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1、Module 1.单词荟萃1. rare adj. 罕见的;珍奇的rarely adv. 很少地, 罕有地rareness n. 稀奇; 珍贵2unhealthy adj. 不健康的, 不卫生的 healthy adj. 健康的, 卫生的 _health_ n. 健康3. wealth adj. 富裕的wealth n. 财富4. anxious adj.忧虑的;焦虑的, 不安的;渴望的anxiety n. 焦虑, 忧虑5. injure vt.损害, 伤害injury n. 损伤, 毁坏injured adj. 受伤的6pain n. 痛苦, 疼痛;辛苦, 努力(常用复数)v. 使痛苦;疼痛

2、 painful adj. 令人疼痛的; 令人痛苦的; 疼的painless adj.无痛的; 不引起痛苦的7. normal adj. 正常的, 正规的n. 正常状态abnormal adj. 不正常的8overweight adj. 超重的, 肥胖的 weigh v. 重, 称重, 权衡 weight n. 重量, 体重9. breathe v. 呼吸, 呼气breath n. 呼吸, 气息, 一口气10. awful adj. 吓人的; 糟糕的, 难受的 awfully adv. 非常awfulness n. 糟糕, 恶劣, 难受.短语检测1至少 at least 2朝前进 head t

3、owards/for 3生病了 get/fall ill 4一周四次 four times a week 5患感冒 catch/have/get a cold 6宁愿 would rather 7喜欢甜食 have a sweet tooth 8进行锻炼 take exercise 9对着迷 be crazy about 10发烧 have a fever 11不上班 be off work 12支付的费用 pay for.佳句再现1I _ a week. 我每周至少锻炼两个小时。2When Zhou Kais mother saw him _ the front door _, she _

4、him anxiously.当周凯的妈妈看到他没穿夹克往外走的时候, 她焦虑地看着他。3. _ I was _ play football in the rain. 那是因为我很傻, 竟然冒雨踢足球。4So _ from _, Im a normal kind of person. 所以, 正如你们从我上面所说的看出来的, 我是一个正常人。5. _ you will be really tired tomorrow. 现在就上床睡觉, 否则明天你会很累的。take at least two hours exercise ,heading towards ,without a jacket on

5、 eyed ,Thats because ,stupid enough to ,as you can see ,what Ive said Go to bed now or .单词拼写1The children are _ (不健康的) because they dont have enough to eat. 2To keep healthy, we must have a healthy l _. 3Teaching him Greek was a _ (痛苦的) process. 4He went out to b _ fresh air. 5R _ do I catch a cold

6、in winter.选词填空would rather, be crazy about, pick up, take exercise, pay for1. _ is a good way to keep fit.2Tom has _ football since he was a boy. 3My wife is going to _ me _ in half an hour. 4The problem is whether the poor have the money _ private health insurance.5I _ be laughed at than quarrel wi

7、th him. Module 2 No Drugs.单词荟萃1addict n. 入迷的人;瘾君子 addicted adj.使人上瘾的, 使人入迷的 addictive adj. 上瘾的, 入迷的 addiction n. 瘾, 入迷, 嗜好2danger n危险 dangerous adj.危险的 endanger vt. 危及;使遭到危险 3. powerful adj. 有力的;有功效的 powerless adj. 没有力量的power n. 力量;权利4. connection n. 联系;关系;关联connect v. 联系 connected adj.有关联的5. reduce

8、 vt. 减少reduction n. 减少6. illegal adj. 违法的;不合法的legal adj. 合法的7.disagree v不同意;意见不合 disagreement n不一致;争论agree vt.同意 agreement n. 协议;(意见等)一致8. treatment n治疗treat v治疗9. affect v. 影响 effect n. 影响, 作用10participant n参与者;参加者 participate v参加, 参与participation n参加, 参与11. recognize v认出, 识别;认可recognition n. 认出, 识

9、别, 承认.短语检测1与有关系 be related to 2破门而入 break into3与共享 share with 4处于危险中 be in danger 5对上瘾 be addicted to 6处于痛苦中 be in pain 7听取某人的建议 take ones advice 8为了 so as to/in order to 9提高(价格等) put up 10由于的结果 as a result of 11设定一个日期set a date 12制订计划 make plans 13 列出一个的单子 make a list of 14 14培养新的兴趣 develop new int

10、erests 15参加班/课程的学习 take aclass/course.佳句再现1Thirteen people die every hour from illness related to smoking tobacco, _ cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. 每小时有13个人死于与吸烟有关的疾病, 例如癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。2It was _ dangerous drug _ he nearly died. 这是一种如此危险的药品, 以至于让他差点丧命。3Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, _.

