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1、 Unit 15Im going to a soccer match Before the class, well learn something about The Origin The Customs Celebration Parade The Origin 起源 October 1st 1949 is the birthday of the the Peoples Republic of China. The Resolution on The National Day Of The Peoples Republic Of China is passed by the forth co

2、nference of the Central Peoples Government Commission of accepting the proposal of the CPPCC in the same year. The resolution announced the day of founding of the Peoples Republic of China will be the National Day on first of October every year. 1949年年10月月1日,是新中国的诞生日,是新中国的诞生 日。同年,日。同年,中央人民政府委员会第四次会议

3、中央人民政府委员会第四次会议 接受全国政协接受全国政协的建议,通过了的建议,通过了关于中华人民共和国国庆日关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议的决议,决定每年,决定每年10月月1日,即中华人民共和日,即中华人民共和国宣告成立的伟大国宣告成立的伟大 日子,为中华人民共和国国日子,为中华人民共和国国庆日。庆日。 The customs 习俗 BackEvery time meets the National Day, the various countries all must hold the different form celebration. Order to celebrate the Nat

4、ional Day, the various countries government usually must hold a time of National Day reception, by the head of state, the head of government or foreign minister acts on behalf of to manage, the invitation is stationed at the locality the various countries diplomatic agent and other important foreign

5、 guests participates.每逢国庆日,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活动。为庆祝国庆日,各每逢国庆日,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活动。为庆祝国庆日,各国政府通常要举行一次国庆招待会,由国家元首、政府首脑或外交部国政府通常要举行一次国庆招待会,由国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长出面主持,邀请驻在当地的各国使节和其他重要外宾参加。长出面主持,邀请驻在当地的各国使节和其他重要外宾参加。Celebration节日节日庆典庆典BackNational Day every year, countries will hold different forms of celebration activi

6、ties to strengthen peoples patriotic consciousness, strengthen the countrys cohesive force.每年国庆,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活每年国庆,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活动,以加强本国人民的爱国意识,增强国家动,以加强本国人民的爱国意识,增强国家的凝聚力。的凝聚力。Parade 阅兵BackAccording to the decision of the CPPCC in 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China was founded, military parade

7、 should be listed among the key programs of the Grand Celebrations of National Day thereafter. A total number of 11 parades were conducted during the coming ten years since then, which however were followed by a break-up for a consecutive period of 24 years. The parade was not resumed until 1984. 根据

8、全国政协的决定是在根据全国政协的决定是在1949年中华人民共和国成立以来年中华人民共和国成立以来,中国的军事阅兵应列中国的军事阅兵应列为重点项目宏大的庆祝国庆。总数为重点项目宏大的庆祝国庆。总数11次的阅兵在接下来的十年进行着次的阅兵在接下来的十年进行着,不过之后停滞不过之后停滞了连续了连续24年。游行队伍没有恢复直到年。游行队伍没有恢复直到1984年。年。BackBack198419842009200919991999 Military Parade is an important form of displaying the strength of armed forces and bui

9、lding up national confidence and pride. In general, the parade includes two parts One is the military review, in which the reviewer reviews by passing by the troops; the other is the march past, in which the troops march in front of the reviewing stand to be reviewed. 军事阅兵是一种重要的形式显示的武装部队的力量军事阅兵是一种重要

10、的形式显示的武装部队的力量, ,建立民族自信和自尊。建立民族自信和自尊。总的来说总的来说, ,这个阅兵包括两部分这个阅兵包括两部分一个是阅兵,其中审阅由部队通过审一个是阅兵,其中审阅由部队通过审查查; ;另一种是分列式另一种是分列式, ,其中部队在观礼台前方进行审查。其中部队在观礼台前方进行审查。The 1st (1949)The 2nd (1950)The 3rd (1951)The 4th (1952)The 5th (1953)The 6th (1954)The 7th (1955)The 8th (1956)The 9th (1957)The 10th (1958)The 11th (

11、1959)The 12th (1984)The 13th (1999)The 14th (2009)There are 14 parades in total up to nowBackBackThe National Days of theOther Countries America :July 4th (美国独立日(美国独立日 7月月4日)日) France: July 14th (法国国庆日(法国国庆日 7月月14日)日) Australia : January 26th (澳大利亚日澳大利亚日 1月月 26日日) Russia :June 12th (俄罗斯日俄罗斯日 6月月12日日

12、) Canada: July 1st (加拿大日(加拿大日 7月月1日)日) ect.BackBackBackBackBackBack RevisionThings you can do to help the environmentThings you did to protect the environment Things are bad for the environment you did RevisionWhen do you use excuses?What kind of words can you say? Can you make a scene with your par

13、tner? New contents Part 2 conversationYoull have a long holiday, do you have plans?Who do you want to stay with? Now, youll invite your friends to do something with youPair work, then show us Talk about this picture with your own words, you can imagine any scene.Part 2 conversation Listen and answer

14、 : What is Lynn inviting Miguel to do ? Why cant Miguel go ? When are they going to meet ?Part 2 conversation Listen and read it silently. Listen and read it sentence by sentence. Role play. Listen to the rest of the conversation and answer. When are they going to have dinner? Who are they going to

15、meet after dinner?Part 2 conversation The Future Tense (How to express?) Present continuous with future meaning (经常适用于表移动的动词,e. g: come, go, leave, stay etc) E g: Where are you going ? Im going to a soccer match . Be going to + verb for future plans. _What is she going to do this weekend ? _She is g

16、oing to play tennis.Part 3 Grammar Focus Turn back to the books. Part A Explain the task and fill in the blanks. then, Check the answers. Part B Explanation Ss match the invitations to the responses. Go over answers with the class.Part 3 Grammar Focus Part 4 Word powerWhat kind of activities you alw

17、ays take part in?Spectator sports?Friendly gatherings?Live performances? Part 4 Word powerLook at these pictures, and tell me what are they? What are they belong to? barbecue Dance performance Baseball game Golf tournament Basketball game picnic Beach party Birthday party Rock concert Comedy act Ten

18、nis matchLeisure activitiesFriendly gatheringsLive performancesSpectator sportsPart 4 Word power Turn back to the book and complete the mind map with phrases. Model the example conversation with a student, then talk about the activities in pairs. Share their new conversations.Part 4 Word power Explanation. 1:Firstly,discuss: How do you invite someone to do something? How do you accept or refuse an invitation? 2: Divide the ss into 2 groups and explain the task . Ss work in pairs to do the role play . Change roles and try the role play again.Part5 Role


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