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1、金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册EAS操作手册金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions").

2、3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews . First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularitie

3、s, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to f

4、ile a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table

5、single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approvaltable records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowi

6、ng application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table singl

7、e目录第一篇系统登陆4第一章金蝶EAS系统登陆第二章 系统界面介绍切换组织及修改密码第二篇 总账系统第三第三节 基础资料编码13第四节基础资料设置13第五节 初始数据录入和结束初始化22第二章 总账系统日常操作26第一节 凭证7 第一章 总账系统初始化处理 第一节 初始化的流程 二节 系统设置录入 27第二节 凭证的修改和删除 28第三节 凭证审核 29第四节 凭证过账 30第五节 凭证打印 30第三章 常用帐簿报表 32 第一节 总分类账 32第二节 明细分类账 35 第三节 多栏账 37 第四章 期末处理 38 第一节 自动转账 38第二节结转损益 38第三节期末结账 40第五章 资产管理

8、 41 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet第 2 页 theloan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"金蝶 K/3 标准财务( 上 ). 3. agree l

9、oan person decides to accept, according to interviews . First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, accordi

10、ng to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and

11、 loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2related SyStem file qilu Bank PerSOnal Ioan management approach 10. records table Si ngle records table Sin gle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer talk record records table Sin gle 2: PerS onal borrow ing applicati ons recordS table Si

12、n gle 3: PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Sin gle 4: PerS on al loa n SUrVey declared table records table Sin gle 5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrowi ng SUPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal Sin gle Pen

13、 cycle borrowi ng applicatio n approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 9: qilu BankPerS onal most high borrowing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10:arrived (quality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage list ing records tableSin gle 11: stop Paid no t

14、ice records table Sin gle金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册第一节基础设置41第二节操作流程44第六章资产管理41第一节报表模板分配及引用步骤54说明:对于EAS系统的操作在本手册中不能够一一列举,只能在以后的过程中不断的完善。感谢各位同事体谅!第3页共CUStOmer qualificati on PreIimi nary exam in ati on of the material of the borrower for the loa n PerS on, determ ine Whether you meet 58 页 the loan conditions (stan

15、dard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews . First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened

16、 on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and othe

17、r relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table

18、single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal m

19、ost high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: a

20、rrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single第一篇系统登陆第一章金蝶EAS系统登陆1.1安装客户端,设置【金蝶EAS服务器连接设置】,桌面出%步骤:点击【安装程序】,【程序】现【金蝶!fll # l+i' *j na " >4 R .Lvw-1'j- *'*»3 LdE = F = IJr > UJ"U*-*wU JK*b duh蟆! *H気

21、 * 7 IUV 8T wr.w* I I r W 0* h 乩"-!Win*rry Aa me wrv1. W - W _i fe* fl-r*f rr *! h- r -t -晅”書*斗 :SIl l>-.1.3ir>L.-.-c=rEAr IrJT-.LrBla-Tan . HvUIjlJVarEAS客户端】登陆界面,双击登陆协说* TCF*SSLHnP眾务赛地址122 7Z6.3S.134'眼务器端IW扣丈评更帝郦务端7863'劇颤最大内帥冉7磴需更新 口 CDMT flh史捋<手f 驭觸CuStOmer qualificati On Pre

22、limi nary exam in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the loan PerSon, determine Whether you meet第 4 页 theloan conditions (Standard SPeCifiCation for details of the conditionsthe fifth ChaPter "5.1 IOanSand borrower conditions"金蝶 K/3 标准财务(上).3. agree loa n PerS on decides to accept,

23、accordi ng toin terviews . First, the jurisdicti on of the head office, bran CheS andrisk man ageme nt, OPerati Onal man ageme nt should be Stre ngthe ned On the Bank PerS On al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCt ion, man ageme nt and guida nce. SeCOnd, related PerSonnel irregularities, according to qilu

24、bank CreditS OPerational responSibiIity and accoUntability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violati ons of regulatio ns deali ng With regulati ons and other releva nt rules of Puni Shme nt and acco Un tability. 9. ACCOrd ing to file, and related SyStem file 9.1 according to file a, and

25、loanGen eral II, and PerS on al loa n man ageme nt PrOViSi onal approach 9.2 related SyStem file qilu Bank PerS on al loa n man ageme nt approach 10. records table Si ngle records table Sin gle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer talk record records table Sin gle 2: PerS onal borrow ing applicati ons recor

26、ds table Sin gle 3: PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Sin gle 4: PerS on al loa n SUrVey declared table records table Sin gle 5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrowi ng SUPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal

27、Sin gle Pen cycle borrowi ng applicatio n approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 9: qilu BankPerS onal most high borrowing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10: arrived (quality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage list ing records table Sin gle 11: s

