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1、乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼的演讲:Stay Hungry. Stay Flish.乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼的演讲:Stay Hungry. Stay Flish.This is the tet f the Cmmencement address by Steve Jbs, puter and f Piar Animatin Studis, delivered n June 12, 2019年.I am hnred t be with yu tday at yur cmmencement frm ne f the finest universities in the wrld. I never

2、 graduated frm cllege. Truth be tld, I never graduated frm cllege. This is the clsest Ive ever gtten t a cllege graduatin. Tday I want t tell yu three stries frm my life. Thats it. N big deal. Just three stries.斯坦福是世界上比较好的大学之一,今天能参加各位的毕业仪式,我备感荣幸。我从来没有从大学毕业,说句实话,此时算是我离大学毕业最近的一刻。(笑声)今天,我想告诉你们我生命中的三个故事

3、,并非什么了不得的大事件,只是三个小故事而已。The first stnnecting the dts.第一个故事关于串起生命中的点点滴滴I drpped ut f Reed Cllege after the first 6 mnths, but then stayed arund as a drp-in fr anther 18 mnths r s befre I really quit. S why did I drp ut?退学是我这一生所做出的最准确的决定之一。我在里德大学待了6个月就退学了,但之后仍作为旁听生混了某个月后才终极离开。我为什么要退学呢?It started befre

4、I was brn. My bilgical mther was a yung, unwed cllege graduate student, and she decided t put me up fr adptin. She felt very strngly that I shuld be adpted by cllege graduates, s everything was all set fr me t be adpted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Ecept that when I ppped ut they decided at th

5、e last minute that they really wanted a girl. S my parents, wh were n a waiting list, gt a call in the middle f the night asking: “We have an unepected baby by; d yu want him?” They said: “f curse.” My bilgical mther later fund ut that my mther had never graduated frm cllege and that my father had n

6、ever graduated frm high schl. She refused t sign the final adptin papers. She nly relented a few mnths later when my parents prmised that I wuld smeday g t cllege.故事要从我出生之前开始说起。我的生母是一名年青的未婚妈妈,当时她仍是一所大学的在读研究生,于是决定把我送给其他人收养。她坚持我应该被一对念过大学的夫妇收养,所以在我出生的时候,她已经为我被一个律师和他的太太收养做好了所有的预备。但在最后一刻,这对夫妇改了主意,决定收养一个女

7、孩。候选名单上的另外一对夫妇,也就是我的养父母,在一天午夜接到了一通电话:“ 有一个不请自来的男婴,你们想收养吗?” 他们回答:“ 当然想。” 事后,我的生母才发现我的养母根本就没有从大学毕业,而我的养父甚至连高中都没有毕业,所以她拒绝签署最后的收养文件,直到几个月后,我的养父母保证会把我送到大学,她的立场才有所转变。And 17 years later I did g t cllege. But I naively chse a cllege that was almst as epensive as Stanfrd, and all f my wrking-class parents sa

8、vings were being spent n my cllege tuitin. After si mnths, I culdnt see the value in it. I had n idea what I wanted t d with my life and n idea hw cllege was ging t help me figure it ut. And here I was spending all f the mney my parents had saved their entire life. S I decided t drp ut and trust tha

9、t it wuld all wrk ut K. It was pretty scary at the time, but lking back it was ne f the best decisins I ever made. The minute I drpped ut I culd stp taking the required classes that didnt interest me, and begin drpping in n the nes that lked interesting.17 年之后,我真上了大学。但由于少不更事,我选择了一所和斯坦福一样昂贵的大学,(笑声)我的

10、父母都是工人阶级,他们倾其所有资助我的学业。在6个月之后,我发现自己完全不知道这样念下去毕竟有什么用。当时,我的人生漫无目标,也不知道大学对我能起到什么匡助,为了念书,还花光了父母毕生的积蓄,所以我决定退学。我相信车到山前必有路。当时作这个决定的时候非常害怕,但现在回头去看,这是我这一生所做出的最准确的决定之一。(笑声)从我退学那一刻起,我就再也不用去上那些我毫无爱好的必修课了,我开始旁听那些看来比较有意思的科目。It wasnt all rmantic. I didnt have a drm rm, s I slept n the flr in friends rms, I returned

