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1、科技英语翻译夏进0410204212012年4月 AccuracyAccuracy精确美精确美 EST: accurate, not ambiguous or polysemy the authority of written discourse 科技文章用词要求准确,尽量避免含糊不清和一词多义,从而烘托出书卷话语的权威气氛。 e.g. That the vitamin is sensitive to light was recognized only later. 原译:维生素感光只是后来承认的。 改译:维生素的光敏效应( 或光敏作用) 只是后来才为人们所认识。 dog clutch(爪形离

2、合器)、door to door delivery (送货上门)、walkie-talkie(步话机)faithfulnessfaithfulness真实美真实美 Various meanings choose the most suitable meaning Context change the meaning to cater to the context 科技文本要体现的是自然界的内在规律,讲究所述事物的客观性和准确性,因此在翻译时译文所表达的意义一定要与原文所表达的意义一致,做到准确无误.只有突出了科学上的真,才能作到真中见美“ e.g. All bodies consist of

3、molecules and these of atoms. 译文一:所有的物体都由分子和原子所组成. 译文二:所有的物体都是由分子组成,而分子又是由原子组成.ConcisenessConciseness简约美简约美 Nominalization in EST: 1) less subjects in sentences objective; 2) less redundancy in sentences 名词化结构在科技英语中的广泛使用使句子变成名词短语,其作用有:一、可以较少使用人称主语,从而体现科技概念的客观性;二、可以避免结构臃肿。 e.g. It is a common propert

4、y of any matter that is expanded when it is heated and it contracts when cooled. 译文一:任何物质,如果遇到热,它就会膨胀,如果遇到冷,它就会收缩,这是共性. 译文二:热胀冷缩是所有物质的共性. ConcisenessConciseness简约美简约美 E.g. 如果我们测得地震波的走时和振幅,我们就能确定地下的几何形状并估算出与岩石速度和密度有关的声阻抗。 Original translation: If we measure the seismic travel time and amplitude, we c

5、an define the surface geometry and give estimate of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities. Improved translation: (impersonal noun as the subject of the sentence) Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acou

6、stic impedances related to rock velocities and densities.ParallelismParallelism整齐美整齐美Reasonable sentences structure in EST: two unequal different concepts 1) mail-clause construction ; 2) parallelism科技英语的客观性、准确性和严密性要求采用合理的句子结构。如果一句话里包含两个以上的不同概念,而它们又不是同等重要时,需采用主从结构;反之,当一个句子有两个意义对等、起相同语法功能的并列成分时,则采用并列

7、结构。e.g. 1)制造方法可分为单件生产和批量生产,单件生产指小批量的生产,批量生产指大量相同零件的生产。English Translation:Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.ParallelismParallelism整齐美整齐美2) Associated with limit loads

8、is the proof factor, selected to ensure that if a limit load is applied to a structure the result will not be detrimental to the functioning of the aircraft, and the ultimate factor, which is indented to provide for the possibility of variations in structural strength.Analysis:Parallelism in main-cl

9、ause construction: parallelism of clauses英语重形合而汉语重意合,汉译时不能全盘照搬原文的句子结构,宜采用先总后分,讲究对称的原则。有时主从结构中也会出现整齐对称的结构,如汉译长句时采用小句,层层推进,就体现出一定的整齐美。Chinese Translation:与极限负荷有关的是保险系数和终极系数,保险系数是选定用来保证即使极限负荷加在飞机上,飞机也不会受到损害;终极系数则是用来预防结构强度可能发生的变化。OrderingOrdering有序美有序美Descriptive ExpositoryArgumentativeChinese: end focu

10、sEnglish: beginning focus e.g. 虽然火箭复杂而令人难忘,但它是一种比较简单的装置,早在八百多年前,中国人就发明了。 Analysis: 英汉语中定语、状语的分布各有一定的规律性,也体现了问题的有序美。该句的主要信息:火箭是一种比较简单的装置。OrderingOrdering有序美有序美 Original translation: Although the rocket may appear impressive and complex it is a relatively simple device and was invented in china as ear

