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1、一、 教学工作: 本人对工作扎扎实实、兢兢业业,认为无论什么工作只要尽心尽力地去做,就一定会取得成绩。在这种正确的思想和理念指导下,工作起来就如鱼得水。首先,我认真地备教材,备教法,备学生,根据教材,教法,学生的特点知道中学英语必须要求掌握的学习内容,然后就有的放矢地结合中学生的生活实际进行口语、词汇、句型的练习。每次备课时,我都细心研究教材、考虑学生的分层和知识差异,穿插一些生动有趣的游戏活动以及中西方文化差异故事。通过这些活动,增强了学生的英语学习热情和兴趣。而且,我经常有意识地给学生们创设说英语的环境,与同学们相遇时,尽可能用英语问候,当学生来办公室请教问题时,也总是要求他们用英语提问,

2、课堂上也尽量要求他们用英语提问。总之,通过一系列的手段让学生体会到学、用英语的乐趣,养成使用英语的良好习惯和意识。使同学们对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,收到了良好的效果。二、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。在教学过程中注重学生的听、说、读、写综合能力,鼓励他们大胆的说并运用到实际中去. 每课的对话让学生先听后读,然后表演,每小组不宜超过四人。表演前应让各小级操练准备,鼓励其拓展创新对话内容。表演过程中,除要求学生语音语调正确外,还应让学生注意到交流手段如表情、手势、姿态等。例如在练习is this jacket yours?这个句型时,我手里拿着一件夹克衫,一边走进教室一边问:who

3、se jacket is it? is this jacket yours?这时学生很好奇,都想知道这件夹克衫是谁的。于是,我跟学生们操练熟了,就让学生自己去找它的主人,学生拿着这件夹克衫去问别人:is this jacket yours? 教师还可以利用插图来创设情景,培养学生的创新精神,让学生根据图画的内容编一段对话。学生会运用所学过的知识,编成各种对话三、创造宽松、和谐的气氛在教学过程中,注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语感兴趣,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得好成绩.刻板的学习,不仅会影响英语学习的效果,适得其反让他们厌恶学习英语.因此创造宽松、和谐的学习氛围有利于英

4、语学习.1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们大胆的尝试. 要培养学生的创造个性,仅停留在创设教学情境上是不够的。教师首先要具有创新的精神,注重创设宽松、和谐的教学氛围,尊重学生个体,注重抓住一切时机激发学生创新的欲望,注意对学生的学习行为和学习结果、反应等做出客观、公正、热情、诚恳的评价  2、对于底子薄的或性格内向的同学,降低他们的学习标准,当他们取得一点小小的进步,都要鼓励他们,让他们感到有成就感.    差生上课时注意往往不够集中,我就将教材化难为易,化多为少,精讲多练,课堂上尽量创造愉快的氛围。差生由于羞怯心理往往怕开口,我尽量将难易适度的问题去问他们;叫他们到

5、黑板上写有把握的句子;朗读事先已读过多遍的课文,当差生回答正确时。我总是面常笑容地说:“very good”,他们往往因得到这两个激动,这样差生开口的习惯慢慢的养成。一学期下来,差生的参与意识大大地加强,消除了畏惧心理,3、建立良好的师生关系,经常和学生一起反思学习过程中的不足,并加以改正. 教和学是一对矛盾,作为矛盾双方的教师和学生如何和谐融洽师生关系,对完成教学至关紧要。如果他们对某个老师有好感,他们就对老师的这门课感兴趣并分外重视,肯下大气力学这门课。如果他们不喜欢某一位老师,由于逆反心理,他们也就不愿学或不学这位老师的课。所以,教师要深入学生,和学生打成一片,了解学生的兴趣,爱好,喜怒

6、哀乐情绪的变化,时时处关心学生,爱护学生,尊重学生,帮助学生。这样,师生才能关系和谐,感情融洽,兴趣盎然地进行学习。1. i have a new watch. (改为否定句)  i                 a new watch. 2. who's the baby in the room ?  (改为复数句)          the         in the   

7、0;     ?  3. whose trousers are these ?  (改为同义句)  whose are                 ?  4. what time is it now ?  (改为同义句)                  the time now ?  5. lucy and lily aren't i

8、n the same class. (改为同义句)  lucy and lily are in                 . 6there are some american friends in our school. (改为一般疑问句)  _ there _ american friends in your school?7aunt li gets up early in the morning. (改为否定句)  aunit li _ _ up early in the m

