已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、八年级上册复习资料短语quite a few (相当多、不少) of course (当然) go on vacation (去度假) stay at home (待在家) summer camp 夏(令营) go out (出去) take photos(拍照) go shopping(购物) first time( 第一次) up and down(上来下去) feel like (感觉到) the next day (第二天) hardly ever (几乎不) at least (至少)junk food ( 垃圾食品)more than = over(多余,超过)less than

2、(少于)swing dance (摇摆舞)how often (多久一次)on weekends(在周末)sometimes = at times 有(时)three times a week(一周三次) twice a month (一个月两次) once a week(一周一次) go to the movies(去看电影) stay up (熬夜) play /do sports(做运动) go to bed (去睡觉) good habits(好习惯) not . at all(根本不)go camping (去野营)in the country (在农村)bring out (使显现

3、)primary school(小学)take care of = look after(照顾)work hard(努力学习 /工作)make friends(交朋友) be like(像)so far(到目前为止)fresh water(淡水)have.in common(有相同特征)play a role(发挥作用) make up(编造) for example (例如) take .seriously (认真对待) talent show(才艺表演)talk show(谈话节目)game show(游戏节目 )sports shows (体育节目 )on problem=youre w

4、elcome=thats all right(没什么,不客气)around the word=all over the word(世界各地) come true(实现)soap opera(肥皂剧)find out( 查明,弄清)action movie(动作影片)take sb.s place(代替) do a good job(干得好) dress up (装扮) come out(出版,发表) grow up (长大,成熟) make sure(确保,查明) write down( 写下) take up(学着做) take singing lessons(上声乐课) New Years

5、 Resolutions(新年决心) play a part(参与) live to be years old(活动岁) world peace(世界和平) be free(免费的) in the future(在将来) space station(太空站) fall down( 跌倒,倒塌)wake up(醒来)over and over again=over and over = time and time again= again and again (反复的) take a holiday(度假) in danger(处于危险之中) make promises(许诺)thin piec

6、e(薄片) milk shake(奶昔) turn on(接通) cut up(切碎) one by one(一个接一个) rice noodles(米线)another time(其他时间)hang out = hang around/about 闲(逛)the day before yesterday(前天) the day after tomorrow(后天) turn down (拒绝) take a trip(去旅行) have the flu( 患流感) not . until (直到才) go to the doctor(看医生) have a concert(举行音乐会) ke

7、ep . to oneself(保守秘密) make mistakes(犯错) have a great time=enjoy oneself= havefun(玩的开心) take the bus(乘公共车) be late(迟到)make money(赚钱) go to college(上大学)run away from(逃避) in the end= finally = at last (最后) make it 约定时间,做到,按时到达 have a meeting 开(会 ) help out (分担工作,解决难题 ) mix up把混合在一起,搅拌take one emperatur

8、es给某人量体温make resolutions(做决定) Send up 发射 physicalhealth 身体健康 have a discussion(进行讨论 )keep a diary(记日记 )come up 上升,出来一、把句中汉语翻译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。1.We will have a parentsmeeting _后(天 )。2.Would you like to _ with me this weekend ?闲(逛 )3. When you are unhappy, you can和(交谈 ) others.4.My mother is making dinne

9、r for the two _ .杰(出的歌手)5.Thanks for inviting me to enjoy the _ .精(彩的音乐会 )6. We _ playing soccer yesterday afternoon玩.(得开心)7. Her dad said he sometimes _himself犯.(粗心的错误)8. If you become a soccer player, youll never _.上(大学)9. My grandma has the flu, so she _.tomorrow morning去.(看医生)10. Finally, cut th

10、e turkey into _and eat the meat with vegetables,(薄片)11.In Yunnan, many people eat _ for breakfast米.(线)12. How much are they? Oh, they _是(免费的 )。13. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be _处.(于极大的危险之中)14. Tare wants to be an actor, so he have to上表.(演课)15. If you keeping on studying hard