11、 cke bttles fr the 5 cent; depsits t buy fd with, and I wuld walk the 7 miles acrss twn every Sunday night t get ne gd meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I lved it. And much f what I stumbled int by fllwing my curisity and intuitin turned ut t be priceless later n. Let me give yullege at that t

12、ime ffered perhaps the best calligraphy instructin in the cuntry. Thrughut the campus every pster, every label n every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had drpped ut and didnt have t take the nrmal classes, I decided t take a calligraphy class t learn hw t d this. I learned abut

13、serif and san serif typefaces, abut varying the amunt f space between different letter cmbinatins, abut what makes great typgraphy great. It was beautiful, histrical, artistically subtle in a way that science cant capture, and I fund it fascinating.这件事情做起来一点都不浪漫。由于没有自己的宿舍,我只能睡在朋友房间的地板上;可乐瓶的押金是5分钱,我把

14、瓶子还回去好用押金买吃的;在每个周日的晚上,我都会步行7英里穿越市区,到HareKrishna教堂吃一顿大餐,我喜欢那儿的食品。我跟随好奇心和直觉所做的事情,事后证实大多数都是极其贵重的经验。我举一个例子:那个时候,里德大学提供了全美国比较好的书法教育。整个校园的每一张海报,每一个抽屉上的标签,都是漂亮的手写体。因为已经退学,不用再去上那些常规的课程,于是我选择了一个书法班,想学学怎么写出一手漂亮字。在这个班上,我学习了各种字体,如何改变不同字体组合之间的字间距,以及如何做出漂亮的版式。那是一种科学永远无法捕获的布满美感、历史感和艺术感的微妙,我发现这太有意思了。Nne f this had

15、even a hpe f any practical applicatin in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintsh cmputer, it all came back t me. And we designed it all int the Mac. It was the first cmputer with beautiful typgraphy. If I had never drpped in n that single curse in cllege, the Mac wuld

16、 have never had multiple typefaces r prprtinally spaced fnts. And since Windws just cpied the Mac, its likely that n persnal cmputer wuld have them. If I had never drpped ut, I wuld have never drpped in n this calligraphy class, and persnal cmputers might nt have the wnderful typgraphy that they d.

17、f curse it was impssible t cnnect the dts lking frward when I was in cllege. But it was very, very clear lking backwards ten years later.当时,我压根儿没想到这些知识会在我的生命中有什么实际运用价值;但是10 年之后,当我们设计第一款Macintsh 电脑的时候,这些东西全派上了用场。我把它们全部设计进了Mac ,这是第一台可以排出好看版式的电脑。假如当时我大学里没有旁听这门课程的话,Mac就不会提供各种字体和等间距字体。自从Windws系统抄袭了Mac以后,

18、(鼓掌大笑)所有的个人电脑都有了这些东西。假如我没有退学,我就不会去书法班旁听,而今天的个人电脑大概也就不会有精彩的版式功能。当然我在念大学的那会儿,不可能有先见之明,把那些生命中的点点滴滴都串起来;但10 年之后再回头看,生命的轨迹变得非常清晰。Again, yu cant cnnect the dts lking frward; yu can nly cnnect them lking backwards. S yu have t trust that the dts will smehw cnnect in yur future. Yu have t trust in smething

19、yur gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This apprach has never let me dwn, and it has made all the difference in my life.再夸大一次,你不可能布满预见地将生命的点滴串联起来;只有在你回头看的时候,你才会发现这些点点滴滴之间的联系。所以,你要坚信,你现在所经历的将在你未来的生命中串联起来。你不得不相信某些东西,你的直觉、命运、糊口、因缘际会 恰是这种信奉让我不会失去但愿,它让我的人生变得不同凡响。My secnd stry is abut lve and lss.第二个故事关