9、orning. 8those are some old family photos on the wall.(改为单数句子)  _ is _ old family photo on the wall.9his parents can play the drums very well. (划线提问)  _ _ his parents play very well?10jeffs favorite food is chicken. (改为同意句)jeff _ chicken _.11.ben likes action movies. (&

10、#160;改为否定句)  ben _  _ action movies.12.i want to see comedies. ( 就划线部分提问)  _ kind of _  do you want to see?13.my mother likes opera. (变为一般疑问句)  _ 

11、;your mother _  opera?14. does jane likes thrillers? (作否定回答)  _ , she _.15.i have a pencil. i dont have an eraser. (将两个句子连成一个并列句)i have a pencil _ i dont&#

12、160;have an eraser.1. these tennis rackets are on the chair(对划线部分提问) _  _ these tennis rackets?2. thy have a tv.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they have?3. i like french fries for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like for breakfast?4. these red pants are ten dollars.( 对划线部分提问) _ _   are these red

13、 pants5. jacks birthday is may eighth.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ jacks birthday?6. tom has breakfast at six oclock.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _tom _ breakfast?7. my mother is 39 years old.(同上)_ _ is your mother?8. they want to join the painting club.( 对划线部分提问) _ club_ they want to join?9. we like thrillers.( 同上) _ _ _ movi

14、es do you like?10.jenny usually does homework in the evening.( 同上)_ _jenny usually _ homework?11.the children are at home today.(就划线部分提问) _ _ the children today?12.this is a math book.(同上)_ _this _ english?13.her pants are green and red.( 同上)_ _ _the pants?14.rick goes to school at 7(同上) _ _ _ rick

15、go to school?15. i often watch tv at 8:00. (同上)_ _ do you often watch tv?16. nick watches tv on sunday.( 对划线部分提问)_ _ nick _ on sunday?17 wang lin is at school(对划线部分提问)_ _ wang lin?18mary is at home(对划线部分提问)_ _ at home? 、19.those are apples(对划线部分提问)_ _ those?20、my ruler is under the desk(同上)_ _ your

16、ruler?21、her name is amy. (对划线部分提问)_ _ her name?22.i want to join the art club .(对画线部分提问)_  _  do you want to join ?23、i am twelve years old . (同上)   _      _ are you ?24.his sister has computer games(改为一般疑问句)_his sister _ computer games?25

17、. ann and mary have baseballs(改为一般疑问句)_ ann and mary _ baseballs?26.she has some pens. (同上) _she _ _pens?27.we like fruit and eggs.( 同上) _ _ _ fruit _ eggs.28.i want to go to a movie.( 同上)_you _to go to a movie?29. i can play ping-png.( 改为一般疑问句) _can you _?30.she can run fast.( 改为一般疑问句) _ _run fast?

18、31.those are their pencil cases.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ their pencil cases?.32.he is an english teacher(改一般疑问句)_ he an english teacher?33.she has a backpack.(否定句) she _ _ a backpack.34.jim can play computer games. (否定句)35.jim _ _ computer games.36. he likes pens.( 否定句) he_ _pens.37.i know her name(改否定句)

19、 i _ know her name.38.she likes volleyball.(改为否定句) she_ _ volleyball39.that is his dictionary. (变否定句) that _ his dictionary40. my brother wants to join the music club .(改为否定句)my brother _  _   to join the music club41.gina  doesnt  play   golf   

20、; every    day   (改为肯定句)gina  _ golf    every    day42.  do   you   have   tennis   rackets?     (改为肯定句)_ _  tennis   rackets.43.jim doesnt have a bag.(肯定句)

21、0; jim _ a bag.44.can you sing ?(作否定回答)_  ,i _         .45.does he like speaking english ?(作肯定回答)_  ,he _ _         .46.can jane speak chinese?(否定回答) _,_ _47.is this boy your brother? (做肯定回答) _, _ _48

22、.are those her books? (做否定回答)_, _ _49. this is a pen(用a pencil改选择疑问句)_ _a pen _a pencil?50.happy birthday!(回答) _ _51.do they like oranges?(单数形式)_she_ oranges?52.this is  a book(复数形式) _ _ some _53.its a comedy.(复数形式) _ _54.that is an english book(变复数句)_ _english _55.these are buses(改单数)_ _ _ _.5

23、6.this is my watch. (改为复数) _ _ our _57.i have a good friend.(改为复数)_  have_ _58.how much is the chair?( 同义句)_the _ of the  chair?59.how old is she?( 同义句) _ her _60.nancy eats lunch at school.(同义句)nancy _ _ at school.61. what time is it? its three twenty.(同义句)what time is it? its _ _ _.62. i

