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1、2009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程技术文件3m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程The method of uniform field strength calibration in 3mchamber第一版The 俨 edition批准:审定:编制:日期:日期:日期:2009.05.20QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程1适用范围和目的Scope and object:IEC61000-4-3测试中的场地均匀性校准The calibration of field in IEC610

2、00-4-32引用文件Normative referencesIEC 61000-4-3: 1998电磁兼容试验和测量技术射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验Testing and measurement techniques- Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test3校准使用的仪器设备:Test equipment: 3m法电波暗室Anechoic chamber 射频信号发生器RF signal generators: 宽频功放 power amplifier 发射天线 field generating antenn

3、as 场强探头 field strength monitoring antenna 场强仪 field strength monitor 功率仪power meter3m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程4校准过程:a)场强探头位置的确定Locate the field strength probe position确认IEC61000-4-3标准测试中所使用垂直均匀域平面,定出需要校准的16个点的位置;Locate the vertical uniform area and the 16 measuring point for calibration as following:Figu

4、re12009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程2009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程测试中,场强探头应放置在如图1所示的16个点上,其中场强探头的垂直投影应分别落在图2所示的地面上的1、2、3、4点上,如图2;场强探头的高度应在图3所示的1、2、3、4位置:During the test, the field strength probe should be put in the 16 poison as shown in figure1,the vertical pr

5、ojection of the probe should located on position 1 to 4 on the ground as shown in figure 2, and the height of the probe should be at position 1 to 4 in figure 3.Figure23m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程Figure 32009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程b)吸波材料位置的确认Locate the absorber position在地面上铺设使用的吸波材

6、料,记录吸波材料的配设位置,mark1至mark4分别为吸波材料铺设的4个角;Put additional absorber on the ground, and record the position of the 4 angle of the absorber as in figure 4:Figure 4c)将天线放置在距离垂直均匀域平面3m远的位置处Put the antenna on the point 3m away from uniform field area and make sure the direction ofthe antenna perpendicular to

7、the uniform field area as in figure 5:3m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程d)天线水平位置的定位Locate the horizontal position of the antenna分别记录天线水平极化的大线四角在暗室地面的上垂直投影点H1、H2、H3、H4及大线底座三脚所在位置1、2、3,同时记录大线四角距地面的高度hH如图所示;Record the horizontal position of the antenna as in figure 6, the vertical projection of the 4 angel of the

8、antenna are marked as H1 to H4, and the position of the tripod are marked as 1 to 3. The heights of the 4 antenna angel are also recorded.Figure 62009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程e)天线垂直位置的定位Locate the vertical position of the antenna分别记录大线垂直极化的大线四角在暗室地面的上垂直投影点H1、H2、H3、H4及大线底座三脚所在位置

9、1、2、3,同时记录大线四角距地面的高度hv.如图所示;Record the vertical position of the antenna as in figure 7, the vertical projection of the 4 angel of the antenna are marked as V1 to V4, and the position of the tripod are marked as 1 to 3. The heights of the 4 antenna angel are also recorded.Figure7Table 1f)连接电缆的定位Locat

10、e the connection cable连接电缆,并记录电缆途径关键点,如下图;Connect the signal cable to the antenna, and the point where the cable pass by should berecord as in figure8:3m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程g) 从80MHz开始,将场强探头放在某一均匀域测量点上(如 22位置),给大线供以一定 前向功率信号Pc,使得在场强探头上测得的场强值约为所需计量的场强值Ec(如10V/m )Position the sensor at one of the 16 p

11、oints in the grid ( for example 22), and set the frequency of the single generator output to the frequency 80MHz. Apply a forward power to the field-generating antenna so that the field strength obtained equals Ec(for example 10V/m).Record the forward power and field strength readings.h) 以1%的前一频率为步长

12、,重复步骤g),直到频率到达1GHz,生成的频率和输入前向功率的表格如下:Increase the frequency by 1% of the present frequency, and repeat step g) until the frequency reach 1GHz. The forward power and the field strength reading should be record in table 1.fPtE22MHzdBmV/m80.0001080.8001081.6081082.4241083.2481084.08110。o0oo0oo0oo0oo0oo

13、0981.92010991.739101000.000102009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程i)将探头分别移到移到网格中的其他 15个位置,给大线供以上表1中的前向功率的信号Pc,记录15个点上测量的每个频点上的实测场强,记录在下表中;Move the sensor to other 15 positions in the grid. At each of position, the forward power in tablel should be used. And the measure field strength s

14、hould be recorded in table 2fPcE11E 12E 13E14E21E 22E23E24E31E 32E33E34E41E 42E43E44MHzdBmV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/m80.00080.80081.60882.42483.24884.081。oooooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oo000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000981.920991.7391000.

15、000Table 22009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程5数据处理:The calculating procedure:a)将表2中的测量场强值按从低往高排列,如表3;Sort the 1 field strength into ascending order as in table 3:From low to highfe1e2e3e4e5e6e7e8e9e10e11e12e13e14e15e16MHzV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/mV/m80.00080.80081.

16、60882.42483.24884.081。ooooooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oooooooooooooooo00oooo00oooo00oooo00oooooooooooooooooooooo00o981.920991.7391000.000table32009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-20093m法电波暗室辐射场抗扰度场地均匀性校准规程b) 分别计算从小到大连续 12个场强的最大场强差值 R1至R5;Calculate the field strength deviation R1 to R5 of continuous 12 p

17、oint from low to high as following formula, and the data should be recorded in table 4:R1=20log(e12/e1)R2=20 log(e13/e2)R3=20 log(e14/e3)R4=20log(e15/e4)R5=20 log(e16/e5)fR1R2R3R4R5MHzV/mV/mV/mV/mV/m80.00080.80081.60882.42483.24884.081。oooooo00oooo00oooooooo0o00oooo00oo981.920991.7391000.000Table4c)

18、 场强差值从R1向R5,第一个小于6dB的值对应的最小场强值(表4中)作为场地均匀性 校准的参考场强Et,并记录在下表中:Check the field strength deviation R1 to R5, the first one less than 6dB should be marked and the corresponding minimum field strength in table 3 should be record in table 5 as following:fPcEcMHzdBmV/m80.00080.80081.60882.42483.24884.081ooooooooooooo0oo981.920991.7391000.0002009.5.20XX检测中心QJ/63.740-


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