D 考查动词词义辨析。 expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事,这里 表示“义务是人们期待你依据法律、社会风俗等所采取的举动”。3. 2 010 辽宁卷 The fact that she was foreigner madedifficult forher to get a job in that country.A. so B. much C. that D. it【解析】 D 考查 it 的用法。句中 for her to get a job in that country是动词不定式的复合结构作made的宾语,difficu

25、lt是宾语补足语,此处要用it作形式宾语。句意:她是外国人的事实使得她在那个国家很难找到工作。4. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy tothe digital resources of the library.A. accessB. passage C . wayD. approach【解析】 A 考查名词词义辨析。 access 意为“接近, ( 使用或见到的 )机会,权 利”等,常与 to 连用。句意:该系统的目的是为了让学生能够快捷、便利地使用图书馆的 数字资源。5. Frank put the m

26、edicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be to the kids.A. accessible B . relative C . acceptableD. sensitive【解析】A 考查形容词词义辨析。be accessible to 为能够接近;berelative to禾口有关系; be acceptable to 为所接受;be sen sitive to对敏感, 易接受。6. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it .A. collectedB. contained C . loadedD. saved【解析】B 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意:好奇包里装了什么。collect收集; contain 包含,装有; load 装载; save 节约,拯救。故选 B 选项。7.


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