24、 will buy her a present. (同义句)i will _ _ _ _ her.63.our class begins at 8:00 a.m. (同上).our class begins at 8:00 _ _ _.64.happy new year!( 同上)_ _ _ _1. the woman in the blue skirt is my mother. (就划线部分提问) _ 2. i can see a map on the wall. (改成一般疑问句)_3. what colour are your trousers?(写出回答)_4what'

25、9;s this? it''s a box.(改成复数)_5. the trees are on the hill.(就划线部分提问)_6. who''s your english teacher?(按实际情况回答)_7. i can find my bike.(改成否定句)_8. what are those? they are buses.(改成单数)  1.i know the answer.(一般疑问句)   _ _ know the answer?   2.we can see some birds.(一般疑问句) 

26、60; _ _ see _ birds?  3.there is a computer in the house.(一般疑问句)   _ _ a computer in the house?   4.there are some flowers on the teachers'desk.(一般疑问句)   _ _ _ flowers on the teachers'desk?   5.there are some apples on the tree.(否定式)   there _ _ apples on the tr

27、ee.   6.i think he is very old.(否定句)   i _ think he _ very old.   7.please colour it green.(否定句)   _ _ colour it green.   8.we can speak good english.(变否定句)   we _ _ speak good english.   9.thank you for helping me.(同义句)   thank you for _ _ .   10.there a

28、ren't any pears in the box.(同义句)   there are _ pears in the box.   11.whose are these clothes?(同义句)   _ _ are these?   12.let me look at your book.(同义句)   let me _ _ _ _ your book.   13.her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问)   _ _ is her sweater?   14.my pencils are

29、 in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问)   _ _ your pencils?   15.i get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问)   _ _ do you get up every day?   16.there are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) _  _students are there in your class?   17.these are cars.(用buses改写成选择疑问句)   are these cars_

30、 _ ?   18.the book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句)   _ the book in your school-bag?   19.two boys are in our house.(改为there be句型)   _ _ two boys in our house.   20.can't you find the map?(作肯定回答)   _ ,_  _ . 1.allan went to the post office last monday.(一般疑问句)_allan

31、_ to the post office last monday?2.the animal was from england.(否定句)the animal_from england.3.mr gao speaks  french  ?_ _ _mr gao speak?4.her friend is tall and fat._does her friend_ _?5.tom and john are studying in the room._tom and john _in the room?6.he likes volleyball best. (改为同义句)his

32、 _ _ is volleyball.7.there is some bread for her.(改为一般疑问句)                  bread for her?8. i with my sister did the cleaning last week .(变否定i with my sister _ _ the cleaning last week.9.we went to the mountains on vacation (划线提问)_ _you _ on vacation?10.

33、how do you like the pop singer?(同意句)_ do you _ _ the pop singer?11. id like some fruit porridge.(就划线部分提问)_ _of porridge would you like? 12. you cant run in the hallways, tom!(改写同义句)_ _ in the hallways, tom.  13. it is time for our english evening party. (改写同义句)it is time _ _ our english evening

34、 party.14 he brushes his teeth before and after breakfast. (用now进行改写)he _ _ his teeth now.15.id like some noodles. (一般疑问句)_you_ some noodles?16.the little boy stopped crying when he saw his father. (同义句)the little boy _ cry _ _when he saw his father.17.he lives in paris. where_he _?18. my weekend wa

35、s very terrible. (提问)  _ _ your weekend?19.i wear colorful clothes because i want to be beautiful. (提问) _  _ you wear colorful clothes?20.mary is good- looking and wears color t-shirts. (划提)_ does mary _ _?21.we have to wear sports shoes in pe classes. (改为一般疑问句)_ we _ _ wear sports shoes i

36、n pe classes.21.children often have a good time on childrens day. (同义句)children often _ _ on childrens day.22. my brother cant stand comedies. (划提)_ does your brother _ _comedies.23.peter often does his homework after school (一般疑问句)_ peter often_ his homework after school.24.its windy and cloudy tod

37、ay. (对划线部分提问)  _      _    the weather today 25.what is your sisters job ? (改为同义句what _ your sister _ ?26he has to stay at home. (改为否定句)he _  _ to stay at home.27.how can i get to the nearest post office?(同义句)  do you know_ _ _ the nearest post office? 28. my