11、, you will be a _未(来之星 ) one day.16. Did you make a_this year, Lucy?(新年决心)17. This cartoon _in New York on November 18, 1928出.(版)18. Mulan _ like a boy and takes her fathers place to fight in the army.(装扮)19. _ are getting more and more popular才.(艺表演)20. Im shy so its not easy for me to _交.(朋友)21. I

12、 dontreally care if my friends are _ me or different.与(相同)22. where did you go _度(假 )23. We went to the Great Wall and拍(许多照片 )24. When I grown up, I want to visit _世(界各地25. Did you buy _一(些特殊的东西 ) in Lijiang last summer.26. Im very hungry, I feel like eating _两(碗米饭 )。27. My little sister _ (几乎不 ) ha

13、s vegetables, so she is often ill.28. my favorite program is the _动(物世界 )29. I go to visit my grandparents _一(两次 ) every month.30. Lucy goes online _至(少 ) three times a week.31. Eating more _垃(圾食品 ) is bad for our health.32. our class _去(野营 ) ten days ago, we all had a great time.33. How many _网(友 )

14、 do you have?34 _到(目前 ), there is only life on the earth.35. The old people dontlike living in a _(拥挤的城市 )36. Eating more _新(鲜蔬菜 ) is good for our health.37. I think _(谈话节目 ) are more educational than soap opras.38. Watching _健(康之路 ) makes me learn a lot about health.39.What does your sister want to

15、 be when she长(大 )40.These are私(人信件 ), you cantopen them.41.When we make resolutions在(开头 / 初期 ) the year.42. Using fewer _纸(袋 ) is good for saving the terrible environment.44. The room is too dark, please tell Lily _打(开 ) the light.45. My mother taught me make _奶(昔 ) yesterday.46. Spring Festival is

16、an important传(统节日 ) in China.47. There is a bank _在(尽头 ) the street.48. I _期(待 ), meeting my friend from America.49.The teacher are important in our life, but sometimes our家(庭教育 )ismore important.非谓语动词(一)这些词后接不定式(to do).1. It takes sb + 时间 /金钱 + to do sth (做某事花费某人 时间 /金钱e.g. It takes two hours to go

17、 to school every day.2. It s +(not) 形容词 + (for sb)+ to do sth(做某事是 的)3.decide to do sth. (决定去做某事)4.want to do sth = would like to do sth (想要做某事 )5. teach sb. to do sth教.某人做某事6cantstand to do sth( 迫不急待想做某事 )7. be sureto do 一定做某事确信做某事8help sb (to) do sth(帮助某人做某事 )help sb with sth.(帮某人某事 )9.ask sb to d

18、o sth(要求某人做某事)ask sb about sth(询问某人关于某事)10. tell sb to do sth(让某人做某事 )tell sb. about sth.告诉某关于某事11.advisesb to do sth 建议某人做某事12.be glad to do sth 乐意做某事13. try ones bestto do sth. (尽某人最大的努力做某事)14.plan to do sth.(计划做某事)15. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事16.expectto do sth. (期待做某事)17. Hope to do sth(希望做某事),而不能

19、要 hope sb. to do sth.18. 作定语 : good time to have a party, good places to have fun19 目的状语 :how to do (it) what o do(二 )这些词后接动名词( -ving).1. enjoy doing sth (喜欢做某事 )2. finish doing sth (完成做某事 )3. go+ v-ing (去做某事 ) go shopping/swimming/fishing/(去买东西、去游泳、去钓鱼、 )4. 介词 + doingwithoutdoing (没有做某事 )thank you

20、for doing sth5. be busy doing sth (忙于做某事 )6.practice doing sth (练习做某事 )7. spend+钱 /时间 + (in) doing sth (在做某事上花费 ) Spend +钱 /时间 + on sth (n) (花费 在某物上 )8. be alwaysdoing sth (总是在做某事 )9. have fun =have a good timedoing sth (做某事很开心 )10. mind doing sth. (介意做某事)11. Keep on= keep doing sth.(继续做某事)(三) 这些词后接

