



1、考点跟踪突破30简单句祈使句1 . Daniel , A PIay With the mobile Phone while you're Walking in the Street.(2015,盐城)A. don'tB. does n'tC . won'tD. can't2. A kind and helpful to the people around US, and We will make the worlda nicer place to live in.(2015,河南)A. Be B . Being C . To be D . Been3.

2、PIeaSe _ C_ your exam PaPerS OnCe again before handing them in.(2015,上海)A. going over B . Went overC. go over D . to go over4. A run in the hallways , Mike.Sorry , Ms. Clark.(2015,黄陵模拟)A. Don't B . PIeaSe C . Let's D . Not5 .Aplay With fire.With fire is dan gerous.(2014,梅州)A.Don't;Playin

3、g B . Not;Playi ngC.Don't;Play D . Not to ;To play6 .Acarefully , MiChaeI! There's a school ahead.(2014,上海)A.DriVeB . To drive C .Drove D . DriVing7 .AWake UP your SiSter,Ben.She needs a good sleep.(2014,重庆)A.Don'tB . Does n't C . Aren't D . Can't感叹句1. _C_ excit ing the movie

4、 is!SUre, I have Seen it three times.(2015,丹东)A. What B . What an C . How D . How an2. OUr team has OWn the first PriZe in the SOCCer games.(2015,宜昌)Con gratulati OnS!_B team you are!A. How great B . What a greatC. What great D . How a great3. What PrOgramme is so attractive?The guard of honor ( 仪仗队

5、)of the PLA are taking Part in the Parade On Red Square. B exciting event ! (2015 ,连云港)A. How a B . What an C . How an D . What a4. The PaSSenger ShiP EaStern Star CaPSiZed (倾覆)in the Yangtze RiVer On the evening of JUne 1st. B bad news ! Can We do SOmething to help With the rescue (救援)? (2015 ,襄阳)A

6、. What a B . What C . How a D . How5 . _D_ USefUI robot ! It Can help With the housework like a humanservant.(2015,云南)A. How B . What an C . How a D . What a6. So far , SU Bingtian is the OnlyChinese Who finiShed the100-meter racein IeSS tha n 10SeC On ds. B he runs.(2015 ,广东)A. How slow B . How fas

7、tC. What a slow D . What a fast7. Look! A happily the ChiIdren are playing over there! (2016 ,原创)A. How B . What C . What a D . How a8. A fantastic the dragon boat teams are! (2016 ,预测)A. How B . What C . What a D . How a疑问句1. A T-Shirt is this?I th ink it's Tom's.(2015,北京)A. Whose B . WhiCh

8、 C . What D . Who2. _C_ did you work out the problem in SUCh a short time?With Mr. Li's help.(2015 ,重庆)A. When B . Where C . How D . WhiCh3. _C_ is the World CUP held? EVery 4 years. (2015 ,烟台) A. How soon B . WhenC. How ofte n D . How Iong4. _C_ is the restaura nt from the post office?It's

9、about 5 minutes' ride. ( 2015 ,南充)A. How Iong B . How ofte nC. How far D . How many5. EXCUSe me , are there any book StOreS around here?,云南)_B_, but there are some On Center Street.(2015A. Yes, there are B . No, there aren't C. Yes, there is D . No, there isn't6. _C_ will the breakfast b

10、e ready?JUSt a minute.(2015,商州模拟)A. How much B . How IongC. How Soon D . How far7. You come to school early every day._D_ is it from your home to school?It's only about One kilometer.(2015,襄阳)A. How Iong B . How muchC. How many D . How far8 . _B_ will it take you to go to school from your home b

11、y bus?About 10 minutes. (2015,荆门)A. How Soon B . How IongC. How ofte n D . How far9. _D_ POCket money do you usually get every mon th? Fifty yuan.What about you? (2015 ,扬州)A. How ofte n B . How IongC. How many D . How much10. Do you Iike IiSte ning to CoUntry music Or rock music?_D_. It brings me PI

12、eaSUre.(2015 ,长春)A. Yes, I do B . No, I don'tC. I like music D . CoUntry music倒装句,Bob?1. I don't Un dersta nd the story in the new Un it.What about you _B_. (2015 ,朝阳模拟)A. Neither I do B . Neither do IC. So do I D . So I do2. Tom did n't go for a PiC nic yesterday?_C_. (2015 ,黔西南州)A. So

13、did I B . So I didC. Neither did I D . Neither I did3. They go to school early in the morning. _C_(2015 ,安顺)A. So do Tom. B . So Tom do.C. So does Tom. D . So Tom does.4. I have n't bee n to the SCie nce museumfor a Iong time.What about you ? (2015 , 黄冈) B . Could you go With me this Weeke nd?A.

14、 Me too B . Me neitherC. So have I D . Neither I haveI usually go hik ing With my friends.B do I . (2015 ,青海)A. Nor B . So C . Neither1 . In OUr school Iibrary there _ grow ing Iarger and Iarger.(2015A. is ; are B . has; is C . are ;2 . Doing eye exercises AOne安塞模拟)A. is B . are C . Were D . WaS主谓一致

15、C_ a nu mber of books and the nu mber of them ,眉山)is D . have; areof the USefUI WaySto PrOteCt our eyes.(20153. What would you like to have for supper?Either noodles or rice _C_ OK.I don't mind.(2015,安顺)A. are B . Were C . is D . WaS4 . Neither the headmaster nor the teachers D take a VaCatiOn n

16、ext week.(2015 , 呼和浩特)A. Were going to B . is going toC. WaS going to D . are going to5. Do you n eed more time to complete the task?Yes.Another ten days _A_ enough.(2014 ,白水模拟)A. is B . WaS C . are D . Were6 . Mary With her Parents oftenD for a walk in the Park after SUPPer.(2015 ,阎良模拟)A. go B . is

17、 going C . are going D . goes7. There _ B_ a Charity show at the school hall next week.(2015,宿迁)A. WaS B . will be C . has been D . are8 . Look, the Set of keys _ C_ On the teacher's desk.(2015 ,蓝田模拟)A. are B . Were C . is D . WaS9 . The SUmmer holidays are Coming , so the twins as well as JaCk

18、_B_ to HongKong for VaCatiOn.(2015 ,太白模拟)A. is going B . are goingC. goes D . go10 . EVery One except the twin brothers _D in the CIaSSroom Whe n the classbegan.(2015 ,神木模拟)A. are B . is C . Were D . WaS11. HiS family 旦 a large One, and now the whole family having dinnertogether.(2016,原创)A. is ; is B . is ; are C . are; are D . are ; is12 . Not only my SiSter but also I _B_ angry With him.(2016 ,原创)A. be B . am C . is D . are13. Both Li Lei and Han Meimei _ D fond of the TV PrOgram A B


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