11、ly as 800 years ago. Improved translation: Although it may appear impressive and complex, the rocket which was invented in China 800 years ago, is a relatively simple device.WholenessWholeness整体美整体美Grammatical connectors in EST: logical connectors逻辑关联词 referential ties照应关系 lexical connectors词语关联词 co

12、nceptional paragraph:one or more natural paragraphs which contain one topic to constitute a unity.科技英语有一个重要的语言层次:概念段,这比其他文体体现得更明显。概念段既可以是一个自然段,也可以是几个自然段,概念段必须有一个主题,主题可以由一个句子表示,也可以由一个短语或一个从句表示。有时还要从几个句子的某些部分中提炼出来。因此,具有鲜明主题的一个或几个自然段称为概念段。要组织一个概念段,先应确立它的主题,然后考虑主题应分布在什么位置,确定要写的主体和内容之后,就要运用连接标志,使行文成为一个有机

13、体。WholenessWholeness整体美整体美 e.g. 活塞与气缸的配合问题,对发动机的使用寿命影响极大。影响配合间隙的主要因素是活塞在工作状态下的变形,真实反映活塞变形情况,已广泛采用有限元法进行数值分析。 Original translation: The joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of an engine. The primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of pi

14、ston under working condition. In order to indicate the actual deformation of piston, the finite element method has been widely applied to analyze it numerically.WholenessWholeness整体美整体美 Improved translation: As the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of

15、an engine, which the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of piston under working condition, it is important to indicate the actual deformation of piston and for the purpose the finite element method has been widely applied to analyze it numerically. Analysis: The improved ver

16、sion appears to be more cohesive and more English. 经过修改的译文各部分之间衔接紧密,更符合英语的“形合”模式,其关键在于逻辑纽带在语段翻译中的正确运用。HarmonyHarmony和谐美和谐美Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction. 译文一:作用与反作用相等,但它们向相反的方向起作用.译文二:作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反.译文二在内容上忠实于原文,做到了准确;在形式上做到了简洁,表达有力,而且采用了汉语四字格的对比修辞手法,使译文产生了和谐之美.

17、The electronic devices are used in computers as switches that simple turn on and off. 译文一:这些电子器件在电脑中起开关作用,只是打开和关掉而已译文二:这些电子器件在电脑中起开关作用,只是开开关关而已. 两者相比较,译文二的声音协调,读起来通顺,译文的这种音韵和谐之美是不言自明的.LogicLogic逻辑美逻辑美 logical connectors in EST:because, so, thus, for, but, however, though, -er, -est e.g. The harder t

18、he rock, so much the more difficult is the work of drilling, though few types are sufficiently hard to be allowed to remain after blasting without a lining of masonry or concrete. 岩石越坚硬,钻孔就越困难。尽管如此, 很少有哪种类型的岩石在爆破后还具有足够的硬度, 而不再需要用石块或混凝土衬砌了。RhetoricRhetoric修辞美修辞美 Communicative Rhetoric 交际修辞 Aesthetic

19、Rhetoric 美学修辞Word rhetoric 词语修辞Structure rhetoric 结构修辞Phonological rhetoric 音韵修辞RhetoricRhetoric修辞美修辞美Word rhetoric 词语修辞词语修辞常用的具体修辞格有隐喻(metaphor)、拟人(personification)、夸张(hyperbole)、仿拟(parody)、矛盾(oxymoron)、移就(transferred epithet)、对照(contrast)、借代(metonymy)、及提喻(synecdoche)等。e.g.In the chilly month of No

20、vember, most U.S. production areas do-nt have harvest fruit. But a team of University of Florida scientists is trying to help growers in Northern Florida produce a cropby tricking strawberry plants into thinking its spring time.译文:寒风凛冽的十一月对美国大多数水果产地来说不是收获季节,佛罗里达大学的一个研究小组却正在尝试让佛罗里达北部果农在这时候也有收成方法是对草莓进行欺骗,让它们觉得春天已经来临了。RhetoricRhetoric修辞美修辞美 Structure rhetoric 结构修辞 结构修辞常用的具体修辞格有repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus(回文), parallelism(排比


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