20、于爱与失去I was lucky I fund what I lved t d early in life. Wz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We wrked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grwn frm just the tw f us in a garage int a $2 billin cmpany with ver 4000 emplyees. We had just released ur finest creatin the Macintsh a year e

21、arlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I gt fired. Hw can yu get fired frm a cmpany yu started? Well, as Apple grew we hired smene wh I thught was very talented t run the cmpany with me, and fr the first year r s things went well. But then ur visins f the future began t diverge and eventually we

22、 had a falling ut. When we did, ur Bard f Directrs sided with him. S at 30 I was ut. And very publicly ut. What had been the fcus f my entire adult life was gne, and it was devastating.被苹果开掉是我这一生所经历过的最棒的事情。我是幸运的,在年青的时候就知道了自己爱做什么。在我20岁的时候,就和沃兹在我父母的车库里开创了苹果电脑公司。我们勤奋工作,只用了10 年的时间,苹果电脑就从车库里的两个小伙子扩展成拥有40

23、00 名员工,价值达到亿美元的企业。而在此之前的一年,我们刚推出了我们比较好的产品Macintsh 电脑,当时我刚过而立之年。然后,我就被炒了鱿鱼。一个人怎么可以被他所创立的公司解雇呢?(笑声)这么说吧,跟着苹果的成长,我们请了一个原本认为很能干的家伙和我一起治理这家公司,在头一年左右,他干得还不错,但后来,我们对公司未来的远景泛起了不合,于是我们之间泛起了矛盾。因为公司的董事会站在他那一边,所以在我30岁的时候,就被踢出了局。我失去了一直贯串在我整个成年糊口的重心,打击是毁灭性的。I really didnt knw what t d fr a few mnths. I felt that

24、I had let the previus generatin f entrepreneurs dwn - that I had drpped the batn as it was being passed t me. I met with David Packard and Bb Nyce and tried t aplgize fr screwing up s badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thught abut running away frm the valley. But smething slwly began t d

25、awn n me I still lved what I did. The turn f events at Apple had nt changed that ne bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in lve. And s I decided t start ver.在头几个月,我真不知道要做些什么。我觉得我让企业界的前辈们绝望了,我失去了传到我手上的指挥棒。我碰到了戴维帕卡德(普惠的创办人之一)和鲍勃诺伊斯(英特尔的创办人之一),我向他们报歉,由于我把事情搞砸了。我成了人人皆知的失败者,我甚至想过逃离硅谷。但曙光徐徐泛起,我仍是喜欢我做

26、过的事情。在苹果电脑发生的一切涓滴没有改变我,一个比特都没有。固然被抛弃了,但我的热忱不改。我决定重新开始。I didnt see it then, but it turned ut that getting fired frm Apple was the best thing that culd have ever happened t me. The heaviness f being successful was replaced by the lightness f being a beginner again, less sure abut everything. It freed

27、me t enter ne f the mst creative perids f my life.During the net five years, I started a cmpany named NeT, anther cmpany named Piar, and fell in lve with an amazing wman wh wuld becme my wife. Piar went n t create the wrlds first cmputer animated feature film, Ty Stry, and is nw the mst successful a

28、nimatin studi in the wrld. In a remarkable turn f events, Apple bught NeT, I returned t Apple, and the technlgy we develped at NeT is at the heart f Apples current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wnderful family tgether.我当时没有看出来,但事实证实,我被苹果开掉是我这一生所经历过的最棒的事情。成功的沉重被凤凰涅槃的轻巧所代替,每件事情都不再那么确定,我以自由之躯进入