21、动词原形。1.let sb do sth (让某人做某事 )2. make sb do sth (使某人做某事 )3. have to do sth (必须、不得不做某事 )4. be going todo sth (将要做某事 )5. Why not do sth?(为什么不做某事? )= why dontyou do sth. 6.情态动词 + 动词原形。(四)这些动词后 +to do/doing sth1. like to do sthlike doing sth = enjoy doing sth2. stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事(停下在做的事情后去做另一件事)

22、stop doing sth 停止正在做的一件事3. start to do sth (开始做某事 ) ; start doing sth4. forget to do sth (忘记去做某事 ) (因忘记,这件事没有做) forget doing sth (忘记做过某事 ) (这件事之前已做而忘记了)5. remember to do sth (记着去做某事 )(提醒别忘记去做remember doing sth (记得已做过某事 ) (已做过某事,说话时动作已经完成)6.主语:人 need to do sth (需要做某事 )主语:物 need doing sth (被需要做某事 )7.t

23、ry to do sth.(尽力做某事)try doing sth. (试着做某事)8.感观动词: find/ watch/see/hear/feelsb do sth(观察、看到、听到、感觉某人做过某事)find/watch/see/hear/feelsb doing sth(观察、看到、听到、感觉某人正在做某事)e.g. I saw a boy playing football on the playground.1. Many young people enjoy _ football . ( watch )2. Would you like _ our music club , Tim

24、 . ( join )3.After Paul cut up two apples and a pear , he stopped _ them up with someyogurt .( mix )4. Some tourists decide _ in Kunming until next Sunday . ( stay )5. Mr. Morgan finished _ his last movie two days ago . ( make )6. What is the music like ? -It sounds _( relax )7. It s a good way to i

25、mprove English by _ in the morning . ( read )8. No students want _ doctors in my class . ( be )9. Stop _ , please . You should listen to me quietly in class .(talk) 10.He expected _ the work by March . ( finish )11.I saw him _ out of the building at the moment . ( walk )12. How does he study English

26、 ?-He practices _ English every morning.( speak )13. Do you know the way _ Beijing Duck , Li Fang ? ( eat )14. You must try _ your homework tonight . ( finish )15. I look forward to _ from you in the near future .(hear )()1.It is not very easy _ math _ .A learn ; goodB to learn ; goodC learn ; wellD

27、 to learn ; well()2.It takes me ten minutes _ to school by bus .A to goB goingC goesD went()3.It is necessary _ us _ learn Chinese well .A to ; forB to ; toC for ; forD for ; to()4.My parents enjoy _ for a walk after supper .A goB goesC to goD going()5.Stop _ so much noise ! My father is sleeping .A

28、 to makeB makingC to doD doing()6.What did they decide _ then ?A doB to doC doingD did() 7. Where would you like _ your winter holiday?A. spendB. spendingC. to spendD. spended() 8. Marry s parents want her _milk every day.A. drinkB. drinksC. drinkingD. to drink() 9. Most young teachers like _.A. pla

29、y the basketballB. to play pianoC. playing basketballD. to playing the piano()10.Will the teacher let you _ hats in class ?A wearB wearsC wearingD to wear()11.My family plan _ camping this summer vacation .A goB goingC to goD went()12.Do you mind me _ beside you ?A sittingB to sitC satD to sitting()

30、13.The teacher made us _ the words three times .A to sayB sayingC sayD said(14.Look at the picture . You can see a boy _ .A climbingB climbC climbedD to climb()15.Lets ask him _ his best photos to you tomorrow .A bringB to bringC takeD doing()16.Jack is my good friend . He often helps me _ my homewo

31、rk .A doesB doC doneD doing()17.Your teacher will not be pleased if you dont finish _ your homeworkA doB to doC doingD done介词1. 介词后接动词用 -ing 形式,接代词要宾格形式 。in 在里;用be interested in (对.感兴趣 ) in the past (在过去) in fact(实际上)pour .into(把倒进里) put .in (把放进里) in half( 分成两半)on 在 .上;在 .;on show (展览 ) on foot (步行