38、english teacher comes from shanghai.(同上)  my english teacher _ _ shanghai.29 they didnt clean the classroom just now. i think. (合并)i_ _they_ the classroom just now. 30. what other things do we have to do? (同义句)what _  do we have to do?31.were you in the classroom yesterday evening?(否答)no,

39、i _.32. i had rice and tomatoes for breakfast._ _ you_ for breakfast ?33.she studies in a middle school. 画提_ _ she _?34. nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)nancy                     some salad.35. shed like a small bowl of rice.(就划线部分提问)_  _ bowl of

40、rice would she like?    36. anna wants to be a doctor. (对划线部分提问)  _ _ anna_ to _?37.take the fifth turning on the left. 同义句_ left _ the fifth turning. 38.they went to the museum by bus.(划提)_ _ _they _to the _?39.i can get to the zoo by bus. 同义句i can _ a bus _ the zoo. 40. he is a tall

41、 boy . he has short straight hair同义句he _ a tall boy _ short straight hair .41. he ate nothing for breakfast. (同义句)  he_ _ _ _breakfast.42.she showed me her new photos. (同义句) she_her new photos _me.43.dont run in the hallways.(同义) you _ _in the hallways.44. he wanted to eat nothing because he wa

42、s ill. (同上) he _ _ to eat _because of his illness.初一英语上单词表(外研版)module 1 *meet v 认识,遇见 *first adj 第一 *english n 英语 lesson n (一节)课 class n 班级 *student n 学生 miss n 女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼) twelve num 十二 year n 岁 thirteen num 十三 *too adv 也 *from prep 从来 *close v 关闭 open v 打开 match v 相称;匹配 *write v 写 practise v 练

43、习 *city n 城市 *england n 英国;英格兰 *english adj 英国的 fourteen num 十四 eleven num 十一 blackboard n 黑板 twenty-nine num二十九 fifty num 五十 module 2 *parent n 父;母 (plparents父母) can vaux 能够 *basketball n 篮球 piano n 钢琴 tennis n 网球 *table tennis乒乓球 *ride v 骑;开(车) horse n 马 *welcome v 欢迎 *international adj 国际的 *facto

44、ry n 工厂 hotel n 饭店;宾馆 university n 大学 hospital n 医院 office n 办公室 *doctor n 医生 *worker n 工人 manager n 经理 secretary n 秘书 *at prep 在(工作或学习地点) 向,朝 *photo n 照片 *family n 家庭 *her pron 她的 module 3 there pron (用于引导句子) forty-six num 四十六 *dictionary n 字典,词典 *library n 图书馆 *picture n 图片;照片 *right adj 正确的 fifte

45、en num 十五 sixteen num 十六 seventeen num 十七 eighteen num 十八 nineteen num 十九 thirty num 三十 sixty num 六十 seventy num 七十 eighty num 八十 ninety num 九十 dining hall 饭厅;饭堂 gym (=gymnasium). n 体育馆 *science n 科学;科学课 lab(=laboratory)n实验室 in front of 在前面 next prep 在旁边 behind prep 在后面 *some adj 一些 *any pron 任何(一个)

46、 *one n 一个物;一个人 building n 建筑物 module 4 many adj 许多 *people n 人们;人 aunt n. 姨;伯母;婶母; 舅母;姑母 grandfather n 祖父;外祖父 grandmother n祖母;外祖母 *grandparent n(外)祖父;(外)祖母 uncle n 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨夫 *sister n 姐;妹 *have v 有 have got 拥有 *grandma n 奶奶;姥姥 *grandpa n 爷爷;姥爷 *email n 电子邮件 him pron 他(宾格) *make v 做,制造 module 5

47、 healthy adj 健康的 *orange n 橘子 drink n 饮料 v 喝 *fruit n 水果 *vegetable n 蔬菜 beef n 牛肉 carrot n 胡萝卜 *chicken n 鸡肉 *juice n 果汁 melon n 甜瓜 *milk n 牛奶 onion n 洋葱 pork n 猪肉 potato n 土豆 *tomato n 西红柿 *favourite adj 最喜欢的 *noodle n 面条 candy n 糖果 coke n 可口可乐 *hamburger n汉堡包 *ice ream 冰激凌 unhealthy adj 不健康的 frid