29、了我整个生命当中最有创意的时期。在接下来的5 年里,我开创了一家叫做NeT 的公司,接着是一家名叫Piar 的公司,并且结识了后来成为我妻子的曼妙少女。Piar 制作了世界上第一部全电脑动画片子玩具总动员,现在这家公司是世界上最成功的动画制作公司之一。(掌声)后来经历一系列的事件,苹果买下了NeT ,于是我又回到了苹果,我们在NeT研发出的技术成为推动苹果中兴的核心动力。我和劳伦斯也拥有了美满的家庭。Im pretty sure nne f this wuld have happened if I hadnt been fired frm Apple. It was awful tasting

30、 medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.Smetimes life hits yu in the head with a brick. Dnt lse faith. Im cnvinced that the nly thing that kept me ging was that I lved what I did. Yuve gt t find what yu lve. And that is as true fr yur wrk as it is fr yur lvers. Yur wrk is ging t fill a large pa

31、rt f yur life, and the nly way t be truly satisfied is t d what yu believe is great wrk. And the nly way t d great wrk is t lve what yu d. If yu havent fund it yet, keep lking. Dnt settle. As with all matters f the heart, yull knw when yu find it. And, like any great relatinship, it just gets better

32、 and better as the years rll n. S keep lking until yu find it. Dnt settle.我非常肯定,假如没有被苹果炒掉,这一切都不可能在我身上发生。糊口有时候就像一块板砖拍向你的脑袋,但不要丧失决心信念。热爱我所从事的工作,是一直支持我不断前进的惟一理由。你得找出你的最爱,对工作如斯,对爱人亦是如斯。工作将占据你生命中相称大的一部门,从事你以为具有不凡意义的工作,方能给你带来真正的知足感。而从事一份伟大工作的惟一方法,就是去热爱这份工作。假如你到现在还没有找到这样一份工作,那么就继承找。不要安于现状,当万事了于心的时候,你就会知道何时

33、能找到。犹如任何伟大的浪漫关系一样,伟大的工作只会在岁月的酝酿中越陈越香。所以,在你终有所获之前,不要停下你寻觅的脚步。不要停下。My third stry is abut death.第三个故事 关于死亡When I was 17, I read a qute that went smething like: “If yu live each day as if it was yur last, sst certainly be right.” It made an impressin n me, and since then, fr the past 33 years, I have lk

34、ed in the mirrr every mrning and asked myself: “If tday were the last day f my life, wuld I want t d what I am abut t d tday?” And whenever the answer has been “N” fr t many days in a rw, I knw I need t change smething.在17岁的时候,我读过一句格言,似乎是:“假如你把每一天都当成你生命里的最后一天,你将在某一天发现原来一切皆在把握之中。” (笑声)这句话从我读到之日起,就对我产

35、生了深远的影响。在过去的33年里,我天天早晨都对着镜子问自己:“假如今天是我生命中的末日,我还愿意做我今天本来应该做的事情吗?”当一连好多天谜底都否定的时候,我就知道做出改变的时候到了。Remembering that Ill be dead sn is the mst imprtant tl Ive ever encuntered t help me make the big chices in life. Because almst everything all eternal epectatins, all pride, all fear f embarrassment r failur

36、e - these things just fall away in the face f death, leaving nly what is truly imprtant. Remembering that yu are ging t die is the best way I knw t avid the trap f thinking yu have smething t lse. Yu are already naked. There is n reasn nt t fllw yur heart.提醒自己行将入土是我在面对人生中的重大抉择时,最为重要的工具。由于所有的事情外界的期望、

37、所有的尊荣、对尴尬和失败的惧怕在面临死亡的时候,都将烟消云散,只留下真正重要的东西。在我所知道的各种方法中,提醒自己即将死去是避免掉入畏惧失去这个陷阱的比较好办法。人赤条条地来,赤条条地走,没有理由不服从你内心的呼叫。Abut a year ag I was diagnsed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the mrning, and it clearly shwed a tumr n my pancreas. I didnt even knw what a pancreas was. The dctrs tld me this was almst