28、top Paid no tice records table Sin gle金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册第一步:首先在【数据中心】中选择【赵龙集团EAS管理系统】 第二步:在【用户名】中录入自己的名字。第四步:点击【登陆】进入第四步:在【密码】中录入系统。自己的已经设定的密码。提示:EAS以客户端形式登陆,也可以实现网页形式登陆;集团暂用第一种。.CuStOmer qualificati On Prelimi nary exam in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the loa n PerS on, determ ine Whether y

29、ou meet第5页共58 页 the loan conditions (Standard SPeCifiCation for details of the con diti ons the fifth ChaPter "5.1 loa ns and borrower con diti on s"). 3.agree loa n PerS on decides to accept, accordi ng to in terviews . First,the jurisdict ion of the head office, bran CheS and risk man ag

30、eme nt,OPerati onal man ageme nt should be Stre ngthe ned on the Bank PerS on al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCti on, man ageme nt and guida nce. Secon d, relatedPerSOnnel irregularities, according to qilu bank CreditS OPeratiOnal responSibiIity and accoUntability for implementation and the qilu bank e

31、mployee violatio ns of regulatio ns deali ng With regulati OnSand other releva nt rules of Puni Shme nt and acco Un tability. 9. ACCOrdi ng to file, and related SyStem file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and PerS on al loa n man ageme nt PrOViSi onal approach 9.2 related SyStem file q

32、ilu Bank PerS on al loa n man ageme nt approach 10. records table Sin gle records table Si ngle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer talk record records table Single 2: PerSonal borrowing applications records table Sin gle 3: PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Si ngle 4: PerS onal loa n SUrVey de

33、clared table records table Si ngle 5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrow ing SUPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal Single Pen cycle borrow ing applicati on approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicatio ns

34、 records table Sin gle 9: qilu Bank PerS onal most high borrow ing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10: arrived (quality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage listing records table Single 11: stop Paid no tice records table Si ngle第二章系统界面介绍,说明:进入EAS系统后,系统共分为三个界面。界面一:【系统】主要在这里“切换组织”进行帐套间的切换,“修改密码”

35、主要是对当前用户进行密码的设置及修改。界面二:【功能菜单】主要在这里选择用户 日常应用的明细功能,例如:凭证新增、查 询。界面三:【功能界面】这里分为三部分,最左面主要是功能的梗概,中间是功能的明细列表,最右边是常用功能列表。第三章切换组织及修改密码,步骤:切换帐套CuStOmer qualificati On Prelimi nary exam in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the IOan PerSon, determine Whether you meet第 6 页 theIOan conditiOnS (Standard SP

36、eCifiCation for details of the conditiOnSthe fifth ChaPter "5.1 IOanSand borrower conditions"金蝶 K/3 标准财务(上).3. agree loa n PerS on decides to accept, accordi ng to in terviews . First, the jurisdicti on of the head office, bran CheS and risk man ageme nt, OPerati Onal man ageme nt should b

37、e Stre ngthe ned On the Bank PerS On al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCt ion, man ageme nt and guida nce. SeCOnd, related PerSonnel irregularities, according to qilu bank CreditS OPerational responSibiIity and accoUntability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violati ons of regulatio ns deali

38、 ng With regulati ons and other releva nt rules of Puni Shme nt and acco Un tability. 9. ACCOrd ing to file, and related SyStem file 9.1 according to file a, and loanGen eral II, and PerS on al loa n man ageme nt PrOViSi onal approach 9.2 related SyStem file qilu Bank PerS on al loa n man ageme nt a

39、pproach 10. records table Si ngle records table Sin gle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer talk record records table Sin gle 2: PerS onal borrow ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 3: PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Sin gle 4: PerS on al loa n SUrVey declared table records table Sin gle

40、5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrowi ng SUPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal Sin gle Pen cycle borrowi ng applicatio n approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 9: qilu Ban

41、kPerS onal most high borrowing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10: arrived (quality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage list ing records table Sin gle 11: stop Paid no tice records table Sin gle金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册说明:如需要切换到其他的单位进行对帐务的,【切换组织】在这处理,直接选择【系统】里切换帐套,如需要进行对密码的修改,在这里选择【修改密码】,然后录入新密码。第二篇总账系统第一

42、章总账系统初始化处理第一节初始化的流程初始化流程图系统设置基础资料设置初始数据录入结束初始化CuStOmer qualificati On Prelimi nary exam in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the IOa n PerS on, determ ine Whether you meet第7页共58 页 the loan conditiOnS (Standard SPeCifiCation for details of theCOn diti ons the fifth ChaPter "5.1 loa ns an

43、d borrower con diti on s"). 3. agree loa n PerS on decides to accept, accordi ng to in terviews . First, the jurisdict ion of the head office, bran CheS and risk man ageme nt, OPerati onal man ageme nt should be Stre ngthe ned on the Bank PerS on al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCti on, man ageme n

44、t and guida nce. Secon d, related PerSonnel irregularities, according to qilu bank CreditS OPeratiOnal responSibiIity and accoUntability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violatio ns of regulatio ns deali ng With regulati OnSand other releva nt rules Of Puni Shme nt and acco Un tability.