48、ge (=refrigerator) n 冰箱 revision module a *party n 晚会;聚会 *birthday n 生日 *last adj 刚刚过去的;最近的 table n 桌子 *them pron他她它们(宾格) *young adj 年轻的 *live v 生活;住 *chocolate n巧克力 module 6 invitation n 邀请 cinema n 电影院 would vaux 愿意 *film n 电影 stadium n 体育馆 match n 比赛 star n 明星 *team n 队伍 *evening n 晚上 friday n 周五

49、 monday n 周一 saturday n 周六 sunday n 周日 thursday n 周四 tuesday n 周二 wednesday n 周三 *with prep 和一起 *great adj 好极的;伟大的 *idea n 想法;主意 *let v 让 *lets=let us 让我们 when adv 什么时候,何时 invite v 邀请 on adj 进行;上演 ask v 询问;问 magic n 魔术 show n 表演 day n 日子;白天 *place n 地点 price n 价格 *theatre n 剧院 *swimming n 游泳 *come v

50、 来 *today adv 今天 plan n 计划 *playground n 操场 stay v 停留 *game n 游戏 module 7 *talk v 谈论 *about prep 关于 what about? (询问其他人的情况)怎么样? *time n 时间 *o'clock n 点钟 *half n 一半 *past prep 超过 art n 美术;艺术 *chemistry n 化学 *history n 历史 *at prep 在(某时间或时刻) *start v 开始 get up 起床 have v 吃 *breakfast n 早饭 *house n 房子

51、;住宅 *break n (课间)休息 *lunch n 午饭 or conj 或者 go home 回家 *dinner n 晚饭;正餐 *finish v 结束;完成 *park n 公园 *housework n 家务劳动 module 8 *different adj 不同的 habit n 习惯 *always adv 总是;一直 *card n 卡片 *present n 礼物 *usually adv 通常 often adv 经常 never adv 从不 get v 得到 *send v 发送 *ok int. 好的(表同意) *ticket n 票 pair n 双;对 a

52、 pair of 一双;一对 trainer n. 软运动鞋 jeans n (复)牛仔裤 *t-shirt nt恤 concert n 音乐会 *box n 盒子 silk n 丝绸 shirt n 衬衫 *magazine n 杂志 novel n 小说 *cd (=compact disk)n 光盘 choose v 选择,挑选 *lot n 大量;许多 lots of 大量;许多 a lot of 大量;许多 *clothes n 衣服(总称) *music n 音乐 singer n 歌手 on prep 通过,以方式 on television通过电视;在电视上 its pron

53、它的 *think v 想,认为 think of 想出 module 9 trip n 旅行 zoo n 动物园 *tiger n 老虎 camel n 骆驼 *elephant n 大象 *lion n 狮子 *giraffe n 长颈鹿 kangaroo n袋鼠 *monkey n 猴子 *panda n 熊猫 *snake n 蛇 wolf n 狼 polar bear 北极熊 guide n 导游 thousand num 千 *visit v 参观;访问 n 参观;访问 *every adj 每一个只 *animal n动物 zebra n 斑马 more adj 更多 austr

54、alia n 澳大利亚 australian adj 澳大利亚的 arctic n 北极 (非黑体单词) europe n欧洲 *european adj 欧洲的 *asia n 亚洲 asian adj 亚洲的 *here adv 在这里 *bamboo n. 竹子 africa n. 非洲 african adj非洲的 america n. 美洲;美国 american adj美洲的;美国的;美国人的 oceania n. 大洋洲 oceanian adj大洋洲的 desert n. 沙漠 forest n. 森林 jungle n. 丛林 *grass n. 草 grassland n.

55、 草原 india n. 印度 leaf n. 叶子(pl. leaves) world n. 世界 module 10 *keyboard n. 键盘 *monitor n. 显示器 *mouse n.鼠标;老鼠 print v. 打印 *printer n. 打印机 connect v. 连接 *switch v. 用开关把开启(或关掉) finally adv. 最后 *first adv. 首先 document n. 文件 use v. 使用 *click v. 点击 *next adv. 然后;其次 save v. 保存;挽救 box n. 方框 *then adv. 然后 aga

56、in adv. 再一次;又 online adv. & adj. 在线 *travel v. 旅行 download v. 下载 internet n. 网络 grandchild n. (外)孙女;(外)孙子 *sometimes adv. 有时候;不时 check v. 检查 *train n. 火车 timetable n. 时刻表 laptop n. 笔记本电脑 *weekend n. 周末 website n. 网站 london n. 伦敦 *information n. 信息 kind n. 种类初一英语期末试卷刁桂明、单项选择(20分)(  ) 1. a: are those your


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