38、 certainly a type f cancer that is incurable, and that I shuld epect t live n lnger than three t si mnths. My dctr advised me t g hme and get my affairs in rder, which is dctrs cde fr prepare t die. It means t try t tell yur kids everything yu thught yud have the net 10 years t tell them in just a f

39、ew mnths. It means t make sure everything is buttned up s that it will be as easy as pssible fr yur family. It means t say yur gdbyes.大约一年前,我被诊断出癌症。在早晨7 :30 我做了一个检查,扫描结果清晰地显示我的胰脏泛起了一个肿瘤。我当时甚至不知道胰脏毕竟是什么。医生告诉我,几乎可以确定这是一种不治之症,顶多还能活3至6个月。大夫建议我回家,把诸事铺排妥当,这是医生对临终病人的尺度用语。这意味着你得把你今后某年要对你的子女说的话用几个月的时间说完;这意味着

40、你得把一切都铺排妥当,尽可能减少你的家人在你身后的负担;这意味着向世人离别的时间到了。I lived with that diagnsis all day. Later that evening I had a bipsy, where they stuck anendscpe dwn my thrat, thrugh my stmach and int my intestines, put a needle int my pancreas and gt a few cells frm the tumr. I was sedated, but my wife, wh was there, tl

41、d me that when they viewed the cells under a micrscpe the dctrs started crying because it turned ut t be a very rare frm f pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and Im fine nw.我整天都想着诊断结果。那天晚上做了一个切片检查,医生把一个内窥镜从我的喉管伸进去,穿过我的胃进入肠道,将探针伸进胰脏,从肿瘤上掏出了几个细胞。我打了镇定剂,但我的太太当时在场,她后来告诉我说,

42、当大夫们从显微镜下观察了细胞组织之后,都哭了起来,由于那长短常罕见的,可以通过手术治疗的胰脏癌。我接受了手术,现在已经康复了。This was the clsest Ive been t facing death, and I hpe its the clsest I get fr a few mre decades. Having lived thrugh it, I can nw say this t yu with a bit mre certainty than when death was a useful but pune wants t die. Even peple wh wa

43、nt t g t heaven dnt want t die t get there. And yet death is the destinatin we all share. N ne has ever escaped it. And that is as it shuld be, because Death is very likely the single best inventin f Life. It is Lifes change agent. It clears ut the ld t make way fr the new. Right nw the new is yu, b

44、ut smeday nt t lng frm nw, yu will gradually becme the ld and be cleared away. Srry t be s dramatic, but it is quite true.这是我最接近死亡的一次,我但愿在随后的几十年里,都不要有比这一次更接近死亡的经历。在经历了这次与死神擦肩而过的经验之后,死亡对我来说只是一项有效的判定工具,并且只是一个纯粹的理性概念,我能够更肯定地告诉你们以下事实:没人想死;即使想去天堂的人,也是但愿能活着进去。(笑声)死亡是我们每个人的人生终点站,没人能够成为例外。生命就是如斯,由于死亡很可能是生命比

45、较好的造物,它是生命更迭的媒介,送走耄耋老者,给新生代让路。现在你们仍是新生代,但不久的将来你们也将逐渐老去,被送出人生的舞台。很歉仄说得这么富有戏剧性,但生命就是如斯。Yur time is limited, s dnt waste it living smene elses life. Dnt be trapped by dgma which is living with the results f ther peples thinking. Dnt let the nise f thers pinins drwn ut yur wn inner vice. And mst imprtant, have the curage t fllw yur heart and intuitin. They smehw already knw what yu truly want t becme. Everything else is secndary.你们的时间有限,所以不要把时间铺张在别人的糊口里。不要被条条框框束缚,否则你就糊口在他人思索的结果里。不要让他人的观点所发出的噪音沉没你内心的声音。最为重要的是,要有遵从你的内心和直觉的勇气,它们可能已知道你实在想成为一个什么样的人。其他事物都是次要的。When I was yung, there was an


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