45、 9. ACCOrdi ng to file, and related SyStem file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and PerS on al loa n man ageme nt PrOViSi onal approach 9.2 related SyStem file qilu Bank PerS on al loa n man ageme nt approach 10. records table Sin gle records table Si ngle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer

46、talk record records table Single 2: PerSonal borrowing applications records table Sin gle 3: PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Si ngle 4: PerS onal loa n SUrVey declared table records table Si ngle 5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrow ing S

47、UPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal Single Pen cycle borrow ing applicati on approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicatio ns records table Sin gle 9: qilu Bank PerS onal most high borrow ing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10: arrived (qu

48、ality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage listing records table Single 11: stop Paid no tice records table Sin gle第二节系统设置EAS系统设置:1、系统模块启用%步骤:点击【功能菜单】,【系统平台】,【系统状态控制】双击进入。'f BMi J9 M- A IHI 4. It. I ft ,审 Hlu, i-'"bf*h= ÷ PJpr 扌If-! fT*JW1, BTK- LT,i UX *双击【系统状态控制】进入进行系统设置t 直 U UL UMa-=t

49、! » 足f-.SFtfiE-4匕 / M 卄巴 卩巧*J".'TXh-J E ”吃E £ MttJIJS* fi n -4I丄 Mt LMZ話!刚jB'M-irWHaR-l1I BTi3r3 an* w«ive d.ja hixU ! .e M li i卢工一丁FKcnSl4蛀盂丸匚IJ¾步骤:点击【功能菜单】,【系统平台】,【系统状态控制】双击进入在这里选择帐套启用的期间,选择完期间后,点击左上角【保存】。注:根据公司需求,选择模块启用期间。CuStOmer qualificati On Prelimi nary exam

50、in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the IOan PerSon, determine Whether you meet第 8 页 theIOan conditiOnS (Standard SPeCifiCation for details of the conditiOnSthe fifth ChaPter "5.1 IOanSand borrower conditions"金蝶 K/3 标准财务(上).3. agree loa n PerS on decides to accept, accordi ng toin

51、 terviews . First, the jurisdicti on of the head office, bran CheS andrisk man ageme nt, OPerati onal man ageme nt should be Stre ngthe ned on theBank PerS on al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCt ion, man ageme nt and guida nce.Second, related PerSonnel irregularities, according to qilu bank CreditSOPera

52、tional responSibiIity and accoUntability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violati ons of regulatio ns deali ng With regulati onsand other releva nt rules Of Puni Shme nt and acco Un tability. 9. ACCOrd ing to file, and related SyStem file 9.1 according to file a, and loanGen eral II, an

53、d PerS on al loa n man ageme nt PrOViSi onal approach 9.2 related SyStem file qilu Bank PerS on al loa n man ageme nt approach 10. records table Si ngle records table Sin gle 1: PerS on al loa n CUStOmer talk record records table Sin gle 2: PerS onal borrow ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 3:

54、 PerS on al loa n in come PrOVed records table Sin gle 4: PerS on al loa n SUrVey declared table records table Sin gle 5: authorized Attor ney (SamPIe) records table Sin gle 6: PerS onal most high borrowi ng SUPPOrt With application approval table records table Single 7: PerSonal Sin gle Pen cycle b

55、orrowi ng applicatio n approval table records table Sin gle 8: draw ing applicati ons records table Sin gle 9: qilu BankPerS onal most high borrowing SUPPOrt With Sin gle records table Sin gle 10: arrived (quality) bet real right PrOVed StOrage list ing records table Sin gle 11: stop Paid no tice re

56、cords table Sin gle金蝶EAS财务系统操作手册2、参数设置%步骤:点击【功能菜单】,【系统平台】,【参数设置】双击进入双击【参数设置】进入进行参数设置。双击【财务会计】进入进行财务相关参数设置。2(1财务会计参数设置【系统平台】,【参数设置】,【财务会计】双击进步骤:点击【功能菜单】 入。主要由【参数列表】页签中的64个参数和【其他参数】页签的复选项参数组 成,还包括公共参数中对总账影响的2个参数。CuStOmer qualificati On Prelimi nary exam in ati On Of the material Ofthe borrower for the

57、 loa n PerS on, determ ine Whether you meet第9页共58 页 the loan conditions (Standard SPeCifiCation for details of thecon diti ons the fifth ChaPter "5.1 loa ns and borrower con diti on s"). 3.agree loa n PerS on decides to accept, accordi ng to in terviews . First,the jurisdict ion of the hea

58、d office, bran CheS and risk man ageme nt,OPerati onal man ageme nt should be Stre ngthe ned on the Bank PerS on al loa n mon itori ng, in SPeCti on, man ageme nt and guida nce. Secon d, relatedPerSonnel irregularities, according to qilu bank CreditS OPeratiOnal参数主要包括参数编码、参数名称、参数值、是否集团控制、参数描述、修改 时间、修改人、使用后是否可以修改等内容。respOnSibi


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