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1、读书破万卷下笔如有神七年级英语下册翻译题1 .他喜欢和人们打交道。She likes to play games with people.2 .我想要和英国学生们交朋友。I want to make friends with English students.3 .妈妈总是在周末时去商店。My mother always goes to the store on weekends.4 .尼克从来不打扫他的房间。Nick never cleans his room.5 .这个女孩喜欢冰激凌,它尝上去很好。 The girl likes ice-cream.It tastes good.6 .在体

2、育课上,我们要么打篮球要么踢足 球。In P.E class, weeither play basketball or play soccer.7 .我的父母通常在晚饭后散步。My parents usually take a walk after dinner.汤姆是需要做大量的家庭作业O8.读书破万卷 下笔如有神Tom always needs to do lots of homework.9 .吃很多蔬菜是健康的。It is health to eat many vegetables .10 .图书馆在电视台和服装店中间。Thelibrary is between the TV stat

3、ion and the clothesstore.11 .你认为珍妮的新衣服怎么样? What do you think of Jenny's new clothes?12 .我们希望你的所有的梦想都能实现。We hope all your dreams can come true13 .我想下周一离开去广州。I want to leave for Guangzhou next Monday.14 .晚饭后让我帮你洗碗。Let mehelp you to do the dishes dinner.after读书破万卷下笔如有神15 .你的父亲对你要求严吗?Isyour father s

4、trict with you?16 .记得给我 打电话, 汤姆。Remmber to call me , Tom.17 .所有的学生都应该遵守规则。Allthe students should follow therules.18 .坐在教室里学习的学生太多了。Toomany students sit in the classroom.19 .这张全家福有点旧。This familyphoto is kind of old.20 .我的妹妹能单腿跳很长时间。My sistercan jump on oneleg for a long time.21 .林鑫可以打一整天的篮球。LinXincan

5、 play basketballall day.22 .咱们先看老虎吧。Let's see the tigers first.23 .我表弟的宠物猫非常漂亮和可爱iscat pet s 'cousin My读书破万卷下笔如有神very beautiful and cute.24 .汉堡包是由蔬菜,鸡肉,和面包制成的。The hamberger is made of vegetables, chicken and bread.25 .今天是星期一,别忘了穿校服。Todayis Monday. Don'tforget to wear the school uniform.2

6、6 .这些学生们现在处于危险中。These students are in dangernow.27 .他们砍到了那棵树来过河。Theycut down that tree to cross the river.28 .这个动物园是我最喜欢的地方之一。The zoo is one of myfavorite places.29 .出去吃晚饭怎么样? How about eating out?30 .露西正在向她妈妈学做汤。Lucy soup make to learning is 读书破万卷下笔如有神from her mother.31 .露西在听音乐,她的父母在一家商店 购物。Lucy is

7、 listening to the music Her parents are shopping in a supmarket.32 .我的朋友中的一个来自美国,他非常 可爱。One of my friends is from the United States. He is very cute.33 .我不喜欢出去吃饭,因为它花费太多 钱。I don't like eating out , because it cost too much money.34 .在端午节前,我们不得不包粽子。 Before the Brugon Boat Festival ,we have to mak

8、e zongzi .35 .我不必天帮我的妈妈做早餐。Idon't have to help my mother make breakfast every day.36 .这位老人从不迷路。The old lostgets never man读书破万卷下笔如有神37 .鲍勃在使用电脑还是在看书?IsBob using a computer or reading a book?38 .这种宠物很漂亮,但是有点儿懒。This kind of pet is verybeautiful, but kind of lazy .39 .你为什么不喜欢那位新老师呢?Whydon't you

9、like that new teacher?40 .七月份这里非常干燥而且热。It isevry dry and hot here in July.41 .埃米正在用功备考 Amy is studying hard for the test42 .这个冬天你想去哪个国家度假?Which country do you want to go on vacation?43 .你的妹妹在写信给她的朋友还是在游 泳? Is your sister writing to her friend orswimming? 读书破万卷下笔如有神44 .他们正在愉快的做着美味的汤。They are having a

10、 great time making delicious soup.45 .你可以乘公共汽车去超市。Youcan take the bus to go to the supermarket.46 .这附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarket near here?47 .我看着她在屋里弹钢琴。I watched her playing the piano in the room?48 .沿着中央大街走,你就会看到那个银行。Walk along Center Street,49 .他的姑姑住在这附近。His aunt lives near here.50 .你能帮我捎个口信吗?

11、 Can you help me to take a message?51 .最近怎样? How it going?My我妈妈经常看着我做作业。52.读书破万卷 下笔如有神mother often watches me do my homework.53 .我爷爷喜欢在晚饭后去散步。My grandfather enjoys taking a walk after dinner.54 .格林街上没有邮局。55 .-课桌上有一些书吗?-不,没有。56 .篮子里有三个苹果和一个桔子。57 .你喜欢睡觉前读书吗?。 Do you enjoy reading before going to bed?5

12、8 .告诉他晚上不要出去。Tell himnot to go out at night.59 .沿着这条街走,你就能在你的左边找 到餐馆。Walk along this street, and then you can find the restaurant on your left.60 .他们在河里游泳,玩得很愉快。Theyhave a great timeriver. the in swimming 读书破万卷下笔如有神61 .最终,他们在下午去了超市。In the end, they go to the supermarket in the afternoon.62 .能再给我一个汉堡

13、包吗 ? Can you give me aother hamburger?63 .在你上床前吹灭蜡烛。Blow out the candles before you go to bed .64 .这种裙子在这名女演员穿过它后边得 很流行。This kind of skirt gets popular after the actresswears it.65 .美国篮球世界闻名。Amrican basketball is famous around the world.66 .每个人都能许愿。Each person can make a wish.67 .如果我有时间,我将和朋友们去动物 园。

14、If I have time ,I will go to the zoo with myfriends.in All这是一本好书。总的来说, 68.读书破万卷下笔如有神all, this is a good book.69 .布朗先生对中国历史感兴趣。Mr Brown is interested in Chinese history.70 .他教汤姆如何制作飞机模型。He taught Tom how to make model planes71 .我根本不擅长唱歌I am not good at singing at all.72 .琳达在北京时拍了许多照片。Lindatook many photos when she was in Beijing.73 .鲍勃昨晚熬夜去完成他的作业Bobstayed up late to finish his homework last night.74为什么这个男孩看见你的时候跑走


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