11、我现在在一个戒毒中心工作, 帮助人们戒毒。4In most states in the US, _ to smoke in public buildings. 在美国的很多个州, 在公共场所吸烟是违法的。5I couldnt _ .我完全同意。.单词拼写1Smoke a_ health, so youd better give it up. 2You will be a_ to the drug if you keep on taking it.3The stepmother t_ the girl better than her own child. 4I think it would be

12、 good if they b_ smoking in restaurants and cafes as well. 5No, I d_. I dont think it would be the right thing to do。.选词填空be related to, share with, take my advice, so as to, put up1The test questions are kept secret _ prevent cheating.2More and more people die from illnesses _ pollution. 3If you do

13、nt _, you will be sorry one day. 4The government _ the price of cigarettes to stop people buying them.5I have an office that I _ some other teachers.Module 3 Music1 composer n作曲家 compose vt.创作, 作曲; 组成 composition n作文, 作曲 composed adj. 由组成的2. musician n. 音乐家 music n音乐 musical adj.音乐的 3. director n指挥

14、direct v. 指挥, 指导 direction n方向 direct adj. 直接的4lose vt.失去 loss n损失lost adj. 迷失的, 丢失的5tour vt. & n巡回演出;观光, 旅游 tourist n旅游者 tourism n. 旅游业6talent n. 天分, 天赋 talented adj.有天赋的 gift/ genius n. 天分, 天赋(同义词)7. influence vt. &n. 影响influential adj. 有影响的8. record vt. &n. 录音, 记录, 唱片 recorder n录音机9mi

15、x vt. 使混合 mixture n. 混合物.短语检测1.因而出名 be known for 2把变成 changeinto3有史以来 of all time 4到时为止 by the time5对印象深刻 be impressed with 6变聋 go deaf 7对有影响 have an influence on 8分裂 split up 9记录 make a note of 10没门儿 no way .单词拼写1She showed a great t _ for acting at an early age and began acting in a movie at the a

16、ge of eight.2Mozart c _ his last opera shortly before he died.3My teacher _ (影响)my decision to study science.4His speech won the applause of the _(观众). 5If the words of a song are _ (复杂的), they are difficult to understand.选词填空of all time, have an influence on, split up, make a note of, no way1I gues

17、s those of her friends _ her.2Dave _ her address and phone number. 3It is recognized that this is the best science fiction _ .4When I asked whether I could use her car, she refused, saying _ 5Steves parents _ when he was four. Since then he has lived with his mother.Module 4 Fine Arts-Western, Chine

18、se and Pop Arts.单词荟萃1like n爱好;嗜好 dislike n憎恶;不喜欢2. delightful adj.令人愉快的delight n高兴, 愉快 v使人高兴 delighted adj. 感到高兴的3scene n. 景色, 风景;场景 scenery n. (自然)风景4. traditional adj. 传统的, 习俗的tradition n传统, 惯例5. imitate v. 临摹, 仿造, 模仿imitation n模仿, 仿制, 仿制品6. reality n真实, 现实 realize /realise vt.认识, 领悟;实现 realistic

19、adj.现实主义的 realism n. 现实主义7.adopt v. 采纳, 采用;收养 adoption n采用;收养8.exhibition n. 展览 exhibit vt.显示(出);展出(览), 陈列9.expression n表示, 表达;表情;词语 express vt.表示, 表达10. destroy vt破坏, 毁坏 destruction n. 破坏, 毁坏.短语检测1 遵循传统的中国风格follow the traditional Chinese style 2 目的是 aim to (do) 3厌倦了 be/get tired of 4热爱, 着迷 be crazy

20、 about 5喜欢 be fond of 6培养的兴趣 develop an interest in 7根据判断出 tell by8推迟 put off 9轮流 take turns10在获得成功 succeed in/be successful in.佳句再现1Do you like traditional Chinese art _? 你喜欢用毛笔和墨水画的传统中国画吗?2. This is painted by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, _ the greatest western artist of the twentieth centur

21、y. 这幅画是西班牙画家毕加索画的, 他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。3There is _. 有一个展览正在展出。using brush and ink considered to be an exhibition on .单词拼写1Please send them flowers as an _ of thanks. 2The book aims to cover all a_ of city life. 3Outwardly she seemed confident but in r_ she felt extremely nervous. 4The heavy rain d_ al