32、 ) on the way (在路上 )at 在(里、附近)be good at (擅长于 ) = do well in ,at first ( 起初 ) be surprised at (对感到惊讶) look at (看)for 为,给wait for ( 等待) study for ( 为.而学习 ) look for ( 寻找 ) thanks for (为 .而感谢) be good for (对有益) prepare for (为做准备)about 关于 大约what about = how about (怎样 ) , care about (关心) talk about (谈论

33、)be sure about(确信,对有把握) worry about(担心)be upset about(对感到失望)of ( 的 ) at the top of (在 的顶部) at the end of (在结尾) most of(大部分) what kind of ( 什么种类) be full of= be filled with ( 充满的) all kinds of( 各种各样的) think of ( 认为)a pair of(一双,一副)at the beginning of(在开始) hundreds of (许多,大量) a piece of(一片、一张) by the

34、end of 在之前,到 为止With(和一起,带有)help with (在方面帮助) be good with=get on well with( 和相处得好) the girl with shorter hair(长有更短头发的女孩) agree with(同意 ,赞成)have to do with= about (关于;与有关系)fill.with.( 用装满)Cover with用 把 覆盖 Be covered with 被 所覆盖 catch up with sb.赶上某人from 从 .from.to. (从.到.)be different from (与 不同 )learn

35、 from(像学习) hear from(接到信) run away from (逃避 )after.之后after dinner (晚饭之后 )look after(照顾 )=take care of,under 在 .下under the tree(在树下)to 朝,向move to (搬动 .) reply to(回信) be similar to(与相像的)close to (离近,靠近) be up to(有 决定 ) be ready to (愿意迅速做某事)be able to (能够做某事)add.to(把放进里) look forward to( 期待)as(作为)such

36、as (例如) the same +名词 +as (与一样) as long as 只(要,既然)at 放在具体时刻,点钟前。At midnightat twelveOn 在具体的一天以及某日的上/下午 /晚上前。On a cold winter afternoon.in 在年、季节、月、周、世纪、等前。In autumn In the 21st century, in the morning,for +一段时间in +一段时间(表将来)in two daysafter + 一段时间(表过去)(ndof June .)1.Jim was born _ the 2A inB onC atD wi

37、th() 2. I often take a dictionary _ me, because it always can help me _my English.A. with, withB. for, toC, with, toD. for, with() 3. They are staying in the countryside _ three or four days.A. onB. duringC. forD. with() 4. When is your uncle leaving _ Dalian, Mary?A. awayB. forC. toD. away to() 5.

38、Sleeping enough is good _your health.A. onB. inC. toD. for() 6. Although I know him, _ I hardly talk to him.A. /B. andC. butD. so() 7. She takes a bath three _four times a month in winter.A. andB. butC. orD. for() 8. Is her lifestyle the same _yours?A. forB. asC. toD. from() 9. His father hardly eve

39、r watches TV _ Sunday evening.A. inB. onC. atD. for()10. Her answer is _ to my sisters . They are the _ color .A similar ; sameB similar ; similarC same ; sameD same ; similar()11.My grandfather is very old . _ , he never stops learning .A SoB HoweverC AndD But()12.Thank you _ telling me about it .A

40、 toB forC atD of()13.Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice .A asB withC forD to()14. Im going to learn the piano when I retire .That sounds _ a good idea .A likeB asC aboutD of()15.We are going to the party _ next week .A inB asC aboutD of()16.The woman wants to find a job _ a babysitter .A like

41、B forC asD on()17.What is your mother doing _ this Saturday morning ?A onB inC atD /动词一一般现在时 :表示现阶段经常、习惯做的动作和存在的状态,同时也表示句子主语现阶段的性格、能力、特征等。时间标志: usually, often, always, sometimes, every day, every morning.1、be 动词 (是 ) 的一般现在时(isamare )用法: I 后 am, you 后 are, is 连着 he(他 ),she(她) , it( 它);单数后面用 is,复数后面用

