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1、动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentWuhan Institute of Shipbuilding TechnologyPower Engineering DepartmentLuobin动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentLesson 45 MARPOL 73/78第45课 73/78防污公约动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department MARPOL 73/78 is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollut

2、ion from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto. MARPOL 73/78系指经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operatio

3、nal or accidental causes. MARPOL公约是防止船舶因操作或事故原因而对海洋环境造成污染的主要公约。 It is a combination of two treaties adopted in 1973 and 1978 respectively and updated by amendments through the years. 它由1973年和1978年两个相对独立的条约联合而成,多年来,经多个修正案更新。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The International Convention for the P

4、revention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO and covered pollution by oil, chemicals, harmful substances in packaged form, sewage and garbage. 国际防止船舶造成污染公约( MARPOL)是1973年11月2日在IMO通过的,涵盖了油污染、化学品污染、包装形式的有毒物质污染、生活污水污染及垃圾污染。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The

5、Protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1978 MARPOL Protocol) was adopted at a Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention in February 1978 held in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. 关于1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约197

6、8年议定书是在1978年2月针对1976年1977年发生的油船事故召开的油船安全和防污染(国际外交)大会上通过的 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department (Measures relating to tanker design and operation were also incorporated into a Protocol of 1978 relating to the 1974 Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974). (关于油船设计及操作的措施也包括在关于1974年国际海上人命安全公约1978

7、年议定书中)。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet entered into force, 鉴于MARPOL 73公约当时没有生效, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. 1978年MARPOL议定书吸收了两个原始公约的内容。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department The combined instrument is referred to as the

8、International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), 这也就是经1978年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约, and it entered into force on 2 October 1983 (Annexes and ). 该公约从1983年10月2日生效(附则I和II)。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering

9、Department The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships 该公约包括多个条款,目的在于防止和减少船舶污染 - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations -包括事故性污染和常规操作污染。 and currently includes six technical Annexes: 目前公约包括六个技术附则:动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Departme

10、nt Annex Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil; 附则I 防止油类污染规则; Annex Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk; 附则II 控制散装有毒液体物质污染规则; Annex Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form; 附则III 防止海运包装有害物质污染规则;动力工程系动力工程系Pow

11、er Engineering Department Annex Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships; 附则IV 防止船舶生活污水污染规则; Annex Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships; 附则V 防止船舶垃圾污染规则; Annex Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entry into force 19 May 2005). 附则VI 防止船舶造成大气污染规则(2005年5月19日生效)。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineeri

12、ng Department Discharge Standards 排放标准排放标准 Notes: 注释:注释: The table below provides a summary only. 下面的表格仅是一个简要概述。 The text of the Convention should be consulted in order to obtain full details of the discharge requirements before undertaking any waste discharge at sea. 在海上进行任何废弃物排放之前,应参照公约以获得更加详细的排放规

13、定。 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Different discharge standards apply in designated Special Areas. 被指定的每个“特殊区域”适用不同的排放标准。 The text of the Convention should be consulted if details are required. 如需更详细的资料,应参考公约文本。 There are no Special Areas in Australian waters. 在澳大利亚水域没有“特殊区域”。 动力工程系动力工程系Powe

14、r Engineering Department The term from the Nearest Land means from the baseline from which the territorial sea of the territory in question is established in accordance with international law, “距最近陆地”一词,系指距按照国际法划定领土所属领海的基线, 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department except off the east coast off the nor

15、th-eastern coast of Australia where it is measured from a line drawn around the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef (Table 45-1) . 但下叙情况除外:就本公约而言,在澳大利亚东北面“距最近陆地”系指从大堡礁外边缘的分界线(表45-1)。动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentTable 45-1 Discharge criteria表45-1 排放标准Pollution Type 污染类型 Sub-Category子范畴 Wher

16、e/When discharge permitted允许排放的地点/时间 Oil (Annex I) 油(附则I) Oily waste from cargo tanks of oil tankers油船液货舱含油废弃物 More than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land; and距最近陆地50 n mile以上动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Tanker is proceeding en route; and油船正在航行途中 Instantaneous rate of discharge = 400

17、 gross Ions (Note: also applies as far as practicable and reasonable to ships 12 nm from nearest land and depth of water is 25 m 船舶距最近陆地不少于12 n mile和水深不小于25 m处 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentHigh-viscosity or solidifying高黏度或易固化物质Category Y Y类 Prewash in accordance with Convention, residues to

18、 be pumped ashore until tank is empty. Any water subsequently added may be discharged if: 按照公约要求预洗舱,残余物被排放至岸上接收设备,并且该液货舱完全排空,随后加入该舱的任何水,如果满足下列条件,可直接排放入海: 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering Department Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at least 7 knots; and 船舶正在途中航行,船速至少为7 kn Discharge below the wate

19、rline; and 在水线以下排放 Ship is 12 nm from nearest land and depth of water is 25 m 船舶距最近陆地不少于12 n mile和水深不小于25 m处 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentCategory YY类Category ZZ类 Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at least 7 knots; and船舶正在途中航行,船速至少为7 knConcentration of substance in the wake of aster

20、n of ship 12 nm from nearest land and depth of water is 25 m 船舶距最近陆地不少于12 n mile和水深不小于25 m处 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentHarmful Packaged Substances (Annex ) 包装有害物质(附则III) Jettisoning prohibited 禁止投弃入海 Sewage(Annex )生活污水(附则IV) Comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system使用批准的设

21、备业经粉碎和消毒的生活污水 3 nm from nearest land 在距离最近陆地3 n mile以外 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentUntreated sewage 未经处理的生活污水 12 nm from nearest land 在距离最近陆地12 n mile以外 Untreated sewage stored in holding tank 集油舱中存储的未经处理的生活污水 12 nm from nearest land; and在距离最近陆地12 n mile以外discharged at a moderate rate; and

22、以中等速率排放ship proceeding en route at a speed of at least 4 knots 船舶以不小于4 kn的船速航行 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentSewage from an IMO approved sewage treatment plant 来自经IMO批准的生活污水处理装置的生活污水Effluent not 10 produce visible floating solids nor cause discolouration of the surrounding water 排出物在其周围水中不应产

23、生可见的漂浮固体,也不应使水变色动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentGarbage (Annex )垃圾(附则V) Plastics, including synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic products塑料制品包括合成缆绳、合成渔网及塑料垃圾袋以及塑料制品的焚烧炉灰烬 Prohibited 禁止处理入海 动力工程系动力工程系Power Engineering DepartmentDunnage, lining and packing materials which will float能漂浮的垫舱物料、衬料和包装材料 25 nm from nearest land 在距离最近陆地25 n mile外处理入海 Food waste


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