22、l hope of a picnic. 5Many reporters were on the s_ covering the accident.选词填空be fond of, put off, develop an interest in, succeed in, take turns1Scientists claim they have _ finding a cure for cancer.2We had to _ publishing the book for some reason. 3My parents _ going to art galleries. They often g

23、o there.4Influenced by my parents, I have _ art too.5They had to _ looking after the patient.Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines.单词荟萃1. economy n. 经济 economic adj. 经济上的, 经济学的 economical adj. 节约的, 经济的, 节省的2sailor n船员;水手sail v. 航行 n. 帆3. congratulation n. 祝贺congratulate v. 祝贺, 庆祝4. aboard adv. 在船(飞机、火车)

24、上 board n木板;甲板v. 登机, 上船等;住校5.achievement n. 成就;功业;伟绩 achieve v. 实现, 完成; 赢得, 达到6. delighted adj. 高兴的delight n. 高兴 v使高兴 delightful adj. 令人愉快的7. actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员 act v行动;表演 n行为8. belief n. 信念;信条 disbelief n. 不信仰, 怀疑, 不信 believe v. 相信; 认为; 信任 believable adj. 可以相信的 unbelievable adj. 难以相信的9cult

25、ural adj.文化的 culture n文化10.produce v. 创作, 生产 produce n. (尤指)农产品 production n. 生产;产量 product n. 产品, 产物.短语检测1在太空 in space 2 拍照片 take photographs of 3起飞 take off 4总计 in total 5祝某人成功 wish sb. success 6既然 now that 7信任;信仰, 相信的存在 believe in 8快点, 加油;得了吧 come on 9把注意力放在 concentrate on .佳句再现1The Beijing Space

26、 Control Centre said the flight was _. 北京航天控制中心报道说这次航天飞行“获得了完全成功”。2Yang is the 31st person _ astronauts from 32 countries. 包括来自32个国家的宇航员在内, 杨利伟是第31个来太空旅行的人。3Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon _ his telescope last night _ he got _. 业余天文爱好者大卫·贝茨昨晚正在通过望远镜看月球, 猛然他大吃了一惊。4. _ I ha

27、ve made this first visit, I hope I can come _. 既然我已经进行了这第一次访问, 我希望我能再多来几次。5But theres some interesting evidence. There are probably aliens _ here on earth.Oh, _. I cant believe you said that. “但是有一些有趣的证据, 地球上可能有外星人。”“得了吧!我不相信你说的那套。”a complete success to travel in space, including through when a big

28、surprise Now that many more times living come on .单词拼写1_ (创立)in 1964, is the most successful newspaper. 2“We are getting married.” “_!”3When we arrived, they w_ us warmly.4His latest book is well _ (评论) by the readers. 5I dont believe that computers will _ (代替) human beings. .选词填空in total, take a ph

29、oto of, now that, come on, concentrate on1Oh, _! Nobody can believe what you said. 2These newspapers _ news and events about famous people. 3Stand still and I will _ you. 4I was with my husband for twenty years _.5. _ youre settled, why dont you take up some serious study?Module 6 Films and TV Progr

30、ammes.单词荟萃1thriller n惊险读物、电影、戏剧 thrill v. 使感到兴奋或激动n. 兴奋, 激动 thrilling adj.令人兴奋或激动的2. character n. 性格, 特性;人物, 角色 characteristic adj.特有的, 典型的 n(与众不同的)特征3. female adj.女性的, 雌性的 male adj.男的, 雄的4. graceful adj.优美的, 优雅的grace n优美, 雅致, 优雅5interest n兴趣, 利息, 利益 vt.使感兴趣 interesting adj.有趣的 interested adj.感兴趣的6.

31、 moving adj.令人感动的 moved adj. 感动的move vt.移动, 感动, 触动7. occasionally adv.有时候, 偶尔 occasional adj.偶然的, 偶尔的 occasion n场合, 时机, 机会8. argue v. 争论, 辩论 argument n. 争论, 辩论 9drama n. 戏剧 dramatic adj.戏剧性的dramatically adv.戏剧性地10.enteraining adj.令人愉快的, 有趣的enterain vt.娱乐, 招待entertainment n款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演.短语检测1出版 come out 2爱上某人 fall in love with sb. 3使某人惊讶的是 to ones surprise 惊讶地 in surprise 4关心, 关注 care about 5讲述 tell of 6


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