42、are. 2、实义动词的一般现在时(1)句型:主语(三单) +动词用三单;主语(非三单)+动词用原形( 2 )一般现在时的动词三单形式的构成 一般在词尾加s 。 helps, likes 以 s, x, ch, sh, ,o 结尾的词加es。goes 以“辅 + y”结尾的词,把 y 变为 i 再加 es study studies 注:疑问句有助动词 Does或 Do 时,主语后的动词要原形二 现在进行时 :现在进行时强调动作在现在、在当前这一段时间内正在进行。1. 其构成:主语 +am/is/are + V-ing。时间标志 :now, these days, look, listen,(

43、1) Im watching TV now.(2). We are playing basketball game these days.2. 构成动词现在分词( v - ing) 一般在词尾加 - ing 。 asking, working 以 e 结尾的词去 e 加ing。Making, living(3)以“辅 +元+辅”结尾的,双写最后一个辅音再加 -ing。 stop stopping(4)以 ie 结尾的词 ,把 ie 变为 y再加 -ing。 die dying三一般过去时 :表示在过去某一个时间发生或存在的动作、状态,一般过去时也可表示在过去某一阶段经常发生反复做的动作。1.其

44、构成:主语 +V 过去式。时间标志: yesterday, 1949, three years ago, last week, at that time等。2.构成规则动词过去式。一般在词尾加ed.asked, worked 以 e 结尾的词加 -d.lived, liked 以“辅+ y”结尾的词,把y 变为 i 再加 - edtry tried以“辅 +元 +辅”结尾的,双写最后一个辅音再加-edstop stopped四一般将来时:表示在将来某个时间将发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常、反复发生的动作。一般将来时强调动作或状态在将来发生、存在。Will not = won t,sha

45、ll not 缩写 shant1. 时间标志: tomorrow, next week, in the future, in 100 years(100年以后) .等2. 其构成: (1)“ will/shall动词原形” 结构。其中 will 可用于所有人称。在疑问句中,主语是第一人称 (I ,we)时,助动词常用 shall。Will people have more free time?Yes, they will. /No, they won t.(2)“ be going to动词原形”结构,表示“将来打算做某事” ,或者根据现存的各种因素推断很快要发生的事情。 注意:句型中有 be

46、 动词, 用 is 还是 am 还是 are,取决于主语 .I am going to keep on writing stories.(3).bev.ing”结构,用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,用于此种用法的动词有: come,go, leave, die, start,arrive等短暂性动词I am coming.我就来(4).there be (有) There will be (将有)Will there be more people in the future?Yes, there will./ No, there wont.五情态动词:没有人称和数的变化,后接动词时要原形。1.

47、 Can (could) = be able to (能,会,可能),否定:cant,Must(必须 ), will( 将,会 ),should(应该) may (也许 )might( 也许 )Can / could you?你能 吗?(1)要请或请求Would you like to?你愿意 吗?Can you come to my party? Sure/Yes/ Certainly/of course.I d love to.接受Thank you for inviting/asking me 接受(2)回答不接受 Sorry, I cant./ Im afraid,I not+原因 I

48、 d love to .But I原+因 表示请求对方许可:Can I /we?May I /we?2. might 不作过去式,比 may 更婉转,可能性比 may 小;might 也可以看作 may 的过去式。3.Must“必须,应该”表示说话人的主观看法, must 提问,要 Neednt= donthave to ( 不必要,不需要 ) 回答,而不能要 mustn't 回答。 Have to“不得不,必须”强调客观的要求。5. 回答以 may 开头的疑问句有如下表达法:-May I ask you some question? 我能问你一些问题吗?-Yes, you can. / Yes /sure, please./请.问吧。-No, you can't. / No, you mustn't. /No, you d better not最.好不要。1. Listen , someone _ the piano in that room . ( practice )2. Yesterday my father _ a nice dog for me . ( buy )3. _ every day is good for our health . ( exercise )4. Good _ habits always can keep us in


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