



1、Unit 3 The Millio n Pou nd Ba nk Note ( 说课稿)Good after noon, ladies and gen tleme n!It ' s my great hornor to share my teachi ng pla n with you today. The topic of the less on is The Millio n Pound Ban k-Note and this is a reading less on. My prese ntati on in cludes8 parts: teach ing material a

2、n alysis, teachi ngobjectives, importa nt & difficult poin ts, teach ing methods, lear ning methods, teachi ng procedures, blackboard desig n and reflect ion on the less on.Part one: teachi ng material analysis.The topic is take n from Unit 3 of Module 3 of New Senior En glish ForChina. It '

3、 s a main part in this un it. Mark Twa in is the greatest humorist of the 19th century American literature as well as a great playwright.Manyof his plays are known to people all over the world. And The Million Pound Bank-Note is one of the best.As the mediumof information,this text not only serves a

4、s a materialfor sharpening read ing skills and promot ing Ian guage lear ning, but also a means to enlarge Ss ' vision and increase their motivation to learnEnglish.And these objectives are encouraged by the new curriculumsta ndard.Part two: teach ing objectives.Havi ng take n into acco unt the

5、characteristics of both the read ingpassage and Senior One school stude nts. I have made up three kinds of teach ing objectives:1) . Kno wledge objectives: to help the Ss un dersta nd the main idea ofthe play and let them master some importa nt phrases and sentencepatter ns, such as make a bet, perm

6、it, go ahead, by accide nt, Would you please come in and so on.2) . Skill objectives:to develop students 'reading strategies:skim ming and sca nning .3) . Affect objectives: to enable the students to learn about thesocial reality at that time and un dersta nd thatmoney is noteverything .After th

7、is less on,I hope to see the improveme nt in these threeaspects.Part three: Importa nt points and difficult points.The importa nt poi nts of this less on are 1). to develop the readingstrategy: skimming and seanning2). to develop Ss' ability toappreciate the various verbal and non-verbal ways in

8、 which Ianguage works.The difficult points is to understand and appreciate the Ianguage in the readi ng.This is because the Ss have little background knowledge about the scene. To overcome the difficulties in the learning process, I will adopt Task-based teaching methods, about which I will talk lat

9、er in detail.Part four: Teachi ng approachI will adopt Task-based Approach, which believes that Ianguage should be lear nt as close as possible to howit is used in real-lifecom muni cati on.While attachi ng great importa nee to com muni cati on, this approach also pays atte ntio n to the acquisiti o

10、n of Ian guage forms. By guidi ng the stude nts to do group discussi on and in dividual activity, Ss are expected to develop in both Ian guage compete nee and com muni cative compete nee.Part Five: Lear ning methodsIt is often said that it' s better to teach Ss fishing than to givethem fish. In

11、a read ing less on, it ' s wise for meto teach read ing skills which en ables Ss to read aut onom ously in future. Besides, I will also orga nize some group activities in order to cultivate Ss' cooperativespirit.Part Six: Teachi ng proceduresThere are altogether five steps of them.Step 1, Wa

12、rmi ng-up. (3 mi nutes)First, I will ask the stude nts to read the material on P17About MarkTwain. Then I will ask them some questi ons such asWhat' s the real n ameof Mark Twain and When was he born and when did he die It aims to train the stude nts ' self-read ing ability and warm ing up.S

13、tep 2, Pre-readi ng.(5 mi nutes)I will play a short video of the reading part to let the Ss think overthe follow ing questio ns by group-work :1) . If a rich pers on gives you a large amount of money to use as youlike, for example, one million pound, what will you do Why2) . Do you want to know what

14、 happe ned to He nry Adams in THE MILLIONPOUND BANK-NOTE writte n by Mark Twai nStep 3, Readi ng.I desig ned 4 tasks. (23 minu tes)Task one scanning: answering questions, such as Wheredid Henry Adams comefrom and Whenand where did the story happen This task aims to train Ss' seanning strategy an

15、d help them to form a good habit of reading.Task two fill in the blanks. The purpose of this task is to understand the senten ces and the main ideas of the whole sce ne.About a month agoTowards ni ghtfallThe n ext morningFi nallyNowJust at that timeTo Henry ' s surpriseTask three listening. In t

16、his part, students willlistento the tapeand try to find the characteristics of the whole scene. In this way, Ssare able to unTask four act. It aims to en able the stude nts to un dersta nd andappreciate the Ian guage of the see ne and develop their oral En glish andcooperative spirit.Step 4, Post-re

17、adi ng.(10 mi nutes)Discuss the questi ons in small groups:(1) What do you think will happe n to Henry with the bank-note n ext(2) Will the bank-note help him or get him in to trouble(These activities provide Ss with opportunitiesto make full use ofSs' imagination and arouse their interest in plays. They also enablesSs to produce Ian guage based on what they lear nt.)Step 5, Summary & Homework. (4 min utes)Discussion:Do you think money is everythingand after that,appreciati on of a poem “ Money is not everythi ng Homework:(1) Try


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