Module 5 词法句法和语法汇总 检测外研版七年级英语上册_第1页
Module 5 词法句法和语法汇总 检测外研版七年级英语上册_第2页
Module 5 词法句法和语法汇总 检测外研版七年级英语上册_第3页
Module 5 词法句法和语法汇总 检测外研版七年级英语上册_第4页
Module 5 词法句法和语法汇总 检测外研版七年级英语上册_第5页
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1、外研版七年级上册modules词法句法和语法汇总+检测unitl单元原文: what's the time?几点了?知识点1询问时间的句型"what's the time?"=,what time is it?"意为“几点了?",用于询问此刻具体的时间,回答时常用tte+钟点结构或直接说钟点。一 excause me, bill. what's the time now?打扰一下,比尔。现在几点了?-it's eight.8 点。延伸用法time在此作不可数名词,意为“时间” oi have no time to have

2、 supper.我没有时间吃晚饭。单元原文::it's half past six.6 点半。知识点2有关钟点的表达方式half past six意为“6点半”。past意为“过(几点)”。-what time is it now?现在几点 了?-it's half past eight.八点半。延伸用法时间的表达法 英语中最简单的钟点表达法与汉语的表达法语序相同。it's 7:35. =lt's seven thity-five.(即先报整点,再报分钟) 表示“整点”时刻,常用“基数词+o'clock“结构或直接用基数词。it's 8:00.

3、=lt's eight, =lt's eight o'clock. 表示“几点过几分(30分钟以内常用“分钟数+past+整点数“形式。it's 9 :20. =lt's twenty past nine. 表示“几点差几分(不超过30分钟广常用“(60.分钟数)+to+下一个整点数”形式。it's 4:50. =lt's ten to five. 英语中常用half代替thirty (30分钟),用(a) quarter 代替 fifteen(15 分钟)。it's 6:30. =lt's half past six.

4、=lt's six's 3:45. =lt's a quarter to four.=it's three forty five.单元原文:we have chinese at eight o'clock and science at five to nine.我们 8 点钟上语文课,8 点 55 分 上科学课。知识点3 at作时间介词的用法at eight o'clock 意为“在八点(整)时间介词at常用在具体的时间点前。i usually get up at six o'clock in the morning.

5、我通常在早晨六点起床。i have lunch at twelve o'clock at school.我十二点在学校吃午饭。延伸用法其他表示时间的介词 泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上以及月或年等较长的时间,一般用in。we wateh tv in the evening.我们在晚上看电视。 表示星期几或某一特定的日期及具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上,则用on。children's day is on june 1 .儿童节在 6 月 1 日。the accident happened on the morning of july 2.这起事故发生在7月2日的上午。单元原文:t

6、hen we have maths.然后我们上数学课。知识点4 then接着,然后,表示顺序,与next的意思基本相同。first came lucy, then bill.露西先来,然后比尔来了 °【易混辨析】next与thennext强调"紧接着“,而then则侧重表示下一个动作“在.之.后”,常与and连用。he has a bath and then goes to bed.他洗了个澡然后上床睡觉。what happens next?接下来发生了什么事情?单元原文::i love history and i am good at it.我喜欢历史,而且我历史学得好。

7、知识点5 be good at擅长相当于do well in,意为“在.方面学(做)得好”.jim is good at sports.吉姆擅长体育运动。bill does well in maths.比尔在数学方面学得好。单兀原文:it's my favourite subject because it's very interesting.它是我最喜爱的学科,因为它很有趣。知识点6 because因为 作连词,意为“因为”,可用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。-why didn't he come yesterday?他昨天为什么没来?一 beeause he loo

8、ked after his father at home.因为他在家照看他的父亲。注意连词because和so不能用在同一个句子中,只能使用其中一个。because it was raining, we stayed at home.=lt was raining, so we stayed at home.因为下雨,所以我们待在家里。单元原文:: when is your geography lesson?你们什么时候上地理课?知识点7 when -什么时候”,引导的特殊疑问句when引导的特殊疑问句的基本结构为“when+-般疑问句?”。-when does he get up every

9、 day?他每天什么时候起床? he gets up at half past six.他六点半起床。 易混辨析what time与whenwhat time只用于询问具体的时间,如某一天的几点几分;而when用于询问比较笼统的时间,不一定为具体的时间,可以是年、月、日、上午、下午或晚上等。unit2单元原文::i get up at half past seven in the morning,and then have breakfast.我早.上7点半起床,然后吃早餐。 知识点1 get up起床the girl gets up and eats a hot dog and a hamb

10、urger.这个女孩起床然后吃了一个热狗和一个汉堡包。do you get up early every day?你每天早晨早起吗?一延伸用法与get相关的短语get on上车get off下车get in上车(常用于出租车taxi、小汽车car)get out of下车(常用于出租车taxi、小汽车car)we start work at nine o'clock.我们 9 点开始上课。知识点2 start开始常考start在此处作及物动词,意为“开始”,与begin同义,另外start也可以作不及物动词。when do you start your school?你什么时候开始上学

11、? let's start to watch tv.让我们开始看电视吧。单元原文:we have a break in the playground and i talk to my friends. .我们在操场上休息,我和我的朋友们聊天。知识点3 have a break休息其同义短语为have a rest。“have a +名词“表示“进行/举、开.。it's time to have a break.到休息的时间 了。they have a class meeting on monday afternoons.他们每星期下午都开班会。单元原文::then we go

12、home at half past three.然后我们在3点半回家。知识点4 go home回家必记home作为地点副词时,前面不加介词toolet's go home together.让我们一起回家吧。i go home quickly after school.放学后,我迅速回家。 注意goto+地点名词”结构表示“去某地”。其中go作不及物动词,意为“去,走”,后跟地点名词时,要用介词to,如跟地点副词,则省略too单元原文::i do my homework and go to bed at ten o'clock.我做我的家庭作业并在10点钟上床睡觉。知识点5 d

13、o one's homework做某人的家庭作业 homework是不可数名词。tom does his homework right away after school.汤姆放学后,立即做他的家庭作业。i don't do my homework at school.我不在学校做我的家庭作业。知识点6 go to bed上床睡觉 其同义短语为gotosleepomy brother often eats some snacks before going to bed.我的弟弟经常在睡觉前吃一些点心。go to sleep now. it's late.现在去睡觉吧。很

14、晚了。易混辨析go to bed 与 go to sleepgoto bed 强调“.上床睡觉“的动作及过程,无睡着“之意 go to sleep强调“人睡,睡着”这一动作,强调人巳经“睡着”unit3单元原文:on friday i have a busy day.星期五我度过了繁忙的一天。 知识点1 busy忙的;繁忙的,在句中可以作定语或表语。he is a very busy man.(作定语)他是个非常忙的人。the shops are very busy before the spring festival.(作表语)春节前这些商店特别忙碌。延伸用法busy的固定用法be busy

15、 doing sth.意为“忙于做某事”相当于 be busy with sth.odr.smith is busy doing his work all day.=dr.smith is busy with his work all day.史密斯医生整天都忙着他的工作。单元原文:in the uk,. and finish school at half past three in the afternoon.在英国下午三点半放学。 知识点2 finish结束,完成后常可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。finish doing sth意为“做完/完成某事”the boy finishes sch

16、ool very late.这个男孩放学很晚。you can finish it after class你可以在课后完成它。i finish reading the book.我读完了这本书。单元原文:after school they go swimming, play football, have musiclessons and plav with their friends.放学后,他们去游泳、踢足球、上音乐课或者和他们 的朋友们一起玩耍。知识点3 play with sb.和某人一起玩耍必记the little girl is playing with her friends.那个小

17、女孩正在和她的朋友们一起玩耍。【注意】play with sth.意为“玩某物”。ann is playing with her doll.安正在玩她的玩偶。重点短语1. twenty past one2. twenty to eleven3. have chinese4. at eight o'clock1点20分差20分钟11点(10点40分)上语文课在8点钟擅长和某人谈话 去上学在工作日 起床 吃早饭 挨着休息5. on monday afternoon 在星期一下午6. be good at7. talk with sb.8. go to school9. on weekday

18、s10. get up1. have breakfast12. next to13. have a break14. in the playground 在操场上回家15. go home上床睡觉 开始睡觉;人睡 去游泳和.一起玩16. do one's homework 做某人的家庭作业17. go to bed.18. go to sleep19. go swimming20. play with重点句型1 .询问时间的句型以及时间表达法-what's the time?几点了?-lt's half past six. 6 点半。2 .含实义动词的陈述句的一般现在时

19、形式we have a break in the playground and i talk to my friends.我们在操场上休息,我和我的朋 友们聊天。3. because引导的原因状语从句it's my favourite subject because it's very interesting.它是我最喜爱的学科,因为它很有趣。4 .表示时间先后的句子i get up at seven o'clock, and then go to school at eight o'clock.我 7 点起床,然后 8 点去上 学。5.含时间介词in,on,

20、at的句子in the evening, i watch tv and have dinner with mny family.晚上,我看电视并和我的家人 一起吃晚餐。i go to the park on sunday.星期天我去公园。we have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve.我们12点半在餐厅吃午餐。重点语法行为动词的一般现在时(1)1. 行为动词的一般现在时主要表达经常性、习惯性的动作或现在 的状态。i do my homework in the evening.我晚上做我的家庭作业。i like english very

21、much.我非常喜欢英语。i know him very well.我和他很熟。2. 第一人称(i,we)、第二人称(you)和第三人称复数(they)在一般现在时的句子中作主语时,谓语动词没有形式的变化,其否定 形式一般是在谓语动词前加don*t( do not)owe go to school at seven. we don't go to school at six.我们7点去上学。我们6点不去上学。i don't like football. i like basketball.我不喜欢足球。我喜欢篮球。3.1,we, you, they在一般现在时的句子中作主语时,

22、把助动词do放 在句首,构成一般疑问句;将don't放在谓语动词前,构成否定句。-do you have maths in the morning every day?你们每天早上都上数学课吗?yes, we do./no, we dort.是的,我们上。/不,我们不上。测试:1. whats your favourite?math.a. food b. subjectc. color d. drink2. katrina often has tomatoes and chickendinner.a. for b. andc. at d. to3.1 want to playbasketball. but my friend wants to play guitar.a. the; the b. the;/c. /;/ d. /; the4. does your brother go to school?-at 7:00.a. what time b. whatc. how d. where5. is the first day of a week.a. sunday b. mondayc. tuesday d. wednesday6. would you like to help me with my english tomorrow?


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